St Andrew's Prep Annual Information

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Annual Information


Welcome This is the St Andrew’s Prep information booklet which complements our prospectus and website. The prospectus gives a very broad overview of what makes an education at St Andrew’s so very special while this information booklet contains more detailed information that is updated annually; further information can be found on our website. While all three sources of information help paint a picture of our school, the best way to find out about St Andrew’s Prep is to pay us a visit so that you can see the children, meet the staff, visit our teaching spaces and facilities and gain a real feel for the school. I look forward to welcoming you and your family to St Andrew’s Prep.

Simon Severino MA (Oxon) Headmaster


History and Amalgamation The following passage is an extract from ‘A Children’s History’ which was written by St Andrew’s children, for St Andrew’s children. “Until 1877, when St Andrew’s Prep was founded, the site where the school now stands was not a school but a farm known as Colstocks or Wellcombe Farm. Meads Village was very small and was made up of a few fishing cottages, two large houses and All Saints Chapel which still stands today. In 1865 Colstocks was bought by a Mr Goodwin, who was to found the first school on the site. In 1877 the Reverend Francis Souper came to Eastbourne with his wife and family. He bought Colstocks Farm from Mr Goodwin and called the school ‘Meads’ until 1882, when he decided to name it after St Andrew, the disciple whom Jesus had first met by the sea.” In 1890 EL Browne (ELB) bought the land from Revd Souper and remained Headmaster for an incredible 43 years! Like many prep schools St Andrew’s was, in its early years, a small boarding school for around one hundred boys aged between 7 and 13. In 1964 the first day boys joined the school and in 1976 girls were admitted. During 1977 St Andrew’s merged with Ascham, the prep school of Eastbourne College.

In February 2010, the charities of Eastbourne College and St Andrew’s School amalgamated. As a consequence, the two schools continue to operate independently each having its own name and Headmaster, but they are run by a single charity. Very importantly the two schools share the same values and ethos and the Headmasters are charged, by the overarching charity, to work closely together and ensure the charity’s considerable resources (both human and in facilities) are applied in the most effective way possible for the benefit of children at both schools. This arrangement is in stark contrast to ‘through’ schools where the junior school head is very often subservient to the senior school head, resources are not always evenly applied and children are very actively funnelled towards the senior school. By the same token, parental choice of senior school at 13 is highly valued and promoted at both St Andrew’s and Eastbourne College. It is essential that all children go to the right senior school for their individual needs and the Headmaster works closely with parents to offer advice and help before a final decision is made. There is no automatic right of transfer from one school to the other.



Welcome 1 History and Amalgamation


Staff 2013-2014


Curriculum (Nursery)


Curriculum (Pre-Prep)


Curriculum (Prep)


Extra-Curricular 14 St Andrew’s Life (A to Z)


Admissions 20 Scholarships and Bursaries


Fees 23 Term Dates


Directions 28 Registration Form




Staff 2013-2014 Senior Management Team

Prep School Staff

Mr S Severino MA (Oxon), PGCE Headmaster, Geography

Mr J Barnett Level 2 Rugby, Level 2 Tennis, Level 1 Football, Level 1 Hockey Boys’ Games, Tennis, House Tutor

Mr G Ferguson BSc (Glasgow Caledonian), PGCE

Deputy Head, Maths, Science, PSHE Mrs C Hart BA Hon (Durham), PGCE Head of Juniors, Year 3 Form Teacher Mrs J Hreben BA (Kent), PGCE Head of Middles, French, Latin, Year 5 Tutor Mrs J Lowden BA (Durham) Director of Marketing and Communications – Eastbourne College Charity Mrs C Meade MA (Cantab) Bursar – Eastbourne College Charity Mr N Reed High Ed Dip (Pretoria College) Senior Master, Head of Computing, Maths, Housemaster Mrs D Shephard MA (Ed) (Brighton), B Ed Hons, Dip.SpLD, AMBDA Head of Seniors, Head of Learning Support, English Mr P Shouksmith BSc (Leeds), PGCE Assistant Head, Director of Studies, Head of Maths, Computing Mrs H Stokes BEd (Brighton) Assistant Head, Head of Pre-Prep and Nursery

Mr A Cruz BA (London) Design Technology, Boys’ Games, Year 7 Tutor Mr S Farrar BA (Dunelm), PGCE Head of History, Head of English, Religious Studies, Year 8 Tutor

Mr B Price BEd (Exeter), CertEd Head of Geography, Design Technology, Boys’ Games, Computing Mrs R Shouksmith GLCM, LLCM (London College of Music)

Junior Department Teaching Assistant Mr M Tomsett BSc (Brighton), PGCE, Level 2 Cricket

Boys’ Games, Head of Cricket, Year 7 Tutor

Mrs P Green BA (Durham), PGCE English, Girls’ Games, History, Maths, Science

Mrs S Tomsett BEd (Bedford) Joint Director of Sport, Year 7 Tutor, Maths, PE, Girls’ Games

Mr D Haggis BSc (UCL) Year 8 Tutor, Science, Maths

Ms S Tyrrell BA, MA Drama

Mrs A Inglis BEd (Sussex) LAMDA

Mrs L Veitch BA (Northampton), PGCE Year 4 Teacher

Mr A Jones MA (Anglia Ruskin University), PGCE Head of Art and Design Technology


Mr C Laughton BSc (Dunelm), PGCE Head of Science, Year 6 Tutor Mr J Mackie-Savage BA (Bristol), PGCE Head of French, Head of Religious Studies, Year 5 Tutor Mrs J Moore BEd (London), Cert Ed Year 4 Teacher, Religious Studies

Mrs A Wicks BA (Dunelm), PGCE, Director of Music, Year 8 Tutor, i/c Co-Curricular Mrs S Wooldridge MA (Oxon), PGCE Head of Latin, Girls’ Games, Year 6 Tutor

Pre-Prep and Nursery Staff

MSc (Leicester), Dip Sports Psychology

Mrs R Bates Individual Needs Learning Assistant in Pre-Prep

Joint Director of Sport, PE, Boys’ Games

Mrs A Bissell Nursery Assistant

Mrs C Pinch Cert Ed (Chelsea) Girls’ Games

Mrs H Bloxam NVQ3 Nursery Assistant

Mr C Pinch Dip Ed (Loughborough),

Mrs S Piper BA (Portsmouth), PGCE Year 3 Teacher, Head of PSHE


Staff 2013-2014


Mrs D Butler NNEB Nursery Assistant

Mrs J Moon BSc (Manchester), PGCE Reception Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Casebourne BEd (Exeter) Year 1 Teacher

Mrs L Reed Higher DipEd (Pretoria) Year 2 Teacher, Houseparent

Mrs E Cracknell BTech Reception Teaching Assistant

Mrs E Robinson AISTD, IB, MT Dance Teacher

Miss A Dadswell NVQ3 Nursery Assistant

Mrs J Skinner NVQ3 Nursery Room Leader

Miss T Digweed BA with QTS (Canterbury) Reception Teacher

Miss L Smith NVQ3 Nursery Assistant

Mrs S Dutton NVQ3 Year 2 Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Smith NVQ3 Nursery Room Leader

Miss C Fineing NNEB, NVQ3 Management Nursery Room Leader

Mrs L Tarrant BA (Brighton), DipEd Reception Teacher

Mrs S Francis BEd (Kingston) Pre-Prep Learning Support Teacher


Mrs V Glennon BTEC, NNEB Nursery Manager Mrs C Haggis BEd (Sussex),

Mrs S Jackson Nursery Assistant Mrs E Kennedy NVQ3 Reception and Year 2 Teaching Assistant Miss N Lane-Goncalves Nursery Assistant Miss P Laundon Individual Needs Learning Assistant in Pre-Prep Miss Z Lubbock NVQ3 Nursery Room Leader Mrs S Marshall Nursery Assistant

Ms S Carter G Mus (Colchester) Flute Mrs M Dodridge ABSM, GBSM, PGCE Violin Mr D Fuller BMus (Guildhall), LGSMD French Horn

Mrs A Wilkinson BSc (London), Year 1 Teacher Mrs E Worsell NNEB Year 1 Teaching Assistant

Mr S Giles BMus (Manchester), Dip in Orch Studies (Goldsmiths), LGSMD Violin/Viola Mr I Glen BSc (City University), LGSMD Bassoon Mrs J Goss-Turner PPRNCM Voice Mr P Greatorex Drum kit Ms E Harrison LRSM, ARCM Clarinet/Saxophone

CertEd, DipLLL

Year 2 Teacher

Music Mrs N Brazier GRSM, RCM, ARCM, LGSM (MT) Piano/Cello

SEN Mrs J Price BEd (Exeter), PGCE (SLD) Learning Support Mrs E Severino BA (Durham), PGCE Learning Support Mrs J Steen BSc (Nottingham), PGCE Learning Support Mrs S Terry BA (Surrey), PGCE Learning Support

Extra English Mrs F Dundas M Ed (Leicester), BEd (Middlesex), RSA Dip, Cert Ed Head of EAL

Miss K Kennard BA (Southampton), LGSMD Brass (Guildhall), CTABRSM

Mr J Kotz BA (York), Dip GSM (Guildhall), LGSMD Voice Mr T Lees Cert Ed (Brighton) Guitar Mrs E Vegh Cert Ed Music (Brighton) Piano

Swimming Mrs J Garbett FIOS, FIOS(PB), NVQ2 coaching, Bronze Life Support, NRATC




Curriculum Breadth and balance are just two features of a St Andrew’s

Baby Robin – 12 months to 24 months

education. With the broad curriculum on offer we are able

The baby room offers full day care from 8am to 6pm,

to create a strong blend of academic, artistic, dramatic,

for 50 weeks of the year from one day a week to five days

musical and sporting experiences for all children.

a week. There is a maximum of six children at any one time and two members of staff. Using the excellent facilities of The Lodge Nursery and the rest of the school, there are

The Lodge Nursery – 12 months to 4 years

nutritious home-cooked meals, a nappy-changing room, and a cosy sleep room with an up-to-date monitoring system.

Children can start school with us from the age of 12

There is plenty of outdoor play in the Nursery’s dedicated

months and for many parents whose older children are

play area and walks every day. The baby room provides

already at school, The Lodge Nursery provides an ideal

a stimulating and safe learning environment where your

introduction for a younger sibling in friendly and familiar

child will be happy, secure and engaged and the nursery

surroundings. Those who join us in the Nursery are well

staff will ensure a natural and easy transition to the older

prepared for their future education. There is no division

nursery classes.

between learning and play and we offer a welcoming and stimulating environment.

Curriculum: Art and Craft, Forest School, Heuristic Play (exploring and discovering), Messy Play, Music Maestros,

The Lodge Nursery is split into three year groups: Baby

Out and About, Singing and Rhyme Time, Story Time,

Robin for 12 months to 2 year olds; Robin for 2 to 3 year

Structured Play, Treasure Baskets (exploring and discovering).

olds, with an additional class, Racing Robin added in the Spring Term for 3 year olds; and further groups – Chaffinch and Kingfisher – for children aged 3 to 4 years. Nursery

Robin onwards – 2 to 4 years

children progress to the Reception classes in the September

The Lodge Nursery offers sessions for 2 to 4 year olds

after their fourth birthday and many of our Nursery

and believes in providing quality education for all the

children transfer to our Pre-Prep.

children in its care. This is achieved through a team of

Our light, airy Nursery is friendly and secure in its own well-equipped building within the school’s spacious grounds. Being part of a larger school means that the children in

dedicated professionals who nurture the educational, social and pastoral needs of each and every child within a friendly, caring and happy environment.

The Lodge Nursery can enjoy many of the Pre-Prep and

By offering children a wide variety of learning experiences,

Prep facilities including an indoor swimming pool, gym,

they quickly begin to develop spiritually, morally, culturally

resource centre and extensive playing fields.


and socially while enhancing their creative talents. It is

will benefit them throughout their academic life. Such is our

through living and working in a positive and creative

commitment to provide the very best start, we have small

atmosphere that children learn to feel secure in themselves

class sizes and high staff to pupil ratios to ensure our young

and their surroundings.

children receive the attention they deserve.

The staff seek to promote a measure of self-confidence

It is well known that all children benefit from more

and independence in the children in the hope that by the

time outdoors. This time aids their emotional and social

time they leave the department, they will have acquired

development as well as their learning. It is also critical for

an enthusiasm for learning, gained some awareness of the

physical health.

needs of those around them and developed an ability to interact with others and make friends. The timetable is wide and varied ensuring children progress through their Learning Journey in preparation for transferring to Reception.

Outdoor learning forms a vital part of the curriculum at St Andrew’s as virtually all subjects can be taught outside. Children can experience all areas of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum in a fun and non-threatening

The transition from Nursery into Reception and beyond is a very smooth one for children who have attended The Lodge Nursery. Throughout their final nursery year, children have the opportunity to join the Pre-Prep for assemblies and a weekly story time. They also take part in a number of concerts and events and themed weeks such as Arts Week and Science Week. By the time a child’s Reception year commences they have already built close relationships with their peer group and with their new teachers, making that final transition into Pre-Prep seamless. There is a wide range of activities during the week taken by specialist teachers who teach their dedicated subject in the Pre-Prep and Prep Departments of the school.

way where no-one fails. Our outdoor classroom, the unique Forest School, is located opposite the main site of the school. Children spend one morning every week in the Forest School and virtually all curriculum subjects can be taught during this time. The children have opportunities to learn new skills such as wood carving, cooking and shelter building using different tools and equipment necessary for undertaking forestry projects. They learn how to minimise and manage risks, something that children have very little opportunity for nowadays. Children need to feel safe and happy to achieve and it is in the early years that foundations are laid for the future. By living and working in a happy and creative atmosphere,

Curriculum: Book Worms, Cheeky Chefs, Computer

children learn to feel positive about themselves, quickly

Wizards, Forest Fun, French, Gym Joeys, Library, Numeracy,

developing spiritually, culturally and socially as well

Out and About, Phonics and Literacy, Splashing Seals,

as academically.

Structure Free Play, Tapping Toes, Topical Activities, Tots Tennis. Full details of these subjects can be found on our website.

Curriculum: Art, Ballet, Boys’ Musical Movement, Computing, Cooking, Creative Play, Dance, Forest School and Diary Writing, French, Handwriting, History, Humanities, Journal Writing, Letters and Sounds, Library, Literacy, Mathematics, Music, Phonics, Physical Education, Poetry,

Pre-Prep – 4 to 7 years St Andrew’s Pre-Prep believes in providing quality education for all the children in its care. All the staff understand the importance of an effective early years education and firmly believe that the Pre-Prep is the foundation for future development and the beginning of a learning journey that


Privilege Time, Reading, Religious Studies, Science, Show and Tell, Singing, Spellings, Sport, Story Time, Swimming, Understanding the World.


After School Care in the Pre-Prep

For the majority of the time children in Years 5 to 8 should

The Pre-Prep school day ends at 3.30pm but children

have finished all their work at school before they go home.

may stay until 6pm. There is a well-developed range of after-school activities on offer from Monday to Friday from 3.30pm until 4.30pm, with the exception of Rainbows and Beavers which finish at 5pm. After this time, children may stay for tea which is served at 4.45pm at a cost of £3 per

Curriculum – Junior Department: Art, Beach School, Computing, DT, English, French, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, Privilege Time, Religious Studies, Science, Sport, Swimming.

day. If a later pick-up is required, children may stay until

Curriculum – Middle and Senior Departments:

6pm by special arrangement.

Art, Computing, DT, Drama, English, French, Geography,

The cost of all after-school activities is included in the fees with the exception of Rainbows (£12 per term), Beavers (£25 per term) and Musical Movement (£2.50 per session).

History, Latin, Maths, Music, Personal and Social Health Education, PE, Privilege Time, Religious Studies, Science, Sport, Swimming.

Activities include Art, Ballet, Ball Games, Beavers, Boys’ Musical Movement, Chess, Computing, Construction Club, Cookery, Craft, Creative Play, Gymnastics, Rainbows, Story Telling, Tennis.

Common Entrance to Independent Senior Schools From Year 8 there are two routes into senior schools. The majority of senior schools require children to take the Common Entrance examination to gain entry.

Prep – 7 to 13 years In Years 3 and 4 children are taught in their classes by a class teacher for Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, PSHE and Religious Studies with specialist teachers taking them for Art, Design Technology, Computing, French, Music, PE, Swimming and Games. They are taught Maths in sets based on ability from Year 3 upwards.

However, there are a number of children who take Academic Scholarship examinations and it is normal that they then do not have to take Common Entrance as well. Some senior schools set their own Scholarship papers but the majority of local senior schools use the Common Academic Scholarship papers which are based on the same syllabus as Common Entrance.

In Year 5, the children move around the school more as the majority of lessons at this stage are taught by subject specialist teachers; they also begin Latin and Drama. The children still have a Tutor who will see them at the start of each day and at several other times during the week. In Year 5, co-curricular activities are also introduced into

Children begin preparation for the Common Entrance examinations in Year 7 and there are written papers in English, Mathematics, Science, French, History, Geography, Religious Studies and Latin (for those children who have studied it).

the timetable and each child has two 50 minute sessions

Children move to a wide variety of senior schools, and in

of these activities each week.

particular, Eastbourne College with which St Andrew’s Prep

From Year 6 upwards, children are set by ability in English, Maths, French, Latin and Science. Children in Years 3 and 4 have a small amount of homework but from Year 5 upwards this is built into the timetable as prep lessons. This is supervised by the specialist subject teacher but it is a lesson of independent study. There may, at times, be a small amount of work brought home, usually in advance of a test or to catch up on work missed through illness or another event.


amalgamated in February 2010. Part of the strength of St Andrew’s is the Headmaster’s personal knowledge of a wide range of senior schools and his ability to match your child to the most appropriate one. Towards the end of a child’s time at St Andrew’s he will encourage parents to visit a number of schools and help them to identify the one best suited to their child.

Art and Design Technology (DT)

We actively encourage children to learn an instrument

All children in Years 4 to 8 study Art and DT. Within

– it is not only stimulating and fun but the discipline

Art, children explore a range of materials and learn to

of playing an instrument greatly improves a child’s

manipulate these to develop imagination and creativity.

concentration, co-ordination and memory skills. Music

They work with clay to make pots and models, and learn

lessons in the following instruments are available as an

about various glazing techniques. Children learn to develop

extra: all string instruments; all brass instruments; flute,

their drawing skills using pencil, charcoal, wax, inks and

oboe, clarinet and saxophone; piano, singing, guitar and

mixed media. They also experiment with collage, batik,

drum kit. Many children participate in extra-curricular

wax resist, print making, colour graphs and dry point.

music: various choirs, wind band, orchestra, string groups,

St Andrew’s boasts a well-resourced workshop where boys and girls are encouraged to explore their creativity through 2D and 3D design. DT is delivered through new projects set each term which have been selected to

brass ensemble, rock bands and recorder groups. Regular concerts, both formal and informal, are organised throughout the year culminating in a major performance in the Summer Term – the Summer Serenade.

provide a repertoire of new skills including: introduction of new materials; safe use of tools; visualising and designing on paper; drawing to scale and from various viewpoints; investigation of products; carpentry and construction.

Sport St Andrew’s is committed to offering ‘sport for all’ and this ethos is reflected in the number of sports teams which play fixtures every Wednesday and some Saturdays.

Drama Drama lessons are regarded as essential for developing a child’s self-esteem. Through mime, improvisation and voice control they are able to increase their self-confidence and their ability to communicate with others. Numerous

Whether your child is a first team player or just likes to be part of a team, we believe it is important for every child to represent their school during their time at St Andrew’s and every child is given the opportunity to represent the school in matches and festivals.

opportunities are provided for performance with some

Sport is an integral part of the curriculum with lessons

outstanding productions featuring both large and small casts.

starting in the Nursery. Many after-school sporting activities

Co-curricular drama sessions, after-school drama clubs

are also on offer. The children take part in a broad range

and LAMDA (speech and drama) lessons are also on

of sports including athletics, basketball, cricket, football,

offer on site.

gymnastics, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby, swimming and tennis.

Music Music is an important part of the school curriculum at St Andrew’s. Class music lessons are taught from Nursery to Year 8 by specialist teachers. Every child in Years 2 to 4 is taught the recorder so that they acquire the skill to

The school encourages each child to achieve their potential and to improve their motor control, co-ordination, skill level and confidence. The school achieves very good results regularly becoming county champions and in addition reaching, and even winning, National finals.

read music and can gain pleasure and satisfaction from performing together. All children in Years 3 and 4 sing in a choir, while all children in Year 2 are offered free group lessons for a term on violin or cello.

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Support with Extra English (EAL)

At St Andrew’s we aim to develop the swimming potential

We offer extra English lessons to all our international

of every individual child whether for competitive swimming,

students. The programme is tailored to suit the individual

confidence in the water or purely for enjoyment.

child. They are assessed on arrival and recommendations

There are weekly swimming lessons within the curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6. These sessions are aimed at continuing stroke development, water confidence and enjoyment. During the year there is also a six weekly cycle of swimming in the PE curriculum for all children in Years 5 to 8 where stroke development, personal survival as well as life-saving and water polo are undertaken.

are made to parents through their agent/guardian. Lessons may be one-to-one with the teacher or in small groups. This specialist department ensures that lessons are motivating, beneficial and enjoyable. Classes are designed to help children cope with the demands of the wider curriculum, to concentrate on reading, writing and vocabulary development. This enables children to integrate into the mainstream as quickly as possible.

Children can also choose swimming as a co-curricular activity once a week and on Wednesday it is offered as an option for those children who are not in matches. St Andrew’s offers a comprehensive programme of swimming squad sessions for the swimming teams. Galas are arranged all year round - usually four every half term. In the Summer Term children in Years 3 and 4 take part in internal swimming galas. St Andrew’s enters children in national competitions such as the IAPS (Independent Association of Prep Schools) competition where there has been much success, achieving fantastic results in recent years.

Learning Support Children’s learning experiences are of paramount importance at St Andrew’s. It is vital that all children are able to access the curriculum fully. No two children are the same and some may have a specific need for which some specialist help is beneficial, to facilitate this fundamental aim. While we have a whole school approach to meeting the varied needs of all pupils at St Andrew’s, the Learning Support Department is an important resource centre within this structure to support those children who have been identified as needing additional or specialist support. These needs are determined by an internal assessment of the child, to include strengths and weaknesses, learning preferences and so on, after which specific provision is recommended and implemented. The child’s progress is monitored closely and reviewed regularly.


Extra-Curricular Co-Curricular Activities

Saturday Activities

St Andrew’s offers a programme of co-curricular activities

Saturday morning school is optional for day children with

for children in Years 5 to 8 two days a week and during

a varied programme of exciting activities on offer to all

some lunchtimes. Co-curricular activities are those which

children in Years 4 to 8. Children are able to sign up for one,

are a planned part of our education falling within the school

two or three sessions on a Saturday morning and these

day rather than optional extras available ‘after hours’.

activities run on every Saturday except for exeat weekends

This is an exciting programme and offers a wide variety of

or if there is another whole school event such as the annual

activities including: Djembe Drum Groups, Drama, General

sponsored walk. Saturday activities are part of the fees and

Knowledge Club, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey for boys and

the list on offer varies each term but may include: Archery,

girls, Junior Chamber Choir, Junior Choir, Karate, LAMDA,

Art, Batik, Carpentry, Craft, Cricket, Drama, Fencing, Football,

Monday Choir (auditioned), Music Ensembles, Orchestra,

Golf, Hockey for boys and girls, Patchwork, Pi Programming,

Rock Bands, Senior Chamber Choir, Shooting, Suzuki Strings,

Rocket Building, Saturday Stroll, Science Explorers, Shooting,

Swimming, Tennis, Water Polo, Wind Band.

Squash, Table Tennis and Water Polo.

After-School Activities

Holiday Activities

An extensive list of after-school activities (hobbies) has

St Andrew’s holds various activity weeks during the school

always been a strong feature of St Andrew’s and we try to

holidays. These may include Art, Cricket, Football, Hockey,

educate children in the broadest sense by developing their

Netball, Rugby, Swimming and Tennis which are run by our

interests outside the classroom. After-school activity sessions

own specialist staff.

take place between 4.15pm and 5.15pm for Years 3 and 4 and between 5.45pm and 6.45pm for Years 5 to 8. Day children staying for the late sessions will join the boarders for tea. The cost of most of the activities is included in the fees. Activities on offer include: Art Scholars, Ballet, Brownies, Chess, Computer Fun, Craft, Cubs, Football, Jazz Dancing, Lego, Maths Clinic, Mountain Biking, Piglet’s Pantry, Pot Throwing, Pottery, Scouts for boys and girls, Sewing, Swimming, Tennis, Yoga and extra team practices.

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St Andrew’s Life (A to Z) Boarding and Sleepovers

to Common Entrance examinations when all boarders are

Boarding is the perfect way for children to grow in

given an individual and structured revision programme in

confidence and to become more independent. For those

the evenings.

moving on to senior boarding schools, boarding at St Andrew’s is an excellent preparation for the next stage in their educational journey. The recently refurbished boarding house has spacious bright rooms that allow each child their own personal space. The boarding house caters for children from all nationalities, as well as many local

The boarding house is run by Neil Reed and his wife Lisa. They live in the house with their two children and along with two resident house tutors have created a very caring and homely atmosphere. Volunteer students also live in the boarding house and complement the family atmosphere.

children, so there is a very healthy cultural balance.

A full programme of activities (see Saturday activities)

Our international students benefit immensely from boarding

and trips are organised for boarders at the weekends.

at an English prep school. They experience a different

The school takes advantage of the many local attractions

culture, while improving their English with specialist EAL

as well as organising trips further afield to places such as

teaching. Our local children benefit from boarding with

London, Chessington, Thorpe Park, Brighton and Bluewater

students from a great range of backgrounds and cultures.

Shopping Centre.

For children in Years 7 and 8 in particular, the boarding

Parents can book their child in on the day with only a few

experience is highly valuable, whether they are choosing

hours’ notice (subject to availability). We can also provide

a boarding school or a day school to move on to. Boarding

a toothbrush if necessary!

gives a greater sense of independence, being part of, and enjoying the homely atmosphere as well as taking advantage of the school’s facilities in the evenings.


The school offers a full range of boarding opportunities

St Andrew’s is proud of its heritage and seeks to embody

from Year 3 (age 7), including full boarding, weekly boarding,

fundamental Christian values in all that we do. The school

flexible boarding and overnight ‘sleepovers’.

is fortunate to have its own Chapel on site. The Chapel plays host to the Prep Department’s weekly assembly as

Our flexible boarding is useful if your child has an

well as the weekly Prep Department Chapel services. These

after-school activity or if you are away from home for

services are led by the Headmaster and a number of visiting

an evening, a weekend or a holiday. Weekly boarding is

speakers. The Pre-Prep also use the Chapel for special

a popular option for parents who may live some distance

events in the year and parents from the Pre-Prep and Prep

from Eastbourne or work long hours. Some children will

are invited to join their children at these special Chapel

board one night or more each week. Some parents also

services, such as Harvest Festival, Remembrance, Christmas

find sleepovers or weekly boarding useful during the run up

and Easter.

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For children the importance of good food within their

All medical/First Aid needs are attended to by our School

day cannot be overstated, be it for academic or sporting

Nurses who are RNs (Registered Nurses). The School

endeavour as they go about their school day. The food

Nurses are based in our Medical Centre on the school site

served at St Andrew’s is prepared from fresh ingredients

from Monday through to Saturday and are in attendance

by highly trained chefs, with the ability to keep menus

during school match fixtures. After the school day, there

relevant and appropriate for each age group.

is a First Aider on duty in the boarding house. All full time

Early Birds’ Breakfast is available where day children, with or without their parents, are welcome to join boarders for breakfast on Monday to Saturday between 7.45am and 8.20am. The cost of breakfast is £1.50 and will be added to your school account at the end of each term. Breakfast

boarders are registered with a local doctors’ practice and the local District General Hospital is just 2.8 miles away. In addition we have several members of staff who are ‘First Aid at Work’ trained. A number of staff are also paediatric and automated external defibrillator trained.

consists of cereals, fresh fruit, yoghurt pots and a hot or cold daily special.

OA Society

Our lunch offers a range of options: homemade soup with

The OA Society exists for the benefit of former pupils

fresh bread, a healthy salad bar, jacket potatoes with fillings,

(both Old Androvians and Old Aschamians) with the object

pasta and sauces, alongside the more traditional main

of keeping them in touch with the school and with each

courses and vegetarian meals, with tempting desserts. Fruit

other. When a child leaves St Andrew’s a charge is made

and breadsticks are provided at break time and for those

on the final account of £75 ‘OA joining fee’. This fee entitles

children who stay for after-school activities, a light tea is

the child to receive a copy of the annual school magazine

provided. Supper is an important part of the day for our

for five years after their leave date and a copy of the annual

boarders and those children who sleepover.

newsletter, the OA News, indefinitely, as well as invitations

We cater for most dietary requirements and sample copies of our menus are available on our website.

to reunions and school functions. The school archives are well maintained and at the regular OA reunions a display of old photographs and assorted memorabilia is always an important feature. There is also a dedicated website ( which aims to create a link

Friends of St Andrew’s

between OAs and the school, and allows an exchange

The Friends of St Andrew’s is a group of parents who

of news between them.

support and enhance the children’s education by raising funds for the benefit of everyone in the school. They assist by providing voluntary help, encouraging co-operation and good relations between parents, staff, present and past pupils and local residents, thereby strengthening the links between the school and the local community. They hold many events throughout the year including Bonfire Night, an Advent Fair, Burns Night, Quiz Nights, the Leavers’ Party and a Summer Fair.

Pastoral Care Pastoral care is one of the many strengths of St Andrew’s. Each individual child matters, and we take the responsibility of caring for all our children extremely seriously. We work hard to ensure there is a nurturing atmosphere in which each child feels cared for and important. This is achieved both formally through our tutor system and house system, and informally through the positive relationships the children are encouraged to build with all the adults at the school.



The tutor system forms a vital link between the family and

School Policies

the school. Children joining from Reception up to Year 4

Copies of our policies including Admissions,

are looked after by their form teacher. From Year 5, children

Anti-bullying, Rewards and Sanctions (incorporating

are looked after by their form tutor.

Behaviour and Discipline), Child Protection and Safeguarding

The role of form teachers and tutors is to encourage and assist his or her tutees in all aspects of school life so that parents can be confident that there is a dedicated adult

etc. can be found on our website. Copies of academic policies are available from the school office. Contact:

who takes a personal interest in their child’s wellbeing at all times. The form teachers and tutors are readily available to talk to you about any matter, pastoral or academic.

School Uniform All children at St Andrew’s wear a uniform which can

The children and staff at St Andrew’s all belong to one

be purchased from the School Shop situated on site.

of four houses; usually, children from the same family

The School Shop stocks virtually everything that a child

belong to the same house. The house system is vertically

needs at St Andrew’s and there is a large supply of good

grouped to encourage a sense of responsibility among

second-hand uniform. Prices are kept as reasonable

the older children who are expected to take an interest

as possible. The average cost of fitting out a pupil is

in the activities and welfare of the younger members of

approximately £400, but this can be reduced by

their house. The house system also gives opportunities for

purchasing second-hand uniform (subject to availability).

children to achieve a sense of accomplishment in different

The Shop is open 8am to 12 noon Monday to Friday

areas of the school such as in sport.

during term time and parents and pupils can pop in for any stationery or clothing requirements.

These systems of care are augmented through a

Contact: for

comprehensive PSHE programme. Additionally, Heads of Department coordinate their teams of tutors while the

more information.

Deputy Head oversees the school’s provision. This system is the key to the happiness of the child and the success of the pastoral care at St Andrew’s.

Transport St Andrew’s offers an excellent minibus service to transfer day pupils to and from school on weekdays and Saturday mornings. The network currently covers a radius

Safeguarding and Child Protection The school’s first priority at all times is to safeguard and

of approximately 20 miles.

promote the welfare of children. St Andrew’s exists to

We employ our own fully-trained and qualified drivers. Our

provide the best possible education in a safe and

modern fleet of minibuses is regularly serviced and complies

supportive environment. Mandatory checks are taken

with necessary regulations. Children can travel on the bus

on all staff before they begin work and there are regular

from the age of four and our Transport Supervisor will work

briefings and updates on safeguarding and child protection.

closely with parents of new children to ensure they quickly

We promote the best practice in looking after our pupils

feel at home and at ease with their driver. We are regularly

and provide a range of channels for pupils, parents and

updating and improving our routes. Please do contact us

staff to report any concerns. The school’s designated

for further information.

senior person for safeguarding and child protection is the Deputy Head.


Admissions Welcome from the Registrar St Andrew’s Prep is a non-selective independent day and boarding school for girls and boys from the age of 12 months to 13 years. Day pupils are accepted for all year groups and boarding pupils from Year 3 upwards. Both day and boarding pupils may join at any at stage during the academic year.

Visiting the School Open Events Open events are held regularly throughout the year. No appointment is necessary and parents and their families may arrive between the published times. Parents are given the opportunity to chat with the Headmaster and other members of staff. If you are viewing the Nursery

Although we are a non-selective school, we do have to be

and Pre-Prep, you will be given a tour by our Head of

sure of our ability to meet the educational needs of each

Pre-Prep or a member of her staff. Those parents interested

individual child and this is something that the Headmaster

in the Prep department will be given tours by the senior

discusses with prospective parents as a matter of course.

pupils and have an opportunity to see the school in action.

Whether you are seeking a place in the Nursery, Pre-Prep

Please visit our website for dates of future open events.

or Prep school, or if you are seeking a boarding place

Individual Visits

for your child, we warmly invite you to come and see

The Headmaster is happy to meet with prospective parents

for yourself the breadth of education and opportunities

and individual appointments can be arranged throughout

a St Andrew’s education can offer your child.

the academic year. Parents meet with the Head and he,

Some parents prefer to attend an open event or drop-in, while others prefer to make an individual appointment with the Headmaster. We understand that deciding upon the right school for your child is an extremely important decision and we encourage parents to visit the school on more than one occasion. This way parents are able to see the school in a variety of situations and fully appreciate all that St Andrew’s can offer their child. We very much look forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you to St Andrew’s.

or the Head of Pre-Prep, will be pleased to give them a personal tour of the school when they will see children and staff going about their normal school routines. Some parents bring their children with them, while others prefer to make the first visit on their own and return, with their children, at a later date. Visits can be arranged by contacting the Registrar. Drop-In For parents considering our Nursery, we offer a drop-in each Friday morning during term time, between 9.30am and 11.30am. Parents and their children are welcome to sit and

Sue Offord

observe lessons and we encourage the children to join in


with current Nursery children. No appointment is necessary but we do ask that you register first at the School Office.

20 2

Taster Days

St Andrew’s offers a tailored programme of provision and

We encourage parents to arrange taster days for their

support for scholars to enhance, develop and inspire them

children where they can experience a full day in the

in their particular area of talent.

classroom, on the sports field and enjoy lunch with the other children. For some children it may be beneficial

Scholarships awarded to successful candidates will commence in the Autumn Term following the Spring

to have more than one taster day prior to entry to

Term assessments.

ensure a smooth transition. Children may attend taster days in the Pre-Prep and Prep departments of the school at any point through the school year. Taster days offer children the opportunity to get to know other children in their year group and to experience a normal school day which may include a mix of academic lessons, Art, Drama, Music and Sport.

Scholarships to Senior Schools An impressive number of scholarships are won by St Andrew’s pupils each year to a variety of senior schools. These include both non-academic awards such as Art, Drama, Music and Sport, as well as academic awards. Candidates who sit for any of these awards are usually among the very strongest in these fields in their year group

We also offer free taster sessions to 2 to 4 year olds in the

and parents are encouraged to discuss the possibility

Nursery prior to a child joining to ensure they feel safe

of their children sitting for any senior school scholarship

and secure within their new environment. The sessions give

with the relevant members of staff so that they can gain

children the opportunity to explore some of the activities

a realistic appraisal of the assessment process and their

and specialist lessons on offer and to access some areas

child’s likelihood of gaining an award. Senior schools also

of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Parents may stay with

publish details of their scholarships in booklets and on

their child during these taster sessions until they feel their

their websites and parents should make themselves familiar

child is ready to be left.

with the requirements.

We offer a settling-in period free of charge for 1 to 2 year

Senior schools which pupils have moved on to in past years

olds prior to them starting in the Baby Room.

include: Ardingly - Battle Abbey - Beechwood Sacred Heart

For more information about arranging taster sessions please contact the Registrar. For those interested in taster days in the Pre-Prep or Prep Departments, the Registrar can also help in choosing an appropriate day that would be most

- Bede’s Senior - Benenden - Brighton College - Canford Claremont - Eastbourne College - Gordonstoun - Harrow - Hurst - Lancing - Millfield - Moira House - Roedean Sevenoaks - St Leonards-Mayfield - Tonbridge - Worth. Bursaries

suited to your child.

St Andrew’s is committed to extending access to the school

Scholarships to St Andrew’s

by offering means-tested financial support to a number of

St Andrew’s Prep believes that excellence should be recognised and scholarships are awarded to children who show outstanding potential academically or in Art, Music or Sport.

pupils each year. Where parental financial circumstances justify it, bursaries can be offered in recognition of financial need. All bursaries are means-tested and parents are asked to complete a comprehensive financial circumstances form

External candidates for entry into Years 3 to 7 are invited

which should be submitted to the Finance Bursar. Bursaries

to attend scholarship assessment days which are held each

are set according to the guidelines laid down by the

Spring Term in January.

Charities Commission.

In line with most comparable independent schools, the

For more information or further details about the

great majority of awards made are between 5 and 20 per

scholarship and bursary process, please contact

cent, although these values can be supplemented by

the Registrar on 01323 733203 or

a means-tested bursary.




Fees Scale of Charges for the Academic

Fees for Academic Year 2013-2014

Year 2013-2014

(September 2013 to July 2014) Fees are usually reviewed annually and are payable on or before the first day of each term.

Registration Fee A non-refundable registration fee of £70 is payable on application for a child to enter St Andrew’s Prep.

Reception to Year 2 (4 to 7 year olds)

£2850 per term

Day – Year 3 (7 and 8 year olds)

£4510 per term

Refundable Deposit

Day – Years 4 to 8 (8 to 13 year olds)

£4965 per term

A deposit is payable one year before entry to St Andrew’s

Weekly Boarding

£6260 per term

or upon registration for later entries. The deposit is held

Full Boarding

£7055 per term

by the School as security and is refundable when the pupil leaves, providing all financial commitments to the School have been met, and due notice (one full term) is given.

Please note: Where there are three children attending the School, a sibling discount is offered on the third child.

Currently the deposits for new children entering the


School are:

The Lodge Nursery is open from 8am to 6pm, Monday

Children entering Nursery (2 to 4 year olds)


Children entering Pre-Prep (4 to 7 year olds)


Children entering Years 3 to 8 (7 to 13 year olds)


Boarders and Weekly Boarders whose

and the Christmas period. Please contact Admissions for session details and costs. Sessions for 2 to 4 year olds are as follows:

parents are resident in the UK


Boarders whose parents are not resident in the UK

to Friday all year round with the exception of Bank Holidays


We phase our deposits for day children to a maximum of £650 due to the cost of extras increasing as a pupil

Pre-school care 8am to 8.30am (breakfast available at £1) Morning session (*EYEE)

8.30am to 12.30pm

Afternoon session (*EYEE)

12.30pm to 4.30pm

Afternoon session (non *EYEE) 12.30pm to 3.30pm or 4.30pm After-school care

3.30 or 4.30pm to 6pm

progresses through the School. Therefore, prior to your

Please note: Specialist subjects and lunch are included in

child moving from Nursery to Pre-Prep, a further deposit

the fees.

is requested and prior to your child moving from Pre-Prep to Prep School (Year 3), you will be asked to pay the final instalment of the deposit.


*EYEE - Early Years Educational Entitlement

Early Years Educational Entitlement

In addition, a further deposit is charged on a sliding scale

St Andrew’s is a recognised provider participating in the

depending on the number of days a week your child attends

EYEE which provides Nursery Education Grants for

the Baby Room. The payment of this deposit is due three

3 and 4 year olds. A child becomes eligible for the funding

months before your child joins the Baby Room and will be

the term after their third birthday. The maximum funding

refunded against the first month’s invoice. If, for whatever

available is 15 hours per week during term time only.

reason, a place is not taken up, then the full deposit is

We can also accept payment under Salary Sacrifice


Schemes. Please contact the Registrar for more information

If your child transfers from the Baby Room to the Robin

regarding this and the EYEE scheme.

class (2 to 3 year olds), a further top-up deposit of £125

Sessions should be booked and paid for a term in advance. However, additional sessions/care can be provided subject to availability.

is due to secure the place. Deposits are held by the school as security and are refunded when a child leaves, providing all financial commitments to the school have been met and due notice has been given.

Please note: We are unable to offer any refunds for missed


sessions once booked.

The cost of a full day place (8am to 6pm, 50 weeks a year) in the Baby Room is as follows. Fees will be invoiced on

The Lodge Baby Room

a monthly basis.

Refundable Deposit Based on a total of weeks’ fees

Total Deposit Due




















Number of Days




1 day per wk

2 day per wk

3 day per wk

4 day per wk

5 day per wk

8am to 6pm






Total £ per Wk






When a child moves from the Baby Room to our Robin Deposit

class, parents may opt for morning and/or afternoon

A deposit of £200, which secures a place for your child

sessions rather than full time days, in which case the fee

in the Baby Room, is due six months before entry to

structure for 2 to 3 year olds will apply.

St Andrew’s, or upon registration for late entries. This deposit will be credited against your final month’s invoice if your child leaves the Baby Room, or will be

Please note: We are unable to offer any refunds for missed hours/days due to absence or holidays.

held should your child transfer from the Baby Room to our Robin class (2 to 3 year olds).

24 2

Extra Tuition/Learning Support (30 minute

Flexible Boarding (sleepovers) 1 night flexi-boarding - weekends

£25 per night


1 night flexi-boarding - weekdays

£15 per night

The number of lessons to be given in any one term

2 nights weekday boarding supplement

£25 per week

depends on the individual child. You will be informed at the

3 nights weekday boarding supplement

£30 per week

beginning of the Autumn Term of the approximate number

4 nights weekday boarding supplement

£36 per week

of lessons that will be given during that term and will be

Please note that the boarding supplement is only valid when booked for at least half a term.

charged accordingly at the end of each term. However, you may also be charged if the teacher has not been informed in advance that the child will not be able to

Day Fees are inclusive of text and exercise books, lunch each school day and evening meals when children remain in school for after-school or sporting activities. Weekly Boarding Fees are inclusive of all meals, text and exercise books.

attend a particular lesson. The charges are as follows: Individual lessons

£20.35 per lesson

Shared lessons (2 people)

£15.80 per lesson

Shared lessons (3 or more)

£12.00 per lesson

If different lesson times are appropriate, then lessons are

Full Boarding Fees are inclusive of all meals, and text and exercise books as well as allowances for tuck and some weekend outings, writing materials and postage for home letters, faxes and e-mails, birthday cake and celebration, haircuts and taxi fares for doctor and dentist appointments.

charged pro-rata. Extra English Tuition (35 minute lessons) For overseas pupils extra English lessons are usually given in place of Latin for children in Years 5 to 8 and in place of French for children in Years 3 to 8. For younger children the

Short Term Day and Boarding can be

arrangements are made after discussion with the parents.

accommodated for a minimum stay of half a term.

The charges are as follows:

Email for further details.

Individual lessons

£23.70 per lesson

Music Tuition (30 minute lessons)

Shared lessons (2 people)

£18.70 per lesson

Individual lessons

£20.35 per lesson

Shared lessons (3 or more)

£14.00 per lesson

Shared lessons (2 people)

£15.80 per lesson

Shared lessons (3 or more)

£12.00 per lesson

We aim to provide 10 lessons per term, but this may not always be possible due to the length of the term, or other commitments which the children may have.

Examinations and Invigilation Exams and invigilation are chargeable as incurred, this mainly applies to Year 8 Common Entrance examinations. Publications Charge This is a one-off charge on your first account (from Reception), which covers the school publications including the annual Androvian magazine, weekly bulletin and various other publications. The current charge is £70. Old Androvian (OA) Subscription This is a one-off charge on your final account, currently £75, which will entitle your son/daughter to OA Society membership. For further details about what this involves, please see the paragraph on p17 under OA Society.




Insurance cover is available for the following categories:

The admission of a boy or girl is conditional on acceptance

Pupils’ Personal Accident Insurance Scheme

of the terms of the School’s admission policy and of the

(incl Dental)


rules published by the School from time to time. While

Personal Effects


every effort is made to inform parents about serious

School Fees Protection


breaches of school rules, it must also be accepted that

BUPA Medical


the Headmaster has complete discretion in the imposition

The premiums are charged on an ‘opt-out’ basis and the

of sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.

Bursary should be informed before the start of term, in writing, if cover is not required. Ways of Payment Payment can be made by cheque (payable to St Andrew’s School), BACS, credit/debit card or by our own direct debit scheme which is collected over 10 equal instalments (September to June). We also accept payment under Salary Sacrifice Schemes which includes nursery care, after-school care and boarding care. For more details about our FeesIn-Advance Scheme, please contact the Finance Bursar on 01323 452300. Notice of Withdrawal With the exception of Year 8 children who are in their last term, a term’s notice in writing is required if a child is going to leave the School, otherwise a term’s fees will be due. Equal Opportunities St Andrew’s operates a policy of equal opportunities for all children, regardless of age, sex, colour, creed or status. Each child, from the youngest member of the Nursery department to the oldest boy or girl, day or boarding in the senior school, will be treated with the same consideration and care.

26 2

Term dates Summer Term 2014 Monday 21st April

Bank Holiday – no school

Tuesday 22nd April

Nursery Term begins * Staff Inset Day * Boarders return from 5.30pm

Wednesday 23rd April

Term begins for all children

3rd/4th/5th May

Exeat Weekend and Bank Holiday

Friday 23rd May

Half Term begins

Sunday 1st June

Boarders return between 6pm and 8pm

Monday 2nd June

Term resumes at 8.30am

14th/15th June

Exeat Weekend

Saturday 28th June

No school for Day children; full provision for Boarders

Friday 4th July

Term ends for Nursery and Pre-Prep

Saturday 5th July

Term ends at 2pm after Speech Day for Years 3 to 8

Autumn Term 2014

Spring Term 2015 (provisional, subject to change)

Friday 29th August Staff Inset Day

Monday 5th January

Staff Inset Day Nursery Term begins Boarders return between 6pm and 8pm

Tuesday 6th January

Term begins for all children

24th/25th January

Exeat Weekend

Friday 13th February

Half Term begins

27th/28th September Exeat Weekend

Sunday 22nd February

Boarders return between 6pm and 8pm

Friday 17th October Half Term begins

Monday 23rd February

Term resumes at 8.30am

Sunday 2nd November Boarders return between 6pm and 8pm

7th/8th March

Exeat Weekend

Friday 20th March

Term ends at 12noon

Monday 3rd November Term resumes at 8.30am

Easter Day 5 April

Monday 1st September Nursery Term begins Staff Inset Day Tuesday 2nd September Staff Inset Day New Boarders arrive between 1.30pm and 2pm Boarders return from 5.30pm Wednesday 3rd September Term begins for all children

22nd/23rd November Exeat Weekend Friday 12th December Term ends at 12.30pm after the Carol Service


Directions Local Directions Follow the A22 into the town centre (west) until the railway station is seen in front on the left. At the roundabout just before the station turn right and proceed to the left of the library up Grove Road. Filter right at the town hall into Meads Road. Follow this road for approximately ½ km, take the second exit off the first roundabout (straight ahead) and turn left at the second roundabout into Meads Street. Go past the shops on both sides, past Darley Road and the school can then be seen on your right. Continue on Meads Street and turn right into the school car park and enter the school up the stone steps via the Reception.

From London by road (M25) Travel time from M25 1.25 hours approx Leave the M25 at Junction 7 by joining the M23. Travel

From Folkestone/Channel Tunnel

south along M23, (which then becomes the A23) towards

Travel time 2 hours approx

Brighton. Follow signs left onto the A27 signposted Lewes/

Follow signs onto M20 North towards London. Leave M20

Polegate/Eastbourne. At Polegate turn right onto A22 then

at junction 11A onto A259. Travel through New Romney

follow local directions.

to Brenzett. Continue on A259. Head west through Rye

From Ashford Travel time 2 hours approx Leave Ashford on the A2070 to Brenzett. Turn right onto A259. Head west through Rye on A259 to Hastings and Bexhill. At Pevensey take third exit off roundabout signposted A27 Polegate/Brighton. Continue straight until

to Hastings and Bexhill. At Pevensey take third exit off roundabout signposted A27 Polegate/Brighton. Follow A27, second junction at first roundabout (straight ahead) until very large roundabout which is the junction with A22. Take second exit left onto A22 into Eastbourne, then follow local directions.

very large roundabout which is the junction with A22.

Travel Service

Take second exit left onto A22 into Eastbourne, then

St Andrew’s understands the difficulties overseas parents

follow local directions.

experience when organising their child’s detailed travel

From London by rail Travel time from London Victoria Station 1.5 hours

plans. The school is happy to organise taxis to airports and guardians at parents’ request.

There is a taxi rank outside Eastbourne Station, travel time from the station to St Andrew’s approx 15 minutes.


Members of Eastbourne College and St Andrew’s Prep Council List of Governors President His Grace The Duke of Devonshire KCVO CBE DL Vice-Presidents The Bishop of London The Earl of Burlington Chairman General Sir Kevin O’Donoghue KCB CBE Vice-Chairman Mr P A J Broadley MA FCA FRSA Hon Treasurer Mr A M Robinson BA ACA In Attendance Mr S P Davies MA (Oxon) PGCE* Mr G Ferguson BSc PGCE* Mrs J Lowden BA* Mr S Severino MA (Oxon) PGCE* Mr M M Turnbull BA MA

Council Members Mr M T Barford MA FCA Mr C D Cracknell Dr C R Darley MD FRCP* Mr C M Davies FRICS ACIArb Mrs N L Eckert BA PGCE* Mrs V J Henley BA* Mr G Marsh MA* Dr R A McNeilly MBBS DCH MRCGP DOccMed MBA Mr D L Meek LLB FCA General The Lord Richards of Herstmonceux GCB CBE DSO DL Mrs M J Richards Mr T S Richardson FRICS Mr J H Ryley BA AMP Mrs A M Saunders CB LLB Dr D L Smith MA PhD PGCE FRHistS Ms C Stokes BA* Mr J P Watmough LLB Mr D Winn OBE MInstM Mr A W L Wolstenholme OBE BSc CEng FICE Clerk to the Council Mrs Carol Meade MA*

All correspondence for the attention of the Chairman of Council will be passed on in confidence. It should be sent in a separately sealed envelope addressed to the Chairman and posted to the Clerk to the Council at Eastbourne College.

*St Andrew’s Prep Committee members



Eastbourne College Incorporated

Eastbourne College Incorporated

Marlborough House Old Wish Rd, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 4JY

Headmaster Simon Severino MA (Oxon)

A Limited Company

St Andrew’s Prep Meads Eastbourne East Sussex BN20 7RP

Registered in England No. 115408

Tel: 01323 733203

Registered Charity No. 307071

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