Decoding the future
from November 26 to 30, 2024
Quibdó and Medellín, Colombia
Final Report
December, 2024

Decoding the future

GeneralRapporteur: YijhánRenteríaSalazar
Collaborators: JhonEdinsonCórdobaMoya
Photography: MURCY
Aninitiativeof: Fundedby:

AFRICA the place, AFRICA the people.
12 experts: Participating organizations:

Other allies:

César Lins
Recife Pernambuco
Dorcas Owinoh Kisumu Nyanza
Judith Morrison Washington D.C.
Karen Santos
São Paulo
São Paulo
Silvana Bahía
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Taís Oliveira
São Paulo
São Paulo
Tarcízio Silva
São Paulo São Paulo España
Afroinnova Colombia


The other Colombia, the future of Colombia.
Diego Barbosa We are Angular Cali, Valle del Cauca
Jesús Rodríguez
del Cauca
Jhordan Moreno Chocó Robotics School Quibdó, Chocó
Klever Arrechea CCTET Timbiquí, Cauca Quibdó, Chocó
Luís Cabrera Digital Diaspora Medellín, Antioquia
Digital Diaspora Medellín, Antioquia
Mª Camila Estacio Association of Black Economists Medellín, Antioquia FIX International Business Medellín, Antioquia
Digital Diaspora Cali, Valle del Cauca
Giuliana Brayan Manos Visibles Collective and Gender Empowerment Manager Technical Manager Technology
Katheryne Hernández Manos Visibles Technology Manager
Valeria Brayan Manos Visibles Technical Assistance Administrative and Financial

is Manos Visibles' movement to build racial and gender equity through technology.

We are making technology a viable and feasible path for the new generations of Afro-descendants in Colombia.
In five years we have achieved: +2000

children from the Colombian Pacific and Medellin trained in robotics, home automation, programming and empowerment.
laboratories - known as Naidí Labs - equipped and adapted for technological training and the development of prototype solutions in Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), Tumaco (Nariño), Guapi and Timbiquí (Cauca).
20 schools in the Southern Colombian Pacific linked and improved through the Naidi Valley training programs.
27 afro-descendant and indigenous women from Medellín attending the technical program in web development at NODO, the prestigious technology center housed at EAFIT University.
12 studying accredited engineering careers of the highest quality at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, thanks to our Scholarship Fund - Valle del Naidí.
For our documentary Valle del Naidí: programming new futures, we achieved an audience of 3.5 million viewers during its digital campaign.

AFROINNOVA is the community innovation group for the advancementoftheAfricanDiasporaallovertheworld.Formore than a decade, it has consolidated a platform for exchange, collaboration and collective reflection, whose initiatives have playedacrucialroleinthecreationofnewnarrativessurrounding the African Diaspora in countries such as the Dominican Republic,CostaRica,Colombia,Panama,Brazil,theUnitedStates, Spain, the United Kingdom, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, Cameroon, South Africa and Mozambique. Its contributions have been fundamental in building new agendas and opportunities for the African diaspora in Colombia and far beyond.
Adecadelater,thelargestethnicleadershipnetworkinColombia sprung from Manos Visibles, an organization that is nearing its 15th year of uninterrupted work for the construction of racial and territorial equity in the country. Here, we present the report of AFROINNOVA TECH 2024, an event that took place from November26-30,2024,inQuibdó(Chocó),theBlackSmartCity of the Pacific and one of the main epicenters of the Afro populations in Colombia, and in Medellín, a city that has been recognized as the most innovative city in the world on several occasions over the last decade. This meeting and co-creation space was made possible thanks to funding from CAF, the DevelopmentBankofLatinAmericaandtheCaribbean.
This report compiles and synthesizes the main reflections and written and photographic narratives of an agenda that included immersive experiences, tours, peer conversations, forums, interviewsandreflectivethinktanksthatallowedustoideateand projecttechnologicaltoolsforthe constructionofracialand
gender equity throughout the world. The report also presents the conclusions of the meetings of the working group formed by 12 leadersfromBrazil,USA,Spain,KenyaandColombia,allofwhom traced the lines of the collective agenda for the future on technologyandracialequityforColombiaandLatinAmerica.This group of experts also had the opportunity to exchange experiences, knowledge and expand their collaboration networks with about 20 technology leaders from Colombia whose initiatives are focused on education for the future, digital inclusion,thecreationofeconomiccapacitiesthroughtechnology andthegenerationofopportunitiesforAfroyouth andwomen.
AFROINNOVA Tech connects the lines of projection to the next level for the Naidi Valley, the technological movement of Manos Visibles that is transforming the Colombian Pacific and putting technology at the forefront of improving the quality of life of communities that have historically been excluded from national agendas. Theyarefindingintechnologynotonlyknowledge,but also a life project that adds to the initiatives of social justice and equity-buildinginColombia.
This report serves as an exercise of learning and memory and, at the same time, is the foundation of a more diverse, creative, collective and equitable future that we are building with new generations and the wisdom of the ancestral and emancipating technologiesthatbroughtustowherewearetoday.

A promise for the future
OnthefirstdayofAFROINNOVATech2024,Quibdówelcomedus asonlysheknowshow:withthewarmthofitspeople,thehumid embraceoftheclimateandthatmixtureofoverwhelmingnatural beautythat vibratestotherhythmofherriversandjungles. Quibdóisacityof 135,000inhabitantswhereeverythingisin constantmovement:the AtratoRiverthatrunsthroughitscore,the junglethatbreathes aroundit,andthemusicthatneverstops playing.Butthisvibrantcity,withallitsculturalandnaturalwealth, alsofacescomplexrealities.Quibdóhasoneofthehighest unemploymentratesinthecountry,achallengethathasignitedin itspeoplethedesiretotransformhistory.

“Chocó is not the other Colombia but the future of Colombia”.
Itisaterritorythatlookstothefuturefromits potential,evenfromthoseareasofactionand knowledgethathavebeensystematically denied.
Paula Moreno

Decoding the future
AFROINNOVATech2024couldnothavefoundabettersettingto sow the seeds of a new narrative. Here, in the heart of the Colombian Pacific, we returned to a place where history and the future are intertwined with challenges and possibilities. As Paula pointed out in her opening remarks at the AFROINNOVA forum, “totalkabouttechnologyandracialequitywithoutgoingthrough this ‘Africa in Colombia’ is very difficult.” It is from here where initiativesthatproposenewwaysofgeneratingsocial,culturaland economic value that transform the region and the country are conceivedandimplemented.InthesameauditoriumoftheBanco de la República, an institution that has always been an ally of Manos Visibles, we gathered once again to confirm what many alreadyknew:Quibdóhaseverythingitneedstoreinventitselfand becomeamodelofinclusivedevelopmentdrivenbytechnology.
From the perspective of Saulo Guerrero, creator of Ilewa Turismo, weunderstoodthepowerofQuibdótocaptivatethesoulsofthose who visit it. With his venture, Saulo has managed to turn the essence of Chocó into conscious tourism experiences that deeply explore the city, towns, festivals and jungle destinations. It is a Chocóthatmoveswithapurpose,whereeverytripandeverystory is told with love for the territory. From Ilewa, the natural and cultural wealth is transformed into a capital with which not only new narratives of the territory are built, but also new paths towards a more prosperous future for the allied communities are drawn. During a tour up the Atrato River, accompanied by the chirimíamusicofMaestroTomásDomingo’sclarinet,themembers of AFROINNOVA felt the beating heart of this land. A rhythm that reminds us that Quibdó is movement, resilience, innovation and, aboveall,potentialforthefuture.
Ononeofthesetours,JudithMorrison,comparedtheQuibdóshe keptinhermemorywiththecitythattodayexpandsbefore
our eyes. With each street, with its new airport, shopping mall and hotelinfrastructure,Morrisonconfirmedthattimehasbeengood to Quibdó, that this territory, although challenging, continues to grow andtransform.
AFROINNOVA Tech 2024 arrived in Quibdó not only to witness its evolution,butalsotocontributetothechangethatthiscityhaslong deservedandthatitspeoplewerealreadypushingforward.Because if Quibdó has taught us anything, it is that it is fertile ground, a city where technology can be a tool to close gaps, sow knowledge and harvestopportunities.
Here, in this city that breathes the future, we once again reaffirm our commitment:
technologies and innovation are not alien to Black towns but are born and grow with them. Because innovation also has roots
deeply rooted
the fertile soil of
cities like
this one, where everything is primed to grow and to be reimagined.
The keynote address was given by Tarcízio Silva, Technology Policy Consultant for the Mozilla Foundation in Brazil, and includedtheparticipationofJimmyGarcía,DirectoroftheChocó Robotics School. This intervention put on the table the power of technologyasameanstodesignpathstowardsthefuture,linking it directly to the representation and resistance of Afro communities.
Tarcízio emphasized that futuristic technology is rooted in simple forms of everyday life that already exist. He emphasized that Black people have not been oblivious to technological developments; on the contrary, their epistemologies coincide in thatsuchdevelopmentsarerootedinadeepsenseofcommunity.
From the invention of the bag, in prehistoric times, as a revolutionaryobjectthatmadeitpossibletocollectfoodandthen share it in a group, to the recent design of filters for applications thatrecognizethephysicalfeaturesofBlackpeople.
Technology, naturally associated with the progress of the world, bears the human imprint of the society that shapes it.

“Over the years, we have witnessed innovations that respond to the needs of the moment.”
Tarcízio Silva
For diasporic peoples, this can mean that through technology, racial biases are reaffirmed and replicated on an endless loop. Today, we see this reflected in the algorithmic racism of many artificial intelligenceprogramsthataffecttherepresentationof Black people as well as their access to work and health, and theirepistemicfreedom.
Another important approach has to do with the fact that technology can also be discriminatory when entire communities lackaccesstoit. Undertheseconditions,ascenarioiscreatedin which others with their own agendas and preconceived notions represent people who are completely disconnected from the world, their progress and their new ways of relating. People who donotpossessthetoolstoproposeAfro-centeredanddisruptive developments that represent the needs of Afro populations only underscore the importance of implementing the use of technologies from an early stage that consistently maintains a linkwithculturalaspectsofsaidpopulations.
From this perspective, Tarcízio suggested that it is necessary to rescue from research the Black people who throughout history havebeendedicatedtoinventionsandtechnologicalinnovation.
For his part, Jimmy García shared his experience leading the Chocó Robotics School, an example of how technology can become a transformative tool for young people of African descentinColombia.HisvisionforQuibdóasaBlackSmartCity inspiredattendees,whoreflectedonthepotentialofsmartcities toempowerBlackcommunitiesaroundtheworld.
Refusing to accept a world history that is told without our contributions is decisive for the consolidation of future agendas in relation to technology, based not only on our capacity to innovate but also to reinvent, confront and transform the available technology in favor of our peoples.
Thispanelbroughttogetherthreeoutstandingleadersintheir respectivefields:TaísOliveira,KarenSantosandDiegoRodríguez. Throughtheirinterventions,keytopicssuchas“quilombismo”,the democratizationoftechnologyandfinancialsustainabilityinAfro entrepreneurshipwereexplored.Thedialogueshighlightedboth challengesandopportunitiesforBlackcommunitiesintheir interactionswithtechnologyandtheglobal market.
Taís Oliveira: Quilombismo as a Living Model for an Inclusive TechnologicalFuture
As a professional in human sciences and communication, Ms. Oliveira addressed in her research the intersection between technology, women and racial issues. Taís highlighted the relevanceof “quilombismo”,aconceptproposedbythe intellectual Abdias Nascimento and to which she recognizes similaritieswith theorganizationinpalenques,typicalofthe free Black peoples in Colombia. According to Oliveira, “quilombismo” refers to the historical spaces of resistance of the quilomboswhilesimultaneouslyconstitutingaformofsocialand economicorganization basedoncommunitarianism.
AcentralaspectofOliveira'sspeechwastheroleoftechnologyas socialandproductivetool.
“It's not the people surrendering to technology, but growing with it. ” ...
“A way of thinking” that finds in union and internal organization the strength to relate to the world while maintaining its own cultural identities.

In her conversation with Karen Santos, Diego Rodríguez and Wagner Mosquera, one of Quibdó's first visible hands, she stated with conviction before a packed auditorium:
“We're a quilombo
united around the common interest of recognizing the potential of technology for Black people, Taís stresses that black people, working collectively, can build a more equitable future, and in this scenario quilombismo is a living form of Black thought in Brazil to face current challenges.
“Afro-entrepreneurship focuses not only on the creation of products and services, but also on strengthening support networks among Black entrepreneurs.”
Thesenetworksallowthe sharingofknowledge, resourcesand opportunitiesthat increasesthechancesof successincompetitive markets.

Taís Oliveira insisted that digital platforms can be spaces to strengthen networks of Afro-entrepreneurs, promote gender parity and close historical gaps in education. As examples, we find the Sumaúma Institute that connects black and indigenous people with training opportunities, public policies that promote accessofracializedpeopletoacademicprogramsintechnology or networks of women who work using technology to connect, exchangeandcreateAfro-diasporiccommunity.
KarenSantosandUXforMinasPretas:Weavinginclusion and technologicalrepresentation.
Karen Santos shared a deeply personal and transformative Karen Santos shared a deeply personal and transformative experience. She introduced herself as a Black woman from the diaspora, with roots in the Orisha religion and a strong commitmenttohercommunity.Santosrecountedhowtechnology seemedoutofherreachinitially:“Ipurchasedmyfirstcomputer at 30 years old. The others were donations,” she recalled. However,thisperceptionchangedwhensherealizeditspotential togenerateinclusionandrepresentation.
Inspired by the lack of Afro leadership in the technology field, and challenged by a boss who told her that advocating for inclusion in technological scenarios would be an exercise in futility, Santos started a group of women that began with five members and today brings together more than 2,000 throughout Brazil. Thus was born UX for Minas Pretas, a company that promotes the inclusion of Black women in jobs relatedtotechnologyanduserexperience.
From there, they worked on projects as diverse as support networks for pregnant women, applications to understanding Afro hair and acquiring products for its care, to commercial platformsfor “quilombera”artisanswhofindinvirtualscenarios the opportunity to market their products and grow their businesses.
How do you look at the past,the present and the future constructed from other perspectives?
This was a question Karen asked that underscored the need to create Afro-centered technologies that respond to the specific needs of Black communities. Her story reflects the power of collective initiatives to democratize access to technology and strengthentheself-esteemofBlackwomen.
Diego Rodríguez: Fintech for a sustainable future for Afro communities
Diego addressed the relationship between technology, finance and sustainability from a pragmatic and transformative perspective. With extensive experience in the Fintech sector, Diego emphasized that “finance is the art and science of generating wealth” and stressed that Afro entrepreneurs face structuralbarrierssuchasracismandlackofsupportnetworks.
Only a more assertive incursion into these areas can guarantee thatourculturalwealthiscapitalizedinthefinancialmarketand can bring benefits to our communities, which would ensure the economic sustainabilityoftheventures.
“Our social and cultural value is not easy to grasp by capitalists.” Itisimperativethatblack
communitiesinfluence financialmarketsfrom placesofpower,the designdesignand decisionmaking.

Diego Rodríguez
With the conviction that the knowledge he has can influence the path of others, he founded Binafi Group, a Fintech that integrates financial planning and artificial intelligence to help smallandmedium-sizedcompaniesgrow.Likewise,fromanother sphere,hedirectstheFinanceProgramatICESIUniversity,where heworkswithyoungpeoplefromCali,theColombianPacificand otherterritoriestohelpthemreachtheirfullpotentialinfinance.
With these two fronts of work, Diego manages to reach Afro people with two of the most urgent needs in relation to Fintech, business sustainability and training of human resources to impactthemarketandfindwaystocapitalizeontheknowledge ofAfrocommunities,theircultureandcreativity.
However,forDiego,culturalpracticesandcreativityalonearenot enough:“Youhavetoberealistic:youneedmoneytosurvive”.In this regard, he highlighted how the Fintech sector has enabled Afrocommunitiestoaccessmoreinclusivesourcesoffinancing,
Healsoinsistedontheimportanceoflearningtoletgoofprojects thatdonotworkinfavorofthosewithgreaterpotentialforimpact. Overall,theinterventionsofOliveira,SantosandRodriguezmadeit clearthat
technology, far from being an end in itself, is a means for emancipation, representation and wealth generation in Black communities.
but more Black people are still needed in the sector to increase these financing offers, people who are resilient, who are trained, and who understand that entrepreneurship is a learning experience.
This panel not only highlighted the structural challenges faced by people of African descent, but also offered a horizon of possibilities inwhichcollectivity,innovationandequityarethepillarsforbuilding amorejustfuture.
Technological Inequalities and Systemic Solutions: An Urgent DialoguefromanAfro-descendantPerspective
The panel “Technological Inequalities and Systemic Solutions” highlighted the structural challenges faced by Afro-descendant communities in relation to their access and participation in technological advances. In this conversation led by Alexander Estacio, Director of Information and Technology Services at the Universidad de Los Andes, César Lins and Silvana Bahía shared theirreflectionsonhowtechnology,whileofferingtransformative opportunities, also perpetuates historical inequalities when not approachedfromacriticalandinclusiveperspective.
César is a consultant for the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). His work as a data analyst has an ethnic focus that has givenhimkeeninsightintothepopulationofthiscontinentthat home to more than 130 million people of African descent, a significant population that continues to lag behind in terms of accesstotheinternetandotheradvanced technologies.Thelack of connectivity limits not only their participation in the technologicallabormarket,butalsotheir impactonthe that shape a digital future that is being driven by the impact of artificialintelligenceorAI.
Algorithms are present today, but reproduce racial bias and discrimination

“it is black people who know their problems and can propose more efficient technology-based solutions to them. Hence the need for more representation in the technology sector as a way forward in closing the digital gaps”
César Lins
… César said, echoing studies that show how artificial intelligence and other technologies exacerbate the marginalization of Black communities by limiting access to loans and generating facial recognition procedures that negativelyprofileBlackpeople. Theserealitieshaveanegative impactonthedailylivesandopportunitiesofourpopulations.
However, he also presented hopeful cases of how technology can be a driver of progress. He mentioned the example of Rwanda, where autonomous drones supply 75% of the blood distribution in rural areas outside the capital, or the Solar Mamasprojectthat trainsruralwomenintheinstallationandmaintenanceofsolar panelsincommunitiesthatlackelectricalpowerplants.ForLins, these types of innovations demonstrate the transformative potential of technology. But they must be implemented in an equitablemanner.
Thisisanundertakingthatrequiresfirstensuringaccesstothe internet and, subsequently, identifying intersections that connect the interests of communities—such as music, soccer andthearts—withtechnology.
Thesecoordinatedeffortsfacilitatethetransitiontowardsthe Society5.0,asocietyinwhichtechnologyiscenteredonpeople andattheserviceoftheirneedstopromoteequity.Inthis sense,CésarstressedtheimportanceofAfrotrainingand leadership,suggestingmoreinitiativessuchastheChocó RoboticsSchoolasareplicablemodelintheregion.
Silvana Bahía and the commitment to critical and inclusive technologies
SilvanaBahíaisCo-DirectorofOlabi,asocialorganizationthat works to broaden diversity in the areas of technology and innovation and supports companies in the construction of inclusion policies. For her, digital literacy is an urgent task, especially in rural and marginalized contexts. According to her research, 77% of the Afro and indigenous population in rural areas does not have access to the internet, and only 24% of technology professionals in Brazil are of African descent. This disconnect not only reflects historical inequalities, but also hindersthecreationofinclusivepublicpolicies.
We have a lack of complete data for the region, and that makes it difficult to think of solutions.
SilvanahighlightedsomeofOlabi'sinitiativessuchasPretalab,a platform that connects Black women with jobs in the field of technology while simultaneously developing a programs that preparecompaniestoreceivepeoplefromdiversebackgrounds; along these lines, her organization accompanies companies in thedevelopmentofinclusionpoliciesandtrainsstafftowelcome new members to their work teams. There are also programs like Transborda60+,whichisdesignedtoteachpeopleover60how to use and benefit from technology, and Códigos Negros, a project that promotes anti-racism in everyday language. These initiatives, Silvia explained, not only democratize access to technology, but also challenge traditional methodologies of technologicalcreation.

“language is very powerful. It has to do with methodology and how things are done”, bringing with it the importance of naming ourselves and being named with dignity in both the technological field and everyday life.
“Wedon'twanttobeaninitiativethatonlyteachespeoplehowto press buttons.” From Silvana's perspective, one of the differential aspects of Olabi's work is focused on the development of initiatives that not only promote the education and training of Black people in the use of technology, but also contribute to the developmentofcriticalthinking,theuseofequityinlanguageand the re-imagining of technologies. This makes up a triad that enhances the impact of the programs and their benefit for the
A central point of her intervention was the need to construct technologies with identity. She proposed that efforts to develop “Black Smart Cities” must emerge from communities and must inspire inclusive policies based on their own needs and opportunities. “We inspire policy from our spaces with civil true transformation requires promoting critical thinking, democratizing access to the internet and ensuring technology training that includes
Thepanelconcludedwithaninvitationtorethinktechnologiesnot onlyastools,butasspacesofpowerthatcanbereconfigured fromtheperspectivesofAfrocommunities.BothLinsandBahía
.InthewordsofCésarLins,“investingin Afro-descendanttrainingandleadershipiskeytofacingthe
Silvana Bahía

Technological Africa: The Case of Kenya and its reflection in LatinAmerica
ThispanelbroughttogetherDorcasOwinoh,ExecutiveDirectorof LakeHubinKenya,JudithMorrison,SeniorAdvisorforGenderand Diversity at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); and Paula Moreno, President of Corporación Manos Visibles, who moderated the conversation. The dialogue addressed how technology initiatives and innovation dynamics in Kenya can inspire and guide similar efforts in Latin America, especially in Afrocommunities.
DorcasOwinohopenedtheconversationbyspeakingabout “Silicon Savannah,”theboomingtechnologyecosysteminKenya. Sheexplainedhowinnovation,initiallycenteredinNairobi,began toexpandtoothersectorsofthecountry,generatingsignificant economicimpact intheregion.Thisdevelopmentwasdrivenby accesstotheinternet,whichinitiallyfacilitatedtheuseofdigital currencies,atoolthatimprovedthequalityoflifeofAfricans.
DorcashighlightedherworkatLakeHub,anorganizationbasedin themidwaycityofKisumuthatseekstodecentralizetechnology andfosterentrepreneurship.Withprojectssuchasbusiness incubatorsandaccelerators,LakeHubtrainsyoungpeoplein codingandpreparesthemtofacecomplexchallengesinthe markets. “Wechangedourdestinationintenyears,”saidDorcas, highlighting theimportanceofcreatinganewgenerationof problemsolvers throughacollaborativepedagogymodelin whichthebesttrainedindividualssupporttheirpeers.Thiscircleis closedwhenthepeopletheyhavetrainedareplacedin technologyjobs,anumberthathasgrowntomorethan5,000 since2017whenLakeHubwasestablished.
“We wanted innovation to take place outside of (the capital city of) Nairobi, and we have succeeded.”

Another path to success is that of entrepreneurship; many people whoaretrainedlaterwanttofurtherdeveloptheirbusinessideas, a task that Dorcas and her team take on through training and financial leverage, facilitating sustainability conditions for startups. AprimeexampleoftheirimpactwaswhenateamofLakeHub girlsrepresentedAfricaattheTechnovationChallengeinSilicon Valley. This decentralization of opportunities can serve as a replicable model in Latin America, and especially in towns like Quibdó,thatisquitesimilartoitsownplaceoforigin.
JudithMorrisoncalledforprioritizingstrategicinvestmentsthat promotetrainingintechnologyandeconomicsforthenew generations.Shenotedthattechnologicaldevelopmentcannot belimitedtotheadoptionoftools,butmustincludeabroad visionthatincorporatesthecreationofinclusivepublicpolicies andthebuildingofAfrocentricfinancialsystems.
Whengovernmentsinvestintechnology,theyaremortgaging the future. We need to make our presence felt in these decision-making spaces,” Judith proclaimed. She emphasized that in Latin America, there is a rich diversity of talents that should be made visible and promoted. She also sees the incursionofAfro-descendantsintocareersinthetechnologyand financialsectorsasanenginethat canacceleratedevelopment. We observe, for example, that the number of Afro-descendants with doctorates in economics in the region does not exceed thirty. This is why she encouraged young people who are exploringtheirprofessionalvocationtostudyin theseareas.
“Excellence is here, in Quibdó and Chocó”. she said,
calling on local communities to become leadersoftheirownprogress.

Judith Morrison
“We started similar processes 19 years ago in Kenya and Quibdó, but we didn't know each other. We were able to click before,

Paula Moreno
For Judith, having her own financial entities that promote the economicautonomyofAfro-descendantcommunities,aswasthe case in the United States, is becoming an increasingly conceivable possibility in Brazil. She also raised a profound reflection on the relationship of Afro-descendant people with technology in the sense of where they position themselves in relation to it. Are they creators, consumers or even a product of technology? Making a decision in this regard creates a decisive agendaforthefuture.
Paula Moreno, who moderated the panel, recalled the importance of establishing global connections between Africa, Latin America and the Afro-descendant diaspora. Her interventionhighlightedtheneedfortransnationalcollaboration and the strengthening of networks as a strategy for exponential growth.
Paula emphasized that technology must be at the service of identity and culture, promoting critical thinking and creating opportunitiesforAfrocommunities.Shebelievesitisimperative thatpeoplefromthesecommunitieshaveaccesstospacesfrom which they have been largely excluded; this is key to promoting an understanding of the realities of Afro communities and to propose alternative solutions to their problems. She quoted Dorcas and Judith's words to conclude that the challenge is not only to consume technology, but also to create it from an Afro-centeredperspective.
The panel made it clear that technological advances in Kenya, with Silicon Savannah as an example, can be a source of inspirationforLatinAmerica.
ProjectssuchasLakeHubandglobalexchangeplatformssuchas AfroDiaspora, which connects products, arts and traditional knowledgethroughdigitaltools,illustratehowtechnologycanbe apowerfultoolforeconomicandculturalemancipation.
The panelists agreed that access to the internet, the decentralization of technological opportunities, entry into technological and financial careers, and the creation of inclusive publicpoliciesarecriticaltoclosingthesocialandeconomicgaps facedby Afrocommunities.
The creation of digital platforms was presented as a key tool to facilitate the connection and collaboration between Afro-entrepreneurs, as well as the strategies of education and training in digital skills. These are essential in closing the technological gaps of Afro communities as they facilitate access toalabormarketinconstantevolution.
The potential of technology as a driver of change is undeniable. Equally important is Afro communities becoming protagonists in the construction of a more equitable and connected future.
The forum “AFROINNOVA Tech: Decoding the Future” underscored the transformative role of technology in strengthening Afro-entrepreneurial networks, highlighting the need for comprehensive strategies that address both the challengesand opportunities.
Furthermore,therelevanceofaccessinginclusivefinancingforthe initiatives of Afro-entrepreneurs was raised. In this regard, financial technology (Fintech) can provide tools adapted to the cultural realities of Afro communities, thus making possible their participation in the economic market. Diego Rodríguez emphasized the importance of designing financial solutions that recognize and capitalize on the social and cultural value of our communities. To achieve the above, it is essential to promote inclusive public policies that guarantee equitable access to the internetandtechnologicalresources,sincethelackofconnectivity severelylimitstheparticipationofAfrocommunitiesinthedigital and economic sphere. This continues to perpetuate historical inequalities.
The rescue of historical knowledge about Afro contributions to technologycanalsobenotedasaproposedlineofaction,asitis vital in inspiring new generations. Recognizing and documenting these innovations not only validates our history but also lays the foundation for a future where technology is used as a tool for emancipation. Taken together, these strategies promote economic development and strengthen the representation and voicesofAfro-diasporiccommunitiesinthearenaoftechnology.

On the second day of AFROINNOVA Tech 24 in Quibdó, the Chocó Robotics School welcomed the participants of the Changing Algorithms Lab, a space for reflection and cooperative creation that brought together leaders and key players in technological and social innovation from various latitudes, including Kenya, Brazil and Colombia. The School of Robotics is a disruptive symbol in a city where internet access, technological development and job opportunities are limited. Thinking about technology-based social transformations and changing algorithms from this place was inspiring for the lab participants. This took place in Quibdó, where the cultural richnessandlocalexperiencesofferapowerfulframeworkforthe creationoftransformativeproposals.
PaulaMoreno,openedthespacehighlightingtheimportanceof generating clear futures from contexts such as Quibdó “a territory where the so-called minorities are the majority.” She stressedthatthesolutionsandproposalsthatemergefromthis laboratorywillnotonlyimpacttheColombianPacific,butwill also be useful for other urban and rural contexts such as Medellin'sComuna13,whichishometoalargeAfropopulation.
Paula proposed that each participant define two words that summarized their perception of AFROINNOVA and asked: Was the system updated with the AFROINNOVA Forum? These questionsled toadialogueongenerationalgaps,resilienceand persistence as key values in the technological transformation processes.
Duringthelab,theparticipants'interventionspaintedadiverse andenrichingpictureoftherelationshipbetweentechnology, educationandsocialtransformation.
people teach the
digital savvy”
Andrés Valencia emphasized how AFROINNOVA has closed generationalgapsthroughintergenerationalprocesseswhere callingoutvaluessuchasresilienceandpersistence.Hisexperience at the Koulutus Foundation, which works with Colombian Pacific developersinareassuchasnetworkmaintenanceand audiovisual services,broughtapracticalandlocalvisionto thediscussion.
Klever Arrechea stressed the importance of promoting STEAM education for young people, drawing inspiration from the Chocó RoboticsSchoolandalsohisworkinsupportingyoungpeople from theColombianPacific,especiallyfromhisnativeTimbiquí. Hiswork focusesondevelopingmathematicalthinkingskillsthatwillenable youngparticipants’accesstohighereducation.
Data and monitoring can be transformative tools, especially in a region facing such high rates of poverty.
KleverconnectedhisproposalwiththeworkofDorcasOwinoh,who related how the LakeHub experience in Kenya has generated incomefortheAfropopulationofKisumu.
Dorcas also spoke about the similarities between Kisumu and Quibdó, which led her to propose knowledge exchanges and collaborationbetweenbothterritories,includingvirtualhackathons tostrengthenlocalandglobalcapacities.
ForTarcízioSilva,itwasimportanttoadvanceinthedevelopmentof algorithmswithanAfrodiasporicperspective.Fromhisperspective, thecommunitiesmustovercomelanguagebarrierstobuildglobal networksthatrespondtocommonproblems,somethinginwhich AFROINNOVA hasadvancedbybringingpeoplefrommany differentlatitudesintothedialogue.Hisproposalconnectedwiththe visionofJudithMorrison,whoproposedtheneedforeducational platformsthat promoteracialequityandeconomicemancipation. Theproposal wouldlinkAfro-descendanttalentswithconcreteopportunities.The creationofnetworksofcooperationthatpromotecontactbetween companiesandtechnologicaltalentisabridgethaturgentlyneeds tobeconstructed.
Esimperativoquelas comunidadesnegras incidanenlosmercados financierosdesdelugares depoder,diseñode herramientasydecisión.

Forherpart,SilvanaBahíareflectedontheconceptof“ancestral intelligence”asaguideforbuildingamorehumaneand sustainabletechnology. Similarly,TaísOliveirahighlightedthe potentialofartificialintelligencetosolvespecificproblemsaffecting Afro-descendants,suchasworkingonmodelsforthepreventionof naturaldisasters,proposingsystemsthatsummarizekey informationandmakingitaccessibletocommunitieswith substandardconnectivity. it is very important to initiate technological training processes from an early age, ensuring that Afro communities not only be consumers of technology, but also participate in its creation. This approach was complemented by ManuelaGuerra,whoemphasizedthat

AFROINNOVATECHalsoincludedthe participationandreflectionof DIGITALDIÁSPORA,thefirst
community of Afro-Colombian professionals in the technology sector. Their trajectories, experiences and ideas materialize the development and use of technology for inclusion and the construction of racial and gender equity in the country, in addition in addition to positioning new ethnic references in the nationalnarrative.
The second installment of the laboratory was structured around twomainaxes:theContentsandCapacitiesRoundtableandthe Emancipating Technologies Roundtable. The first dealt with issues related to education, knowledge and technological inclusion, while the second discussed the digital economy and the design of tools and platforms that respond to the specific needs of Afro communities. Implicit in the idea of this distribution was the need to establish what we should know and do in relation to technology with the notion of changing algorithmsandgeneratingdevelopment.
AtthistableDorcas,Andres,Jimmy,KleverandSilvana,explored thefollowingproposals:
- Hack-a-thons: Organize hack-a-thons motivated by concreteneeds,linkedtorealdemandsofcommunitiesor private companies, creating the possibility to generate applicable,sustainableandmeaningfulsolutions.
- Infrastructure and pedagogy: Create physical and virtual spaces for technological training, replicating successfulmodelssuchasLakeHubinKenya.
- Knowledge exchanges: Facilitate exchange programs between countries to promote joint learning, understanding that this optimizes knowledge for solving similarproblemsinothercountries.
- Interaction platform: Design a social network that connects young people trained in technology with companiesandjobopportunities.

Right as AFROINNOVA Future Labs was taking place in Quibdó, Chocó, the power went out. In this region of the country, the instability of electrical grids and/or internet connectivity has left it incommunicado for weeks at a time.

TheChocóRoboticsSchoolhasbeenoneofthemostimportant partnersoftheValledelnaidíandManosVisibles.Itisan initiativethatwehaveaccompaniedfornearlyeightyears fromourcommunityinnovationschoolsandtheprogramfor strengtheninggrassrootsorganizations,MINGALAB.Ithas beenourpartnersinceourfirstinitiativesinthelineof technology,suchasInnovationGirlsandRedPacifico4.0.In AFROINNOVATechwasoneofthevenuesofthelaboratories andthedesignofitsimmersiveexperienceinvirtualreality allowedexpertsandguestsofournetwork,tohavea first-personexperience ofwhatitmeanstobeinaBlack SmartCity.
Thisteam,ledbyPaulaMorenoandformedbyTarcízio,Manuela, Taís, César and Helen, proposed that in order to achieve a technology that works in favor of equality and sustainability of Afropeoples,itisimportanttotakethefollowingintoaccount:
- Ancestralintelligence: rescuingtraditionalknowledgeand applying it to contemporary technological solutions. Knowledgeofnaturalandtraditionalculturalpracticescan be reinvented with technological tools to attend to current issues.
- Technologicaleducation: Implementtrainingprogramsin the use of artificial intelligence and digital tools from an earlyage.
- AIforremoteterritories: Designlocaldatabasesthatfeed artificial intelligence with relevant and culturally appropriate information. Much of the information and knowledge accumulated by our people is logged in their collective memory, is transmitted orally and is not easily accessed. Using technology to make this data accessible canenhancecommunitydevelopment.
- Solutions for rurality: Develop inclusive technologies that benefit poorly connected rural communities and promote racialjustice.
The lab made it clear that technology must be a transformative tool that responds to the needs and priorities of our Afro communities. To this end, three key areas of action were identified: (1) the creation of digital platforms that connect talents and resources, (2) the design of sustainable hack-a-thons based on concrete problems, and (3) the strengthening of technology education to develop skills from an early age. These initiatives seek to close access gaps, promote active representation and ensure that as technology consumers, wealsobecomeleadersinitscreation.
The importance of promoting inclusive public policies that promote racial equity and access to ethical and contextualized technologies was also highlighted. Within this framework, international collaboration was presented as a strategic opportunity to learn from other contexts, build alliances and strengthenglobalnetworks.
Thefocusonourancestralintelligenceswasalsohighlightedasa valuable guide for technological innovation, allowing the integration of traditional knowledge with modern tools to solve currentissues.Theseactionsrepresentasteptowardsamorejust andequitablefuture,whereourcommunitiesareprotagonists in the design of inclusive technologies that transform lives and strengthenourcollectiveautonomy.

Inthisspacewereflectedonthechallengesandopportunitiesof digital entrepreneurship in our Afro communities. From the beginning, a central question was posed: What are Afro communities doing today in terms of digital entrepreneurshipandhowdoweensurethatthese initiatives belong to us? This exercise sought to diagnose and chart a concrete path towards strengthening our participation in the digitaleconomy.
A collective analysis of our capabilities and potential in the context of entrepreneurship was addressed. Diego Rodríguez emphasizedtheimportanceofidentifyingwhoweare,whatwe excel at and how our skills can be positioned in competitive markets.InvestingintheColombianPacificisstill perceivedasa high-risk venture for many. For Diego, this perception can be transformedintoanopportunitythroughstrategiesthatbalance riskwithhighprofitabilityandtransparencyofinformation,since the lack of structured and reliable data on the market and Afro entrepreneurs generates instability and distrust among investors, making it difficult to make informed decisions, the basisofanysoundeconomy.
InColombia,thestatisticalinvisibilityofAfroentrepreneurshas been a historical problem. Since 1945, the ethnicity of entrepreneurs has not been surveyed, preventing the development of specific solutions and the design of inclusive publicpolicies.Onlyrecentlyhavethesedatacollectionexercises been resumed, a fundamental step to document processes, to map opportunities and to reveal the contributions of Afro-descendantcommunitiesinthenationaleconomy.
Along these lines, Yeison García highlighted the key role of team buildingintheconstructionofstrategicconnections,especiallyto attractfinancing.KarenSantosproposedamodelbasedonclear foundations to introduce a product into the markets: supply, customers, channels, monetization, resources and strategic alliances. She stressed that technology could help us close structural gaps, as has been demonstrated by initiatives such as the Afro banks in Brazil, which support financial education and thecreativeeconomy.
Natalia Garrido shared her experience in the management of Negro Fest, a festival that attracted the attention of large investors by aligning success indicators with the objectives of those who finance them. The strategic use of technology allowed the festival to exceed expectations, expanding its reach beyond theregionallevel.
Thedifferentstrategiesthatwillmakeitpossibletoarticulatethe needs of the real economy with the technological tools available were discussed. Divided into two groups, the participants identifiedconcretestrategiestomeetthosechallenges.
Thefirstgroup,ledbyYeison,Karen,Natalia,DiegoB.andJesús, proposed a three-step strategy to align Afro-enterprises with a futureagenda:
- Training: Programs that generate visibility and align ventureswithlong-termobjectives.
- Standardization: More accessible and competitive productsinlocalandinternationalmarkets.
- Global platform: A digital space that connects the Afro-diaspora,promotingrelationshipswithinvestorsand internationalmarkets.
The second group, formed by Diego R., Luis, Alexander and Verónica focused their attention on the creation of a Pacific InvestmentFund(PIF) .Thisfundwouldhaveaspecificfocuson strategic sectors such as gastronomy, green tourism and renewableenergies.Theideaistodesignamodelthattakesinto account the local needs and generates confidence in internationalinvestors.
Bothgroupsagreedthat,althoughitisnotfeasibletoproduce newtechnologiesintheshortterm,itispossibletoadaptand take advantage of existing technologies to build solid foundationstopromoteourenterprises.
The laboratory showed that digital entrepreneurship can be a powerful tool to transform our realities. However, this path requiresadeeperunderstandingofourstrengthsandastrategic visionthatintegratestechnologywithourneedsandcontexts.
To achieve this, it is essential to prioritize financial and technological education, not only to equip future entrepreneurs with practical tools, but also to foster their responsiveness to marketchallenges.

Furthermore, the creation of digital platforms and dedicated investment funds can catalyze the economic growth of our communities, enabling greater representation and autonomy in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
It is also vital to develop metrics that support decision-making andshowthepotentialofprojectsintheregion.
Afro-descendant entrepreneurship should not only focus on surviving, but also on leading, demonstrating that our skills and knowledge are fundamental in the digital era.
This laboratory marks a significant step towards that goal, making a commitment to a future in which our communities participate in and lead an economic and technological transformation.
The lab concluded with a clear proposal: the development of an entrepreneurship ecosystem that combines reliable and up-to-date data, inclusive financial strategies and a vision of sustainability.ThecreationofthePacificInvestmentFundnotonly represents a tool to finance projects, but also an opportunity to connect the region's cultural and natural wealth with global markets.
WithintheframeworkofAFROINNOVATech2024,avisitwas made to the Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó (UTCH), an institution that highlighted its strategic role in the technological development of the region. The meeting was attended by members of the event, such as Judith Morrison, Paula Moreno and Helen Johana Cuero, together with representatives of the UTCH, including Samir Córdoba Machado, Vice Rector of Research, and Jhonatan Córdoba Rodríguez, Head of the Systems Office. UTCH presented its advances in technology, including artificial intelligence, robotics and telemetry projects all aimed at strengthening secondary educationinQuibdó.
JudithMorrisonhighlightedtheimportanceoftheseprojectsto improve basic education and suggested exploring exchanges withHistoricallyBlackCollegesandUniversities(HBCUs)inthe United States to help fortify local capacities. Helen Cuero proposedcreatingatechnologicalplatformtoreportsituations of violence, demonstrating how technology can address social problems.
Key challenges were discussed, such as accelerating technological development in Chocó and optimizing human andtechnicalresources.Inaddition,UTCH'scollaborationwith national and international universities, such as the National UniversityandseveralinstitutionsinSpain,washighlighted.
UTCH has the potential to lead technological changes in Chocó through educational projects, digital platforms and strategic alliances. With a clear focus, it can become a benchmark for innovation that connects local needs with globalsolutions, directlybenefitingtheChocócommunity.
ThelasttwodaysofAFROINNOVATech24tookparticipantstoMedellín.Knownasthe CityofEternalSpring,MedellinishometoalargeAfro-descendantpopulationandon three occasions over the last fifteen years, the city has been recognized as the most innovative city in the world. This is a reality that has been made possible due to its technological commitment to generate well-being for its citizens. This city is a university destination par excellence for young Afro-descendants from the North Pacificandisalsoaspaceforprofessional developmentformanyofthem.

TheBotanicalGardenofMedellinreceivedthe membersofAFROINNOVAandprovidedthemwith theopportunitytohaveatransformativeexperience that,farfrombeingasimplecontinuationofthe discussionsinitiatedinQuibdó,openednewpathsof reflectionandactioninfavoroftheAfro communitiesofLatinAmerica. Therewasastrong focusontechnology,educationandsustainability duringthisexperience. Andundertheleadershipof PaulaMoreno,thismeetingstoodoutbecausethe attendeeswereabletoarticulateconcreteproposals thatconnectedpersonalintrospectionwithcollective construction,placinghumanbeingsandtheirstories atthecenterofsocialchange.
In Medellín, the reflections revolved around themes that had been mentioned in Quibdó. In Medellin sessions, the reflections achieved greater depth and focus thanks to the methodology implemented. Up to that point, priority had been given to the valuation of identity and cultural memory. At this stage, the focus turned to how these identities can be a catalysts for social andtechnological innovation.Anotableexamplewasthe“key” dynamic, a methodology that allowed participants to identify specific challenges and propose concrete solutions, symbolizing theopeningofnewopportunities.
This exercise not only facilitated the generation of practical ideas, but also fostered a sense of interconnectedness and collective responsibility among attendees. The role of technology was also highlighted as a transversal axis in all areas of development of Afro communities. Recognizing its potential to bridge gaps, specific proposals were presented, such as the creation of a Brazilian-Colombian School of Technology that aims to consolidate an educational platform that fosters digital skills in Afro-descendant communities. In addition,discussionsonalgorithmsanddigitaltoolstookona new dimension, linking with the need to generate wealth and improvethequalityoflifeintheterritories.

Thepanelists'interventionsalsounderscoredtheimportanceof personal stories as drivers of change. Diego Rodríguez, for example, inspired everyone with his experience of moving from Guapi,Cauca,totheFintechworld,demonstratingthateconomic empowerment can go hand in hand with social justice. Similarly, Taís Oliveira broadened perspectives by connecting his experience in Brazil with a deep commitment to education and human rights, highlighting how stories of resistance can also become stories of innovation. In this context, Dorcas Owinoh emphasized how LakeHub can become a replicable model for addressingstructuralinequalities.
These types of initiatives reinforce the value of placing technological solutions at the service of people’s needs and contexts.Theyalsohighlightthestrengthandconvictionrequired to achieve sustained and growing impacts with them. While partnerships, communications, and funding sources are vital for these types of projects, turning them into success stories requires leadership with firm determination, a desire to serve, and conceptual clarity to drive forward initiatives that truly generate changeincommunities.
Another key contribution was the recognition that economic sustainabilityshouldnotbeatoddswiththeprinciplesofsocial justice.Theparticipants'interventionshighlightedtheimportance of building sustainable investment funds and creating virtual marketplacestoconnectAfroentrepreneurswith global consumers. These proposals, beyond their economic viability, also invite us to rethink the traditional narrative that oftenlimitstheeconomicdevelopmentofourBlack communities.
The conversation allowed us to visualize how interregional connectionscanbeamechanismfortransformation.Theideaof consolidating an exchange between Latin America and Africa was reaffirmed as a strategic focal point to share knowledge and strengthen the solidarity between communities facing similar challenges. This approach connects economic diversificationwiththevalorizationofculturalidentitiesandthe exchangeofsuccessfulexperiences.
The first day in Medellin resulted in strategic proposals for transforming Afro communities through technology. In education, the design of specialized content in algorithms, technologies and the Portuguese language was proposed, as well as the creation of a Brazilian-Colombian School of Technology that responds to common interests with advanced programs.
In the area of finance and innovation, the need for a Pacific InvestmentFundfocusedonprojectssuchastourism,renewable energies and Afro entrepreneurship, supported by accurate and updated data to generate confidence in the markets, was highlighted.TheimportanceofconnectinglocalPacificproducers with national and international consumers through strategies that include both physical and virtual spaces to make their productsvisiblewasstressed.
Finally, it was proposed to consolidate platforms that bring together research and success stories, fostering networks of cooperation between Latin America and Africa that promote digitalinclusionthatempowersentrepreneursofAfricandescent.
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“Technology helps us connect and create bonds of friendship.”

Seeds of change that sprout into the future.

“It's a tool to turn our dreams into solutions.”
The final day of AFROINNOVA consolidated learning and strategies that unite technology,educationandpoliticalleadershiptobenefitourcommunities.Thechoice of Medellin as the venue was especially symbolic: this city, known for its urban and socialtransformation,servedasanexampleofhowinnovationcanrestitchsocial fabrics and open pathways to development. A particularly poignant moment of the final day was the meeting with the Naidí Girls, who shared reflections on how technology has impacted their lives. These 11 girls and adolescents are part of the technologicalmovementthathasnearly300participantsinthecityandis creating an ecosystem of innovation and technology led by girls and women of all ethnicitiesthroughoutMedellin.
Código C13 , founded by “El Capi,” seeks to empower young peoplethroughtechnology.Thisschool-companyhasgraduated more than 55 young people in programming and data management,with15ofthemalreadyparticipatinginthelabor market. Its comprehensive approach includes psychological support and specialized tutors and has enabled not only technical training, but also the personal empowerment of its students. For more than two decades, Son Batá has been building a “cultural palenque” that promotes Afro identity and giveschildrenandyoungpeoplealternativestoviolencethrough art. These projects illustrated how art and technology, when conceptualized from a community approach, can transform adverserealities.
From this inspiring framework, participants organized themselves into thematic working groups to address four key areas: education, exchanges, innovation and investment funds. Each team developed concrete proposals that connect local actionswithglobalstrategies,reinforcingtheideathatcommon challengesrequirecollaborativeandtransnationalsolutions.
Intheareaofeducation ,thecreationofaninstitutionalmapto align educational curricula with the skills required by the technologicallabormarketwasdiscussed.Theneedtoestablish alliances between robotics and technology schools in Colombia and Brazil was also put on the table, as well as the need to design preparatory courses to facilitate access to master's and doctoralprograms.Thisgroupproposedasanimmediateaction the sending of a preliminary document and the planning of a meeting in January to define key interlocutors. The exchange group focused on two main areas: technical training and politicaltraining.
Ontheonehand,thedesignofjointtechnicalprogramsbetween organizations such as Código C13 and Manos Visibles was proposed.
On the other hand, a political agenda was proposed to promote ethnic leadership and generate advocacy with governments and companies. Among the most outstanding ideas was the creation of a binational Colombian-Brazilian school and a political advocacy laboratorytotrainAfroleadersincriticalandtechnical skills.
In the area of innovation and business , the importance of learningfromsuccessfulexperiencesinAfrica,suchasLakeHub in Kenya, and connecting these initiatives with technological communities in Colombia was highlighted. The possibility of designing concrete projects to attract international philanthropy was also discussed, as well as strengthening exchanges between leaders from Quibdó, Buenaventura and Afro communities in Brazil. This group stressed the need to promote small businesses withastructuralimpactthatcantransformthelocaleconomy.
Finally, the investment funds group proposed a two-phase strategy.Intheshortterm,prioritywasgiventoimprovinginternet connectivity,strengtheninghospitalinfrastructureandpromoting sustainable Afro-enterprises through impact credit lines. In the midterm, the need to promote sustainable agriculture, ethnic tourism,highereducationandrenewableenergywashighlighted.
One of its most ambitious proposals was the creation of a self-sustainable fund to eliminate investment barriers and empower communities. In addition, the creation of a financial schooltotrainleadersinresourcemanagementwasproposed.

The Naidí Girls are part of the movement of ethnic girls and women that is consolidating the Flor Púrpura Corporation in Medellín, a space of empowerment and transformation for women in the city of Afro-descent. Through different lines of attention, Flor Púrpura challenges,educatesandmakesconcepts,practicesand referents on racial and gender equity visible in the challengingcontextofthecity’sneighborhoods
Its work is focused on transforming the conditions of inequality that Afro women experience in the city today, through training and accompaniment on issuesofidentity,politicalawareness,leadershipand technology. This creates a protective environment and a window of new references for Afro-descendantsinthecity.
The closing session was marked by a collective reflection that highlighted the need to articulate technology, education, cultureandpoliticalleadershiptogeneratelastingimpacts.
Onthegathering’sfinalday,AFROINNOVAdemonstratedthat technology is not just a tool, but a bridge to new opportunities. Projects such as Código C13 and Son Batá reaffirmed that success is not only measured in employment figures or the number of graduates, but in the ability to transform lives and inspireothers.Inaddition,theconnectionsestablishedbetween Colombia, Brazil and Africa laid the groundwork for collaborativeworkthattranscendsborders.
ThemeetinginMedellinculminatedinatangiblecommitment to action. The ideas generated will be both documented and transformed into concrete strategies that can be implemented inthecomingmonths.Fromthecreationofdigitalplatformsto the articulation of knowledge networks, AFROINNOVA reaffirms its position as a space that transcends theoretical reflectionstobecomeacatalystforrealchange.
ThiseventconsolidatedthelessonslearnedinQuibdóandtook them a step further, bringing new perspectives, methodologies and commitments for social transformation. In a world where equity and inclusion are more necessary than ever, AFROINNOVA represents a light of hope and action for Afro communities.
With this final session, AFROINNOVA brought a monumental event to a close while also sowing the seeds for a more inclusive, equitable future full of possibilities for Afro-descendantcommunities.
Closing and Future Projections: Technology and Community for SustainableDevelopment
AFROINNOVA Tech 24 closed with a clear and urgent invitation: to transform the potential of our Afro communities into concrete actionsthatwillallowustodecisivelyinfluencetheconstructionofa more inclusive, equitable and connected tomorrow. This event was not only a space of togetherness and inspiration, but also a call to consolidate a joint agenda in which technology, education and culturefunctionasenginesofdevelopmentforourterritories.
Quibdó, with its vibrant and resilient strength, was the perfect starting point. Its transformation from the first version of AFROINNOVA in 2017 until today is a symbol of what is possible when collective efforts are articulated. Here, the combination of ancestral knowledge and emerging technologies offers a viable route to close historical gaps. The tours of the Atrato River, the exchange of experiences with local leaders and the reflections shared during each session demonstrated that change is a daily construction that starts with the recognition of our capabilities and thepowerofcollectivity.
Medellin, for its part, provided a tangible vision of the future, showinghowcitiescanberebuiltthroughinnovation.Initiativessuch asCódigoC13 andSonBatá showedthattechnologyandart,when approachedfromacommunityperspective,canbepowerfultoolsto break cycles of violence and generate economic opportunities. The voicesoftheNaidíGirls,fullofhopeandcreativity,remindedusthat thenewgenerationsarekeytoleadingthischange.
Deding The ture
The work carried out by the thematic groups during the workshopsinMedellinandQuibdóoutlinedaclearroadmapto advance in the consolidation of an inclusive technological ecosystem. Among the main conclusions and future projections,thefollowingstandsout:
Education as the basis for change: The need to create an educational map that identifies curricula and skills that the technology market demands. Binational alliances between Colombia and Brazil and training programs in robotics and artificial intelligence will help close educational gaps and prepare young people for thechallengesofthefuture.
Global exchanges and networks: The creation of a binational Colombian-Brazilian school of technology and the promotion of exchange programs will connect talents, knowledge and successful experiences among Afro communities in Latin America and Africa. These partnerships will strengthen collective capacities and expandeconomicopportunities.
Innovation with social impact: Successful models such as LakeHub in Kenya and local experiences in Quibdó and Buenaventura underscore the importance of connecting technology with practical solutions. International philanthropy, accompanied by concrete projects, can be a key source for the development of small businesses with a structural impact on local economies.
Sustainable investment funds: The creation of a self-sustaining fund for Black communities projects is a priority. A phased scheme is envisioned to promote connectivityandbasicinfrastructureintheshortterm,andin the medium term to promote sectors such as ethnic tourism, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. Financial literacy training will be key to ensuring the success of these strategies.
Afro-centered technologies: Technology must be designed and used from an Afro-centered perspective, prioritizing the culturalandsocialneedsofourcommunities. Proposalssuch as the creation of Black Smart Cities or the rescue of ancestral knowledge applied to digital tools redefine technology as an emancipatory tool and not merely a productiveone.
The closing of AFROINNOVA Tech 24 reaffirms that the path towardssustainabledevelopmentofAfro-descendantcommunities requiresacontinuouscommitmenttoactionandcollaboration. The consolidation of digital platforms, global networks and investment funds is only the beginning of a process in which technology becomes a vehicle to transform realities and close the gaps that havehistoricallymarginalizedourcommunities.
Thefutureagendashouldfocusongeneratingmeasurableand sustainable impacts. The strategic meetings scheduled for January will allow us to give continuity to the proposals put forth,evaluatingtheirviabilityandimplementation.Atthesame time, it is essential to strengthen international cooperation and knowledge sharing between Africa, Latin America and the Afro-descendant diaspora, understanding that, like our strugglesandchallenges,oursolutionscanalsobeshared.
The seeds of a future have been sown in which innovation and technology rise from the communities to transform them. The task now is to nurture these seeds with will, action and a clear vision of the future.

ManosVisiblesCorporation www.manosvisibles.org
afroinnova@manosvisibles.org +576013838108
