Water Utilities Staff Brad Blan and Ernesto Estrada man the hydration station during a and station a 100-Hours of Play event
| mansfield quarterly 2 CONTENTS Building Safety .......................4 Communications & Outreach ...........6 Cultural Arts .........................9 Economic Development...............11 Historic Downtown Mansfield .........12 Historical Services ...................13 Intern Corner .......................16 Mansfield Public Library ..............17 Parks & Recreation ...................20 Planning & Zoning ...................25 Public Works........................28 Regulatory Compliance ...............31 Special Events ......................34 Visit Mansfield ......................36 Water Utilities ......................38
Tr ue N
The City of Mansfield's GUIDING PRINCIPLES
Noteworthy Essentials
The City of Mansfield will continue to deliver high-quality essential services to its residents, businesses and visitors.
Organizational Excellence
The City of Mansfield will foster a healthy environment for its own employees to maximize productivity, boost morale, attract high-quality candidates and establish itself as a destination employer.
Remarkable Experiences
The City of Mansfield will find creative and innovative ways to provide its residents, businesses and visitors with world-class amenities and experiences –above and beyond essential functions and services.
Together As One
The City of Mansfield will remain a close-knit community as growth continues. The City of Mansfield will provide world-class social infrastructure and opportunities for all its residents to connect and enjoy remarkable experiences together.
Healthy Economy
Notewo The its resid Organiz The to maxim establish Remark The resident above a Togeth The continu opp experien The
The City of Mansfield will support and strengthen its economy in all strategic decision-making and will leverage its assets to preserve its economic vitality.
3 mansfield quarterly |
The Building Safety Department promotes construction methods that provide for the safety of occupants and are consistent with adopted best practices adopted by other municipalities in this area. We strive to assist applicants and citizens with construction projects using an efficient and professional approach. We process permit applications, conduct plan review, and complete field inspections according to the 2018 International Code Council construction guidelines adopted by our city council.
Spotlight on New Staff:
Stephanie Flores and Kurt Kasson and are both experienced and certified municipal inspectors. Stephanie is studying for her residential electrical inspector designation and is focused on residential communities. Kurt is keeping his skills as a commercial building inspector in practice with the wide variety of new developments we have in the city. Both have a wealth of talent and experiences that they bring to the team.
Building Safety Activity
April 1 to June 30
Inspected and Completed
104 S S. Wistterria - M Mannssfifieeld Libraary E Expannsion
2 267 N N. SH 3 360 - Cleeaarssky Rehhabbilitaation Hosppital
2 2731 FM 1 1557 7 - Jaavva Lounge Caafé é
7 799 W W. Brrooaad Streeet - McCCllenndoon n P Park West
2 252 G Garreettson - Citty paark new restrroooms a and splaash pad
2 2501 1 E Broaad S Sttreeet t - Connvvennieennce e s store (7-111)
4 490 Herittaagge – Hawwaaiiian F Faalls d deeck k e expaansion
Approved and Under
3 311 W Watsoon Braannch - A Aparrttmmennts
2 2000 Nahvvi Rooaad - Aparttmmeent t C Complex
6 620 Justicce e Lanne e - Muulti-TTeennannt O Officce Waareehouuse
2 2815 5 Sage B Brussh - V Viieew at thhe R Reseerve A Ammenitty C Ceenntter
4 4451 1 E Broad S Sttreeet t - Sheell Offficce e B Buildding
10011 Matlock Road- Meddical l officce e / Drr. T Thurmmond
75 Regency Paarkwaay y - Offfice e Warreehoousse Shell B Building
10000 N Main n S St - Mouuser Expannsioon
301 N US 2887- Animmal hoosspital exxpansion
14465 N US 287 7 - Reettail Shheell
8 803 2 2nnd Avee. – Meetaal Inndduusstrial s shhell b buildinngs
16670 E Broaad St - HEB B Siite Devveelopmment
15500 S 2nd d Avve. - UCS offificce
| mansfield quarterly 4
101 R Regency y Parrkkwaay – Addditioon M Mastteer Meeteer
1601 Herittaagge Paarkwwaay - Police e C Complex
2 2501 1 N W Waalnut Creeek k – Meddicaal O Officce
5 507 E E. Brooaad d St. - Offificce e
4 406 & 408 A Alvarado o - Multi- F Fammily
6 601 S S. Main St – Farrmmers Innssuranncce O Officce
2 200 C Carlin n Road – S Sheell Builddinng O Officce
6 600 2 2nd A Avee. – Commpreessed A Air S Systems e exxppansioon
1660 0 E Brrooaad St – Reetaail Shell
1670 E Brrooaad St t – HEB Grooccery
1925 US 287 7 – F Flooor r & D Décoor
2 2301 1 E Brrooaad St t – R Reettaail Shheell B Building
8 812 S S. 5th Avve-DDon n Leee e Farrmms s Exp panssiion
17701 Founnttainvieew w - Offifice
2 221 A Airporrt t D Dr - B BCB W Warehhoouse
2 200 C Carlin n - Offificce
FY 22-23 Q3
Received, performed plan review, and issued over 1,604 permits which included:
New Single-Family Homes
New Commercial
Addittions, remodels, etc.
3 3750 0 Natioonal Paarrkway y – Golf f Couursse R Restrrooom Faacility
1011 North h St. - Liivinng H Hope Bibble C Churrcch exxppaansioon n
4 416 N US 287 – Flix B Brreewwhouse annd d M Moviie Theatter
121 W Debbie Lane # #11331 1 – Craave e Hoot D Dogs s & BBBQ Q
1971 US 2887 #121 1 – Chhaarrley’s s Phhilly y S Steakks
Currently in Review:
2 210 S Smith St t Multi-Faamily
1320 S. US S 287 -- Meeddiiccal buuildding g a and l leease s space
2 2301 E. Brooad Stt. – 2 r reetail buuilddinggs s
6 600 S S. 2nd d Ave – Coommppressseed Air S Systems W Warrehoouuse
Other / Miscellaneous
Cert. of Occupancy
Single-trade permits
Garage sale permits
8 845 S S. Hollannd Rooad – 3 buildding g addittiions
9 961 W W. Debbbie Laanne – Shhell buuilddinng
1016 Magnollia – R Rennoovvations M Manssfield ISD
9 990 N N. US S 2887 # #1124 Heeaarth C Café é e expannsion
2 209 S S. Main St – V Verracruuz Café addittiion
1520 E Deebbbbie Laane # #11002 – Misster O O’s s p pizza a remoodel
17715 E Brooaad St – Addd d e electrrical
1. Providded custoommer service to o over 3,7780 0 p phone, e-mmailss, and waalk-in inquirries (averaagge 60/day)
2. Proceessed and u updaated pluummbing, meechhannical, and electrical l contracttoor registraatiionss; ensurring requuireed liccenses arre on file with the city thhrough an annnual regiisttration prroccesss.
3. Colleeccted over $3,535,671 in fees.
4. Resppoonded to ovver 60 opeen record d reequests. (3-5 p per w week on averaagge)
5. Condduucted oveer r 11,622 builldiing, mechhaaniccal, electtriical, p plummbing, and certificate of occcupanccy inspecctioons.
5 mansfield quarterly |
126 32 332 120 125 566 403
The Communications and Outreach (C&O) team creates and delivers both internal and external communications for the City of Mansfield to maintain transparency and engagement with its residents. This department also oversees the website, social media and media relations on behalf of the City. Additionally, this team is responsible for creating engagement opportunities through events like the annual Realtor Breakfast, My Mansfield Muni-Versity and the Mansfield Volunteer Program.
S Sprinng spranng f foor thhe e C Commuunic cations & O Outreeaach h (CC&&O) teaam a and h has b beeeen buzzing with activvitty.
F From m prommooting Music c Alley and d the M Mansfifieeld Junetteeeennth
C Celebbratioon to coonttinnuuiing eduucaatiion innitiaatives foor thhe e saalees tax e electiion, C C&O has b beeen fuully y ennggaged. Heeaar m more e aboouut t what sttaafff has a acccomp plishheed thhis passt quuartteer.
A timmely neew w Summer H Heat Saffety y series has hit our soccial channneels feeaturing m meethoodds to beeat thhe heat t safely y as w we head intto o our hootteest t m months C Chheeck it out by y scannning thhe e Q QR coode below.
A Amidsst incrreeassing teemppeerrattures, staaff foound the oppportuunnity to o innject somme coool fuun innto theeir sociaal meedia s strateeggy, ussing creativve possts to apprecciaatte e empployyees on o occassiions likke Fathheer’s D Daay y a and f foocuus o on g growiinng the C City’s Innstaaggraam m audienncee.
Staff continues to produce content like the Cup of Joe series, a monthly coffee chat between City Manager Joe Smolinski and city employees. This series has become one of the city’s most watched youtube series.
Facebook Followers 25,979 (+400) Instagram Followers 1,218 (+90)
Nextdoor Members 33,039 (+217) Linkedin Followers 911 (+95) | mansfield quarterly 6
The relaunch of the city e-newsletter garnered an impressive opening rate of over 60%, signifying a strong engagement from recipients.
7 mansfield quarterly |
C&O welcomed city volunteers to the Shelly D. Lanners Administrative Offices for a celebratory event in May. This casual affair treated volunteers to a meal, music, and some giveaway goodies as a small token of appreciation for all they give back to the community.
C&&O hosted its seconnd annual joint Realtorss’ Breaakffast with t the Mannsfield Indeependent School Dissttrict. While frreee, this e evennt reaached cappacity welcomming oveer 2000 area reealtors to leeaarn more aboout t what the e city offers its reesidents T Thannk you to Methoddist Mansfield Meedical Centeer for sponsoring this brreeakfasst
Toop p Posstts b by y Reacch
A Apprril 1 t to June 30 0
Cooolinng Centteer r – 18 2k k
B Billy R Ray y – 1 16k
Mansfielld Interrnnsshhip – 155.33k
R Realttor Brreeakffaasst t – 1 199.99k
M Maansfifield d Roocks s Ticckket Saales – 12.4k
Weebsite - MaansfifieelddTexass.GGov
•TTootal Webssitte Vieewws – 4633k
•TToottal Userrs s – 1355k
Toop Paggees by Viewws
1 1) Homeepaage – 644k k viewws
2 2) Calendaar – 41k k viieews
Thhe quarteer r rounded out w with memmbeers of t the coommunicatioonns teaam attendding the annual Texas Assoocciatioon of Muunicipal Innformmation Officeers s Connferennce Alongside t their commmitmeent to enhancing c commmmunnication w witth Maansfieeld reesideents, the team achieveed notable reecoognitioon Maanssfield was honorred with t the Awward of Honor in twwo cattegories: Sppecial P Publicatioon for the M Manssfield Juneteenth bannner project a and in Issue--Sppecific Weebssite e for the Maansfieeld2022.ccom boond electtion websitee.
3 3) S Seearch h – 277k k viieewws
4 4) Job O Opppporttuunitiiees – 2 211k viewws
5 5) L Liibrarry y – 188k k vieewws
C&O also kicked off presentations of the President’s Volunteer Service Award for 2022 recipients by presenting the City Council with their 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award.
| mansfield quarterly 8
M Music Alley
C Cultural Arts and Special Events plaanned Muusic Alley annd supplied d the evennt w with numeroous hands on and uniqque activitiies s incluudinng p painting, Holi Powder photo ops, and an e entirely uniquue form of art called “Tapigami” with h the creator of the teechnique o on handd.
T The LOT Dowwntown
W With the acquisition of The LOT Doowntowwn, Cultural Arts began p programmming g at the venuue. It serrved as the Music Alley main sttagee, w was the site of f the Juneteenth Celeebrationn, h hosted two o private evvents, and is the home of f the newwly launched Mansfield Faarm & C Cottage Markkeet every Saturday morning.
9 mansfield quarterly |
A Artist Showcasse
Thhe annual artist t shoowcase e took plaacce on Aprril 27 a at thhe Dr. Jim Vaszzauskas Centter for thhe Peerfoorming Artts in coordinnatioon with h the eleemmentary and midddle scchool art showccasee. Siix loocal arttists held hannds-on d demoonsstrrattions witth huundrredds of loocal schhool children and t their familiees s
G Grants and Schoollarsships
Thhis quaarrter, we awwardded $111,9985.99 in n graants and s schoolarshhips to 11 1 individduals and organizatioonns: Aimminng g Up Theatteer Coompaanyy, Been Baarber High Schooool Orchestrra, , Elizabeeth S Smith Elemenntary Schoool, Ceeleste F Farias-Bussttos, , Vanay y Calderon, Ian n Miller, Micah Millerr, Reebekah Peralez, Aiannya Mitcchhell, Seeyeed Emam annd d Nooora Emmam
Farr Best Theatre
The theater had 78 days of use this quarter with 30 public events and two private events.
| mansfield quarterly 10
The Mansfield Economic Development Corporation’s (MEDC) mission is to increase the City of Mansfield’s tax base by attracting desirable new development to the community and assisting with the retention and expansion of existing businesses. MEDC engages in a variety of marketing initiatives to attract new businesses and works with existing businesses to help them grow and expand
T The LinQ Q
M Manssfield is parttnnereed w with Texxas s A A&M Engineeerinng Exxperimeennt S Statioon on n develloopinng a govveernnanncce strucctture a and woorkfoorrcce e devveeloopm ment stratteggy foor r thhe L LinQ,
M Manssfield’s s future e innnnoovvation c corriddor O Our Key Immpplemennttattion n p partnners meet m moontthhlyy. We h havve d diverrsse reppreesennttatioon n of edducationnal a and industry y leadders s B By y idenntiffyinng g o our k key arreeas for woorkffoorce d devvellopm ment initiaativves and prroogramms, futuure e w workkfforce e pipelinnes and straatteggic c p partnnershiippss, we e are e laying t thhe foounddation to build a s suuccesssfuul annd sustainable e i innoovvatioon n corriddorr.
O Our m missioon is to deeveloop a d dynnammic w workkfforce e in n the e DFW--MManssfifieeld reegion whheere innovaattivve proobbleem solvers collaboraatte t to brring new w iddeas, disccoovverieess, annd d p produuctts to the m markeet t that c creaate e a heaallthy e econnoomy.
M Manssfield also reecenntly y joineed a global neetwwork k of innnnoovatiioon d distriiccts caalleed Thhe Globbal Innstitutte o on Innnovaattioon D Districttss, wheerre we e m meet t with other r i innovvation disstrictts a all ovver the world to s shhaare iddeaas. Our r taarget induusttries s f for the e LinQ Q inncludde e a advannced manufaactuurring, deefense, b biotechnology, innforrmation tecchnnoloogy, corpooraate s seerviicees
W We believe we a are o on n thhe rigght t tracck to o buuilding a an innnnovvatiioon disstrict that attracctts dynnaamic industtrry and d w workkfforcee.
MEDC sponsored a BisNow Future of Healthcare event in DFW where we promoted The LinQ and networked with leaders in the biotech industry.
MEDC spoke on a panel at the Global Silicon Valley Summit at Southern Methodist University on the future of strategically funding innovation and growth.
11 mansfield quarterly |
H Historic Downntown held many e evvennts in thhe thhird quuaartter innccluddinng g weekkly farmmeers m markeets, the e Mansfield Juunneeteenntth Celleb bratioon, the e Beest Litttle Frreee Mussic & A Arts s F Fest in Texaass, Music c Alleyy, a and moree! I In A April, Historriic Dowwnntowwn n spponsoored d thhe e D Downntown Maansfield E Eastteer Egg g Sttroll.
Historic Downtown awarded a facade improvement grant to BCB Live for 115 N Main Street.
The company completed its renovations and façade improvements and the space that was once a karate studio is now converted into a state-of-the-art podcast studio with a new beautiful exterior.
| mansfield quarterly 12
Texas Association of Museums Conference
On April 23-26, two museum staff members and three of Historic Preservation Advisory Board members attended the Texas Association of Museums (TAM), a state-wide museum organization, conference in San Antonio. This was the second year that board members attended the conference and reported that their attendance was beneficial in helping them better understand the ins and outs of the operations of a professional museum.
H Histtoric Prreeseervaatioon M Moonth
M May is Natioonal Histoorric Preeservvatioon M Monnth. Thhis s yeaar, t the e museum in c collaaborattioon w with the Histooric Lannddm marrk Commmmissiion, plaanned historry y or p presservationn-reelateed evennts s thrrough hout the moonth h of f M Maay.
E Each h Saturddaay, the e Maan House
M Musseum hosted d demonsstraations of f 1 1800s acttiviitties s annd alllowwed d guuests t to create t theeir o own itteem to take e h homme The e a activvitiees inncluudeed: flooor c cloth painntinng, t tin puunnchiingg, teacup d decooratingg, a and staammp m makking M Musseum staaff also gaavve a preseenttat tion open to o the pubbliic o on presservvinng f family phootoograaphhs
T The Historiccaal Commmmissioon plannneed a claassic c car r shoow, chhaalk a art conntesst, a and a scavvengeer hunnt whhich h all l tooook k p placce in histtooric c doowntowwn Mansfi field d They y allso gavve toourrs of dowwnnt town and the Mannsfieeld c cemmeteriees
T Together, thhe m musseum annd commmmiss sionn, along w with h thhe Mansfieeld Hist toriccal Socciety, workeed on n a proojecct c calleed This P Place e M Mattteers.
T Thirrtty-one e histooric pllaaces s arounnd M Mannsfield weere seleccted and prrom mottional siggns were p placced d at e each locaation T The loocattionns were e revveaalleed e each h day in May y on thhe Historic
P Presservation n Moontth’s s webbpage a alonng with h a short syynnopsis of eacch locaation and d the roole e i it playyed in M Mannsfield’s histtory y
T This s is the e thhird year
t the City of M Mannsfieeld has paarticcipaatteed in Historic c Preseervation Month and p planns are alrreeaddy u unddeerwway for neexxt t y year r
The next Historical Preservation Advisory Board meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 27.
Guests Served
1,402 Visitors
30 Researchers
39 Volunteers
| mansfield quarterly 14
To celebrate Historic Preservation Month, the docents at the Man House Museum worked on a project for the benefit of the museum. They created a floorcloth that will be placed in the entry hall of the Man House. Floorcloths are painted canvas, which served as a precursor to fabric rugs in Texas. Nine volunteers spent their Saturdays in May at the museum painting an elaborately designed cloth representative of the style that the Man family could have used in their home. The docents showed an interest in working on future group projects to use in the museum.
15 mansfield quarterly |
Interns performed various projects for their respective departments and assisted their mentors in daily operations and events over the course of 10 weeks.
C Commmuunicatioons and Maarkettinng g Intern M Maia a Daabnney y has woorrked cloosely with staff f to o crreate a annd p prommote e meddia for evvennts this summmmer i includinng v videeoss, photoss, and graaphics S Shhe waas innteegral to o the city’s s M Mansfield Rocck k m marketinng annd w woorked thhe Hall of H Honor t tent in a adddition to takking photos, videeos, , and haanndling thhe nationaal annthhem perfoorrmeer She e juust finished heer freshmmaan yeear at Prairie e Vieew A&&M U Universsity In her short time shhe e h has alreeaady maade e an immpact t At Mansfield Rooccks a p passserby coommmennted, “HHey, itt’s the inntterrn from m the cityy’s video!” Shhe crreaated thhe graphic usseed for thhe Cooolinng g Centerr, which loooks s likke it w will get plennty of use thhis s s season
Jordan Higgins returned to the Parks & Recreation marketing team this summer after completing her freshman year at Loyola University in New Orleans. Her primary responsibility has been managing the logistics behind the 100 Hours of PLAY campaign, including tracking participants’ logged hours, prepping and working the weekly events, and handling all the resident interactions and feedback for the program, which has nearly 800 participants! Other duties included working outreach booths at city events and capturing photos or videos to create social content. Whatever the week had in store, from passing out popsicles to playing pickleball, Jordan has been hard at work with a smile on her face, and has been a welcome addition to the parks and recreation team.
Lauryn Bourget came to Nature Education from Tarleton University and hit the ground running as soon as she arrived! Her days included teaching summer camps, prepping materials and setting up programs, working community outreach booths at city events and, most importantly, introducing young minds to all things nature. The recreation division has loved getting to know Lauryn and appreciated all of her hard work this summer.
| mansfield quarterly 16 INTERN CORNER
“This internship has given me first-hand experience in my area of study and has been such an amazing learning experience for not only me but for my fellow interns as well!"
-Maia Dabney
As the 20023 summmer session draawws t to a close, w we want t to o thhank k all of f o our r intteerns a and wish thheem the e beest as t thheey moove foorwwardd.
Latest information on library programs and projects
Suummer at the Librraary
Mansfield Public Librarry’s Summer r Reading g Chaallenge is in fuull-swwing. Partticippants of f all ages are logging the nuumber r of f days s they havve e beeen reading to o earn difffferent rewarrds. The readdinng challennge e ruuns from June 1 to Juuly 2 26 annd the ennd of summmeer reeading p party will be heeld on July 288, at the Mansfield Acctivity Ceennter.
So o far 7,1889 9 patrons of f all ages atttennded proggraams s MPL is also paartnering g with MISD to p prrovide luncchhes to all chiildren unnder 1 18 this summmeer at the librarry. In n the first foouur weeks the prrogram h has s serveed moore than 2,5000 0 meeals to o childreen
April 1 - June 30
36,350 947
Library cards issued Visitors
Meeting room reservations
Social Media:
Facebook followers: 2.6K followers
Facebook reach: 14,838
Instagram followers: 823
Instagram reach: 795
17 mansfield quarterly |
L Library in thhe e Community
M Mansfield Pubblic Library participateed in vaarioous community eventts throughouut the city, inncluding the Earth Daay Festival, M Music Alleey, M Monarch Festtival, Juneteenth Celebrationn, E Erma Nash career day, and more S Staff promooted library services suuch as Summmmer Reading C Challenge 20223 and the seed library, and offfered craftts and activvities for all agges. MPL teeamed up p with Parks a and Rec to o kick-ooff summer readdiing this year at Katheerine Roose e Park. Staff f helped families siggn up for the reeading chhallenge and promoted differeent summer librarry programs. Look ouut for thhe library outreach vehiccles in the e coommunity!
T Tall Texan n Reccipiennt t
T The TALL Teexxans Leeaddeershhip p Deevellooppm mennt Insttituute is a traannsfoormmatiionaal p proggram t thaat helps paarticcipants s leaarn a and embrracce e thheir r poottential to takke e n new initiattivvees f for theeiir innstiitutions s a and profession As s a part of f the e 200223 3 T TALL Texans class, ouur r Youth h Seerviccees s l libraarian Juulie e Crrisafulli i will jooin 35 o otheer libraary y proofessioonals throuugh hout the staatte of T Texas in n a weeekl long g retreat
| mansfield quarterly 18
Library accreditation:
Mansfield Public Library received it’s 2023 accreditation from the Texas State Library Commission. In order to be an accredited library and receive funding and support from the state, libraries must follow a specific set of standards. Libraries that are accredited are eligible for services from the Texas State Library, such as the Interlibrary Loan Program, TexShare databases, e-rate, grants and other funding opportunities.
M Mark k your r c calennddarrs! Manssfifieeld’ ’ s
A Annuual Onne e Cittyy, Onne e Book k w will b begin with a ceeleebrratiioon of f reeaddinngg, w writing annd the l literaarry y arts foor D Daugghter r of the Moornning S Star, o on Seept. 7, a at thhe e Reaads! Kiicck Offf e evennt.
M Make e sure e t to jooin thhe a awarrdd-wwinn ning authhoor r for r t the e 2 20023 Reeadss! d discuussion n with C Craaig g Johnsson o on n O Oct. 19.
B Bookks are availaabble f foor r purrcchase e at the libraryy.
F Find more d detaails a at www.mmaansfi fieldttexass.goov/libbrary
19 mansfield quarterly |
T Three Ring g Ribboon n Cuuttttinngs
O One g grand o oppeninng is a bit of a m madhouuse, so o three e in one e d day is s noothinng g shhorrt of a circuus So that’s what we e d did! Embbraccinng thhe chhaos, Mansfieeld Paarks and R Recreaatioon leeaned in to o thhe thheeme e to o o open three exxcitiing park prroojeects on Saatturdday, April 22 2
T The c circus beggan at t Waatssoon n Brannch
P Park (11420 Waatson Branncch h Roadd)), a neew w n neighborhooood d parrk in the Watsoon B Brancch subdivision of f nortthhweest t Mansfifieeld with h a p playground, pavilioon n annd d linnear t trrail Frrom thhere, the riinnggleader led e evveryonne to G Geertiie Baarrett P Paark (2121 Geerrtiie Barreett Roadd), a large e new w neeighbboorhooood d park w with a p playground, spplash h padd, reesstroomms, waalkking g looop and oppen spaacces G Geerttie Barrett Park w was the top prioritty for r the nortthhweest q quadrant and was dedicaatted in p part t by y
C Counccilwomman Tammera B Boouunds, w whho h has b been a strong advoocate e foor r the projject for r m many y years Thhe final ring in n our r cirrcus s w was at MccCClendoon n Park k West t (799 W W. Brroad S Streett), whicch had been n cloosed foor neaarlly a year for thhe huge reddevveelopmeentt, which added a spllaash h pad d and d new w ressttrooomms along with an upgraaded d and exppanded b baskeettball coouurt to o r replacce e the u unnussed d softbaall fieldd.
M Mayoor r Michhaeel Evaanns leed t thhe cereemmonny thhere, which h was alsso a attteended by a feew w m members o of f the Mooody fammily, on hannd d to w witneesss the rededicatioon of f the p park in h hon nor of formmeer council memmber McCClenddon n M Mooddy and seee the new w n naamesaake plaaque added to thhe e renovaated d sppaace All threee e eventts s were w well atttenddeedd, with r ressideentts e eager r for neew w spaccees to p plaay and esspeecially neew spllaash pads, w whicch have e beeen o on since t the grraannd oppeeninngs
S Staffifinng Neews s
Jooin us in weelccominng thheesse new w emmplooyees to thhe C City of Mannssfifield:
S Shaun Coopperr, Lannddscaappe e T Techniciaan
N Naquaan Davvis, Lannddscape T Technniciaan
F Franccisco Marrtinezz, Lannddsscape T Teechhnicciaan
Isssac Denovva, Kids s Zonne A Asssistant D Direecttor r
K Kaitlyn Kellyy, , Recreeation n Atttendaannt
Jaarrettt t Gormmer, MAAC C Innteerrn n
Joordan Higgins, Maarrketinng I Intern
21 mansfield quarterly |
S Startinng Junne 1, the e foccus turned d to o play y w with the retturrn of the 1000 0 Hourrs of P PLAAY Y c challeenge a annd nine weeeks s of freee fammily e events throouugghout the e c city y Last yeear’s c challeenge w won an Award d of Honnor r at t thhe T Texas Assocciation o of Muunniccipal Infformmaatiion Officerrss’ a annuuaal coonnffeerence e in n Juunee, and this yeaar is shaping g up to be b bigggeer and better T Thhe kicckkoff f p paarty on n Junne 1 saw nearly 5000 guueests a at Rose P Park, a and thhe challenge is alreeady far r exceeedding g last t year’s s particcipation n nummbbeers
Departmment Brannd d Campaiggn
How does your fammily y gather r in n the paarkks, grow stroongeer and heealthierr, preserve e nattural spacces annd ressources, and plaay toogetherr?
Thhe yearrlong cammppaiggn highligghting g ouur deepartmeennt brrand is goinng sttrong, w with each m monnth folloowwing a diffferent themme within the e deepartmmeent’s tagliinne; Gather, G Grow, Preeservve and Play, and includes a variety o of in-perrson events annd onnlinne acctivities. April and Maay foocused o on events and educaatiion thhat hiighhlight thhe e deppartmmennt’s coommitmment to preeseerving nattural resoouurcces while e also impproving awaarreness annd d apppreciatioon. Thhe moonnth incluudded a free e roock paainting pop up, a phootograpphhy conntesst at t the Moonnarch Fesstivaal, unnity plantinng day and more.
R Recreation
Spring g progrraamms and eveennts s were b busy as s expecctted, witth increeaased reeggistratioon in moost classees s and m many caammps and classees fillinng quicklyy. Evenntts incluudded Neerrf Night, , SUUPEER
K Kids Faamily N Nigght, Bunny y Brrunch, Commmuunnity y P Plantinng Dayy, M Monarrcch Feesstiivaal and d Super r
A Awesoome Toodddler T Tri, witth a g great v variety y of activitties for all ages s a and inntterests. The e Seenior Lifestyyles particcipantts s enjjoyeed a BBBQ p picnnic c foor Meemoriaal Day annd d took k m multiple e fieeld tripss, everywwhere from the zoo o t to o the maall! As thhe sppring g wrappped d up, all atteenntion fooccused to suummmer, witth h campps, , Kidds Zoone annd d m morre events s on thhe h horizoonn.
April 1 - June 30
41,608MAC visitors
4,172program participants
874memberships sold
397facility rentals
Social Media
12,215 followers; 864k total reach
3,584 followers; 15k total reach
Email News
4,146 subscribers; 67% open rate
4,965 home page visitors
4.58 average rating
| mansfield quarterly 22
K Kathherine Roose Meemoorrial Park
P Parkkhill and d park staff a atttenndeed a kickofff f m meeeting on Juune 1 a and c commmmencced t the d desiggn conntraact f for Phaasse 1 immproovem mennts. The e prrojeect schheedule is divvided into two suub--phaasess; Phhase e 1A A immprovem mennts, connsissting g of f thhe e reaaliggned d park k d drive e and p parking arreas s in Rosse Paark, a annd
P Phasse 1B, c connsistting g of f i impprovved parrk k a ameenities i in Rose annd A Allmmon n Parrks D Dees sign of the e p phhase 1A A improvemmennts are e s scheeduled to o be commppleeted in n Augusstt, w with h construcction beeginnning in Nooveemmb ber. Design of phhase e 1B will coontinnue t through thhe e end of 2023, with construct tion scheduleed to beegin in sprring 20224 4
T The next majjoor mileestoonne will be in m mid t to late-summmmer, when a puublic meetting is exxpected d to b be held d t to collect inpuut t c conccerning g playggrouund impproovemmenntts
Budget: $7.5 million
Source: GF Certificates of Obligation, MPFDC, ARPA
Timeline: Spring 2022-Winter 2024
W Walnut Creeek k Lineaar T Trrail Phaase 3B
N Ninttey-perrceent design/cconnstrruction doc cumments suubbmmittted and revviewwed witth s staff f commmeennts subbmittted Coonsuultannt h has been cleaared d to beeggin fi finaalizinng 1 100% % bidding doocumeennts Pendinng final r revieew, perrmmittinng, a and d property acquuis sition, the proojecct is tennttativvely y schhed duleed to be e adveertissed for biddding g late s summer with constrrucctiion beginnning g in late fall/early y winnter r
Budget: $3 million
Source: MPFDC
Timeline: Spring 2022-Fall 2024
S Skinnner Spports Commplleex
T The city resscheduuled d thhe e fooul line fennc cing realignnmment t to avvooid c connflict witth
M Mannsfield Yoouuth Bassebbaall A Assoociattionn’ ’ s fi field d use sccheedule. Connsstructioon is s scchhed duleed to beeggin in July annd be commpleeteed b befoore the faalll seeasoon
C Concessionn/RResttroooms s - Sttaff f has s revvieew wed the 900% connstrructtion documments f for t the renovvaatioon of thhe e exxistting connc cession staand and innstaallatioon of a neew w r restrroom buiilding. The e scheeduule w was uppd dateed to coommplete t thesse e plans s in Junee, w with a bid peerriod d in Julyy. A connstruuctioon c conttract is exxpeccted d to b be preesentted to o t the M MPFDC C and City y Counccil for apprroovvaal in Juuly, with t thhe p project t p plannneed to o begin n in late Augusst t annd be c coomppletted i in eaarly y 2 2024 4 before t the sprring g seasonn.
E Entryyway Improvvemments - P Parrk plaann ning g staff is n nearring coommpleetioon of thhe c consstructioon doccummennts s for thhe feenccing, p pavinng, and d landsscapping improovemmennts s t to thhe baseebaall coompleex entrywway All p propposed improvvemmenntts arre b being plaannn ned for insstallatioon durrinng M MYYBA’s s off f s seasson(s) t to provvide e as l little e as s possibble e d disruuption to o schheduule field ussagee.
Budget: $1.2 million
Source: MPFDC
Timeline: Winter 2023-Spring 2024
M McKKnight Park W Wesst
O On May 222, thhe City Coouuncil appprooved d a proofessioonal servicces a agreeemment t with S Studdio 13 D Design Grooupp, PLLC to d desiggn n a and create coonstructtion doccummennts f for p planned imprroveements Coontraacts s h have e been exxecuutedd/reeccordded and thhe p projeect is now w in the prroocesss o of deetaiiled s scheeduling g annd kickooff, w with h work slatteed d t to beegin in Juune Parrk immprooveemennts w will follow the e Teexas s Paarks a and Willdliffe e D Departmennt Urbaan Outtddoor Recreeatioonnaal G Grannt and incclude a park k drive e and d park king area immpprovvementtss, a largge shaddeed d a acceessible plaaygrrounnd, disc goolf coourse, a n new pavilioon, addditioonaal peddesstrian n traails a and bridgees, utility immpproovemeents, , paarrk a amenities ( (beenchhes//tabbles), landsccaping w with irrigattionn, annd signnaage Coommmunnity e engaagement t is e expeecteed d to beegin in mid d t to late summmmer
Budget: $2.1 million
Source: TPWD Grant/MPFDC
Timeline: Summer 2023-Summer
M Mannsfield Naatioonaal G Goolf Course e R Resttroom
T The sewer annd w wateer l linnes are beeing c coordinateed by in-hhouusse W Water U Utilities c crewws. The e seeweer linne c connnecction n haas b been n compleeted d Thhe w wateer s service line is underrwway y with a bore from thhe e S Skinner Spporrtts Commplex S Stafff is obt taining quottees for the e elecctric seervicce line that w will run n froom t the goolf coourrsse e p pummp houuse e aloong the eassteern edge o of h hole e 16. Coonnsstruuctioon o of thhe buildinng g is sccheduleed d to beggin d during the e firrsst w week in July and d be coommplleteed this faalll.
Budget: $400,000
Source: MPFDC
Timeline: Spring-Fall 2023
23 mansfield quarterly |
P Park k Operrattiions
T The parks w werre in full blooom m thhis spring, w with gorgeouus s wiildflowweers at the n newly y a addeed fieldds in n Juulian Feeild P Park k and d the L Lannners Addmmin builddingg, as weell as a beettt ter-tthan-avverraage dissplaay y of the Texxas--faav voritte blueboonnneets at O Oliver r Naature e Paark k O Our operattionns teeam m w weent viraal agaain t this spring foor r theeir b blueebonnneet poortraitss, t this time feeattuuring dogs from t the a animmaal s sheltter. The e immages c capptured d the hearrtts o of peeople a acrrooss the e coouuntry, w were e feaatuur red in multtiple m media o ouutletts a and r resuulteed d i in thhe adopptioon o of evvery pup p inncluddedd.
T This season n a allso includeed soome immporta ant improvvemmentts to o our paarkss, inccludinng g u upgrraded seccurity caameeras at Rose annd C Channdler Parkks, n new lannddscaapinng at thhe e p publlic-privaate e partneer facilities, and d thhe e fi first phase of f renovaations at t Skkinneer S Sporrts Commplex, whiich incluude paint, fenc cing and, e eveenntuaally, a n neew r restrooom and c conccession n buuildiing. Thhe e neewly y forrmeed a aquaatics creew w is hard at t worrk m manaaging t three e splash pads s this yeear, muuch t to thhe e d deligght of Mansfield fammilies s
| mansfield quarterly 24
April 1 to June 30
Single-family residential lots
final platted: 84
Commercial/industrial acres
final platted: 0
Number of zoning changes: 6
The following cases were approved by the City Council during the first quarter:
Z ZC#223-0004: :
A zoning chhannge frrom m C--22, Commmmunnity y
B Business District t to o S, S Soouutth Maansfielld
F Form m Based d Deveeloopmmeennt t Disttrict on n approoximatteely y 12.88999 accrres (Caammppbeell
D Developmentt) loccaated at t 3 3400 0 Haarmmon
R Road was apppproveedd.
Z ZC#223-01111:
A zoning chhannge frrom m PDD, , Plannnned d
D Development t Disttrict to S S, South Mans-
fi field Form--BBaased D Deveeloppment t Distrrict
o on approximmaately 18.59 9 acres (AAdmmiraal
L Legaccy) loccaateed at t 24441 H Heeritagge e Parkkwway y w was approvveed d
Z ZC#222-02200: :
A zoning chhannge frrom m SFF--7.5/112 2 and PD foor sinngle-ffaammily r reesideennttiaal uses to o D D,
D Downntown Districct, , D--1, S Suub-Urban Z Zone e o on 1.4460 acrees loccaated d at t 5 505 W Wesst Kimmb ball Sttreet, 5006 West K Kimmbball Sttrreeet and d
The Planning Department administers land use and subdivision regulations designed to encourage the development of safe, accessible and attractive properties, and to enhance property values in Mansfield. We also provide technical assistance on zoning and development matters that go before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. Here's an overview of our work in the first quarter of fiscal year 2022-2023:
5 509 A Alvarado Streeet t waas a appproveed
Z ZC#222-0199:
A zoning channge f froom PRR, SF-122//222, and d P PD to o PD for multi-fammily resideenntiaal u usees (TThe Alexannddeer) on n 7.77 7 a accrees locateed a at 17725 East Brrooaad Streeet was s approoved.
S SUP##23-000011:
A request foor a Speeccific c U Usse Permmit for r a reecreaational veehicle e stooraagge e (Eagle B Boaat and R RV V Storraagge) w witth connddiitions s on n app proximmately y 6.009 a acrees looccated at 845 S H Holland Roaad was apprrovedd.
O OA# 2 23-0001:
P Propoosed Ammeendments to o Sectioon
1555.0772 of thhe e Mannssfielld C Coode of f O Ordin nancees Relaatted to Limittinng g the Nummbeer o of Prinncipal Buuildinnggs and d Outbuuildiings P Permitted in n the D-1 1 annd d D-2 Zoonnes s withhin thhe D D, Downntoown D District, a and P Peermmittting R Row H Housees s By-Rigght in the D-2 2 annd SDD-1 Z Zones withiin n the D, Dowwnntoown Disttrict w were approvvedd.
These cases are pending review by City Council during the next quarter:
Z ZC#223-0100:
A zoning channge f froom PDD, Plannned De-
velopment t Districct to S, , Soouth Maansfieeld
F Formm--Baseed d Deveelopmennt Dissttrict o on approoximattely y 79.441 accrrees (Souutthppointte
P Phase 9) on p property geenneerally y loccatted d n north of thhe e interseection n o of Soouuth h U.S 2 287 a annd Soouuth Staatte H Highwway 3 360 0 is p pending firrsst readdinng on July 100, 20223.
Z ZC#223-0003: :
A zonning chhange from m C-2 2 to PD for r Flex x O Office e on apppproximmateely y 1.832 acres located at 1863 Farm m to Marrket Roaad 1 11887 is s pennding first reading o on n July y 10, 200223
Planning and Zoning Commission
These development cases are pending review by the Commission during the next quarter:
Z ZC#223-01166:
A zonning chhange from m PDD, Plannneed
D Developmeent t Distrrict foor r singlee-faamily y reesideential u uses to PD, , P Planned Deevelopment t Districct for r toowwnhome annd singlee-family residdeential use on n 5 481 acres (Retta a Road D Devvelooppmenntt) locaated d at 8001 1 Lilliaan n Road d is peenndding reevieww.
Z ZC#223-01144: :
A zonning chhange from m C-22, Commmmunnitty
B Business District within the FR, Freeewwaay
O Overllaay Dissttrict to o PD, P Plaannned Deeveeloop-
25 mansfield quarterly |
m ment t Distrrict t for I I-1 ligghht t induustrrial u uses includdinng fleexx-offificce e on a appprox ximattely 7 0 acres (Alltraaddes O Officce
S Showwroomm) locatteed a at 23351, 233611, 23771, 2 2381 and 233991 Noorth U US S 287 is s pendiing reeview w
Z ZC#223-0113: :
A zonning chhaange f from m C--2, Coommun nity Business s Distrrict to P PD, Plaanned
D Deveellopmeent Dissttrict t foor r mixeed usees s inncluding sennior livving g d dwwellinng g units and c commmerrcial uses o on n 8.08 8 accres (RRiverbend d Village) loocateed at t 14220
T Turneer Warneell Road is s peendinng revvieew.
Z ZC#223-00099:
A zonning chhaange f from m MH, Manufaacctuured Housinng Disstricct, C C--2, Coommuunnity y
B Businness Disttrict, and d PRR, , Pre-Deeveeloopm ment t Distrrict t to PD, Plaannnned Devvelooppm ment t Distrrict t for s singglee--ffamily annd toownnhhome e uses o on 244.884 4 acrrees (Knnoott’s s
L Landing at t Leegaccyy) loocaatteed at t 1 15003
N North Main n Streeet t is peenndding revvieww.
Z ZC#223-00088:
A zonning chhaange f from m C--2, Coommun nity Business s Distrrict to P PD, Plaanned
D Deveellopmeent Dissttrict t foor r Flex x Offficce
W Wareehouse (wwith C C-2 U Ussees) on n appproox ximattely 1 9998 accrres (LLyon Buussiness s P Park) locatteed at 24480 0 North U S. 2887 is p pendding reevieew
Z ZC#223-00077:
A zonning chhaange f from m A, Agrricculturaal
D Distriicct to P PDD, Plaannned D Deeveloopmment t D Distriicct for r singlee--fammily y residdeenttial l u uses (Mymerrla Essttatees) ) on apppprooximmateely 3.13 accrres loccaated a at t 880 Turrneer W Way is pennding review
Z ZC#223-00066:
A zonning chhaange f from m PDD, Plaannned d D Deveellopmeent Dissttrict t foor r The Reserrve to o PDD, Planneed Deevelopmment Disstrrict f for towwnnhome usees (S Mitchell T Townnhomees) ) on 7 7.869 a accres locaated at 1000 S. Mitchell Rooaad d is peending reeview w
Z ZC#222-0118:
A zonning chhaange f from m MH, Manufaacctuured d Home District a annd PR, Preddev veloppment t D Districct t to P PDD, Plannned D Deveellopmeent Dissttrict t foor detaaccheed singlee-fammiily y and towwnnhhoome usees ( (AAttaacheed Singglee-Fammily Reessidennttial) usees o on 111.01 accrres loccaated d at t 2 26000, 2 26226, and 2 2628 Noorth Main S Sttreet is peenddinng reeview w
Z ZC#222-00033:
A zonning chhaange f from m PRR, Preedeeveloopm ment t Distrrict t and SF--122//222, Siinnglle Fam mily Resideential District to o PDD, Planneed D Deveellopmeent Dissttrict t foor singgle-ffammily reesidential a annd toowwnhhoome uses ( (Creeekw wood d Crossssinng) on apppprrooximatelly 9 9.995 acres of lannd at 3140 and 3172 2 Caannnoon R Road d is penndding reevieew w
S SUP##23-00003
A request f for r a Specifific c U Use P Peermmit foor w windoow tinntinng and othheer r autoommotive e servicces on 2 2.28 accres s (TTint Woorldd) loc cated 1240 0 Farm-tto-MMaarket (FFM) ) Roaad 157 is s pending revvieww.
S SUP##23-00002
A request f for r a Specifific c U Use P Peermmit foor a car wash on 3.33881 acrrees s (Exppresss Caar W Washh) locaatted at 585 Eaast Debbbie Lanne is s pennding reevieww.
O OA#223-0005:
A An orrddinance amending g C Chapter r 155 o of thhe Mansfieeld Code e of Orddinancees to add d a new definnitioon foor Connssuummer Electtroniccs, R Radioo, , and Teleevisioon Reeppaair r and to a ammennd thhe Peermitteed Use T Table e in n Subseectioon 1555.0554(B) to p permmit Coonnsumer E Elecctron nics, R Radio, and Teleevision R Repair Usses in n thhe C--2, Commmmunitty y Buusineess Disstricct, C C-3, C Commmercial Manuffaactuuring Distrrict, I-11, Light I Industriaal Disstrrict, I--22, Heavvy y Innduustriial Diisstrict a and d PD, P Plannnneed d Deveeloppmennt D Districct is peendding reevieew w
O OA#223-0002:
A An orrddinance amending g C Chapter r 155 “ZZoninng” of t the e Mannsfieeld d Code of Ordin nance e to creeatte a n neew S Seecction 15555.0074 “TT, T Toll Rooad 3660 Form m Basseed d Develoopmmeent t D Districct” and d reelated d devveelooppmennt t reeguulatio ons is s pending g revieew.
| mansfield quarterly 26
Staff is reviewing the following projects for these properties in the D, Downtown District:
D DS#23-006:
A Sitte e Plan f for r a twwo-uunit t mannor housse with a an acccessory y dwwellling unit on 0.1165 acres s looc cated at 506 6 Alvaraado Strreeet is s unnder revview w
D DS#23-001:
B Buildding perrmmits foor twwo siinglee-faamily y h homes with accccesssory y dwweelling units for 3 3006 a and 3 308 Tarrrannt Sttreet t weerre appprroved d
S SD#23-0166:
A repplat for a roowhhousse d deeveloopmment t on n 0 0.638 acres (1st Avvenuue R Roowhoousses) locaatteed d a at 2004 Soutth First Aveenue is under reevieww.
S SD#22-062:
A plaat and buildding peermit for a multi-fammily y a and c commeerciaal deevellopmment t (Smmith Lofftts) ) a at 210 Smith h Sttreet are e unndder revview
D DS#22-0122:
A Sitte e Plan f for r a m manoor house at 209 Souuth h F First Avenue e is undder reviieew
D DS#22-0100:
A Sitte e Plan f for r mullti-faamily y ressideential d deveelopmennt (VVLK K Maansfifieeld-Doddsonn) at t 7118 8 N Nortth Street is s undder r reviieew
D DS#22-006:
B Buildding perrmmits foor thhree e live-woork units s on n 0 0.195 5 acres located at 2999, , 301 1 annd 3003 W Weesst O Oak S Street are undder revieeww.
D DS#22-002:
T Two manor hoouuses s are e unndder connstruuctioon o on 0.325 acres s locaated d at t 4 406 and 4008 A Alvarrado Strreeett.
Gas Well Drilling and Production
These are drilling and production activities that occurred during the fourth quarter:
P Pad 22:
T The S Sage Prremmier Unit t locaated at 1739 Coom-
m mercce Drive w was abandoned with two gaas s w wells s pluggged
P Pad 46:
T The T Total E&P P Shioleeno Unit t locateed at 1 1101 FM 917 7 w was a abandooned d with three e g gas w wells plugggedd.
Zoning Board of Adjustments
The Board acted on the following cases during the third quarter:
Z ZBAA#23-0001:
A reqquest f for Speecial Exxccepttionns to o alloow a an acccessory buildding w witth an a area of a apprroximattely y 1,5504 squuaare feeet annd a height of appprooximmateely 24 4 feeet o on p propperty located at 6 611 W W. Broaad Stt. waas a apprroved
Z ZBAA#23-0002:
A reqquest f for v variancces to o allow w for r t two accessoory y structuurees to e excceed d the e m maximum heeight t and d areea foor a acceessoorry s strucctures, annd to o alloow a redducction n of f thhe e m minimum s settbbackks foor acccesssory sttrucct tures on prroppeerty y loccateed at 3990 Hollaannd d R Road d was dennied
Z ZBAA#23-0003:
A reqquest f for Speecial Exxccepttionns to o alloow a an acccessory buildding w witth an a area of a apprroximattely y 1,760 squuaare feeet and a height of appprooximmateely 18 8 feeet o on p propperty located at 8 841 S Seetton Roaad w was s a apprroved
Z ZBAA#23-0004:
A reequest foor Sppeccial E Exceeptionns to o a allow w an accceessory y buildinng with an a area a of appprrooximately y 680 s squaare f feet t and a heeight o of apprroxximaately y 2 22.5 5 feet o on n proopeerty locaateed at t 8330 0 C Coluumbia Coourt t waas apprrovved.
Historic Landmark Commission
The Commission acted on the following cases during the fourth quarter:
H HLCC#23--0001:
T The Commmissioon officcially y reecoggnizzeed e eighht propperties s as s hiisstoric resoourccees s o of thhe City y o of Mansfield.
T The Commmissioon spoonnsorred d hisstoric c p presservation n evventts in Maay, includding g a caar showw, c chalk a art conttest annd s scavvenger r h huunt t
T The Planning Depaartmment is s engaggeed d i in thhe Mannssfifield 20040 Fuuture L Land d
U Use Plan witth p projeect t connsuultannts F Freeese and Nichholss, I Innc. The e projeecct t h has entereed Phaase 2, Plan D Draftting g a and Refineemment.
T The Planning Depaartmment w welcommed d C Clarrissa Caarrraascco, Admministrrative A Assistant I II, Caleb Tandy, Laandsscappe e P Planns Reviiewwer, and Jordoon Druumg goole, Devveellopmeent Aidee, to thhe t team m in Juune 200233.
27 mansfield quarterly |
This quarterly Road Report includes street projects currently under construction or in the design phase in the City of Mansfield. Here's an overview of our work in the third quarter of fiscal year 2022-2023:
Under Construction South Holland Road (Stonebriar Trail to Garden Path Lane) (Street Bond Fund)
S South h Hollaannd Rooad willl be immprovved to o a four-lane divviided d thorouugghfarre.
T The p projecct t incluuddes completting thhe e n north side of f Nattionaal Paarkway wesst o of Hoolland d Road a and s seevveral h hunndreed feeet to the east I It t alsso o inncluddees a traaffi fic siggnal a at t Hollaannd Rooaad d and N Natiionaal P Parkwway annd sideewwalkks a allong t the rooadwaay as well as a siddeewwalk aloong t the e east side to o Elizabbeth h Smmith Innnovaattive e
L Learnning Thhis prroojecct will reqquirre thhe c consttructioon of d deetour r pavemmennt o on n thhe e eaast sidde of thhe exxisstting r rooaddwway y to o accccommmoodate e connssttruuctioon n o of the e p projeecct.
T The p projecct t w was a awwarrded for c connsttruuctiion in Deccemmbeer 20211. Conssttruction
b began in Occtoober r 20222 2 w with vaarioous s laane closurrees asphhalt d deettoours. Utility y c construction is cuurrrenntly u underwaay inncludding the insttallatioon n of stoorm m seewwer and s saanitarry y seweer r lines s T The s seeweer c construction is esstimaateed d to be e coomp plete this moonth P Paving is expectted d to b be complete in frroont of f Elizabeeth Smmiith L Learning Ceenter b by y the beeginnniing g of f t the e schoool yearr. Pavinng g foor the e remmainndeer o of the e roadwaay is a anticippated t to o beggin n soon after thaat. The prooject shhooulld b be e substtaantially y c complete e in the f foourrth q quartteer of 20023.
Pond Street (Broad Street to Lake Street)
(Community Development Block Grant, CDBG)
A As a part of the Tarrannt Coounty Coommmmun nity Developmment t Bloock Grant t proogrram, P Pond d Streeet t b betweeen Brooaad Sttrreeet and d
L Lake Street w wiill be r recoonnsstructeed w with h c curb and guuttter, siddewwalkks, and new w water r and sewwer linnes.
T The c ciity awwaardded thhe projeect foor r coonstrructioon on Nov. 144, 2002222. Water and sewer r main n reeplacceemeennts and storrm d drain installaation arre coommpplete. Pavving is u underrway T The proojject t is s anticippateed to o b be completteed d in A Auuguust t
Under Design
Day Miar Road (Grand Meadow Boulevard to Seeton Road)
(Street Bond Fund)
D Day M Miar Rooad is plannneed d to be e immprrov ved to o a four--lane e unddivvided cooncrette rooadwway. Rooaddway y drainnaagge will be currb and gutter witth inleets annd d pipinng d draining g to o an improoveed paarralleel o oppen chhannneel o on thhe e wesst t side of f the e rooaad The o opeen n c channnel willl extennd froom m the soouth h
| mansfield quarterly 28
s side of Grannd Meaadow Boouleevard to the e d deteention a area noorth of Lake Riddge High
S Schoool and thheen c crosss to o the eaast side of t the r road throuugh an i impprroveed culveert A Alsso o incluuded wiill b be siidewwalkks s aloong g botth siddees s o of thhe roadwaayy, twwo p peddeestriaan crosssinggs a at the MISD s scchoool sitess, and d traaffic signnaals s a at the interssecctionns with G Grannd Meadow w
B Boullevard a and d Seeton n Rooad.
T The c city awardded the proojject for r connstructio on on July 10, , with an n anntticipateed coonsttrruuct tion start in Seepteember. The conntracct timme e f for this projjecct t will be e 3000 0 workking dayys s o or r a apprroximattely 16 monthhss.
North Main Street / FM 157 Connector (Street Bond Fund)
T The propossed d connnecctor is a four-lan ne undivideed roaddway thhaat w will provide a c connnection from Norrth M Main Street to FM 1 157. This roaadwway will be l located appproxxim mateely a haalf m mile e north of M Mouuser Way y a and w will aliggn with h Waatsoon n Brrancch Laane e
T The c connecctoor r willl reducce e traaffic c vollummees s a along g the frronntage of f Leeggacy y Hiigh S Schooool a and a at the inteersectioon o of f Maain Streeet annd d F FM 157 This projeect will a also elimminaate t the c current skkeeweed innterrssection of Russell R Road d and FM 1 157 and will l redducce flooodinng p poteential of f Watsoon B Brannch upsstream o of f R Russsell Road
D Desiggn has begun n witth c coonsttrucction n ant ticipaated to o beegin the e seeccond quarteer 2 200224 4
r reloccationss. Staff f annticcippatees construuct tion to beggin in the e fall 2023
S. Main Street (US Bus Hwy 287)/ Heritage Parkway (FM 917) Intersection Improvements (Street Bond Fund)
T This projecct will add northbbound annd d s soutthbounnd righht-tturn lanes and peedes strian imprrovvemmentts t to o the e innterseccttioon o of S Main Sttrreett/Heritaage Paarkwway I In n a addition, sidewalks willl be added on n t the e east sidde e of S M Main Strreeet froom thhe e F Foreest Brook k Subdivvisiioon to P Price e Rooad T This projecct will invoolvve e coorddination n w with h TxDOT
D Design has s beguun with connsttructtion n a anticcipated t to o beegin n in the thhird quartteer o of 2023.
a anticcipated t to o beegin n in the e thhird quartteer o or foourth q quaarteer of f 2023.
West Broad Street (Near Retta Road and Lillian Road)
(Street Bond Fund)
W Wesst Broad Street w will be impprovved to o a fouur-lanee, dividded d coonncreete e roaadwwaay f from m its cuurrreent twoo-laanne, aspphallt ruraal s secttion in this immmediaate a areea This p projeect will reeconfiggurre the W W. Brroad
S Streeet interseectioons wiith booth h Reetta
R Road d and Lillian Roaad. Reconnstruuctinng t thesse interrsectioons will impproove theeir s safeety
D Design has s beguun with connsttructtion n a anticcipated t to o beegin n mid-220224.
Barrett Road (Meadowside Drive to Wildwood Drive) (Street Bond Fund)
T This project t wiill reeconnstrruuct G Gerrtie Barrett t R Road d as a twwoo--lanne, u unddivvided 2 24-fooot-w wide e asphalt rooadway y Additioonaally, a neew e east//west foouurr-lanne u unddivvided r roadwway w will be consstruucted beetwweeen Geertie Barrrettt R Road d and N M Main n Strreett. The e loocatioon o of thhis east//wweest r roaddwaay y willl allign with S Simppson Laane e on the weesst sidde of Gertie B Barreett Road This project will innvolvve coooord dinattion and an aggreeement w with h TxDDOT T
C Consstructioon planns arre neearinng complettioon a and f franchise utiliities are e plannning their r
Cardinal Road Northbound Right Turn Lane at FM 1187 (Street Bond Fund)
T This projecct will add a n nortthbbounnd riighht t turn n lane a at FM 1187 7 T Thhrouugh moveem mennts are caausinng s significaant t dellays s foor r right t turninng moovemmeennts a and d coonges sting g the innteerseectioon A deedicateed r right t turn n lane w will alloow siggnnificant redduccttioon i in deelays. The prroject will a also o inccludde i improving thhe trraffific siggnaal, median n nosee, and siddewalk rammps at the inteers secttion.
D Design has s beguun with connsttructtion n
Cannon Dr. South (Conifer Street to Miller Road)
(Street Bond Fund)
T This projecct will dessign n and d construcct
C Cannon Drivve e Soouth h froom Coonifeer S Streeet south to M Miller Roadd. Cannnon
D Drive Soutth is shhowwn on thhe throouggh hfarre plan as s a m minor colleectoor rooaddwwaay w with h a 70’ rigght-of-wway Thhis roaddwaay y i is annticipatted d to inccludde e bicyccle lanees a and will prrovide a critical rooute foor a acceess and d circulation giveen the new w a and anticippatted devvelooppmeents beetwweeeen n
C Cannon Drivve e Soouth h annd Statte Highhwwaay y
3 360 The exissting g paaveemmennt adjacennt to o t the Rustic Meeadow suubbdivvisioon w will be e r removed a and d replacced d
PUBLIC WORKS 29 mansfield quarterly |
D Design has s beegun n with c coonstruction anticiippated d to o beggin thhe e seeconnd q quarteer o of 200224.
East Broad St. (Cannon Drive to Holland Road) (Street Bond Fund)
T This projecct t will proovidde e immprovemmennts arounnd the e TXX-360 intteersseection neeceessary to o maxximmize vehiccle throuugghpputt, e especcially easstbouunnd to o n noorthbbound d m moveement t C Creatinng duuaal--left turn laanes o on thhe e briddgge e and d extenndding west t is antiicipaatted. Riighht-off--way a accquisition n at the e southwest c corner of thhe e innterseectiion n will b be consideerred if neecessssaary y Limits may y e extend wesst t to Caannnoon Drive a annd eaast t to o Hoolland Rooad t to o maxximize vehicle thhroughput A trafffific siggnnaal at Fire Sttatiion 3 will be incluudded with this s prrojeect.
D Design is b beeinng coontraaccteed d Coonnsttrucction n is s anttiicipateed to b beegin in mid-220224.
TxDOT Projects
US 287 Frontage Roads (UP Railroad to Lone Star Rd)
T This project inncluddees c consttructioon of b both the noortthbound a annd soutthhboounnd d frrontaage rooaadds of U US 2887 7 between n thhe
U Union n Pacifific Railrrooad and Lone e Sttar R Road as weell as adddditioonnaal lanes s at the L Lone Star R Rooaad brriddge a annd a soouuthhboouund d to o noorrthbouund U--TTurn n Furtherrmmoore, thhis p project will include traffific c s signaals a at the e
H Heritaage Parkkway//NNB US 287 jug hanndle innterssection n along g with siiggnals a at the innterssectionns of thhe e NB B a and SB US S 2887
F Fronttaage Rooads at Lonne e Sttar Rooad annd US S
B Business 2887 at Loonne Staar Road d
R Roadwway coonstruccttion beeggan July 5,
2 2022 The e esttimatteed consttructiioon timme e is s
2 26 moonths
Walnut Creek Drive Bridge at Walnut Creek
T This projecct t will r replace thhe exxisting g b bridge with a new fouur r lane b brridgge inc cluding 6-ffooot siddewaalks on e eaach h side. It t is a fedeerral l briddgge reepplaacement proog gram m projeect t admminissteerreed by y TxDOOT T
T The p projecct t w was let in January 20023 and d c consttructioon starteed in M May. Thhe bridge e c consttructioon will taake apppproximmattely y 10 m montths Thhe linear traail will be e teemp porarily relooccated d to t thhe e i intersectioon o of Maagnoliaa//Rose e Parrk k e enntry d durring g c consttructioon also t trafffic will be reeduucced d to o one-lane e each h direecctioon
| mansfield quarterly 30
The Regulatory Compliance Department enforces all city ordinances to protect property owners’ investments and promote the health and welfare of the community. Regulatory Compliance officers are committed to providing compliance through a professional, efficient and due process approach for residents of Mansfield. The Regulatory Compliance houses three programs: the Code Compliance program, Health Inspections program, and Rental Inspections program.
Department News
Reegulatory Compliance c continues its r role e in keeepinng Maansfield cittizens and buusineesses in coompliance e by: educating ouur citizens s through onne on one commmunicaation, v visitiing our cittizens to address issuees s and d complaintss, helping our citizens when n needed thhrouugh cooorddination with our MVP, and d keeping ouur inspeectoors and d officers up p to d date on the lateest traaining and d technologieess.
Thhe City Coouuncil passed C Chappter 117 Poortable On Deemmand Storage (PPODS) ) Units s orddinance on n June 12 R Regulatory Coomppliance has s c created a usser r friiendly permmit proccess on thhe cityy’s weebsite for c citizens to reeqquesst that permit. Residents can apply for a permit to haave a PODDS unnit for up to o 30 days, o onnce every 12 m monnths
Regulatory Compliance refers to illegal signs as “bandit” signs. The following table details the number of illegal signs they collected each month.
Illegal Signs (Bandit) Picked Up
Regulatory Compliance activity is not limited to the violations listed above. The Utility Division is responsible for enforcing a number of ordinances. We continually monitor violations of the Water Conservation Plan. David Brister, Operations Supervisor of Water Utilities, has provided a table detailing his department’s enforcement activity.
Jeremiah Dubé joined the Regulatory Compliance team on May 30, as the Regulatory Compliance Manager. Jeremiah has 22 years of military service, and a background of Safety and Risk Management at the Federal level. Welcome Jeremiah!
Code Compliance Officer Justin Bradford will be transferring to Building Safety on July 10, to continue his career with the City of Mansfield as a Plans Examiner. We will miss Justin’s professionalism and candor and wish him the best in his future endeavors.
31 mansfield quarterly |
April May June Quarterly Total
1,077 812 823 2,712
Department Code Compliance Rental Inspections Health Inspections Online Complaints Received 415 9 5 Citations Issued 29 Abatements Forced Mowing, Overhanging Limbs, Trash Removal, Visibility Issues 70
Food Inspections Mobile Food Inspections Daycares Pools Temporary Food Special Event Inspections 1417146 21
Regulatory Compliance Activity
April 1 to June 30
Type of Case ........................
# of Cases
Building Permit Required ....................3
Illegal Dumping ............................0
Dangerous Structures .......................3
Donation Boxes ............................4
Dumpster Violations ........................4
Garage Sales ...............................1
Graffiti ....................................0
High Grass and Weeds ...................469
Miscellaneous .............................13
Nuisance - tree, shrub, or plant ...............7
Outside Placement of Airtight Appliance ......5
Outside Storage ...........................57
Property Maintenance ......................69
Referred to Environmental ...................0
Residential Outdoor Lighting Nuisance ........1
Right-of-Way (ROW) Obstruction.............6
ROW Obstruction (Basketball Goal) ...........4
Smoking Ordinance .........................0
Stagnant Swimming Pool ....................6
Trash and Debris ..........................133
Commercial Vehicles ........................5
Junked Motor Vehicles .....................49
Parking on the Grass .......................24
Street Parking Violation – Referred to PD ......1
Accessory Structure Setback Violation .........5
Address Identification .......................0
Certificate of Occupancy Required ............0 Boats .....................................6
RV ........................................4
Trailer ....................................27
Chickens / Poultry ..........................4
Fence Violations ...........................11
Home Occupations ....................... 10
Illegal Signs ................................3
Non-Traditional Smoking Related Business ....0
Landscape Maintenance .....................0
Overhanging Tree Limbs ....................54
Parking Lot Maintenance ....................3
Section 4400 - Illegal Land Use Residential ....2
Section 4400 - Illegal Land Use Commercial. . .0
Sign Maintenance ..........................1
Solar Panel Systems
Vacation Rental / Short-term Rental ..........9
Vehicles on Blocks / Jack Stands ..............0
Visibility Obstruction - Shrubs / Bushes .......4
Commercial Window Signage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
| mansfield quarterly 32
33 mansfield quarterly |
Special Events is responsible for producing annual events throughout the city. Some of these events include Mansfield Rocks, Hometown Holidays and more. Our special events team strives to produce remarkable experiences for the entire community.
Mannsfield’s Juneteeeenth Celebration was held at the LOT Dowwntowwn this year r with h hunndredds of attendees, eigght perfoormers annd a paacked slaate of vendors and foood options.
| mansfield quarterly 34
“So much diverse entertainment”
Music Alley
Music Alley had fifteen entertainment acts and filled all available vendor spaces. Based on tracking data around 2,500 people attended the event and the average person stayed for almost two hours. Based on survey results, 57% of attendees were first timers for Music Alley and 98% of attendees said they would attend again next year.
“Children of all ages could participate in all activities that were available. My 2yr 9mo son loved it all.”
“My daughter absolutely loved all of the arts and crafts opportunities available!”
“Still had small town Mansfield feel, SUPER kid friendly! Fantastic family event!”
N Next year’s s M Music Alleey y h haas alrreeaddy b beeen n scheeduled d foor Apprril 6 6, 20024 to o cooincidde witth the e weekeennd arroouund thhe 2 20224 4 T Texas T Tootal l E Eccliipse.
35 mansfield quarterly |
Viisit Mannssfield won n two o Texas Trravel A Awardds in the m miid-mmarket caategoory The “Love Your Viibe” mural in Hiistooric Downtowwn Maansfield was s naamed thhe “Most I Innstagrammabble Spot” and d Music Alley was awarded d “BBest Mussic Festivaal”
At t the 200223 WorldFest Film Feesttival, Visit Maansfield’s s short t paraanoormaal doocumentary “The Spirrits of W Wrigght Housee” w won a Brroonze Award in the Toourism c category M Mansfield was s the only noon-Amerriccan film to w win in n thhis categgory.
| mansfield quarterly 36
Texas, Town and City Magazine
Visit Mansfield wrote an article about the city’s Veterans Day parade and how it has helped transform Mansfield into a place that honors its veterans year round, which was featured in “Texas, Town and City Magazine's annual tourism edition in April.
Tottal Eclipse 200224
Visiit Mansfield laaunched our Texas Tootal Eclipse campaign n on April 8, onne yeear o out frrom the 2024 T Totaal Eclipsee, one of f the laargest touurism driving e evvents of next year. Mansfieeld will be righht in the middle e of the path of totality in 20024 4 and we e expecteed thoousands to flocck to the city foor the celestial eveent t
A special logo waas s made for the onnce e in a lifetime event, a viideo teaser r was releeased d and has garneered over 2 2,000 views, the domaain wwww.NorthTexasEcclipse.com was reeseerved years ago to reedireect to Visit Manssfield’s website, monthlly f fun facts have already been releeased and moore are prepared to keeep remminding the public and largeer plans are allready in place to make the event e even more unfforgettable heere e in Mansfield
37 mansfield quarterly |
The Water Utilities Department is dedicated to providing high-quality drinking water to our citizens and local businesses, and strives to protect the environment through effective wastewater treatment. Water Utilities works closely with the Environmental Services Department to provide public education on how to conserve and protect water, and keep our waterways clean from trash and hazardous materials.
Water Education
E Earth Day
T The E Earth D Daay evveent haad over r 7550 p particcipantts s We partnneerreed with T TRAA, T TCEQQ, TRWWDD, MIISSD, C Ciity y serviccess- wateer, ennvironnmmental, libbrraaryy, parks, citty o officees, FDD, P PD, and faarrmmers m marrket t At thhe e evvent, paarticippantts leaarned about t sustaaiinabilityy, stoormwwaateer r proottecctioon, w water r consseerrvation, a and m more e
W Wateer Treeaattmennt Plaannt t Tour
T Twelvve studdeents f frrom m a homeschhoool g group tourreed d the e watteer r treatmmennt p plantt, learnninng abboout w waatter coonservvatiion and hoow w wateer geets to their r hoommee.
C Continued W Work on B Buuttteerfly Gardeen
C Completioon n at Doonna Sheparrd
S Sevennty-fivve studdeents s woorked d wiith thhe d deparrtment to coonntinnuue e care f for r thhe c camppus butterfly y g garddens. Stuudeents leearned abboouut reducing g the usse of peestiicidees and chemmiccals b by y using native e and adapteed planntts
E Erma a Nash E Elementary y had ovver 2000 studeents thhat t learnned a abboout s sttorrmwwateer protecttion and reccyyccling to p prottect o our environnmmentt. Stuuddeennts inntteraactted w with the edducatioon n vaann, e excavvaatoor, annd
sttreet t sweepperr, and t took k home educcatioon m materials to exxtend t their l leearning g
A Alma Martinneez studdeents leeaarrned abbouut enviroonmennttal susttainabbilitty, , stormmwateer p protecction, a and d watteer coonnsservatioon n thhroouggh g gamifified learning duuring thheeir innnoovaatioon w week with thhe depaarrtmeennt
W WILD Radio o Addverttissemennt t (Ben B Barberr) Studeennts coollabboratteed w witth the deparrtmmennt o on “Tipps for Reecycling” advveerrtisemmentt.
C Conseervation Captaainns a and N Nationnal Theeatter r P Productions
M MISDD, City Seervvicess, and d TRRWWD partnnereed to o p providde opppoorttunitiees foor M MIISD sttudentts to p participate in Conseerrvatiion C Captainns acttivities annd Nattionnal Thheeateer P Prooducttiions. These e reesources foocuus on wateer coonservvaatioon.
A Alma Martinneez - Coonnserrvaattioon Captaiins (aactiviitties to o exxtend d currriccuuluum)
N National Theeatter Prrooducctionns - Prroofeessionnal p performanccees that engaage studennts in environmmental suustainnaabilitty through a water conservation n foocus
| mansfield quarterly 38
Utility Billing Statistics
April 1 to June 30
•Responded to 7,123 phone calls
•Sent 43,685 WaterSmart group messages
•Sent 3,892 WaterSmart leak alerts
U Upwaard Boouund Sttudennt Tour r (UUTAA) )
U University of T Texas at Arrliinngton n stuudeennts in n the e Upwaard Bound prooggram camme e to thhe C Chhris W W. Burkeettt Seerrvvicce Ceennteer to o leearn about t w ways to o coonnsserve wateer and reecyccling. Sttudentts touurreed the Envviroonm menttaal Colleecction C Centeerr, learnneed abouut H Housseehold Hazarddous s W Waaste, explorred d thhe demonnsstrration garrddeenns, annd d leearneed about t compoosting g in t theeir r own hoouseholld d Studeents foocusseed d on how theey y could make e a diffeerencce e in n their r owwn n lives t to help t the e ennviroonnmment.
C Collaborattioon wiitth Paarks Eveentts
T Throuugh coollaaboraattion a at t four diffeereent t p parks eventtss, educcaation t througgh smaartscaping, wateer connsservvaatioon, annd d moore reeachheed moore e thaan n 1,00000 0 residdeentts.
Bud Ervin Water Treatment Plant Statistics
Q3 (2023)
17.17 millions of gallons per day
11.51% decrease from Q3 (2022)
Q3 (2023)
16.65 millions of gallons per day
11.11% decrease from Q3 (2022)
Q3 (2023)
26.95 millions of gallons per day
6.16% decrease from Q3 (2023)
39 mansfield quarterly |
| mansfield quarterly 40