Police Department Founded in 1954
Over 75,000 Population
36.6 Square Miles
Mansfield ISD is the Largest Employer
Three Counties included are Tarrant, Johnson, and Ellis
On behalf of the Mansfield Police Department, I am pleased to present you with our 2022 Annual Police Report that catalogs the collective achievements of our employees. By all accounts, we had another stellar year with a lot of financial investments made in the category of public safety, Our Mayor and City Council, along with our City Manager and senior city leadership team have made significant investments across the police department.
I am really proud of the combined efforts that our police team made last year. Whether a patrol officer, detective, dispatcher, or professional staff team member, all of our employees rallied together to ensure public safety remains a top priority for our community. As our team showcases what we accomplished last year, this annual report stands as a testament on the continued commitment that all of our employees give to the residents and businesses in Mansfield.
I am eternally grateful for the immense dedication to our community. Public safety is a shared responsibility, which means that we are also thankful for our community volunteers and neighbors who partner with the police department to make a better city. Again, welcome to our 2022 Annual Report!
Every Friday, our officers pose with a dog or cat that is looking for a forever home. This little guy was Sergeant Hale's favorite with his facial expression.
Officer Jones and several agencies across North Texas gathered together in support of 6 year-old Fort Worth kiddo named Rylan who was trying to beat Cancer.
We had snow in Texas! Officer Nicholas stopped by and joined in the fun with some kiddos in his beat.
K9 Stache celebrated his 4th Birthday with his partner Officer Walley.
Officers enjoyed interacting with our community during Music Alley. It was a fun-filled weekend with music and vendors.
We hosted an intense week-long police bike school, which prepared each participant for the tests to become certified.
Every officer participated in active shooter training at a local church. The Mansfield Fire Department, Police Explorers, Mansfield Citizens Police Alumni Association, and Volunteers in Police Services assisted in making this training realistic.
With Texas summers, come hot and humid conditions. Officer Brown stopped by to say hello and to enjoy a nice cold glass of freshly squeezed lemonade.
Officer Alejandro and Officer Kerr attended the Dallas 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. It is a remembrance and commemoration of the sacrifices of those who perished at the World Trade Center.
Officer Brown and Officer Hart won the 2022 Women in Law Enforcement firearms competition during the conference.
Every Christmas Eve, Santa visits Mansfield and hangs out with Chief Aaron and Mansfield's finest. We posted photos on Facebook as Santa Sightings occurred around the city!
Sergeant McGinley was invited to Mansfield Christian Prep to talk to the kiddos about our profession. One of the best part of our jobs is educating our youth.
The Mansfield Police Department Community Resources Division (CRD) oversees the department's citizen outreach efforts. CRD also hosts the Citizens Police Academy, Crime Free Lifestyles, Crime Free Multi-housing Program, Crime Victim Assistance, Explorers Programs, Mental Illness Liaison, National Night Out, Seniors Program and Volunteer Programs. The department posts upcoming events on various social media platforms.
The Mansfield Police Department Police Explorer Program is one of the most highly respected youth programs in the state. It is open to students aged 14 to 20 who have an interest in pursuing a career in law enforcement. Police Explorers meet weekly and receive course instruction on various topic areas that are relevant in law enforcement.
The Police Explorers assist the police department at various special events such as the Boo Bash, Mansfield ISD Fall Fest, our Annual Toy & Food Drive, and other community events. They also hosted a successful Muscle and Hustle 5K Fun Run/Walk in June to help raise funds for the Explorer Program. Residents can quickly identify Explorers by their distinctive polo shirts and khaki pants.
The Mansfield Police Department hosted the Annual Toy and Food Drive during last year's holiday season. By setting up shop at a large retailer in the city, residents and visitors donated toys,food,and monetary donations.
During Thanksgiving, staff assisted Harvesting in Mansfield by assisting with the distribution of over 1,186 pounds of food. During Christmas, the team assisted with meal preparations for over 325 families. This is in addition to more than 500 children and teens who received toys and presentsto brighten the holiday season
Zeno Pfau, one of our volunteers, spearheads our Senior Citizen Program for residents who are 65-plus. This program began in November 2014 and focuses on the well-being and welfare. We currently have 204 seniors enrolled in the program. Zeno contacts the seniors monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly by phone, text, or email to ensures that they are okay. He also answers questions and addresses other concerns. This program allows family members who live outside of Mansfield to feel safe and secure for their loved ones knowing that someone from the police department is looking after them throughout the year.
The Mansfield Crime Free Multi-Housing Program was designed to help residents, owners, and the managers of rental property keep drugs and other illegal activity off their property. This program is simple and based upon partnerships to make Mansfield better. It is designed to be easy, yet very effective in reducing the incidents of crime on a rental property.
Throughout the year, local coffee shops hosts Coffee with Cops. This allows our officers an opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with members of our community. Relationships and partnerships are formed while enjoying a nice hot cup of coffee.
When it comes to assisting and supporting local charity events,the Mansfield Police Department is always willing to help. We partner with the Special Olympics of Texas to assist in their yearly event at Texas Roadhouse to raise money and awareness. Our Place, a local restaurant, hosts Dining for Heroes for The Peace Officers Angels Foundation (POAF). They assist Texas Police Officers who are seriously injured in the line of duty. Mansfield officers put on an apron and serve the patrons of the restaurant and to bring awarenessof POAF.
There is a reason they call National Night Out the biggest party of the year. Annually, our community comes together to partner with the Police and Fire Departments. Parties range from small group settings to full-scale block parties. By turning their porch lights on and stepping outside to meet neighbors and public safety officials, residents, and business owners take a proactive stance against crime.
The department is especially proud of last year's efforts. Based upon the depth of our activities and number of registered party events, the Mansfield Police Department was awarded 16th place by the National Association of Town Watch for cities with a population between 50,000100,000. This award belongs to our neighborhoods that participated in National Night Out activities.
Residents can register their parties with the Community Resources Division by emailing Officer Kerr at
Kids will always hold a special place in our hearts. Our team tries to participate in several events and activities where kids can build positive rapport with officers. Over the past year, officers visited local day care facilities, greeted elementary students before and after school, attended several birthday parties, purchased drinks from local lemonade stands, and looked for ways to bring about a smile to their faces.
The Mansfield community is home to thousands of children that look up to Mansfield's finest. The department welcomes citizens to let the team know when special events occur throughout the community.
The Mansfield Police Department conducts regular training for sworn officers. Mansfield prides itself on it's training program. Officers conduct monthly firearms training and attend relevant police courses that are required by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and departmental executive direction. Physical well-being is also important as officers complete bi-annual fitness examinations. By committing to a solid and recurring training regiment, officers are prepared to manage a wide range of incidentsthat occur in the community.
In 2022, the Training and Recruiting team hired 11 new police officers.
The Mansfield City Jail is responsible for temporarily housing inmates until they are released or transferred to another jail. Jail staffing currently consists of 12 full-time detention officers. The jail provides services to Mansfield, Kennedale, Burleson, the Mansfield Independent School District, and Mansfield Methodist Hospital.
The Mansfield Police Department was recognized for the second time on Monday, November 23, 2020 by the Texas Police Chiefs Association (TPCA) as a Recognized Law Enforcement Agency. The TPCA Recognition Program evaluates law enforcement agencies' compliance with 166 best business practices that cover an array of topic areas relevant to policing. These Best Practice standards were developed to assist police departments with the efficient and effective delivery of service while upholding the rights of all citizens. Areas of evaluation include use of force,protection of civil rights, pursuit management, property and evidence standards,and patrol and investigative protocols,to name a few.
The Mansfield Police Department received their initial recognition by the TPCA in October 2016. Current program requirements mandate that agencies undergo an on-site inspection every four years to ensure continued compliance with Best Practice standards. On October 16, 2016, the department received the prestigious designation as a "Recognized Law Enforcement Agency," one of only 170 police agenciesin the state out of over 2,000 to receive thishonor.
The Mansfield Police Department is authorized by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) as a Training Provider. This designation allows the Mansfield Police Department to sponsor training approved by TCOLEand provide the licensing hours needed by police officers and telecommunicators to meet licensing requirements. The Mansfield Police Department is required to establish a Training Advisory Board.
The duty of the Training Advisory Board is to evaluate the department's training initiatives and programs and to make recommendations to the Chief of Police and Training Coordinator regarding contemporary training for police officers and dispatchers. The Training Advisory Board meets the "Best Practice" recommendations established by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and servesasa ChiefsAdvisory Board.
The Advisory Board is made up of citizens appointed by the Chief of Police who come from a variety of backgrounds. Members of the Board Include: Dr. Jacquelyn Minor (Chairperson), Mayor Dr. Michael Evans, Alma Pressley, Dr. Kimberley Cantu, Dr. Thomas Petrowski, Jeremy McJimson,Dr. Joe Adams,and Michael Piece.
License Plate Readers
The ten Flock Safety Cameras were installed between mid-January to March. Flock cameras are instrumental to the police department and has been credited to identifying suspects and solving crimes across the city. Our first stolen car recovery was on March 18, 2022. We made a total of 21 arrests through the Flock Safety Camera System. Ten stolen vehicles were located and recovered. Eight people were arrested from the stolen vehicles and 13 arrests were made through warrant notifications. Of all of the 23 vehicles located, only one was involved in a pursuit. In 2023, we will be adding ten more throughout the city of Mansfield which will give usa total of 20.
In May 2022, we started the construction of our new driving pad and burn tower. The driving pad was completed in August while the burn tower is still under construction. Our driving pad will be used for bike training, motor exercises, and the home of our new National Academy Professional Driving (NAPD) Training. In November, Mansfield Officers completed an 8-hour NAPD course which included defensive and police driving skills.
The Mansfield City Council approved the construction of a new police building. In December 2022, all of our police services were relocated before the demolishing of the existing building. It will take approximately 18-24 months to complete our police department's new home. This will allow all of our departments to be under one roof including dispatch services, jail facility, patrol, detectives, fleet, and command staff. Our goal with the design of the building is to have the 'WOW' factor when someone sees our new home. This building will have a very inviting feel, comprised of modern technology, and will maximize the functionality and efficiency of the building, parking lot, and South Support Building.
The Mansfield Police Department participates with Burleson, Kennedale, Midlothian, and Tarrant County Constable Precinct 7 to target auto burglaries and auto thefts as members of the Tri-County Auto Burglary and Theft Prevention Task Force.
The focus of the multi-agency task force is to reduce auto burglaries and auto thefts through enforcement and public education. Auto burglaries and thefts take a negative toll on all residents through higher insurance premiums. In order to reduce auto thefts and burglaries, investigatorsfocuson prolificoffenders.
The Task Force is led by Mansfield Lieutenant Jim Harrell who oversees the day-to-day operations of the unit activities.
Administration Bureau
The Mansfield Police Department Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is comprised of the Property Unit,Crimes Against Persons Unit, Sex Crimes Unit, Crime Analyst, Financial Crimes Unit, and Crime Scene Unit. Their goal is to provide the highest quality of criminal investigative support to the department's Patrol Division by identifying offenders and bringing justice to victims. CID detectives conduct a broad spectrum of criminal investigations which include robberies,burglaries, assaults, fraud, computer crimes, death investigations, sexual assaults, and missing persons. The Mansfield Police Department has detectives assigned to the U.S. Marshals Task Force, the combined Narcotics Enforcement Task Force, as well as the Auto Burglary & Theft Task Force. The CID Unit is staffed by one lieutenant, one sergeant, 10 detectives, one crime analyst,and three crime scene investigators.
In 2019, the Mansfield Police Department switched from a summary-based crime reporting system to the FBI's National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). This system is an incident-based reporting system for crimesknown to the police. For each crime incident coming to the attention of law enforcement, a variety of data is collected about the incident. This data includes the nature and types of specific offenses in the incident, characteristics of the victim(s) and offender(s), types and value of property stolen and recovered, and characteristics of persons arrested in connection with a crime incident. The Part 1 Crimes are not all of the crimes that have occurred but they are the ones that are tracked and are required to be reported to the FBI. Incident based data provide an extremely large amount of information about crime. The information is also organized in complex ways, reflecting the many different aspectsof a crime incident.
The Communications Division manages a 24-hour 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and serves the cities of Mansfield and Kennedale.The total service area encompassesapproximately 45 square miles. The Communications Center handles calls for service and dispatches employees for police and fire departments in each city. This includes emergency calls, non-emergency calls, and administrative phone calls. The unit also ensures every call is routed to the appropriate service agency for response.
The division is responsible for fielding requests for service or assistance from other agencies, maintaining data entries into the Texas Crime Information Center (TCIC)/National Crime Information Center (NCIC),and relaying information to field personnel.
Our Dispatch Center implemented the Emergency Medical Dispatching (EMD) protocols with callers and patients in October 2017. Since that time, dispatchers have taken over 31,000 medical and injured person calls where they were able to provide pre-arrival instructions from CPR, to blood control, to delivering a baby, to basic patient care before medical assistance arrived. Through the efforts of the dispatchers and their EMD training, there have been nine Life-Saving Awards and two Stork Awards presented to dispatcherssince the use of EMD. Through the use of the EMD program, dispatchers were able to classify over 2,600 medical and injured person calls to a priority 3, which resulted in an ambulance only response without lights and sirens. The proper classification of a call to a priority 3 level recommending an ambulance only without lights and sirens reduces the safety risks to our first respondersand the community aswell asprovidescost savings on the overuse of our fire apparatus. Without a doubt, the EMD program has demonstrated success in saving lives and reducing safety risksfor our first responders.
Administration Bureau
Citizens are able to:
The Mansfield Police Department Alarm Reduction Program is managed by the department which offers an online alarm permit management system.
2021 Net Collections $225,842.50
- Access/manage their account;
- Obtain a new permit, renew a permit, and pay associated fees;
- Access tips and advise on how to eliminate or reduce false alarm calls;
- Update permit information;
- Receive customer support in both English and Spanish.
2022 Net Collections $232,153.58
Patrol is the largest and most visible division of the Mansfield Police Department. Patrol officers respond to calls for service, perform traffic enforcement, and conduct proactive patrols in neighborhoods and business districts. The City of Mansfield is divided into 12 districts and each officer is assigned to that specific geographicarea within a district.
The Patrol Medical Unit, also housed within the Patrol Division, has four Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) assigned. Their primary mission is to respond to patrol calls which may require lifesaving care until EMSproviders can arrive. Each Police EMT is equipped with a medical supply bag, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and a Mass Casualty Incident bag (MCI). In 2022, the unit responded to 21 calls,assisted 23 patients,and saved a life.
Priority 1: Callsposing an immediate threat to human life,emergencies,potential emergencies,urgent calls,a potential of violence or injury,and criminal offensesthat are in progressor have just occurred.
Priority 2: Callsshowing no signsof becoming violent but doesinvolve a disturbance or suspiciousactivity. Response timesare defined asthe number of seconds from when a call isdispatched until a responding unit arriveson scene.
The K-9 Unit consists of a dog handler and a specially-trained dog geared for law enforcement work. Officer Walley was appointed to the position in 2020 and was paired with K-9 Stache. Officer Walley and K-9 Stache were certified as a team in Patrol and Narcotics through the National Narcotic Detector Dog Association (NNDDA) and Hill Country Dog Center in January 2020. K-9 Officer Walley and K-9 Stache began patrolling the city in March 2020. In December 2020,K-9 Officer Walley and K-9 Stache were both deputized as a Tarrant County Sheriff's Deputy and hold two separate commissions. In November 2021, K-9 Stache was re-certified in patrol and narcoticsdetection.
Stache's Finds Based Off Consent/PC Searches
- $28,500 in cash
- Over 99.6 poundsof marijuana
- 8.54 poundsof THC
- 14.26 poundsof Methamphetamine
- 13.75 poundsof Fentanyl along with 11,223 Fentanyl pills - 3.6 poundsof Psilocybin - 93 unitsof LSD
- 5.64 ouncesof Cocaine
- 12.8 ouncesof Mushrooms
- 1.43 ouncesof Xanax
- 2.7 gramsof Ketamine
- 54 ouncesof Promethazine
- 1.86 gramsof Black Tar Heroin
- 5 Seized/Recovered Vehicles
- 11 Firearms
The Traffic Division consists of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE) Unit and the Traffic Unit. Their goal is to reduce the number of accidents on the roadways to make the streets safer for the community. This is accomplished through public education and traffic enforcement efforts on highways, neighborhood streets, and school zones. The CVEUnit works to ensure local roadways and highways are safe and that commercial motor vehicles operate within federal safety standards. The unit iscomprised of a sergeant,three motor officers,and two CVEofficers.
The Small Unmanned Aircraft System Unit (SUAS) was established in May 2016. The unit is currently made up of two pilots who have undergone extensive training in order to obtain Remote Pilot Certificates through passing the FAA'sAeronautical Knowledge Test.
The SUAS program follows strict regulations from the FAA, which includes keeping flight logs and filing Notice to Airman (NOTAM)with the FAAbefore flights.
The SUAS Unit responds to many different types of calls including prowlers, missing persons, major crashes, barricaded person calls, hostage situations, burglary in progress calls, and swift water rescues. In 2022,the SUASUnit performed 120 flights.
The Mansfield Police Department Mobile Field Force was established in 2015. The goal is to provide protection to the citizens of Mansfield and to the loss of property due to damage or destruction and to quell large-scale civil disturbancesor riots.
The team is made up of a commander and two platoons. The part-time team is currently staffed with 16 officers from the Patrol Division and the Criminal Investigations Division. All members of the Mobile Field Force hold a certification in Field Force Operations from the Center for Domestic Preparedness which is a training program of FEMAand the Department of Homeland Security.
The SWAT Unit is comprised of 13 officers, two team leaders,one commander,and one SWAT medic. The unit regularly trains 24 hours a month and focuses on tactical instruction in special weapons and tactics. The training includes building proficiency on the firing range, critical incident management, high-risk stops, and crowd control. The unit is extensively trained in executing high risk warrants, dealing with barricaded persons, providing dignitary security, and resolving hostage rescue situations safely. In 2022, they had 48 special details.
The department's social networking platforms are hosted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and boasts a following of over 30,000 followers. Each platform servesa unique purpose and strivesto connect all segmentsof the community.
March 20, 2022 - The annual Pickle Parade was a huge success! Everyone always looks forward to this event.
May 2, 2022 - Honor Guard members represented MPD at the Texas Peace Officers' Memorial Candlelight Vigil and Memorial Service to honor fallen officers from Texas.
June 18, 2022 - Juneteenth Celebration featured live entertainment, food, and lots of fun.
July 3, 2022 - Mansfield Rocks was a rockin' good time to celebrate July 4th.
July 28, 2022 - Texas Roadhouse Tip-A-Cop fundraiser benefiting the Special Olympics celebrated our Mansfield athletes.
September 13, 2022 - Freedom Fest Mansfield was filled with concerts, food, music, and vendors.
September 16, 2022 - Our CRD Unit attended the City Services on the Go event and highlighted our National Night Out and Senior Citizens Program.
October 4, 2022 - It was a beautiful night to celebrate the biggest party of the year - National Night Out.
October 25, 2022 - Mansfield ISD hosted their annual Wonder Fall Fest. Our Community Resources Division along with the Police Explorers joined in the fun.
October 31, 2022 - In celebration of Halloween, Officer Johnson patrolled the neighborhoods and visited with neighborhood kiddos.
November 1, 2022 - Officers participated in No-Shave November.
November 5, 2022 - The police department's veterans were honored on a float during the annual Veteran's Day Parade.
November 30, 2022 - All of the Mansfield City Departments came together and donated toys for the Mansfield ISD Toys for Tots Toy Drive.
December 1, 2022 - Our Annual Hometown Holidays was a huge success filled with food, rides, and fireworks.
December 10, 2022 - Our Mansfield Shooting Team and SWAT Team assisted Mayor Michael Evans during the ring the Salvation Army's regional Mayoral Donation Challenge.
Detention Officer Ronda Driver
20 Years
Dispatcher Carol Schluter
22 Years
Dispatcher Donna Cedillo
28 Years
Detention Officer Alicia Wilson
20 years
Officer Alejandro placed 1st Place in the 10Kand 1st Place in the 5Kat the 2022 TexasPolice Games.
Sergeant Hale, Sergeant Raines, Officer Hernandez, and Officer Killian competed in the Honor the Fallen 5K and came in 1st Place.
Officer Bourget received the MADD North Texas Enforcement Hero Award for having the most DWI arrests in MPD. He also received this honor in 2021.
MPD Reserve Officer Davis placed 3rd Place in the Bass Tournament at the 2022 Texas Police Athletic Federation Competition.
The Mansfield Shooting Team hosted their first competition in May which attracted participants from around the Metroplex.
Our Police Services including the Mansfield Jail were relocated in mid-December. The patrol building was torn down in preparation for construction of our new building. It should be completed within 18-24 months.
In June, our Mansfield Citizens Police Academy Class #32 graduated after 10-weeksof training.
After a long week of intense SWAT training, our SWAT team played a friendly game of volleyball against the Mansfield High school girls' volleyball team.
In May, the City of Mansfield recognized our volunteers which included Officer Trey Kerr, Police Explorers, Citizens on Patrol, VIPS, and the Mansfield Citizens Police Academy Alumni Associationa
Captain Travis Waybourn graduated from the 284th session of the FBI National Academy. Captain Waybourn is the second officer in the MPD history to complete thisprestigiousprogram.
Officer Jones received the Jesse FernandezFront Line Leadership Award from City Manager Joe Smolinski. This award is given to those who are dedicated to serve selflessly.
Officer Alejandro received the Peace Officers Angels Foundation (POAF) 2022 Police Officers Award. POAF assists Texas law enforcement officers who have been seriously injured in the line of duty.
The Mansfield Police Department received a National Night Out Award by the National Association of Town Watch. We competed against police departments across the nation with a population between 50,000100,000 and received 16th Place.
Chief of Police Tracy Aaron was sworn in as the North Texas Police Chiefs Association's2nd Vice President.
Officer Embry and Officer Jones won 1st Place for the Best First Responder Vehicle at the Chisholm Trail 100 club 8th Annual Hot Rods and Heroes Motor Festival.
Officer Brown and Officer Hart won the 2022 Women in Law Enforcement firearms competition during the conference.
MISSION: To represent the Mansfield Police Department and our community with the highest level of professionalism. We all honor those who have given their lives in the protection of others while upholding the traditions of our profession and our country with PRIDE, HONORand INTEGRITY.
Our prestigious Honor Guard is comprised of nine uniformed members and one administrative sergeant. Duties include funerals, city events, graduations, and events that require the presentation of Colors. The team trains 12 hours every other month and focuses on ceremonious events, casket guard, flag protocols, and precision drill movements. In 2022, the Honor Guard assisted and attended 15 police and publicevents.
Officer Danny Cordes was killed in a motorcycle accident on May 23, 1986. The accident was a result of a trailer coming loose from an oncoming vehicle and striking him. We honor the sacrifice Officer Cordes and his family have made to the City of Mansfield and its residents.
On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution, and will remain loyal to my community and the agency I serve.