School Nurse Day in MUSD Our Health Services Department and Manteca Unified School District are dedicated to support students and families in need, especially while distance learning. “Our passion and objectives are to assist underserved children so that they can excel academically,” said Leslie Agostini, Coordinator of Health Services and registered nurse. This year, 1,033 students were identified as homeless, or at-risk of homelessness, and part of Health Service’s Transitional Student Success Program (TSSP), intended for students that are considered without adequate or permanent places to sleep at night. To support students in their transition, TSSP allows students to enroll in school without barriers such as lack of shot records, birth certificates, educational records, etc. and once enrolled, the health services team act as a liaison in retrieving required documentation. TSSP students are provided free breakfast, lunch, and snacks and items needed to be academically successful such as essential school supplies, hygiene products, and sometimes clothing. Families are also provided a community resource packet with needed information to assist with housing, food banks, Medi-Cal, domestic violence services, and emotional health support to name a few. Leslie Agostini and her team of nine school nurses plus support
staff continue to assess needs and provide services that address student need amid coronavirus. “We have continued to make phone contact with as many families that have children at-risk,” shared Agostini. “Our staff is working with the food banks to ensure that inneed families have access to food and homeless collation to provide housing resources that may be available in the community.” Nurses also work to secure accessibility so that TSSP students can participate in distance learning, through digital or non-digital resources, and provide backpacks to ensure they have a secured spot to house their device or work. The same process is being followed for the foster youth. School nurses are also reaching out to families with known medical needs to ensure medical questions are tended to and care is being provided. MUSD Health Services partners with San Joaquin Valley Community Counseling to offer emotional and social support at
nine school campus’ while distance learning. “Any student is eligible for counseling services,” added Agostini. Health Services has a nurse available by phone to any family, student, or staff that has medical questions. Reach our school nurses MondayFriday, between the hours of 8:00am-4:00pm, at (209) 858-0782 and push “0” for nurse needed. Throughout history, school nurses have served a critical role in improving public health and ensuring students’ academic success. They are on the front lines, even during distance learning, and understand the direct link between health and learning. Our team of MUSD nurses: Leslie Agostini, Loretta Tefertiller, Gina Jones, Gina Vieira, Mandeep Kaur, Kaylene Lawlor, Leigh Ann Danipour, Brenda Vilches, Vicki Kirby, and Harriet Marian. For information on free meal services, visit: