5 minute read
New to English
from Spring Catalogue
Take away the words in a well-known story, such as Gruffalo or Mungo or Hungry Caterpillar… and see what happens! Suddenly instead of watching silently the children start to tell the story in their own way. Wordless books do just that. For many years,
children have been speaking and having fun, engaging with the pictures and stimulating their verbal expression. Becoming their own authors! We go one step further. The desktop stage with story props is designed for large groups. Kamishibai is an old Japanese storytelling method. Nearly every nursery and infant school in Germany, Austria and Switzerland use Kamishibai for a totally different storytelling and listening experience. Now we are bringing this to the UK! How can I get children to speak and c co-operate with each other? “ “ Creative Oracy and Story Sharing
Many children are quiet in class. Maybe just shy, or INAs, or lacking confidence in speaking, or for various other reasons. Here is a well-tried and tested method - a new experience that encourages oracy, role play, socialising, make believe, visual imagising, speaking in English or in their home languages - the benefits are huge.
We have a great collection of ‘Story Props’ with a robust wooden light Desktop Stage. Ideally, let the children familiarise themselves with the story in book form and then create their own stories. Enjoy the magical experience of Kamishibai storytelling. Every session tells a different S p e c i a l I n t r o d u c t o r y O f f e r
Wooden traditional kamishibai stage (A3 props)
Order any 10 Story Props and get a FREE Desktop Stage

The Musicians of Bremen £14.95 The Very Hungry Caterpillar £17.50 The Gruffalo £20.00 The Three Billy Goats Gruff £14.95
The Giant Turnip £14.95 Goldilocks and the Three Bears £15.50
Pinocchio and the Real Boys £15.50 Mungo Makes New Friends £14.95 Keeping Up With Cheetah £14.95
Don't Cry, Sly! £14.95 Speckle Family needs a Home £14.95 The Pearl Necklace £19.50
The Ugly Duckling £14.95
Buri and the Marrow £14.95
Hansel and Gretel £14.95
Ravens lost their colour £14.95
Apples: from Flower to Fruit £14.95
Thumbelina £14.95
Francis & the First Nativity £14.95
Will you be My Friend £14.95
The Biscuit Moon £14.95
story, unique to its audience!

English with 21 languages
English with 28 languages +Dual Language Audio English with 6 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 5 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 16 languages
English with 28 languages English with 25 languages +Dual Language Audio +Dual Language Audio
English with 26 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 12 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 14 languages +Dual Language Audio English with 12 languages English with 12 languages +Dual Language Audio +Dual Language Audio
English with 40 languages +Dual Language Audio
January 2020
English with 6 languages English with 32 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 31 languages +Dual Language Audio In my class there are about 10 different home languages spoken. How can I communicate with them? “ “
How do you communicate effectively with a pupil and their parents/carers who speak very little English?
For many TAs, EAL Co-ordinators and their Advisors this challenge may seem insurmountable. In a class there may be many different mother tongue (L1) learners.
There are however many ways, multi-modal ways, to reach children, recognising their unique learning styles, travel histories and motivations of each individual.
Our New Arrivals philosophy is to tell stories in different ways: Dual language picture books in English and mother tongue; Ebooks with games and notes; Wordless versions with artwork but no words so pupils can tell their story in their home language or English with the Kamishibai method.
To support L1 pupils where teachers or TAs may not be speaking their language, our dual language books have AUDIO on each page. Pupils using PENpal or ClassroomPEN can listen to the text first in the home language, then access the English. See our Starter Language Packs in various languages that provide immediate support. There is nothing more comforting to a new arrival than to hear a story being read in their home language. ‘New to English’ Resources: Nurseries
English with 32 languages English only +Dual Language Audio +English Audio Teachers can also make their own audio visual resources using Recordable Labels and PENpal or ClassroomPEN. They can involve parents to also provide audio in home languages.
Parental and community inclusion are significantly enhanced by seeing dual language resources in schools. The PENpal/ClassroomPEN enables parents to add their voices into any dual language book; or for favourite non-Mantra Lingua books, parents too can add their voices using our recordable labels. Children can make their own mini-books including narrations in their home language. To engage the family or community, schools can loan out our ebook library of over 550 dual language books at very low prices. There are books suitable for all siblings, from 3 to 14! Parents can also use the library to sharpen up their English. How can I engage with parents and their communities? “ “ ‘New to English’ Resources: Infants
English with 34 languages +Dual Language Audio English with 20 languages English with 29 languages +Dual Language Audio +Dual Language Audio
English with 44 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 19 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 24 languages +Dual Language Audio English with 29 languages English with 20 languages +Dual Language Audio +Dual Language Audio
English with 14 languages
English with 17 languages English with 23 languages +Dual Language Audio +Dual Language Audio
English with 22 languages
From Lima’s Red Hot Chilli and PENpal

8 | uk.mantralingua.com | 0044 208 44 55 123 English with 23 languages +Dual Language Audio
English with 23 languages English with 23 languages +Dual Language Audio +Dual Language Audio
English with 31 languages +Dual Language Audio