RH16 Uncovered July 2015 Issue

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RH16 & RH17 EDITION - JULY 2015 - ISSUE 28 Delivered to 24,000 homes & businesses in the RH16 & RH17 postcodes

Visit our new community website at WWW.RHUNCOVERED.CO.UK

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Welcome to ourJuly issue

I hope you’re having a wonderful month so far, and we’re about to make it that bit better. This month the July issue is packed with summer inspiration, including some gorgeous photos from the Muster Green makeover that makes our town look stunning, and a few charity events that we feel need the support of the community. Are you an antiques fan? We’ve dug out two antique fairs across RH16 and RH17, which are great places to pick up unique pieces of furniture, or just little precious nuggets to have in the home. Whether you’re an antique expert or just have an interest, why not have a wander along? Finally I chatted to the Chair of the Balcombe French Association to find out exactly what they get up to… there’s just so many unique groups around the town and we’re finally starting to uncover them all. COMMUNITY

Have a fab month! Amy


Community News


Whats On


Community Groups

CHILDREN AND EDUCATION 12 Get Out (into the great outdoors) GARDENS 14 Home Grown Herbs HOMES 18 Family Gardens STYLE 24 Scorching Summer Fashion HEALTH 26 Hear No Evil, See No Evil FOOD AND DRINK 28 Sage and Pancetta Roast Chicken

PUBLISHED BY Mantra Magazines Ltd CONTACT Unit 32, Rowfant Business Centre Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4NQ WEBSITE www.rhuncovered.co.uk



ADVERTISING SALES Nikki Relffe-Arnold nikki@mantramagazines.co.uk


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COMMUNITY MONDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Alzheimers & Dementia Support Group (Mid Sussex)  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— First Monday of the month - 7 - 9.00pm for carers of those with Dementia. Talks with people who have knowledge on various subjects to help those in need. Age Concern, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3DN —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Minton Badminton Club - meets at Victory Hall, Balcombe 8pm. 01444 400054 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1st Lindfield Company Boys' Brigade - meets Mondays Anchors (5-8yrs) 6.00pm-7.00pm, Juniors (8-11yrs) 6.30pm-7.30pm, Company Section (11-15yrs) 7.30pm-9.30pm Lindfield United Reform Church, High St, Lindfield, RH16 2HL. - Contact - 07810340787 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Rotary Club , (Haywards Heath) Community voluntary group.  Meeting on Monday's at 6:15pm - Haywards Heath Golf Club, High Beech Lane, RH16 1SL —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Isle of Thorns Bowls Club - Join our very friendly club on Monday (2.00 p.m.) and Thursday (6.00 p.m.) to play a relaxing game of bowls in the beautiful Ashdown forest. No experience necessary. Just come along and try us out. Lewes Rd, Chelwood Gate. Contact Barbara Bird: 01342 323861 www.iotbowls.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— TUESDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1st Ardingly Rainbows Brownies, A uniformed organisation, part of Girl Guiding UK. Tuesdays 5.30pm-7.00pm (term time) Hapstead Hall, High St, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6TA. 01444 892717 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Mid Sussex Friends of the Earth - We meet fortnightly on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm venues vary (often Haywards Heath). We run campaigns and activities throughout the year. For info call Rachel: 01444 891533 - midsussexnature@live.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Friendship Club (Tea and Chat), First Tuesday of the month. 2.30pm-4pm (except January) £1.00 for tea and cake. Ansty Village Hall, Deaks Lane, Ansty, RH17 5AS. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Sussex Harmonisers   (Male Barbershop Chorus) - 7-10 p.m. (rehearsal) St Paul's Catholic College, Jane Murray Way, Burgess Hill, RH15 8GA No——need to read music! Just turn up or call Mike on 01444 415043 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Haywards Heath Women’s Institute - meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Join us for book club, walking group, days out, arts and crafts, guest speakers and much more. haywardsheathwi@gmail.com or Tel : 01444 454925. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— All Saints Lindfield Tower Bells, 7.45-9.00pm (practice)  Venue: Lindfield All Saints, High St, Lindfield, RH16 2HS - Mrs B Dart 01444 482283 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Group , Are you a single man or woman, aged 45+? The Group meets in Burgess Hill on the second Tuesday evening of every month. Walking, golf, theatre, pub evenings, dinner, arts and music, singles holidays. Not a dating agency but an opportunity to make new friends doing the things you enjoy. Also in Lewes, Horsham and Brighton www.thegroup.org.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— WEDNESDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 12th Haywards Heath Rainbows, For girls aged 5-7 years.  Meet Wednesdays 4.30pm-5.45pm (term time only) Haywards Heath United Reformed Church Hall, 55 South Rd. 01444 233 825 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Lindfield Badminton Club - Secretary 01444 453559 Wednesdays 7.30 – 10pm - Oathall Community College, Haywards Heath. Men’ s, Mixed and Ladies’ teams in local leagues - www.freewebs.com/lindfield —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ansty Garden Club, Last Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm at Ansty Village Hall, Deaks Lane, Ansty, West Sussex, RH17 5AS. Suzanne Mace (Secretary) 01444 459151 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Youth Club, Albemarle Centre, ages 15+  - Wednesday evening - 7pm - 9pm, Duke of Edinburgh's Award, Silver and Gold age 15+ Contact Sarah on 01444 450492. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— THURSDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly Evening Women's Institute, Third Thursday of the month at 7.45pm Venue: Ardingly Village Hall, Hapstead Hall, Ardingly, Haywards Heath, West Sussex. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

WHAT’S ON —————————————————————————— 8th July 2015,  Wednesday, 2- 4.30pm - Haywards Heath and District U3A is holding an open meeting at Clair Hall in Perrymount Rd, Haywards Heath . Sussex author Phil Pavey will be giving a talk on the civil war battles which took place in Haywards Heath and West Hoathly. Admission costs just £1 which includes tea—or and biscuits. ——— ———— —coffee ——— —— ———————————— Various,  Various, Various - The Adventurers' Art Club Annual Exhibition Saturday 25th July - Sunday 2nd August. Venue: King Edward Hall, High Street, Lindfield, West Sussex, RH16 2HH. Opening Sat 25th July - Sat 1st Aug 10am 7pm, Sun 2nd Aug—10am -— 3.45pm. 50p for— adults ——— —— —— ——— ———Admission ————— —— ———



Adventurers Art Club,  A club for anyone interested in art. 7.30pm-9.30pm (term time) Cuckfield Old School, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, RH17 5JZ www.adventurersart.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly Choral Society - Non-audition choir, please contact for more information. 7.30pm (term time) - 01273 831264 . Venue: Ardingly College Music School, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6SQ —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Warden Park Badminton Park - 8pm - 10pm - at Warden Park Badminton School Cuckfield, Men & Woman with previous experience. 01444 471002 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Youth Club, Albemarle Centre, ages 11 -14 , Thursday evening - 6.45pm to 8.45pm Duke of Edinburgh Open Award Centre training - Contact Sarah on 01444 450492. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Isle of Thorns Bowls Club - Join our very friendly club on Monday (2.00 p.m.) and Thursday (6.00 p.m.) to play a relaxing game of bowls in the beautiful Ashdown forest. No experience necessary and coaching available. Just come along and try us out. We are at Lewes Road, Chelwood Gate, on the Ashdown Forest. Contact Barbara Bird: 01342 323861 www.iotbowls.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— FRIDAY —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cuckfield Evening Flower Club - meets on the second Friday of each month at 7.30pm at Queens Hall, Cuckfield. Call Sue Spooner on 01444 831602 for more info. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 4Sight - A reading (book) and discussion group for visually impaired people. 3rd Friday of the month 10.30am-12.00noon (except Aug and Dec) Dorothy Lazenby - 01444 450947 - Haywards Heath Libary —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Balcombe Flower Club - Last Friday of the month (except Aug & Dec) Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe, RH17 6HP. www.balcombevillage.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Icebreakers Dining Club - A local dining club for the single over 40’s. We meet on Friday’s for a meal at different venues in the area, such as pubs, restaurants, country hotels. For more info call Jacquie on 01403-273480 or vists www.icebreakersclub.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— VARIOUS —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ardingly History Society, Hapstead Hall, Ardingly, W. Sussex, ww.ardingly.org —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Age UK West Sussex, Monday - Friday 9.00am-4.00pm. 01444 450248. www.ageukwestsussex.org.uk The Redwood Activity Centre, Clair Hall, Perrymount Rd, Haywards Heath, RH16 3DN. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Haywards Heath Town Ladies Football Club, 01444 257822. ww.hhtlfc.talktalk.net Thursday training and Sunday matches for ages 16-40 approx. Hanbury Stadium, Haywards Heath. Training: Hurstpierpoint College. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Baha'is of Haywards Heath, Meet in an informal and friendly manner “We are all leaves of one branch on one tree” Contact Hannah on 01444 451783 50——Lucastes Avenue, Haywards Heath, W.Sussex, RH16 1JY. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music  43 Meadow Lane, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, RH16 2RJ . Mrs G Paine : 01444 483454 (Honary Local Representative) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Balcombe Tennis Club,  Oldlands Avenue, 01444 811839 www.balcombetennisclub.co.uk —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cowfold Short Mat Bowls Club, Roll-up sessions all year round, Monday 19:00 - 21:00 - Wednesday 19:00 - 21:00 Thursday 14:30 to 16:30 Contact Roger Hawke on 01444 881477 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Dolphin Ladies Swimming Club  Looking for new members to swim on a Tuesday 9.00 am – 11.30 am at the Dolphin Leisure Centre or at Ardingly College pool on a Friday 8.30 am – 10.00 am term time. The teachers are voluntary and we are non profit making (also we support other charities on an annual basis). All ladies welcome whether unable to swim, need advice to improve or wish to attain competitive standard. Contact dolphinladies@gmail.com or—— view our website - www.dolphinladiesswimmingclub.co.uk ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

The Jolly Tanners Nigel Bagge Band Sunday 12th July – 4pm Excellent home cooked food & fine ales available. 01444 400 335

The Jolly Tanners, Staplefield, West Sussex

01293 824088

The months of April and May have been witness to a mixture of emotions with the handover of the practice from Mr and Mrs Riley. Whilst existing patients have been sad to see that their eye care practitioners of 25 years have retired from the practice, they have taken to their new practitioner, Mr Patel, with great zeal. Mr Courtenage, who has been practicing along-side Mr and Mrs Riley for over 20 years, will continue to offer his services, and will be working closely with Mr Patel to ensure each and every patient receives the highest level of patient care. Mr Patel would like to personally thank the masses of existing patients who have helped to support the transition of ownership to what is ultimately their practice, and also to the influx of newer patients who will help to form the future of the practice. If you would like to book an appointment for a sight test, call us or pop in to the practice. Our dedicated receptionists, Mrs Rowlan and Mrs Jackson would be delighted to receive enquiries from existing and prospective patients.

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Muster Green H

gets a makeover

aywards Heath Town Council released some gorgeous photos of Muster Green just in time for the gorgeous summery months in our town. When you’ve lived somewhere for years, sometimes it’s easy to forget the gorgeous surroundings on offer so here’s a little reminder! Muster Green is not only great on a sunny day for a picnic, or walk, but is a lovely place to relax and only a short walk away to a local pub. It’s a place you drive past, but rarely a place where you stop - so why not take a trip there one Sunday afternoon?



“Our groundsmen team have been very busy!” said a spokesperson for Haywards Heath Town Council on Facebook. Tonnes of local people commented on the stunning photos when they were uploaded. Margaret Rumbold said “A lovely place to be proud of,” while Diane Shear-Smith said “We are so lucky to live here!”. Carol Burtenshaw commented on the ‘super colours’ of the flowers, and many of you thanked the council for their hard work. So enjoy the photos, and go and see them in real-life soon!

01293 824088

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appearing in Sussex


f you’re a lover of antiques, or need a bit of unique homeware inspiration, there are two events running in Sussex this month that will peak your interest, no doubt. Firstly, local hospice St Peter and St James is holding its first ever antiques and collectors fair as part of its 40th anniversary celebrations. The fair will include guest presenters from Antiques Roadshow and Antiques Roadtrip - and all are invited to attend! The event is running on Sunday 19th July, from 10.30am-4pm and is being held at the hospice in Chailey. What can you expect? Attendees can have their items valued by antiques experts, as well as looking around to find hidden treasures from the other stalls. There’s a £1 entry fee per person, and the event will host live entertainment, refreshments and free parking!

The charity cares for patients from Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath, Lewes, Uckfield and the surrounding villages and last year, provided care for more than 600 patients and their families. For more info, visit www.stpeter-stjames.org.uk. For a second event, head to Ardingly on 21st-22nd July for the International Antiques and Collectors Fair at the South of England showground. This is the largest event in the South of England, and houses up to 1,700 stalls with thousands and thousands of goods everything from fine antique furniture to delicate ceramics, as well as quality decorative items on offer. The show runs from 9am-5pm on Tuesday, and 8am-4pm on Wednesday. Visit www.iacf.co.uk/ardingly for more information.

Welcome in Summer with the Bolney Village Day


he beginning of July and an introduction to the brighter summer months is going to be celebrated in Bolney with the Village Day on Saturday 4th July from 1pm – 10.30pm at Batchelor’s Field. Mark Shepherd, Chairman of the event gave us some more details on what we can expect. “This year’s village day is going to be very special indeed as our new village hall officially opened in May,” he told us. “This will enable our village day to run no matter what the conditions are, which in past years has had to be cancelled due to inclement weather.” The day promises to bring family and friends together in a communal ‘mooch’ as Mark describes it, around the stalls. “There will be displays from a local dance school and some singing from Bolney players, picking numbers from their hugely successful recent musical on World War Two,” he added.

Nearly every society within the community hold a stall ranging from cakes, jams, tombolas, lucky dips, bouncy castles, bungee runs, ice creams and their newly-reopened community café. “We also have some charity stalls for different causes but mostly the profits taken go directly towards the society with a percentage being given back to the village society. It will fund the various free functions that we run throughout the year such as the over 60’s Tea Party, Youth Club days out and maybe some new equipment for our amazing hall.” The BBQ will be available throughout the day, as well as a licensed bar which runs into the evening event. If you’re pitching up for the day, stay for the barn dance in the evening, which brings three generations together, and will bring lots of fun and laughter. For further information, visit www.bolney.com/contact-us.

Councils make large investment to support local economy


id Sussex District Council has invested £1.33 million and West Sussex County Council has contributed £600,000 to fund small business starter units in Haywards Heath. The centre will support the growth of new and embryonic enterprises in Mid Sussex and will soon be available for local entrepreneurs to rent. The business centre, which opens in September 2015, will be managed by Basepoint, a company which specialises in the development and operation of managed business innovation and enterprise centres, and providing accommodation and support infrastructure packages to new and early-stage companies. The new business development centre will feature offices and workshops equipped with the latest technology ready for local businesses to move in. Aimed at making it easy for small businesses to access the scheme, companies will have self-contained business premises but will share reception, photocopying and meeting facilities. This set-up allows local businesses to keep running costs low and provides excellent opportunities for networking and business development.

Roxanne Haid, Basepoint Haywards Heath Centre Manager, Cllr Stephen Hillier from West Sussex County Council, Vic Allen from Allen Wilson Shopfitters & Builders Ltd, Councillor Garry Wall, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council, Councillor Gary Marsh, MSDC Cabinet Member for Economic Development & Property.

“It’s so important that we maintain a strong local economy and this new facility will support the growth and development of new local business, both now and for years to come, said Councillor Garry Wall, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council. “I can’t wait to see it completed.” “This project represents a major investment by both the County and District Council in the future of our local economy,” said Councillor Louise Goldsmith, Leader of West Sussex County Council. “I’m delighted that the Councils are working in partnership to deliver these new business starter units. They will give start-up businesses the support they need to grow; creating new jobs and opportunities for the benefit of all local residents.” Lettings have already been reserved for 60% of the units, so local businesses that are looking for space are urged to get in contact with Basepoint as soon as possible. For more information about the new business starter units email roxannehaid@basepoint.co.uk.

Local charity runs Horsted Keynes trail T

he Friends of Chernobyl’s Children Mid Sussex is a local charity in the RH16/17 area that we featured last month, and learned that children from Ukraine are currently over in Mid Sussex staying with host families. Although it’s too late in the day to volunteer, there’s still a way you can help out! This month, they are holding a charity, village-wide garage sale trail in Horsted Keynes on Saturday 11th July.

You’ll be sure to bag a bargain, and all funds raised go directly to the charity to help fund the children’s activities for their visit. The event runs from 11am-4pm, and starts on the village green.

For more information, visit foccmidsussex.co.uk, tweet them at @foccmidsussex or call 01444 892149.

What is it, you ask? All you have to do is buy a map for £1 on the village green, then follow the trail to stalls throughout the village. Find everything from cake stalls to bric-a-brac, crafts, plants and local home produce.




Introducing: Balcombe French Association


s a language frequently learned at school, speaking French is a lot more common among friends than other European languages, but how often do you use the language in England? Not often, we’re guessing. The Balcombe French Association is built around the common use of this language, so we decided to talk to the Chair, Max Preston Bell, to find out a bit more. The association originally started out as a Twinning organisation with a village called Wissous near Paris, Max explains to us. He said: “One of the founding members from this village was a French lady, Jacquie Dickinson, sadly now passed away, who met her husband to be when he was a British soldier at the liberation of Paris.” “We had a long, thriving, enjoyable and very successful twinning relationship with Wissous, taking a coach trip there every other year. One of the Twinning movement’s aims was to promote understanding between the people of England and France, and it certainly did that, creating some life-long friendships.” More recently, as their members became ‘less youthful’ as Max put it, they found it difficult to attract younger generations. They found that with the rise of the internet and ease of international travel, the appeal of a long weekend spent travelling on a coach wasn’t great. “We faced a difficult decision and decided to take a pause from twinning, and reposition ourselves as a French Association,” Max explained. “Our aims are similar to the Twinning - to promote an understanding and appreciation of all things French - but we hold events in and around our village and take day trips to France.”



Membership is open to everyone in and around Balcombe and they no longer endeavour to raise money for next year’s visits to France : “Instead, we aim at breaking even, so we can arrange events for our members to enjoy at a very reasonable price.” Last year, events included “Bubbly, Boules and Brunch in a local garden, with plenty of bubbly, boules tournament and a hog roast brunch” and a French-themed Village Barn Dance in the village hall, with music provided from a group affiliated with Dansez Francais near Brighton. “We also hold regular wine tastings, trips to France, boules matches with our neighbours at Handcross, and run a stall at the village fete where you can ’splat the oeuf’! We meet every month in the local pub or club for a chat and a glass or two,” he added. “This year we have also decided to support the village school in its work to teach French by donating an annual prize and French books for the library. We are also sponsoring one of the lovely flower troughs around the village.” Want to know more? Visit http://balcombefrenchassociation.co.uk

01293 824088

A touch of history: Slaugham Place and Ruins


lthough the most notable areas we cover in the community section each month include Haywards Heath, Lindfield, Ardingly and Cuckfield, there are many more villages and towns in the RH16/17 area that we rarely venture out into. But we definitely should.

The book explains: “Around the late 16th century, Sir William Covert, a respected parliamentarian, made extensive alterations to the house and ground, but the wealth was declining.” After the owner, Sir Walter Covert died, the estate was left to members of his family who unfortunately let the building fall into disrepair. Slaugham Place fell into ruination.

We spoke to Barry Ray, whose website, slaughamarchives.org shows a selection of images across the Slaugham Parish in Sussex from Now, on the west side within the walls of the ruins is years ago. He directed us to the Slaugham Year book which gives a huge amount of history on the The Moat House Cottage, which is currently being let. Slaugham Ruins. The ruins are commonly used as an atmospheric wedding venue due to their breathtaking grounds and modern marquees.

The ruins are currently maintained by Sir Alan and Lady Urwick, who live at the Moat House and the venue is often used for summer parties as well as weddings.

Close to the history of the town, Barry said: “One of The two photos, uploaded by Barry Ray, show my father’s books has a section on the ruins, and the ruins in 1905 and 1914. “Recent planting of the Rev. Dengate’s book “Slaugham” covers the conifers can be seen in one picture,” adds Barry. Covert family whose home it originally was. “As far as I am aware there are no descendants of the Coverts in England now; any that there are seem to be in North America. Indeed I am in regular contact with one descendant, a lady in Idaho who has visited the ruins and met the owners.”

The moat and footbridge photo from 1925 appears to confirm the tradition that it was customary for every pond, lake or moat to have a rowing boat for leisure purposes in the summer.

The ruins of Slaugham Place which was once one of the finest Tudor houses in Sussex, were built around 1591, the year of its owner’s Sir Walter Covert’s knighthood. There were extensive kitchens and a gallery running along one side of the house. The main house was built around a central tower, and the house originally measured 175ft long by 133ft deep, and included a chapel and accommodation for the priest.




Get Out… (into the Great Outdoors) With the six week’s holidays just around the corner, it’s time to get planning activities to keep those all-too-familiar cries of “I’m bored!” at bay, and what better way is there to unleash some steam than by getting outside and exploring the countryside?

Put down those games consoles, step away from the TV, instead grab a picnic (maybe a brolly – the British summer can be fickle!) and get outside, in the great outdoors! We’d love to see how you spend the summer holidays! Don’t forget to post a picture to our Facebook page or tweet us! www.facebook.com/RHUncovered @RHUncovered

Visit a Nature Reserve Taking the kids down to a local Nature Reserve gives the perfect opportunity to get hands-on with wildlife. Many LNR’s have FREE summer open days – including Weir Wood Reservoir, which on Sunday 12th July, from 9:30am will showcase just some of the conservation work the voluntary ‘friends’ group carries out. Telescopes will be set up to observe nesting birds, a moth display showing last night’s captures will be available to view and damsel and dragonflies can be seen. There will also be the chance to experience pond dipping too!

Seaside Exploring The sunny, pebbly beaches of Brighton, Worthing and Eastbourne are just a short journey away in the car and on the train and by bus, and are enjoyable days out for the whole family. Bypass the shops and head straight to the shores and rock pools, with your trusty net or bucket to see what you can find. All that sea air can be rather tiring too, so it might make for a quiet journey home…



Grow Your Own If the great British weather (or time!) permits outdoor fun, you can still enjoy spending time together in your own garden!

From strawberries to pansies, sweet peas to sunflowers, there’s so much that you can grow during the summer months. Watering and watching seeds grow can also give children a sense of responsibility and achievement too and will give them something to write about in their holiday diary!

Create Your Own Countryside Adventure

Don’t want to travel too far? With miles upon miles of glorious countryside on our doorsteps, you won’t have to venture far to come across an unspoilt, peaceful, picnic spot. Let the kids run free and create your very own afternoon adventure, by finding wildlife, flowers and birds – many childfriendly outdoor activity sheets can be downloaded from the internet for free!

01293 824088

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Herbs Home Grown


here’s a really reliable, easy, low-cost and low-effort way to add some zing to your meals; home-grown herbs. Many herbs are simple to raise from seed and if you start sowing now you should be able to have a plentiful supply of fresh, tasty herbs to add to salads, sandwiches, stews and stir-fries for months to come. All you need to is a sunny window sill or balcony, or a well-drained, sunny spot in your garden. First, find some good quality multi-purpose compost,your chosen herb seeds and some pots. Good-quality compost is well worth the little bit extra you need to pay. The style of pot is up to you – you may want to choose a classic Mediterranean one, or perhaps a good-looking plastic planter for longevity and light-weight characteristics. Remember that plenty of drainage is essential, and that the smaller herbs do not need a deep root run, so there’s no need for a very tall planter or pot. It’s best to grow each type of herb in its own individual pot, so buy a selection of pots with a minimum diameter of 8cm. Once you have your pot to hand, put a broken flower pot or other drainage material in the base and then fill with good quality compost to within 1cm of the rim of the pot and firm it down, not too aggressively, but enough to ensure that there’s no subsidence later on. With large seeds such as coriander, position the seeds evenly on the compost surface. Sprinkle smaller seed thinly.



The seeds need to be covered with compost so use your finger or a dibber to gently press the seed in to the very surface of the compost and then drizzle more compost on top to the depth stated on the packet of seed. Water the compost thoroughly either from above using a watering can with rose attached, or by standing the pot in a saucer of water for a few minutes until the compost surface is just moist. The seeds generally germinate quite quickly and often within just a week or two you’ll have lots of tiny herbs. Once the herbs are up and growing strongly you can start to harvest them. Use sharp scissors or a sharp knife to cut off what you need; this way you’ll minimise damage to the growing plants and so help to keep them cropping for longer. As long as you keep the pots adequately watered, ideally by watering from the base, they should last for several weeks or months but make sure that the compost is not too wet or else your herb pots won’t last long. If you find that you’re not eating them fast enough, store some for later use. Ice cubes give you a really great fresh-herb taste off-season. Just half fill ice-cube tray sections with water. Add chopped fresh herbs to each section and top up with water. Label the tray as they can be difficult to identify. You can then simply pop them whole into stews and casseroles as and when you need them. Top herbs that grow well from seed: There are lots of herbs which do very well in pots when sown from seed. Some of my favourites include Italian or Genovese basil, lemon basil, chervil, Coriander ‘Cilantro’ for leaves, flat-leaved parsley, Ainse, Thai basil, chervil, chives, fennel, garlic chives. Visit www.pippagreenwood.com for Pippa’s ‘Winter thru’ Spring’ vegetable collection, great plants for September planting and regular advice emails from Pippa, and buy a great range of gardening products including Nemasys caterpillar, slug, ant and other biological controls, Enviromesh and Envirofleece.

01293 824088





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Family Gardens Warm sun and blue skies are not the only ingredients for a perfect summer’s day spent outdoors. Whether for dining, playing or simply relaxing, we look at ways in which to make your garden a fun and functional place for all the family.


rom the smallest to the largest outdoor area, it’s possible to create a beautiful, useable space that children and adults alike will enjoy. But it does require a little forethought. First, consider how you can really make the most of your garden. Perhaps you could paint an unattractive fence, trim back some overhanging branches or extend an area of paving? Can you create a tucked-away area for making dens, or would you like an adults-only seating area away from noisy games? Should that greenhouse really be next to the lawn where the kids play football? And can you install lighting? Exterior lighting will transform your garden, highlighting interesting features, guiding you safely in the dark and allowing you to enjoy it after the sun has set. Next, it’s time to consider furniture. For relaxation, it could be anything from a hammock to a sun lounger, an outdoor mattress to a steamer chair. For eating, outdoor dining tables and chairs vary hugely in price, but solid, more durable types are usually an investment worth making. Styles range from metal to funky coloured plastic to classic wood (an FSCcertification means it’s environmentally friendly). Bear in mind, however, that you don’t always have to buy new – you could scour car boot sales and second-hand shops for cheap and cheerful pieces that, as long as they’re stable and at the right height for eating, can be given a couple



of coats of exterior-quality paint for a charmingly casual look. Remember that, ideally, garden furniture should be stored away when not in use, so unless you have an enormous shed it’s best to opt for pieces that are slimline or can be folded up easily. Textiles can transform an outdoor dining area, and to cover the table you could choose anything from a practical oilcloth to a pretty embroidered tablecloth. An informal collection of crockery and glass, in varied but co-ordinating colours, looks fantastic, too. For young children, plastic, metal or even paper plates, bowls and tumblers are available in a range of gorgeous colours and patterns. The finishing touches are colourful bunting, fairy lights or strings of lanterns, tea lights or decorative candles and jugs filled with a profusion of flowers.

01293 824088

Despite the vagaries of the English weather, one of your main considerations must be to provide some shaded areas, especially for eating and playing areas. Permanent shading might take the form of a gazebo, arbour or similar, or simply a fabric awning fixed to hooks in walls or trees. Alternatively, a parasol or garden umbrella is an inexpensive option, either free-standing or over a table; look out for versions that tilt, offering greater versatility. Finally, it’s playtime. From paddling pools to trampolines, croquet sets to giant games of snakes and ladders, there are all sorts of toys that will keep the kids amused. Simple things such as a ball, a swing (hung from a strong branch) or a skipping rope will also provide hours of fun. By now your garden planning should have paid off and, with everyone happily fed and the children entertained, it’s time to make a cup of tea, pop on a sunhat and head out for that well-earned snooze in a deckchair.

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Scorching Summer Fashion Main Image:all items available from Next 1

Schools out and summer’s here, bringing with it long sunny days full of fun and adventure! Gone are the school uniforms, instead, for the next six weeks, it’s all about unleashing colourful summer clothes that reflect your child’s playful personality! 1. Multi-Coloured Velcro Sandal, Shoe Zone, £7.99 2. Stripe shorts (2 pack), Marks and Spencer, from £12

3. Mini B Paint Trapeze Dress, BHS, £12.00 4. Shark Print Shirt, F&F, £8.00






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Hear no evil, see no evil Eyes and ears -

The importance of looking after them


hey say that ‘the eyes are windows to the soul’ and they say about our ears ‘the quieter you become the more you hear’. Do we ever consider just how important these two amazing senses are? Have you ever wondered how you would cope without your sight or your hearing? A few years ago I found that I had lost about 30% of my hearing in both ears. I only got it checked out because people asked me if I was ignoring them. Turned out my selective deafness was real, although I do still choose to selectively ignore others. We are lucky enough in this country to have access to state-of-the-art technology that can help us to enhance our sight and hearing. We can have surgery on our eyes to correct vision problems and on our ears to amplify and correct hearing loss. Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and seen sadness, happiness?

We’ve all made that comment in the past that a person looks sad, lost, or happy. As most therapists do, when I chat to people not only I do I listen to their story but I am watching their body language with my eyes and the tone of the conversation with my ears. I was once asked whether in my role as a hypnotherapist, could a person with hearing impairment be hypnotised? The short answer is yes. You don’t have to have your eyes closed to experience hypnotism. How can we keep these amazing portals to the world around us in tiptop condition? We want them to last a lifetime. • Have regular eye checks with qualified opticians. • Look after your ears and as the saying goes don’t put anything smaller than your elbow in. • On bright sunny days, to prevent eyestrain, wear sunglasses. • Earplugs at loud concerts or events. • Use one of the many complimentary therapies available to reduce not only internal stress but also environmental stresses. They are powerful tools. As Rumi was quoted as saying “Listen with ears of tolerance. See through the eyes of compassion. Speak with the language of love”



What is hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a natural state of heightened awareness that occurs within all of us. It allows us to open our minds to beneficial suggestions and allows the client to use their imagination to make positive changes. A brief way to describe a feeling similar to hypnosis is that moment you’ve been watching TV and not heard a word that’s been said, even though you’ve been staring straight at the screen. Alternatively it’s the car journey where you wonder how you got to a certain place. Your mind is on auto-pilot and must have been in control, otherwise there would probably have been an accident. What can hypnotherapy help with? • Agoraphobia • Anxiety • Blushing • Confidence Building • Depression • Fears and Phobias • Gambling • Guilt • Habits and Compulsions • IBS • Insecurity • Insomnia • Memory Recall • Nail biting • Nervousness • Pain Control • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Panic Attacks • Public Speaking • Smoking • Stress Management • Timidity • Trauma • Weight Problems • Worry Becky Wells, www.beckywells.com Personal Development Hypnotherapist www.payitforwarduk.net

01293 824088


Is your teenager anxious or stressed? From September 2015 they can enjoy a variety of activities to boost their confidence and self esteem. Register your interest by emailing info@thekooranacentre.com and receive a free copy of the guide “Nurturing self-esteem in teenagers� To book please contact

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The Koorana Centre, Street Lane, Ardingly RH17 6UB

so much more than just a magazine !

RH Uncovered Magazine




01293 824 088 @rhuncovered




ic h c t s a o r a t t e c n a p Sage and

and ful of fresh sage ver with a hand for thin t eo ak ou m ok sty Lo . ta ta a t chicken n called pancet y freshly sliced co ba n lia Give classic roas Ita d smoky flavoure permarket or bu some delicious ction of your su htly steamed ta in the deli se et potatoes and lig w nc ne pa by of s ba er d te rash as ro th wi rve . deli. Se from an Italian er Sunday lunch wonder ful summ vegetables for a

2 hours 30 minutes Serves: 4 - Ready inen: (preferably free range)

y chick 1.3kg oven-read d ne fte so r, 55g butte leaves Few fresh sage pper ground black pe d Salt and freshly pe op ch ely fin d an 1 onion, peeled ta slices et nc pa ed ok 85g sm breadcrumbs 115g fresh white aten be 1 medium egg, to garnish d s, icken in a foil-line Fresh sage leave rk 5. Place the ch breast, legs and Ma s Ga , 5F 37 , en to 190C the chicken ned butter over 1. Preheat the ov lt and freshly ear half the softe on lightly with sa as Se s. ve roasting tin. Sm lea ge roast in the sa d the an il er fo ov th r wi wings and scatte er. Cover the chicken loosely chicken the ste d ba pp ground black pe r 1 hour 10 minutes. Uncover an fo en ov d preheate ing. ice during cook ped with any juices tw n, add the chop to tter in a frying pa d bu ad d the an of st ta re et panc elt the lden. go d 2. Meanwhile, m ntly for 5 minutes. Chop half the an d ne the onion is softe til un s the te onion and fry ge to inu d m 5 ge and ad for a further the rest of the sa the pan, frying heat. Finely chop the m fro . e ing ov on m as Re dcrumbs and se pan with the brea egg. en at ke tin. be und shallow ca then stir in the 3. Leave to cool mixture into a greased 18cm ro etta slices. Press the stuffing rest of the panc -35 minutes and top with the 25 r en the ick fur ch a r the fo r 4. Uncove ast, uncovered, ro the juices should d – an gh en ou ov thr ed. Return to the n and cooked ow br n the thigh is pierc of lde rt go pa is t lden. until the chicken when the thickes s go es le kn pa pin d of an t n sig until se run clear with no the same time tes. g in the oven at st for 10-15 minu Cook the stuffin d r an leave to re ast chicken, ve co , en ov with the ro chicken from the rve on a platter 5. Remove the wedges and se o int g ffin stu the s. Cut t from fresh sage leave off any excess fa ne garnished with the t chicken, drain wi as ite ro wh the y dr th wi of g. Add a splash ht gravy to serve ok for 1 minute juices until sizzlin Tip: To make lig Co n . rd pa ta us the m at he then olegrain ing to the the roasting tin ur and 1 tsp wh ck and slowly br in a little plain flo or vegetable sto to taste en on ick as or sherry then stir ch Se t . ho ed l ur in 400m s until just thicken te inu m 4 3r then gradually po fo time. Simmer boil, stirring all the black pepper. nd ou gr ly sh with fre



01293 824088

The Half Moon Inn has stood in the middle of Balcombe village since the 1800s. There are many stories of the cellar being haunted, secret passageways underneath the road, and of all of the families that have lived above The Half Moon over the years. There are some things we know for certain - The Half Moon Inn has always been the centre of much local activity, where regulars and visitors alike can come and enjoy the combination of food, drink and live music. The space outside on the corner of the pub known as the “pig pen” is where customers would leave their livestock when they came into the pub. If you visit The Half Moon Inn now, you’ll meet Michaela Lea Strahan - or Micki to her friends. She took over the management of the pub in the summer of 2013, and in eighteen short months she and team have won the hearts of all who visit.

In January 2015 the exciting news came that The Half Moon Inn had been voted Best Pub in Sussex 2014, and just a few weeks later featured in Sussex Life magazine as one of the Top 20 Cosy Winter Pubs in Sussex. All year round we have a wonderful mix of customers - locals, visitors, ramblers, families, children and dogs. Whether it’s a catch up with friends, a family celebration, or a quiet pint after work; we cater for everyone. Check out the events page to find out more. In the summertime the “pig pen” is a great place to catch the sunshine and have a jug of Pimms, and in the wintertime it is home to the village Christmas tree - organised by none other than the Balcombe Christmas Tree Society. A warm welcome and a fantastic menu awaits - come and see for yourself! The Half Moon Inn, Haywards Heath Road, Balcombe, West Sussex, RH17 6PA

Best Voted ussex nS Pub i 4/15 201 Silver Surfers Lunch Club

3 course menu only £10.99 pp any lunchtime 12-4pm. When quoting RH16 Uncovered please bring this advert.

2 Fish and Chips for the price of 1

with peas or beans plus a cup of tea only £9.95 for 2 people available anytime. When quoting RH16 Uncovered please bring this advert.

Tapas + carafe of Sangria only £20

Freshly cooked breakfasts served daily

for 2 people every Wednesday between 6pm and 10 pm. When quoting RH16 Uncovered please bring this advert.

from 9.30am-12.00pm. 7 items plus Orange juice and tea only £5.95per person. When quoting RH16 Uncovered please bring this advert.

Book 10 or more people and the organiser eats FREE

Children and dog friendly Follow us on facebook and twitter

Haywards Heath Road, Balcombe, West Sussex (5 minutes from Crawley)


Accountants, Tax Assist Accountants (Haywards Heath) , 3

Opticians, Dolphins Optometrists, 5

Beauty Salon, J K One, 25

Outdoor Buildings, Breathable Spaces, 16

Carpentry & Joinery, Bridgland Carpentry Services, 23

Painter and Decorator, Adrian Inman, 20

Clothes Shop, Private Collection, 25

Paving, P N Paving , 17

Conservatories, Icon Roofs Ltd, 17

Pest Control, Heath Pest Control, 16

Conservatories, Unbeatable Conservatories, 30

Plumbing and Heating, Tim Burberry Plumbing, 22

Doctor’s surgery, Cuckfield Medical Practice, 27

Property Refurbishment & Construction,

Domiciliary Care, Surrey Quality Care Ltd, 7 Double Glazing, As Good As New, 23 Drain Specialist, Drainjet, 20 Driveways, New Look Driveways Ltd, 31 Driveways, Vintage Driveways, 17 Garage doors, G.M Garage Doors, 23 Garage Services, Ellis Motors of Burgess Hill, 13 Garden Buildings & Conservatories, Cousins Conservatories & Garden Buildings, 32 Garden Design , New Dawn Garden Design, 15 Health and Wellbeing Centre, The Koorana Centre, 27

Baileybridge Property Refurbishment & Construction, 19

Public House and Restaurant, The Half Moon Balcombe, 29 Public House and Restaurant, The Half Moon Balcombe, 29 Public House and Restaurant, The Jolly Tanners, 4 Roof & Gutter Cleaning, Tilley & Co, 21 Roofing, B M Roofing, 23 Satellite/TV, Norsat, 21 Scaffolding, Sussex Chimneys (East Grinstead Scaffolding), 21 Solicitor, Flackwoods Solicitors, 13

Hearing Care Centre, Action For Deafness, 27

Solicitor, Tisshaw Family Law Solicitors, 13

Heating Services, Storaheat, 23

Swimming School, Tracy Lowe Swim School, 13

Hot Tubs, Alpine Hot Tubs, 25

Taxi Services, AV Cars, 1

Interior Design, Homesmiths, 22

Tree Care, Bartlett Tree Experts, 15

Kitchen and Bathroom Services, Dream Doors Interiors Ltd, 20

Tree Surgeons, Beadell Tree Surgeons, 16

Locksmiths, Lees Locks, 23

Tree Surgeons, J Ledger Tree Care, 16

Mobile Hairdresser, The Style Lounge, 25

Tree Surgeons, Townscape Tree Works, 16




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