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The children and teachers of Escolinha Tia Percília (in Morro da Babilônia) use the platforms around the main building for physical exercise, outdoor classes, for communal birthday parties and other celebrations. Imagining a wider engagement, the diverse uses of the platform could improve the quality of civic life in Morro da Babilônia for adults and children alike. Our design plays on double meaning of Balance^; in Portuguese balancê is swinging of the body and balance means stability in English. The intention is to combine these two ideas in one object. The project further explore how multi-functionality and playfulness can inform a simple structure. Ambiguous and intriguing, it invites users to exercise their imagination. With playfulness in mind, the cut-out patterns also stimulate tactile and visual senses, casting pretty shadows. At first glance, this object is a seat with a curved base, which allows a fun rocking motion that is irresistible


to both children and adults. The seat is small and light enough to be carried, and large enough for a child to crawl underneath. The ingenious multiple usage opens up because the seat also works when placed on its side, and because it may be used alone as a single element, or in various grouped configurations. Notches in the thick plywood structure enable two units to be stacked vertically, while placing several seats together on their side also allows for organic configurations, such as arcs, ‘snakes’ or seating circles. Local residents can relax, alone or together; children can play horse, climb or even hide in the unit, and move them around easily. Grouped together, the seats can be used as educational or communal spaces, a tunnel or arch to crawl through, table and chairs or a jungle gym. The possibilities are as infinite as a child’s imagination!

Beatriz Mello Camila Rodrigues Manuela Müller Nathalia Percio Nozomi Koseki Papawee Sathawarawong 1

PRECEDENT RESEARCH The starting point of our research is to understand how we could create the playful yet simple form that could generate multiple combination and usage so that the multi-purposeful space will trive. We have mainly referred to Tsumiki by Kengo Kuma, The Toy by Eames office and other toy blocks. From the research it was decided that - the shape will be cut out from larger form, so that it could come together again to constitute different shape. - the shape will be as simple as possible so that the usage will not be restricted, yet playful. - object will have sensorial elements (colour, texture, patterns) to intrigue the imagination of users.


Tsumiki by Kengo Kuma Simplicity, stackability and potential for variation is the main essence we have obtained from the work. It’s basic structure leaves room for the users to create infinite possibility to shape them.

The Toy by Eames Office The work is ultimate example of playfulness enclosed in a very simple structure. It encourages children to interact with the work, and enables them to inhabit in it.





1. Wanimokko by Helena Casanovas 2. Playplax Building Set by Patrick Rylands 3. Kutuu Blocks by Kutuu


4. Frame block by B6 Studio


DESIGN PROCESS Design has evolved rapidly through prototyping in smaller scale. Prototype evolution

Main design challenges were - How to realise a simple yet durable joint that will not interfere with the design. - How could they be easily stack together without using aditional parts. - Patterns that gives motion to the object and make cohesive design when collectively put together. 1:1 prototype informed the necessity of the handle and enforcement of struts, different usage and defined the patterns.


Initial image drawing Main Concept: - ‘Above and underneath’ - ‘Playing and functionallity’ - ‘Horisontal and Vertical’

Unit ideas Key elements: - Flexibility in usage - Simple unit with potential to generate multiple shapes leading to provide different types of experiences - Could easily combined

Unit ideas Additional element: - Movement - Unity and singularity 6

Combination experimentation 1:10 Cardboard prototype

Prototype 1 Pattern/joint testing 1:3 plywood

Prototype 2 Handle/staking teting 1:3 plywood

Prototype evolution; 1;13 paper 1:10 cardboard 1:3 plywood 1:1 plywood

Prototype 3 Pattern/joint testing 1:1 plywood


PATTERNS Patterns gone through various revisions, trying to realise aesthetically beautiful and fun for the children to interact. Testing in 1/6 prototypes, it was decided not to engrave, since with cnc cutter it will make it difficult for users to write on the surface.


Pattern experimentation

Discussions using prototypes

CNC cutting out 1:1 prototype




HOW TO USE Balance^ could be used in various forms, since it could stand in all three sides, as well as stacked together to be built up vertically. As a single unit, it provides a tool for all people to freely inhabit in the space. Local residents can sit to rest, read, or have some lunch. Children can rock on it, lean on it or hide to have a personal space. As collective units, the variety expands both vertically and horizontaly. They could turn into an educational or communal space, a tunnel or an arch to go through, table and chairs or even a jungle gym. Having an arch as a base structure, it generates comical movement and encourage people to use. It also creates organic form when number of them are put together.











1. Seat 2. Side board 3. Strut

1. Place glue on the side and teath of the seat and Struts 2. Slot in all the parts together * The side boards are not specific to an individual seat, they are interchangble.











Axo drawing with series of patterns




1600mm Cutting drawing on 160mm x 220mm Plywood


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