Portfolio 2013
Manuel Salazar Serje Profile
I am a graphic, editorial and industrial designer, detail oriented and an excellent team member I consider myself as dynamic, resourceful, adaptable and always focused on results that exceed expectations. I’m always willing to learn and to take on new challenges creatively and efficiently.
Self Protrait
Digital drawing Adobe Photoshop CS6 Personal project
Product Design Editorial Design
and/Web Design
01. Drawings and Illustrations 02. Zippo Speaker 03. Plastic Waste Disposal System 04. Concept Design 05. Teucali Flower Catalog 06. Architerktur und Walde 07. SalviMed.com.co 08. SiGaia 09. Flats 101 Real Estate 10. Curriculum VitĂŚ
Drawings and Illustrations The following work is a sample of different sketches, drawings and illustrations that are part of different personal and academic projects. I used graphite, markers, water colours and diferent digital tools.
Anatomical Study
Drawings exploring the mechanics and proportions of the human body. Pen and Pencil Personal project Bogotรก, 20012
The Living Room
Pastel Drawing Academic project Bogotรก, 2004
Graphite drawing and digital colouring Adobe Photoshop CS6 Personal Project
Little Red Riding Hood
Graphite drawing and digital colouring Adobe Photoshop CS6 Academic Project Bogotรก, 2012
Drawings and Illustrations
Graphite Drawing edit. Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Mascot concept for a housing project Bogotรก, 2011
Satyr & Nymph
(Satiro y ninfa) Grafite drawing, color markers Drawing excercise Bogotรก, 2004
Graphite Drawing edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and coloured using Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Personal Project Bogotá, 2012
Collage from graphite drawings edited in Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Academic Project Bogotá, 2011
WAKFU by Grégory Charlet
Vectorial reproduction of a handmade illustration. Adobe Illustrator CS5 Academic Project Bogotá, 2011
Zippo Speaker The Zippo Speaker is one of my first product designs. It's the result of a series of exercises that asked us to transform one object into another, utilizing either its form or function or both. The Zippo Speaker is geometrical and functional interpretation of the iconic Zippo lighter turned into a speaker system.
Th iconic
Zippo Speaker Sketches
Vectored graphite drawing Corel Draw X5 Academic Project Bogotรก, 2008
Product Design
Zippo Speaker
3dMax Rendering he speakers open as would the c lighter they are inspired upon. Bogotรก, 2008
Zippo Speaker Detail
3dMax Rendering The volume control icon illustrates the concept behind the design. Bogotรก, 2008
Zippo Speaker Layout
3dMax Rendering Bogotรก, 2008
Zippo Speaker Colours
3dMax Rendering Bogotรก, 2008
Plastic Waste Disposal System This was the final project of the Operative Systems Design workshop at the university. This course was focused on introducing and developing tools that enabled the students to understand and intervene in any given problematic from a systematic perspective. This series of objects were designed to modify and improve the sequence of events that take place in a public area where plastic waste is gathered for its disposal. The system is designed to gather, compress and store plastic waste for recycling purposes in public areas such as commercial centres, airports, food courts, etc. VA
Waste Bin & Compressor 3d Rendering 3dMax Bogotรก, 2009
45,00 55,00 78,35
45,32 44,00
VS 45 grados
Forklift Layout
VL 70,21 6,24
Waste Bin & Compressor Layout Vector Drawing Constructional layout. Corel DrawX5 Bogotรก, 2009
Vector Drawing Constructional layout of the forklift and its handle. Corel Draw X5 Bogotรก, 2009
83,75 10,00
60,00 12,00
10,00 4,00
15 grados
VL 12,00
30 grados
Product Design
Forklifts + Waste Bins 3d Rendering 3dMax Bogotรก, 2009
Concept Design These are concept designs developed throughout the past years. They are a collection of academic and designs projects ranging from t-shirt designs to children's dental kits.
Children's Desk
3D render Google Sketch Academic Project Bogotรก, 2010
Portable Workstation Graphite Drawing Concept design for a Proyecto Personal Bogotรก, 2010
Children's Dental Care Kit
Hand drawn and coloured Inspired by Disney's Meet The Robinsons Academic Proyect Bogotรก, 2009
Pterodactyl Dental Care Kit Hand drawn and digitally coloured Academic Proyect Bogotรก, 2009
Product Design
“Mo-hawk” T-Shirt Design
Pencil Drawing + Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Bogotá, 2011
“I’m no fun” T-Shirt Design Pencil Drawing + Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Bogotá, 2011
Drawing Wall
Conceptual design of a foldable drawing surface for children. Vertor and Pencil drawing Personal Project Bogotá, 2010
Rainbow Chair
Concept design for a plastic chair Academic, project Bogotá, 2004
Teucali Flower Catalog This catalog was designed to showcase the numerous varieties of flowers grown by Teucali Flowers, a Colombian flower growing bussines based in Bogotรก. Teucali Flowers requested a catalog in wich a client would be able to veiw and compare diferent flowers simultaneously.
Content Design
Vector Mock-up of content material for the catalog. Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotรก, 2012
Early Concept Desig Pencil sketches of a folding catalog concept. Pencil drawing Bogotรก, 2012
Editorial Design
Cra. 7 # 71-21, Of. 403 Torre A, Bogotá, Colombia
Teucali Flowers Bussiness Cards Alternative Cover Designs
Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotá, 2012
Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotá, 2012
Teucali Flowers Catalog Laser print & cut “leaves” coupled together with metal document cogs Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotá, 2012
Architektur und Wald For this project I was asked to design a small booklet containing a selection of drawings and and texts from the exhibition “Architektur und Wald” presented in Stuttgart, Germany sponsored by the Colombian Embassy in Germany. This also involved a series of posters for the exhibition itself. Drawings and texts by Juana Londoño Niño. Full booklet and credits at: http://issuu.com/manuelsalazarserje/docs/architekturundwald
Front & Back C Spanish Edition Adobe Illustrator CS 6 Bogotá, 2012
Cover Designs Spanish Edition Adobe Illustrator CS 6 Bogotá, 2012
Editorial Design
Extracts from the Booklet German Edition Adobe InDesign CS 6 Adobe Illustrator CS 6 Bogotรก, 2012
SalviMed SalviMed is a personal webpage project, a medical web directory where doctors and medical services within urban Colombia are listed. I designed the logo and assisted Imaginamos.com, a web development agency, with the web design.
MediGuía Medi MediGuia MediGuía Medi
SalviMed Type
Different typefaces used throughout the design process Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotá, 2012
Logo Design Process
Examples of how the concept, the name and the overall logo changed throughout the design process. Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotá, 2012
SalviMed Logo
Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotá, 2012
Brand/Web Design
Interactive Mock-up
The browsing layout along led us to develop an intereactive mock-up that we presented to the design team at Imaginamos.com Bogotรก, 2012
SalviMed Browsing Layout
This is an example of a series of sketches that illustrated how each of the webpage's sections were supposed to look and function. Color markers and digital editing Bogotรก, 2012
SalviMed Webpage
By the design team at Imaginamos.com Bogotรก, 2012
SiGaia.com Sigaia S.AS is a Colombian based Geographic Information Systems development company. I was commissioned to design the logo, business cards and additional printed material. I was brought back by the company in January 2013 to assists as a design consultant in the development of their website www.sigaia.com. Swiss Expedition Brochure
Brochure format and aditional cover designs. Adobe Illustrator CS6 Bogotรก, 2012
SiGaia Logo Sketch Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotรก, 2012
SiGaia SiGaia.com SiGaia.com SiGaia SiGaia Logos Coloured and black & white versions of the SiGaia logo. Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Bogotรก, 2012
SiGaia Brochure
Brochure format Adobe Illustrator CS6 Bogotรก, 2012
Brand/Web Design
SiGaia Webpage Layout Adobe Illustrator CS 6 Adobe Photoshop CS 6 Home and internal section. Bogotรก, 2012
SiGaia Business Cards
Horizontal round and vertical versions of the bussines card as requested by the client. Adobe Illustrator CS6 Bogotรก, 2012
FLATS 101 Real Estate Flats 101 is an up-and-coming real estate agency based in Miami and Bogotá. I was brought in to design the company logo, printed material, business cards and their website’s basic layout and look.
Flats 101 Forms
Leasing and sale forms and contracts design Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Bogotá, 2012
Alternative Flats 101 Logos
Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Bogotá, 2012
Flats 101 Logo
Color logo Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Bogotá, 2012
Flats 101 Logo
Black & White Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Bogotá, 2012
Brand/Web Design
Flats 101 Webpage Layout Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Home, Search and Sear Result Layout Bogotรก, 2012
Miguel Villa Uribe
Gerente Comercial
310 870 5837
Flats 101 Business Cards Translucent Bi-Pack Print Adobe Photoshop CS 5 Bogotรก, 2012
Bogotรก - Miami
Curriculum Vitæ
01. Objective To obtain an entry level position that will further advance my design skills. My goal as a designer is to learn as much as I can, I´m always looking for a creative environment where I can challenge what I already know about design and be challenged by new ideas and approaches.
02. work experience Sigaia S.A.S Dec 2012–Present
Editorial / Graphic Designer
salazarserje@hotmail.com Mobile: (573) 20 302 0701 Bogotá - Colombia
Teucali Flowers
Feb. 2012-Ago. 2012
Graphic Designer
Dosuno Design
May 2011-Nov. 2011
Project Manager/Assistant Project Manager
I was commissioned to design the logo, business cards and Designed the printed and web versions of the 2012 flower catalog as Designed studio’s web catalog alongside Santiago Restrepo as well as supervising and managing studio projects, Bogotá. additional printed material. Design consultant in the development of well as their business cards, Bogotá. www.dosunodesign.com their website www.sigaia.com and additional printed material such as brochures for different company projects, Bogotá. April 2012-May 2012 /Jan. 2013 www.sigaia.com
Flats 101 Real Estate Graphic / Brand Designer
Traducir Internacional S.A.S
Nov 2012-Present
Designed the company’s logo, business cards, printed material and Jun. 2009-Nov. 2011 assisted in an initial design for their webpage, Bogotá Assistant Translator http://www.facebook.com/inmobiliaria.flats Spanish/French/English
In charge of the remodeling of MGM Consultants Office, Bogotá. www.mgm.com.co
Elemental Store
MGM Consultants Interior Design Consultant for the Real Estate Department
Nov. 2011-Mar. 2012
and Production Assistant Architektur und Wald Expo. Sales In charge of surveying the manufacturing process of the store’s new
Oct. 2012-Nov. 2012
Graphic Designer
In charge of designing printed and web material for the exposition. I designed a series of posters that integrated each of the exposition's themes and a 28 page booklet containing all the material involved in 3 different languages, (German, Spanish and English), Bogotá. Full booklet and credits at: http://issuu.com/manuelsalazarserje/docs/architekturundwald
products and acted as a sales assistant in the store itself, Bogotá. (www.elementalstore.com)
03. Proficiencies
04. Languages
Spanish: Mother Tongue English: Fluid French: Fluid Italian: Spoken
Adobe Flash Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign CorelDraw Microsoft Office 3dMax Google SketchUp
Illustration: Freehand & Digital Sketching: 2D / 3D Storyboard Digital Editing Rendering Product Design
05. Education
06. References
universidad de los andes
Nicolás Guzmán
Andrés Frey
Industrial Design Diploma
Webpage: www.elementalstore.com Email: nicolas@elementalstore.com
Mobile: (573) 20 834 3816 Email: andresfrey@hotmail.com
Bogotá, Colombia 2005-2010
Colegio Helvetia Bogotá, Colombia 2001-2003
Highschool Diploma www.helvetia.edu.co
Collège et Lycée Paul Bert Paris, France 1998-2001
Founder and Manager, Elemental Store Bogotá/Miami
Senior Manager, HELM Bank
Erna von der Walde
Claudia Steiner
Mobile: (573) 11 449 5003 Email: erna.traducir@gmail.com
Mobile: (573) 15 343 2023
Official Translator, Traducir Internacional S.A.S
Proffesor, Universidad de los Andes
Juan Pablo Ruiz Medina CEO, Teucalí Flowers
Mobile: (573) 10 222 7904