Tupu Whakarangi 221

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Tupu Whakarangi


Official Magazine Of


Maori Postal Aotearoa

Testimony Page 12

maoripostal.co.nz Box 10 Whanganui Issue 221

06 343 7957


In this Edition 3 Amazing Statement

18 Church History

6 Make Your Move

19 Good Reads

10 Brief History Of NZ

20 Kai Time!

12 Testimony

21 1 Timoti 4:8

16 Marriage Matters

22 Teen Space

Cover by Shamar Designs

23 Tamariki

Nau mai haere mai Editor

Graham Batson

Associate Editor

Tony Ahie

We pray this edition of Tupu Whakarangi is a blessing to you, your friends and your whanau.

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa!

An Amazing Statement -

Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Ko ahau te huarahi, te pono, te ora: e kore rawa tetahi tangata e haere ake ki te Matua, ki te kahore ahau. Hoani 14:6 Rewi and Tom had been at their favourite fishing spot for a couple of hours and had caught a couple of kahawai between them. But over the last hour they had had no luck. “Well,” said Tom, “what do you want to do. Shall we call it quits or shall we hang on a bit longer?”

“You’re right,” Rewi replied. “Religion has no answer because it usually consists of what we humans can do to gain favour with whatever god we worship. And that’s the great difference between religion and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ”.

“Tell you what, it feels like it’s just about time for some kai”, replied Rewi. They had brought lunch with them and it had been a long time since breakfast. “Let’s break out those sandwiches and then see what happens”. They settled down in the shade where they could keep an eye on their rods and tucked into their lunch packs.

“It seems a lot of people think He was just another prophet, or a good moral teacher”.

When they had both eaten enough to quell their hunger, Tom remarked, “Did you watch the news last night? Seems Europe has a big problem on its hands with this Islamic thing. You can understand why people think religion is such a problem in the world.”


“You know, Tom, He was much more than that. Just think about one of the best known statements that He made. He said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). “Had this statement been made by anyone else he would have been considered either a deceiver (and not a very clever one at that) or a lunatic. Just imagine if you or I made such a statement, we’d be considered first rate candidates for the local funny farm. But Jesus justified every word of what he said and demonstrated it

bending and jumping about as some unfortunate fish had obviously got itself hooked. They wasted no time in getting up and covering the short distance to the rods. The next few minutes was an exciting time as fish and man did battle, with the fish finally coming off second. “That’s a good sized one”, exclaimed Tom as Rewi bled the fish and prepared it to put it in his chilly bin. “Indeed”, responded Rewi. “They’re not bad eating as long as you bleed them straight away. This one will make a good fish pie”. Having despatched the fish they settled down again to finish their lunch and discussion.

to be correct”. “Well I have to admit something has made a big difference in your life, Rewi. You don’t even swear any more!”. “I guess that goes a long way towards proving my point. You see Jesus did not say that He was a way or that He would show the way, but that He Himself is THE WAY. He is the only way for our sin to be forgiven, for us to have peace with God. And He is the only way to Heaven. “But it meant His sinless sacrifice on the cross at Calvary for us to fully deal with our sin. One of the thieves who was crucified with Jesus found Him to be the way when he said, ‘Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!’ He realized who Jesus was even in death and cried out to Him. Jesus said, ‘Today – when all the pain is over – you will be with Me in Paradise’.” “So, where does religion come in?” asked Tom. “Religion doesn’t cut it,” Tom. “Too often religion blinds people to the truth. It makes them think they have to do something to earn favour with God when God has done everything that needs to be done in order for us to be saved. We just need to be willing to turn from our own sinful way and accept the Saviour God has provided”. “Hey, Rewi! There’s something on your rod!” Rewi’s rod was

“You were saying about religion making people blind to the truth”. “Yes, that was something else that Jesus said,” continued Rewi. “As well as being the way, Jesus said that He was the TRUTH. He is more than just a teacher of truth. He is not just another wise man or philosopher. He Himself is the Truth. “For instance, if we want to know the origin of all things: Jesus Christ is the Truth. The Bible tells us, ‘Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made’ (John 1:3). And also it says in Colossians 1, ‘For by Him all things were created . . . He is before all things and in Him all things hold together’.”


“It’s for sure no prophet ever did anything like that!” responded Tom.

“Right. And if we want to know the key to successful living, Jesus Christ is the Truth here too. He not only shows us through His Word, He also empowers us to live pure and meaningful lives. When we commit ourselves to Him He will be with us all the way. There are two verses in Proverbs 3, verses 5 and 6 that really say it all. Jesus has made such a difference in my life.”

cleanses us from all sin’ ” (1 John 1, verse 7). “And look at the third thing that Jesus said about Himself: As well as being the WAY, and the TRUTH, He is also the LIFE. He is the very sustainer and substance of real life. He has said that he has ‘come that we may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10, verse 10). That’s why He describes Himself as the Bread of Life (John 6, verse 35) to satisfy our deepest needs and give us the divine quality of life for which God created us”.

“I can’t argue with that, Rewi”. “But then what about what happens beyond death? This is where a lot of people just hope for the best. Jesus Christ is the Truth here as well and we can know for sure – right now! He said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die’ (John 11, verse 25). Physical death is just the gateway to eternal life with Christ for the true Christian”.

No one else has ever come close to doing what Jesus has done or who He is. He proved His power over death by raising the dead and by His own resurrection (Romans 1:4). He said concerning His life, “No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again” (John 10:18). Tom and Rewi had a great day and arrived home with fish for the freezer, making it a worthwhile trip. Tom had plenty to think about concerning what Rewi had shared with him. But what about you as you read this magazine? Do you have a living, vital relationship with the only Person in all human history who could say in truth, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Me”?

“Talking to some religious people you get the impression that at the end of the way God will add up all the good stuff and weigh it against all the bad stuff in life. If we’ve done more good than bad we go to Heaven. If not, we go to Hell”. “Yes, well that’s not the truth Tom. One sin is enough to keep you out of Heaven. Only the precious blood of Christ can fully cleanse and make us fit for Heaven. The Bible says that ‘the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son,

- G Batson


Make you

Today, if you will hear His voice, d

Be honest...

How's your life? How is it really? Do you have a deep sustained joy and hope that can't be shaken?

that I finally reached out to Jesus Christ to help me. I asked Him, "Jesus, if you are real, show me, prove it to me."

Ok, so life isn't perfect, we make mistakes. Maybe you've been to jail, are addicted to something or perhaps you have cut ties with your whanau, maybe you cheated on your partner or bashed your neighbour.

After a few weeks He answered and I was down on my knees in Church as the Pastor David Fredrickson led me to Christ right then and there! My life has never been the same since.

What ever it is that steals your joy, did you know there is an answer? I used to look for 'happiness' in alcohol, drugs, sex, crime, violence, self image and other spiritual practices and religions, but you know what, it wasn't until I was 'scraping the bottom of the barrel'


Before God saved me I hated Christians and Jesus, now I love them. I couldn't stop drinking, I was angry and unhappy, but now, (and you can have the same), I have a deep seated joy that is always there and will never leave!

our move

, do not harden your heart. Hebrews 3:15

My whanau has dramatically changed, my wife and kids actually love and respect me. All my desires have changed to that of wanting to love, serve and obey God and not do all the dumb stuff I used to do.

can fill it. Don't waste your life, it's too short. You could lose your spouse, kids, friends, other family members or your own life before tomorrow morning. Get in the kingdom of God, turn from your sin and turn to Jesus as the only one in all the universe that can save you. Realise God is holy and you have thought, said and done things that are against Him. Cry out to Jesus to save you today, talk to a Christian you know, tell them you need Christ and see what they say.

I was like a pig gobbling down pig food (sin) and loving it, then as soon as God changed me, all the things I used to love (sin) I now hate, that's a miracle! If you can relate to the pain and hopelessness I had and you know you need something, please listen to me, we all have a God shaped hole deep within and it's only Jesus Christ who

It's your move. Turn to Christ.


Mission Hall Sunday School The below photo was taken at the end of year function of the Mission Hall Sunday School Gisborne on Saturday 26th November and shows the 2015 prize winners for the MPA lessons. Altogether, 22 children at this Sunday School have regularly returned lessons for marking.

Thomas de Vries, Helena Fearnley, Brandon Fearnley, Edsylia de Vries, Ray Brown (Branch Leader), Timana Pokoati, Abigail Fearnley, Bailey Tuhi, Tetini Pokoati, Nathaniel Fearnley.




Lauren Daigle

it Be," has been nominated for a 2016 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album, pretty awesome achevement for such a young Christian artist. Lauren's tunes are a must for your music collection. SEARCH: ‘Maori Postal’ to hear Lauren on

Lauren Ashley Daigle has an amazing, soft, yet powerful, angelic voice. An American contemporary Christian music singer from Lafayette, Louisiana, Lauren is signed to the Centricity Music label and was awarded New Artist of the Year at the 2015 GMA Dove Awards and her song "How Can It Be" won the Song of the Year for that year! Lauren Daigle's album, "How Can

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Anthony Evans

A BRIEF HISTORY OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY IN NEW ZEALAND were welcomed with a powhiri (welcome) as they came ashore.


The next day was a Sunday. Ruatara made preparations for his friend Samuel Marsden, to speak about God’s good news for all people. A crowd of 300 to 400 Maori came, some of them coming in waka from the other side of the Bay of Islands, or from the Kerikeri area.

The Maori invitation to bring the Gospel in 1814. It was 1814. At the invitation of a young Maori Chief named Ruatara, the ‘Active’ set sail for New Zealand. On board were ten Maori, including Ngapuhi Chiefs Ruatara and Hongi Hika, as well as the Reverend Samuel Marsden, who was based in Sydney. There were people from several other nationalities also on the ship. When they arrived at Ruatara’s Pa, at Rangihoua (now more commonly known as Oihi), they


Marsden preached from the Gospel of Luke, on “Behold, I bring you good news of great joy”. Afterwards, Ruatara explained what was said. Maori then performed a haka as a celebratory response, and as an indication of their welcome.

The Maori invitation to missionaries to settle in 1814 Marsden did not stay in New Zealand, but over the years he made seven extended visits to the country. However, from 1814 three families did stay on, living at Oihi. They were the King, Kendall and Hall families. These settlers had been invited by Chief Ruatara, and were hosted by his people. They formed the first permanent European settlement in this land. In what other nation where Europeans went, do you find such an amicable beginning as this? Our bicultural partnership in New Zealand began to take shape at Oihi. Samuel Marsden - A mix of a man This industrious farmer was also a visionary leader and a preacher, and became a local magistrate in the prison colony of New South Wales. His rulings, in that very harsh environment, earned him a hostile nickname, the ‘flogging parson’. While strict in justice, and a little grumpy and stubborn at times, Marsden was also a compassionate man. One ex-convict who wanted to murder Marsden pretended to be drowning, for he knew Marsden was the kind of man who would risk his life to save another! Marsden jumped into the water, and they did fight. However both survived, and it is said they became friends. Marsden was a man with some faults, but also a man with heart.

Octavius Hadfield the Friend of the Tangata Whenua Octavius Hadfield clutches his heaving stomach as the ship lurches from side to side. The storm threatens the life of both the livestock and the sailors as they sail towards the South Pacific. Octavius Hadfield doesn’t expect to live long because of his ill health, but he doesn’t expect to die at sea before he even arrives at his destination, New Zealand. To order your copy call 07 576 9083 or 021 261 7719 bigbookpublishing.co.nz

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Testimony to the power of

Christ Jesus

Synnove Te Maro

singing hymns was a delight and privilege throughout my whole life. We sang almost daily, and it was an enormous part of my growing up years, with happy memories of my family playing many instruments, and praising the Lord in song. In 1959 at the age of 12 years, I received Christ Jesus as my personal Saviour through a radio broadcast by Dr. Billy Graham and I was baptised soon after. I had some basic nurturing through correspondence. By Synnove Te Maro. I grew up attending a Baptist Church in Nelson, with a mother who was a devout Christian. Our family consisted of 6, with me having 2 sisters and one brother. My father became a Christian when I was about 9 years old. Our family enjoyed music, and

We shifted to Napier when I was 14 years of age and by the time I reached 15 I had slowly drifted. I was not reading the Word of God nor living in obedience to the calling on my life as a Christian. I met my husband at an early age. We courted, then married in June 12 1966. I was 18 years old and Jim (my

husband) was 20. We began married life both working, I was on a post-run and enjoyed the work immensely. We longed for children and after four years we adopted our first child. 16 months later we adopted our second daughter, then we had a son, completing our family of two precious adopted daughters and one precious son. Our children are such a delight to us. Prior to our marriage, Jim had always enjoyed drinking, but I was too ‘starry-eyed’ to foresee that ever being a problem later on. By the time our children were teens I really needed Jim’s help and support but he really seemed unable and was continuing to drink heavily most days. Our relationship and communication was deteriorating at an alarming rate. I feared the drinking and the anger so much that I viewed life as not worth living but knew I had to go on for the sake of our children. I was to understand much later on that I had stripped Jim of any self-worth. For two years our lives spiralled downwards at an alarming rate and we were seriously considering separation. Some Christians were crossing my path and telling me I needed Jesus in my life. One was the mother of our son’s friend who reminded me of this often. Isn’t God so good! God’s grace through the work of the Holy Spirit was drawing me back to himself, (although I didn’t realise it at the time). By now I guarded my very 13

existence against hurt with a wall of bitterness, resentment and selfpity and I felt completely justified. I was angry with Jim for much of our situation. My father had just had his leg amputated, and I was nursing him. He then took many strokes and passed away. I then began to question what life was all about. Early in 1987, Jim and I attended the Lois Palau evangelical outreach in Napier. I was by this time really searching for answers. A few weeks later Jim came home so drunk I felt utter despair. In the early hours of the morning I was sitting alone and felt the need to attend a Church service. That morning was a Sunday and I went to the Church Of the Nazarene where I had attended my friends babies dedication some months earlier. The following week I attended again and the Pastor spoke on sin and bitterness, I thought he could read my mind! Then he talked about making a 180 degree turn at the

as filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6b All our righteous acts are like filthy rags.)

cross where Jesus paid our sin debt in full. That day, 17th May 1987, I repented of my sins. (2 Corinthians 7:10. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to Salvation, and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death) and I confessed Jesus as Lord, (Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. And Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord). The weight of bitterness which I clung onto to justify my resentment was the very first thing the Lord Jesus took from me. Praise His Holy name! (Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.) I realized my years of self pity had hindered so much. I had been in utter bondage and stripping Jim of his self worth any responsibilities he had in our marriage. When I asked Jim for help he literally didn’t know how. I knew that all my righteousness was

From that moment on I wanted to live for Jesus. I asked my family to forgive me and four months later my husband was a Christian, another miracle of God’s grace! God restored our marriage, brought healing and fulfilment to our lives and now together and separately we desire to live for Him. I was discipled in my new found faith by the Pastor of the Church. To this day I am so grateful to God for this Pastor who led me in a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and helped me to establish my faith by always pointing me to the scriptures. He always reminded me to never depend on my feelings or emotions for they would let me down, but to trust in God’s word for everything, (1 Peter 2:2 Like new born babies crave pure spiritual milk,

Synnove & Jim

so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good). Throughout my Christian walk God’s faithfulness is sure and His promises always true. He has provided everything I need in every situation. I know for as long as I live, I will be a work in progress and am confident that He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

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In and of myself I can do nothing. I praise God that we are now attending the Onekawa Bible Church in Napier where the truth of God’s word is preached in boldness and not compromised. God is continuing to help me identify issues and life patterns that I need to change. I pray that as I grow in him, I will continue to have a mouldable teachable heart in service for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that others may come to know Him and I pray my life and witness will continue to be a living testimony of His love and grace.

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Enrol your tamariki orEnrol yourself your fortamariki these FREE or yourself Enrol your fortamariki these FREE or yourself for these FREE Maori Postal AotearoaMaori Bible lessons. Postal Aotearoa There are Maori Bible studies lessons. Postal Aotearoa There areBible studies lessons. There are studies to cover a wide range of toage cover groups. a wide range of toage cover groups. a wide range of age groups. Enrol online at: www.maoripostal.co.nz Enrol online at: www.maoripostal.co.nz or byEnrol phone online (06) 343 at: www.maoripostal.co.nz 7957 or by phone (06) 343 7957 or by phone (06) 343 7957

Enrol your tamariki or yourself Enrol your for tamariki these FREE orEnrol yourself yourfor tamariki these FREE or yourself for these FREE Maori Postal Aotearoa Bible Maorilessons. Postal Aotearoa There are Maori Bible studies Postal lessons. Aotearoa There are Bible studies lessons. There are studies

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B I B L E L E S SBOI N B LS E “Te L EKupu S Whakaora” SBOI N B (The SL ELivingL“Te EKupu SisSWhakaora” O N S(The study Word) a series of Bible Living “Te Kupu Word)Whakaora” is a series of (The Bible Living study Word) is a series of Bible study

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Book 2 contains 10 lessons whichBook cover2topics: contains God’s 10 lessons plan of which Salvation; Book cover 2topics: contains God’s 10 plan lessons of Salvation; which cover topics: God’s plan of Salvation; How Can I be Sure that I’m Saved;How Reading Can and I be Studying Sure that Your I’m Saved; Bible; Reading The How Canand I beStudying Sure thatYour I’m Saved; Bible; The Reading and Studying Your Bible; The Importance of Prayer; What is the Importance Church? What of Prayer; is a Local What Church? is theWhy Church? Importance What of isPrayer; a Local What Church? is theWhy Church? What is a Local Church? Why Should a Christian be Baptized? The Should Christian’s a Christian New Nature; be Baptized? Temptation The Should Christian’s a Christian New Nature; be Baptized? Temptation The Christian’s New Nature; Temptation and Victory; Jesus Christ is Lord. This andbook Victory; is particularly Jesus Christ useful is Lord. for This those and book Victory; is particularly Jesus Christ useful is Lord. for those This book is particularly useful for those new to the Christian faith. new to the Christian faith. new to the Christian faith.

Book 2 contains 10 lessons which cover Booktopics: 2 contains God’s10plan lessons of Salvation; which Book cover 2 contains topics: God’s 10 lessons plan ofwhich Salvation; cover topics: God’s plan of Salvation; How Can I be Sure that I’m Saved; Reading How Can and I be Studying Sure that Your I’mBible; Saved; How The Reading Can I be andSure Studying that I’m Your Saved; Bible;Reading The and Studying Your Bible; The Importance of Prayer; What is the Church? Importance Whatofis Prayer; a LocalWhat Church? is the Why Importance Church? What of Prayer; is a Local WhatChurch? is the Church? Why What is a Local Church? Why Should a Christian be Baptized? TheShould Christian’s a Christian New Nature; be Baptized? Temptation Should The Christian’s a Christian NewbeNature; Baptized? Temptation The Christian’s New Nature; Temptation and Victory; Jesus Christ is Lord. Thisand book Victory; is particularly Jesus Christ useful is Lord. for those and This Victory; book is particularly Jesus Christ useful is Lord.for This those book is particularly useful for those new to the Christian faith. new to the Christian faith. new to the Christian faith.

Book 3 contains nine lessons on Book the Holy 3 contains Spirit, anine subject lessons concerning on the Book Holy 3 contains Spirit, a nine subject lessons concerning on the Holy Spirit, a subject concerning which there is a good deal of confusion which there theseis days. a good It clearly deal ofoutlines confusion which there theseisdays. a good It clearly deal of outlines confusion these days. It clearly outlines the Bible’s teaching on this subjectthe and Bible’s also includes teachingthought-provoking on this subjectthe andBible’s also includes teachingthought-provoking on this subject and also includes thought-provoking questions to be answered. questions to be answered. questions to be answered.

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Book 4 and 5 are also available with Bookmore 4 andto5come! are also These available bookswith Book are more 4 and to5come! are also These available books with are more to come! These books are suitable for individual or group studies. suitable for individual or group studies. suitable for individual or group studies.

Book 4 and 5 are also available with Book more 4 and to come! 5 are also These available books Book are with4more and 5toare come! alsoThese available books with aremore to come! These books are suitable for individual or group studies. suitable for individual or groupsuitable studies.for individual or group studies.

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Timothy Series

Timothy Series



Timothy ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Series ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________


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Piki Tahi

Piki Tahi

Piki Tahi

The Titus Series

The Titus Series

The Titus Series




Sincerely, Synnove Te Maro.

16 Riverbend Road Onekawa Napier 06 843 7633

06 343 7957 maoripostal.co.nz info@maoripostal.co.nz

Marriage Why did you spend all the money on that!? How dare you say that to me! I saw you look at her twice, stop being a perv! I told the kids not to do that and you said they could! You said you were going to do the dishes but you didn’t! Don’t you lie to me! You did it first! Oh, shut up! Sound familiar? What ever happened to "...and we will live happily ever after?" Is that even a real thing? Yep, sure is, in heaven! Two sinners living absolutely perfect together and in perfect harmony and living a perfect, flawless, sinless life in a fallen world, ain’t gunna happen! You know it’s true, you're living proof that people aren’t perfect right? Yes, we have all made mistakes but the Bible says that we should “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you,” Ephesians 4:32. Those who have been forgiven so much by God should, of all people, forgive the small offenses against us by our spouses. We have clarified that we are not perfect and that we all make mistakes from time to time, so what do we do when our spouse sins against us or just does something totally stupid? Throw the biggest Bible at them you can find and say ‘love one another?’ Of course not. We should be kind to them and forgive them for the wrongs they have done. Jesus died for you and took the full punishment that you deserved. He offers you forgiveness for all the wrongs you have ever done and all the

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Matters wrongs you are going to do, isn’t that marvellous? Once you have given your life to Christ, do you think He will just desert you and walk out on you? No way! He still loves you and will never ever leave you. So the next time your spouse annoys you, offends you or acts like a doe doe head, go to Ephesians 4:32 in your Bible and remember to be kind to them, tender-hearted and compassionate toward them and forgive them for all the wrongs they have done to you. Show love to them even when they don’t deserve it, because that’s exactly what Christ did for you. And try to remember who your real enemy is, it's not your marriage partner, it's Satan, your own sinful nature and this evil world system in which you live. Your spouse needs prayer not put downs so compliment them, tell them you love them and do something nice for them. If you can, go on a date together some time soon. Grab a hot chocolate at McDonalds and chat about something deep and meaningful. If you've done something wrong, look them in the eye and tell them you're sorry. Love them. Treat them like they are someone important to you. And forgive.

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Church History

Recommended Resource Church History - Timothy Jones

THE AGE OF REASON AND REVIVAL 1648– 1789 The Age of Reformation was marked by debate among Christians about the way of salvation. The Age of Reason was highlighted by the denial of any supernatural religion. Respect for science and human reason replaced the Christian faith as the cornerstone of Western culture. Many Protestants met this crisis of faith, not by arguments, but by the experience of supernatural conversion. Faith was less dogma and more experience. This evangelical Christianity spread

rapidly by the power of preaching alone. And many Christians came to see that state support was no longer essential for Christianity’s survival. Modern Christians could accept religious freedom. In the next edition of TW: THE AGE OF PROGRESS 1789– 1914 “I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary.” - Charles Haddon Spurgeon




Good Reads


Body & Soul

Bethany Hamilton has become a fitness expert by virtue of being a professional athlete who has excelled and done it all while overcoming the fact that during a surf session in 2003, Bethany was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark, which bit off her left arm and seemed to end her career as a rising surf star. In Body & Soul, Bethany shares some of her experiences with body, mind and spirit. Sharing her expertise as an athlete, Body & Soul helps young girls develop a healthy lifestyle, understand their changing bodies, gain confidence and establish a pattern of healthy living starting at a young age. This book includes workouts specially developed for young girls by Bethany’s personal trainer, plus recipes, information on healthy eating, and advice on deepening your spiritual health. For a total body wellness book perfect for growing girls, Body and Soul is a must!

Box 10 Whanganui

06 343 19 7957

by Bethany Hamilton

Want a free copy? Be first to tell us why you want it and it’s yours!


KaiTime By Rachael Ahie

Easy Sweet Thai Chicken Method:

Ingredients: 4 Chicken breasts or 1 whole cooked chicken 2 Lettuce leaves 3 Cups of stir fry vegetables of your choice (courgettes, red onion, red cabbage, peppers etc)

Dressing: 4 Tablespoons brown sugar 4 Tablespoons fish sauce 3 Tablespoons lime juice 2 Cloves of crushed garlic 1 Tablespoon chilli paste


Dice chicken breast and place it into a pan until cooked. Once chicken breast is browned and cooked through place it into a dish put it in the fridge until ready to use. Or if using a whole cooked chicken, shred it up and put it into a dish then pop it in the fridge. Slice up the vegetables of your choice and stir fry them until just cooked. Make the Thai dressing by adding all the ingredients into a jug or bowl and mix. Place into fridge until the vegetables are ready to serve. Once vegetables are ready, place 2 lettuce leaves on the side of a dinner plate, add some chicken on top of the lettuce leaves and pour over some of the dressing. Repeat this stage for however many people you are feeding. Add stir fry vegetables on the side and enjoy. Recipe feeds a family of five. Share your recipes

Box 10 Whanganui - info@maoripostal.co.nz

- ko te ngakau He pai iti nei to- te whakamahi i te tinana; tena karakia e pai ano mo- nga- - hoki kei te haere mai. mea katoa, kei reira hoki nga korero mo te ora inaianei, mo tera The dawn of a new year gives us a fresh opportunity and a helpful context to create different goals or resolutions and to put them into action! But don’t forget God is ultimately in control! Before Christ saved me I was a Personal Trainer for over 10 years and what I saw in some well-meaning people, was that they set goals that were too big to start with. If for example, their goal was to exercise 5 days per week for 1 ½ hours at a time, they normally ran out of steam by day 4 in the very first week! Then when the next week rolled around they would complete only 1 or 2 sessions. By the time week 3 arrived they were totally over it! I suggest to people who are new to exercise, to start slowly and steadily. Maybe start with one day per week for 10 minutes, I know that may not sound like much but you want to create a new habit. Slowly over time work up to 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. It can be as simple as a walk around the block or up the road. Maybe try walking or running on the spot, maybe walk up a flight of stairs or jog to the shop and back if you're able. If you have a bike maybe you could go for a cruise to the park with your mokos. Now you know to start simple, get to it! Book it in your calendar and maybe ask someone to keep you accountable to your new exercise habit and remember our memory verse 1 Timothy 4:8. If you have a device, there is an app called ‘Google Calendar’ which is helpful to book in your new exercise routine, appointments or that birthday you keep forgetting! Please remember to seek the advice of your health care professional before venturing into a new exercise routine.

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Teen Space

real issues - real answers Do you know that a whisperer cuts deep wounding the heart as stated in Proverbs 26:22? If that's not enough to make you think about quiting the ol' gossip buzz how about a busybody cannot be trusted as in Proverbs 20:19? The Bible also says that a gossiper gets theirself into trouble Proverbs 21:23?

This months topic:

Gossip Have you ever over heard someone talking bad about you? How'd it make you feel? Do you talk about others behind their back? The Bible talks alot about this issue of gossip and it's devastating effects. Did you know the Bible says in Proverbs 16:28, that a gossiper ruins friendships?

So what now then? If you hear gossip, change the subject or say somethng nice about that person. If you gossip, talk nice about them instead of back stabbing them.

< < < Connect with us 22


TAMARIKI 1 John 4:8











God is Love

God showed His awesome _ _ _ _ for you by sending Christ to die for you. - Romans 5:8 This is how much God _ _ _ _ _ you. He gave His only Son, so that if you believe in Him you will not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16

God is love - 1 John 4:8


Tena Koutou Katoa

n’ t M Th Gi ag A row ve wa Th It is Aw y... ay !

Anei Nga Korero Pai

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