Tupu Whakarangi Magazine Issue 239

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Issue 239

See Page 15







A SNAKE FOR A PET A SOFT LIGHT was shining down onto the stage as he walked into the centre of the circle, the orchestra began to play soft, haunting music. Every eye of the vast audience was upon him. Waiting to see what new act the great animal trainer was going to perform this evening. The music continued to play as all the lights were dimmed and the people seemed to hold their breaths as they watched. Slowly, from behind the curtain, they saw it slithering out onto the stage. A huge boa constrictor was making its way around his chair. It was entwining the chair, placing its huge coils around his body. Its small beady eyes looked down into his face as the music suddenly stopped and the spotlight lit up the face of the trainer with his pet raising its ugly head above his own. Then, as the music began playing again, the huge reptile slowly slithered away to its cage and the crowd burst into loud clapping and cheering. The trainer bowed and left the stage – his pet had to be cared for. He had found it as a little baby snake in the forest and had cared for it and taught it from babyhood. It was his slave. Now it had grown to large proportions, but always it respected him for he was the master. One night as the crowds watched breathlessly the enacting of this drama, they saw the huge constrictor come out onto the stage with the music playing softly. They watched the ugly reptile gently place its coils around its trainer; they cheered as the light shone out and the terrible head looked down into his face. Then silence suddenly fell. His face was white and covered with perspiration. A terrible scream sounded out over the audience as those grim coils tightened around his body, as the slave became the master and the lifeless trainer lay beyond all help. Satan is referred to in the Book of revelation in the Bible as “that old serpent, the devil”. He places his coils of sin around people who mistake it for a pet! “Afraid of sin? No way! I can quit with it any time I like. I am the master of my life,” they say. Christ is the only One who can deliver us from the bondage of sinful lifestyles and habits, and give us eternal life. Accept Him today as your Lord and personal Saviour. Do not be deceived by sin – it’s not a pet. The Bible also says in James 1:15, “When sin is finished, it brings death” (eternal death).



“You do realise how serious the accident was, don’t you?” asked the doctor, speaking as gently as he could. She shrieked, “Answer me!” But there was still no answer and she fell forward, unconscious in the seat.

THE FORCE of the impact welded the two cars together. When the dust settled there was no movement and no sound save for the trickling of water and the hissing of steam from the broken motors. The night was calm and still with a full moon, but violence and death filled the air. Inside one of the cars a form moved. Sue stared in disbelief and whispered, “Johnny, Johnny.” There was no answer. She put her hands to her face and drew them away quickly. They were covered in blood. “Johnny!”

At the hospital five bodies were quickly removed from the ambulances and formed a long procession as they were wheeled down the clean, white corridors. There was urgency in the steps of doctors and nurses as all traffic led to the emergency operating room. Time, like some great hovering vulture, seemed to pause in its race to eternity, while relatives sat down and got


ISSUE 239, JULY-AUGUST, 2021 Editor: Graham Batson

Mail: PO Box 10, Whanganui 4540. Email: info.maoripostal@gmail.com www.maoripostal.co.nz


up from chairs which lined the waiting room. Occasionally they glanced at the large clock on the far wall as though the answer to their problems lay hidden on its face. A doctor entered the room, paused and wiped the perspiration from his forehead. No one spoke. Everyone wanted to hear what he would say – yet everyone dreaded what he might say. He walked over to a middle-aged couple seated near the door and asked quietly, “Are you Mr and Mrs Sutherland?” “Yes, we are,” the man replied.

party scene. Soon he was into alcohol and drugs, and now – death. Johnny’s parents rose from their chairs, their hopes shattered, and their lives an empty vacuum of despair. “How is Sue Harper?” asked Mr Sutherland, inquiring about the condition of Johnny’s girl friend. “We think Sue will be alright,” replied the doctor evenly, “if there are no internal injuries. She had her seat belt fastened and apparently Johnny didn’t.” “Oh, if we could only turn the clock back to yesterday,” whispered Mrs Sutherland. “Perhaps we could have avoided this tragedy.” ____________________________

The white-faced couple slowly followed the doctor into the corridor. He motioned to a row of chairs and the three sat down. “You realise how serious the accident was, don’t you?” he asked, speaking as gently as he could. Mr Sutherland nodded and placed his hand on his wife’s arm. “I’m sorry to have to tell you that your son was fatally injured”.

It was only about twenty-four hours before that Johnny Sutherland and his friend, Dave Stevens, had been in the company of a friend who was a Christian, Rick Brown. He had invited them over for coffee and was telling them about the hockey game their youth group had been involved in the previous Saturday. Johnny and Dave had not attended youth group for some time and Rick was trying to regain their interest and steer them away from their partying and drinking. They were the only two associated with Neither parent spoke. The doctor the group who had not received Christ handed a prescription to Mr Sutherland as Saviour. and suggested they use this medicine “We miss you two, you know,” Rick until the shock wore off. Mrs Sutherland said. “Why not join us next Saturday for sat dry-eyed, mentally reliving life with a walk out to the old copper mine? We her son. Johnny had been a lovable leave from the church at 8:30 and you’ll youngster, an only child. Love and need to bring lunch.” affection had been heaped upon him. Schoolmates vied for a place at the top “No,” replied Johnny putting his of his list of friends. He did well with hands in his pockets and leaning back in his schoolwork. When he was 16 his car his chair. “Since there are so many other took the place of church and the youth things to do, we just don’t have time for group. Gradually he moved into the the group any more.”


“How about you, Dave?” asked Rick. Dave shuffled his feet awkwardly, “Well, I miss the group at times, but I guess I’m in the same boat as Johnny. There just isn’t time for everything”.

Christ today. All this stuff we’ve been doing lately doesn’t really do it for me any more. In fact, I’ve been feeling pretty rotten about it all. I’m not going to put off my decision again.”

The three talked about various things such as sports and jobs. Then, after a brief pause Rick said, “I’ve been thinking about you two lately and I’m wondering if you’ve ever taken Christ into your hearts and lives.” After another pause Johnny finally replied, “I’ve thought about it a bit over the last few months, but I don’t think I need to just yet.”

Johnny was silent. He looked at Dave and Rick as though he could not believe what he had just heard, then he turned around and strode out. Rick called out to him, but the only answer was the slamming of the door. There was a party that night, but Dave was not there. He had talked with Rick for a while longer about receiving Christ as his Saviour, and finally the two men had dropped to their knees and, in a simple prayer, Dave asked the Lord to cleanse his heart and life and to save him.

“You don’t think you’ve put it off too long?” asked Rick. “Today would be a good time to receive Him.” Dave didn’t answer. His eyes met Rick’s briefly, and then dropped to the floor. Johnny cleared his throat and spoke up quickly before Dave had time to commit himself. “Well, you know Rick, we’re pretty young and strong and I don’t figure on dying for a while yet. I rather like life the way it is. I’ll probably just go along like I am in the meantime.”

Sue Harper was not at the party (te paati) either. She lay critically injured in hospital, not yet fully aware of what had taken place. Doctors had worked over her with professional skill and compassion. Yes, she would live, but what of her future? Would she also put “I’m worried about you, Johnny. I off receiving Christ until it was too late? don’t want to preach at you but the Bible Neither did Johnny Sutherland makes it clear we have no guarantee arrive at the party that night. He was what’s in store for us tomorrow. It’s travelling too fast on a bend and skidded dangerous to put off being saved.” into the path of an on-coming car. He Johnny responded, “There’s no use trying to talk me into it. I’ve heard that would never go to any more parties. His story a hundred times before.” He got opportunity to receive Christ had also up and started toward the door, “Look, gone – Johnny was dead! I’d better be going. I’ve got things to do Dave rose from his knees with a look before the party tonight. Thanks for the of peace and inner joy on his face. He coffee, Rick.” had made his decision to receive Christ, He paused and then looked towards and now he felt as if a massive weight Dave who remained seated. Neither had been lifted from his shoulders. spoke for a moment, and at last Dave Christ now lived within him. He hugged spoke up, “Johnny, I’m through running his friend, Rick in joy and gratitude and away from God. I’m going to receive walked out of that house a new person.



Only extreme measures could save our marriage By Bonnie G. Wheeler (Decision Magazine)


settled over the empty parking lot as the lights in the building winked out one by one. I watched as a solitary figure locked the front door and shuffled towards his car. The slump of his shoulder told the grim story of discouragement.

I knew my target well, having long studied his routine. He was right on schedule. He opened the car door and dropped wearily into the front seat. Obviously tired and preoccupied, he did not notice me, huddled in the shadows of the back seat. He fumbled with his seat belt and then started the motor. “Don’t make a move!” I gruffly ordered. He flinched and then cautiously asked, “What’s going on?” “This is a kidnapping!” I tersely replied. Disbelief registered on his face. “You’re kidding, aren’t you?” “Never been more serious in my life!” I replied. _________________________________________________________ The past six months of my life read like a textbook case on stress and its cumulative effects. Our family had moved from a metropolitan area to the country, and instead of the anticipated peace and tranquillity, our lives assumed a soap opera quality. While our family struggled in its adjustments to a new lifestyle, the wettest winter in years helped us discover every leak in the roof of our house. As a result the house was flooded, and the insurance company refused coverage. One of our children had an appendicitis attack; another was involved in a bus accident; all six exchanged colds and flu like hand-me-down clothes. Then my hitherto healthy husband, Dennis, became seriously ill, and our finances quickly became another disaster as the effects of rising water and rising medical bills took their combined toll. The doctor told Dennis to avoid stress! Then during his lengthy convalescence, I started noticing personality changes in him, and I took them all personally. After coping with all the changes and trying to over-protect Dennis from stress, I awoke one morning with a paralysed face. The doctor told me to avoid stress and get a lot of rest!


One afternoon, between “storms”, Tim, our eldest son, and I were talking about the calamitous events that had occurred since our move. He suddenly avoided meeting my eyes as the subject of marriage came up. “You know, things have sure changed between you and Dad,” he almost whispered. “All my life I’ve been kinda jealous of your relationship with each other. I used to feel left out. You two were so close that I almost felt like there wasn’t any room for me.” “And now?” I asked hesitantly. Tim’s voice was soft – so soft that I had to strain to hear the answer I already feared: “Not any more, Mum. Not any more”. Both products of broken homes, my husband and I had always set a high priority on maintaining our close relationship. But now, after 20 years of marriage, we were slowly drifting apart and becoming more and more like strangers to each other. Dennis’ work hours increased until there was no longer time or energy for our special dates. The jokes and laughter ended, and the lines of communication became tangled and unused. During those years of stress, my once-lengthy prayers were often reduced to feeble cries of “Help!” My once-extensive Bible reading was almost confined to a daily Psalm. Shortly after my talk with Tim, I was reading in Psalm 84, “Happy are those who are strong in the Lord, who want above all else to follow His steps”. (I wasn’t feeling very strong just then). That verse combined with Tim’s description of our marriage, broke through my layers of self-protective numbness. “Lord, I can’t follow in Your steps and I can’t just huddle in a corner, watching our marriage die. But what can I do?” After my prayer I had the strong impression that the Lord wanted us to go away for a few days. “But Lord! There’s no time, no money. And, anyway, Dennis probably will not agree”. I swallowed hard. “And Lord, I’m not sure I want to go away with this stranger – my husband.” Again there was that strong impression – Go! Reluctantly I asked Dennis about going away, and as I had expected, he refused. “There’s no time, no money,” he stated. Still that strong urge to go away persisted. I decided that if Dennis wasn’t going to work with me, I would proceed on my own. With a prayer for our marriage, a deep gulp, and a big step of faith, I took the last of our money, made arrangements for the children, and set out to waylay my husband. _________________________________________________________ I moved to the front seat. “You’re being kidnapped,” I announced. “But . . . what about the kids?” Dennis spluttered. “Church? Your deadline? We can’t afford . . .” “It’s all taken care of,” I assured him. “And we can’t afford not to,” I added softly. “Now please drive!” Dennis stiffened and I fully expected him to turn around and head towards home. Then he visibly relaxed and drove. “Celebrating an anniversary?” asked the friendly hotel clerk. “No,” Dennis answered with a straight face. “I’ve just been kidnapped!” The clerk nervously handed me the room key.


For the first time in months we really talked. Seriously, tearfully, honestly – about our marriage, where it was headed and what we wanted to do about the direction. There were apologies, sobs and choked up voices, but no arguing. When we finished talking we prayed together with reassurance of our love and renewed commitment to keeping that love alive. We held hands, laughed, and had fun together for the first time in months. We had always known there was healing in tears; that weekend we learned of the healing in laughter. Monday morning our alarm went off 30 minutes earlier than usual. It was follow-through time, and together we made a list of resolutions:  We will talk to the doctor. (We discovered that Dennis’ personality changes were a reaction to medication, not me).  We will sort out our priorities to lessen the stress on us all.  We will no longer ignore danger signals in our relationship.  We will be more aware of, and sensitive to, each other’s needs.  We will work at keeping communication lines open.  We will face and deal with issues as they come up. There will be no more retreating to separate corners.  We will fight for our marriage.  We will uphold each other in our walk with Jesus, realising that He is our stabiliser in times of stress and pressure.  We will study the Bible together and pray daily. Morning by morning we reconnected the lines of communication that had been severed by months of stress. We still “step on each other’s toes” occasionally, but there is no more retreating from the issues. We deal with them as they come up, and we just keep on working at it until we are once again back in step. The other evening Tim caught us cheek-to-cheek in the kitchen. “Hey, you two!” he exclaimed, “I’m starting to get jealous again!”


5 REASONS WHY MARRIAGE MATTERS 1. BEGINNING Marriage is the beginning—the beginning of the family—and is a life-long commitment. It also provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your spouse and children. Marriage is more than a physical union; it is also a spiritual and emotional union. This union mirrors the one between God and His Church.

2. ONENESS When a man and woman get married, the “two become one.” Marriage is a bond like no other. It gives us a life partner, a teammate, as we move through the challenges of life together.

3. PURITY Marriage is designed for purity. We face temptation nearly every minute and from all directions. The bond of marriage gives us the support to defeat temptation by engaging in deep, satisfying love—a love that gives to, and receives from, our mate physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

4. PARENTING When a marriage produces a child or receives a child through adoption, it is one of life’s greatest blessings. Roughly 40% of children being raised today are in a home without a father. The effects of that fact are staggering. Father absence causes increases in mental and behavioural disorders as well as criminal activity and substance abuse. But when children are raised in a healthy marriage, they get a front row seat to see and experience the lasting benefits of a strong family.

5. LOVE Marriage is designed to mirror our Creator’s unconditional love for us. It’s a love that will always be there and will never leave us or forsake us. When a man and woman love one another unconditionally, contentment and joy follow.

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Angela Crichton

While living in an isolated village on an island in the north of the Philippines, we washed both ourselves and our clothes down at the river. Being the only ‘non-Asian’ the highlight of each day for the children was to watch the ‘white lady’ wash in her sarong at the river. My faithful companion, nine-year-old Nelson, never left my side. (His is another story - one with a happy ending!) Unfortunately I had a relapse of Typhoid Fever and it became more and more difficult to trudge to the river for my daily ablutions. The day came when I realized that I needed medical attention and that it was time to leave the island. Leaving the island proved to be an adventure in itself! After negotiating with a local boat owner, it was decided I was to be down on the shore early the following morning. Weak and unable to walk due to dehydration, I was carried by two men down the track to where the small boat was waiting. A storm was on the horizon so I was told to go back and wait for the right conditions. Finally a few days later and now much weaker, the whole procedure had to be repeated. On these outriggers, no seats are available. One is expected to ‘perch’ on the outer rim. The boat was full of people going to town. They were sitting on a huge pile of logs neatly stacked into the middle of the boat. After a few hours, everyone opened their small aluminium pots and started eating their rice and meat (Karabao, water buffalo). They kindly offered to share, but this time I could not accept their kind offer as was not able to keep anything in my stomach, water included. Just as well, as there were no toilet facilities! I will always be thankful to the Lord for having Rose, a Filipina woman for a friend. I truly believe her care and compassion helped saved my life in what was to transpire. The boat’s anchor was dropped into the sea and the owner announced we would have to wait a number of hours before continuing – until midnight! The reason? The logs he was carrying


were milled illegally; therefore he was needing the darkness of night for cover. Rose realized how this would affect us so pleaded, begged with the boat owner to reconsider. He was not budging. However after taking a glance in my direction he did stop another boat and got us on board. Unknown to me at the time, one of the symptoms of Typhoid Fever is depression. I spent hour after hour looking into the depths of the sea until the urge to ‘let go and it will be all over’ almost became a reality. Rose sensed this, grabbed my arm and held on tight until we safely reached land. We stayed at Rose’s relatives one night before continuing onto the larger town and hospital the following day. I clearly remember sharing the bed with dear ‘Grandma’ who snored continually and used the potty at least twenty times! The next morning on the country bus, we had to compete with people off to market together with their goats, pigs, chooks and vegetables. Finally we made it to the hospital only to find ourselves at the back of a queue right down the street. After a two hour wait, I was attended to and Typhoid was confirmed. I was to be admitted to hospital. There were not enough beds and patients were placed in the corridors. I pleaded with Rose to take me with her to the local YWAM base while taking the course of antibiotics. It was during this time the region suffered a strong typhoon. Fences, trees and roofs of houses were all caught up like toys. The house we were staying in was flooded. Foremost in my mind was the team I had left on the island and those I was responsible for. A decision had to be made; some were urging me to return to the safety of New Zealand warning me another relapse could prove fatal, something I was well aware of. It was a tempting offer. One morning as I awoke the following words kept repeating themselves in my mind, clearly an answer to prayer for God’s guidance regarding the future; ‘When you come to a cross-road in life, choose the road of greater sacrifice out of love for me.’ What would be the road of greater sacrifice at that moment? Without a doubt, it would be returning to the island and fulfilling our object of serving the people there. It was a matter of depending upon God as never before…if He didn’t come through I simply wouldn’t make it. I did return to the village to continue the work with the team. No further relapses occurred and together as a team, we saw God impact many lives in the community. He is true to His word!

“Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God – which is your spiritual worship.” -Romans 12:1 11

Transformed By God's Power A Testimony, by Lovinia Ashby,

LOVINIA ROSE ASHBY ko taku ingoa. I was born in Whakatane on June 4, 1958, and named after my mother's sister. I have four siblings -- three sisters and one brother. My parents raised us in a Christian home in Otahuhu. As children we were taught what God had done for us. We attended the PWF (People Worship Freedom) Mission in Auckland. We children travelled by bus to church because Sunday School started earlier than the main service. My memories of Sunday School are good – God's love was there. We experienced lots of joy and happiness in our upbringing, and saw God's power moving among the people. When we got sick as children our Mum or Dad would pray for us. Sore tummies and other problems would go away. This was normal in our lives. As I grew older I started making decisions that were not part of our upbringing making friends with the wrong people, who influenced me to do the wrong things. I ended up taking things that were not mine, and this problem escalated in my teenage years. Eventually I was caught, and the police were involved. My parents were very upset. Because I didn't come from a troublesome family, and because this was my first offence, the judge dismissed the case and gave me a warning. For a while I did not continue down that road. I finished school early, and started working in a cheese factory. During my teen years I drifted further from the Lord. I went drinking and partying, and definitely got in to wrong relationships. I was introduced to drugs. Prior to that I was a retail sales person and had been working hard. One evening my brother said he was into sales too. “I'm selling stuff for headaches,” he informed me. When I looked at his wallet it was full of notes. I'd been lugging heavy suitcases from door to door without much financial gain. It did not take me many minutes to be tempted to start working for my brother. He showed me how to get these “headache” pills and who would want them. This led me down a slippery path of addiction, and getting into trouble with the law, because of being “under the influence.” One frightful night while with my brother in a bar, a gang came in. One came up and “bottled” my brother in the face. I ran out. We had to take him to the hospital. My brother nearly lost his eye. I said to him, “Change your ways.


Stop doing this.” But sadly he only had revenge on his heart. I now saw the reality of where my life was heading. I married at 23 years of age. My husband had converted to the Bahai faith, and I tried to tell him about Christianity, even though I was living a life that was far from Christ. I did, however, start going to church. My marriage dissolved when I was 28 years old, and I decided to get out of Auckland. I returned home to my parents who were now living in Opotiki. While there, I heard the shocking news that my brother was murdered at a “party”. Again I looked at my own life. I started having dreams of my brother, and puzzled as to why he was alive in my dreams, when we had just buried him. I asked him what Heaven was like, but he couldn't tell me. I told this dream to my parents. My search began again. When driving through Manurewa, the police pulled me over. Owning up to breaches of bail, I was taken to Mt Eden women's prison. I was sentenced to one year, and was preparing to be transferred to Arohata Prison in Wellington. However, after 2 weeks at Mt Eden, and just a few days before Christmas, I was asked where I would like to be for Christmas, if given the opportunity. I said I missed my family and would love to be back with my parents. The officer gave me a yellow piece of paper. And at the top it said, “Steps to freedom!” During the signing of this document an overwhelming sensation of love came over me. Knowing my parents had been praying for me, this was surely the response to their prayers. The officer said to get my things and go home! She literally pushed me out the prison gates. When she shut the gate behind me, I turned and looked back through the gate. Then I heard an audible voice say these words, “You will never go back there again.” God was speaking to me, because of the melt-down of my heart. From there I rang my sister and told her what had happened. Geoff Palmer was the Minister of Justice at the time. He had given some men in prison amnesty, in order to free up prisons over Christmas, but I was the only woman given such amnesty! I was rejoicing. I arrived home excited at what had taken place, and now started searching for God by reading the book of Revelation. What a joy it was getting my life right, changing my habits, and getting off drugs! The last time I went to Court, was for driving while disqualified. Dad prayed over me before I went to Court, and the judge didn't take my licence away from me. Instead he gave me a fine. God answered my prayer, even though I wasn’t yet a Christian, but I was determined to seek Him. By now I knew God was real, and I started going to church with Mum. I was overwhelmed with love by the people as they greeted me at the door. Now I was letting them get a bit closer to me. I started to enjoy this love that was in the hearts of all these Christians. There was no longer any doubt in my mind that God was real. By this time God had my full attention. Home in my caravan I cried out to the Lord, and asked Him to make Himself real to me. I told my Creator I was sorry for the way I had messed up. It felt like hot oil was being poured over me – from my head right down to my feet. Now I could understand my emotions, and put them in to words – no longer a blubbering mess.


For the first time I started seeing God's creation – the grass was greener, the sky bluer! I didn't appreciate these things when I didn't know Him. In 1989 I was born again. Such a hunger to know God welled up inside me. It has excelled from then on. I studied water baptism for 3 months, and then my Dad and the elder of our Church baptised me in a swimming pool. When I came out of the water – an overwhelming joy flooded me! I knew I was saved, and born in to the Kingdom for a purpose. It was hard to hold me down! I went to my sister and said, “I've been filled with the Spirit!” “What spirit now?” she asked. “God's Holy Spirit. You need to come to church,” I urged. In my walk in the 1990's I joined “Rise Up Together NZ”. For 6 months we went as a team to evangelise around NZ, spending a week in each town. It was an amazing thing to do as a young Christian. God proved His love in 2 miracles with my car on that journey. After that I joined our local church in door-knocking and sharing our faith with others. I knew I needed a teacher to teach me the Word of God, and found one in a church in Whakatane. I started having prayer meetings at my home. In 1991 I joined a small mission trip to go to India, where, under local pastors in Hyderabad, we evangelised and planted churches in the villages. The next trip in 1993 was to the Solomon Islands – as part of the Ohope Christian Camp for the children. We took a small team of children with us, and distributed toys and medications. In 1995 I attended Faith Bible College to prepare for further Missions. My practicum after 6 months of studies was to Hong Kong, in order to take Bibles in to China. From there we flew to Chiang Mai, Thailand, where we worked with Asian Outreach to evangelise among the university students and to teach literacy, and to Madras (Chennai) India to work in an orphanage for 2 months. My guitar proved very useful in singing with the children there. I felt very privileged while there to travel to Bangalore to assist in a Rienard Bonke Evangelistic Meeting. On that occasion God proved again His wonderful care, providing a rickshaw for me after the meeting, when there were literally thousands of Indians waiting for rides! “Lord, You know I'm on my own, and I can't speak Indian. Please help me.” God directed me to go to a certain spot, and almost immediately a rickshaw stopped and asked me specifically to get in! At the turn of the millenium many prayer walkers were on the beach in Gisborne waiting to be the first to see God's sun rise. This was followed by a big Crusade in Gisborne. There Trevor Yaxley shared his vision for “The First Wave Army” - an army of people to take the Gospel to the nation. I joined others at “Lifeway College” at Snells Beach, to be part of this “army,” and stayed for 5 years. Wherever I have gone since then, God has graciously given me opportunities to serve Him and share the Good News. A highlight of my Christian walk has been to work with young people, and see them grow up and establish strong Christian families. God’s merciful favour is available for all who call on Him in these last days.



winter’s scene: Mount Ngauruhoe (“Throwing Hot Stones” -- 2291 metres) is an active stratovolcano in Aotearoa. It is the youngest vent in the Tongariro volcanic complex on the central plateau of the North Island, and first erupted about 2,500 years ago. Although often regarded as a separate mountain, geologically it is a secondary cone of Mount Tongariro. A stratovolcano (also known as a composite volcano), is a cone-shaped volcano built up by many layers of hardened lava and rock fragments. They are among the most common types of volcanoes, in contrast to the less common shield volcanoes.

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ONE DAY a man who did not believe in God stood up before a crowd of people and said that there would not be a person in the audience who would not agree with him before he had finished his speech. He concluded with the following statement: -“Now ladies and gentlemen, I am going to prove to you that there is no God. It will take just a minute to do it!” He took out his watch, held in in his left hand, shook his fist and said, “God, are You up there? If You are I hate You! You are not fair! You are mean! I hate you and will do so until I die. Now God, why don’t you kill me, and if You do not kill me this minute, all these people will know there is no God!” What He had said and done was dramatic and to many it was convincing. Finally he said, “There is no God. If there is any person in this crowd who still believes there is a God, would he give us one reason for still thinking so?” The man was as surprised as the audience when a younger man walked forward. “Sir, I certainly still believe there is a God, and I believe I can give these people a good reason why God did not kill you a moment ago.” The atheist stood back. He clearly felt the young man was going to make a fool of himself and he, for one, was going to enjoy it. With a mock bow he said, “Go right ahead young man. You have the platform.” “A few minutes ago as I was walking along nearby, a strange thing happened. A little boy, eight or nine years of age, stepped out in front of me. His clothes were ragged, he was filthy with dirt and his hair looked as if it had never been combed. He stepped right in front of me and he held out his hand to stop me. Then he said, ‘I hate guys like you with your fancy clothes and shiny boots. You are just a big phoney! How about a fight!” “I told him I did not want to fight him, but instead I would like to be his friend. Perhaps I could get him something to eat, give him a clean-up and some new clothes. Ignoring my offer of friendship, the little fellow spat at me and called me a


lot of vile and filthy names. I tried to walk around him, but he jumped quickly in front of me, shaking his fists at me and daring me to fight. “I did not fight him. With the palm of my hand I could have slapped him half way across the street, he was so small. But I would not have hit him for the world! My heart went out to him in pity. I would gladly have bought him some food, would have given him a bath and some clean clothes, but he would not let me. The friendlier I tried to me the worse he got. Finally, with a heavy heart I stepped around him and continued on down the street. For a block or so he followed me daring me to stop and fight, and calling me every foul name he could think of. “Imagine my amazement when I came here and saw the entire incident acted out all over again! Back up the street a dirty little boy with an evil mind and wicked words ignored my offer to feed, clean and clothe him. He insisted on calling me evil names and dared me to fight him. Then I walked here to this place and find a pathetic little man shaking his fist in the face of God and defying God to kill him! “He wants someone to tell him why God did not strike him dead. It was for the very same reason I did not strike that dirty little boy up the street who kept on daring me to fight. I felt sorry for the boy and wanted to help him. God feels sorry for this man and wants to help him. The little boy was dressed in rags and I wanted to get him some nice clean clothes. This man is dressed in the rags of his sin and selfrighteousness. He needs to be clothed in the righteousness that only the Lord Jesus can give. “I can tell you why God did not strike him dead. It is because God loves even a man like this. The Bible says, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life’ (John 3:16). God has patiently waited for this man to turn from his sin and be saved. The Bible further says, ‘The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance’ (2 Peter 3:9). “God could easily have killed that man while he held that watch in his hand, but He is still giving him the opportunity to be saved. If he continues to refuse the Lord Jesus Christ, then in due time he will die, and then he will have to face the punishment for his sin. The Bible also says, ‘Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment’ (Hebrews 9:27).” When the young man had finished, the atheist was nowhere to be seen. He had made his way through the crowd and left.



“CHRIST HAS RISEN!” Read in your Bible Luke 24 1-8 and Acts 2, 22-24. Also there are other references to look up through this study that will help you to understand this important subject. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the one great fundamental truth upon which the whole edifice of the true Christian Faith and the Gospel of Christ stands. It sets the Christian faith apart from all other religions. The physical remains of the founders of other religions are still in their tombs, but the tomb of Christ is empty! Paul stated it clearly in 1 Corinthians 15:20, “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead . . .” Without Christ’s resurrection there is no Gospel. There is no forgiveness of sins. There is no hope of Heaven. There is no way for us to have a personal relationship with God. If Christ did not rise from the dead believers who have passed on before are lost, the death of Christ was futile, and the Christian faith is just another worthless religion. Along with the truth of the deity of Christ, His resurrection has always been the subject of Satanic attack beginning right from the time the event took place when the religious leaders concocted the story that His disciples had stolen the body while the guards were asleep (Matthew 28:11-13). Its acceptance is necessary for our personal salvation – “If you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved’.” (Romans 10:9). It is the guarantee to every believer that because He lives we shall live also (John 14:19). Furthermore, it is an important motivation for the genuine Christian for it is the guarantee that the believer serves and belongs to a risen, living Saviour who has the power to fulfil every promise He made -- to save, empower and keep those who put their trust in Him. Serving Him is therefore not a futile exercise (1 Corinthians 15:58).

THE FACT OF THE RESURRECTION First of all, it was foretold in the Old Testament (Psalm 16:10): “You will not abandon Me to the grave, nor will You let Your Holy One see decay”. This Psalm was quoted by Peter on the Day of Pentecost, showing that it actually applied to Christ (Acts 2:27).


The prophet Isaiah refers to the resurrection in Isaiah 53:11: “After the suffering of His soul, He will see the light of life, and be satisfied” (NIV). “He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied” (KJV). This verse refers to Christ and could only happen through His being raised from the dead. Then it was foretold by Christ Himself (Matthew 17:22-23): “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. They will kill Him and on the third day He will be raised to life. And the disciples were filled with grief.” (They failed to grasp the point of what Jesus was really saying). His words to the unbelieving Jews were: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). He referred, not to the temple made with stone in Jerusalem but to the

temple of His physical body.

It was declared by the angels at the empty tomb (Matthew 28:6, Luke 24:5-8): “He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.” Also we have His appearance to the fear-ridden disciples – (John 20:19-20). They were hiding away behind locked doors because they were expecting the enemies of Christ to come looking for them next. Finally, His appearance to the two on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35): After Jesus had revealed Himself to these two people, they returned to Jerusalem and exclaimed to the remaining 11 disciples, (verse 34), “It is true! The Lord has risen . . .”

THE PROOF OF THE RESURRECTION Here are just a few of the proofs of Christ’s resurrection: -PETER: How do we account for Peter’s boldness (who had previously denied Christ) in declaring that Christ was alive on the Day of Pentecost in the very city where the events occurred, apart from the fact that Christ was indeed alive? (Acts 2:22-36). Peter could easily have been disproved if the body was still in the tomb, and the Jewish religious leaders who were immediately responsible for His crucifixion, would have been quick to have produced the body. A short time later, before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:8-12), what was the reason for Peter’s courage apart from the reality of the resurrection? He spent the rest of His life serving the Lord by preaching the Gospel and encouraging Christians. History tells us that he ended his days as a martyr under the reign of Nero in Rome in AD 64. PAUL: What other genuine explanation can there be for Paul’s conversion from being a fanatical persecutor of Christians to a preacher of the Gospel himself all within 3 or 4 years after the death of Christ apart from the reality that Christ was alive and had appeared to

him? (Read this exciting account in Acts 9:1-22). Saul (as he was originally known) had spent the earlier years of his life committed to stamping out the Name of Christ and His Gospel and destroying anyone who bore allegiance to Him. But within days of his encounter with Christ he was out in the streets of Damascus preaching the message he had earlier sought to eliminate. He came to that city as a persecutor of Christians, but left as a committed Christian himself, and went on to evangelise much of the then-known world. As with Peter, he suffered untold hardship and was finally executed as a martyr. Hardly the actions of men with the high intelligence they possessed, had the resurrection been a myth.


THE EARLY CHURCH: Another historic fact to be considered is the growth of the early Church in Jerusalem, in the close vicinity of the tomb where the body of Christ was lain. From just a few believers it grew to thousands within five years and then spread throughout the world of those days (Colossians 1:6). The Jewish religious authorities would have been most upset by such a startling phenomenon and would have done anything to have put a stop to it. As we have already seen, the easiest thing would have been to produce the body, but they couldn’t do it. Even they knew the tomb was empty; they just refused to accept the truth and instead concocted a story about the disciples stealing the body at night! 500 WITNESSES: Then we must consider the 500 witnesses that Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 15:6. They were people who had personally seen Christ after His resurrection, most of whom were still living at the time Paul wrote. If you had had the opportunity to interview any of them, by the time you had spoken to the first ten you would be quite convinced of the validity of the resurrection. MANY OTHERS: Finally we should be aware that there are countless thousands of other lives that have been powerfully changed for the better down through the years and lives are still being changed today -- people whose lives would otherwise have been destroyed. Those rescued from drugs and alcohol addiction, heartbreak through destructive immoral lifestyles and broken relationships, as well as prison inmates are included. People of wealth from high society who have come to realise the ultimate emptiness of it all, to others from the dregs of humanity’s outcast – all brought to meaningful lifestyles through faith in the living Christ.

THE EFFECT OF THE RESURRECTION Most importantly, Christ’s resurrection proves His claims as to who He is and the efficacy and completeness of His sacrifice for us. John’s Gospel presents Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the true Messiah. The Bible tells us that, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (for He was with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit), and the Word was God!” (John’s Gospel 1:1). This means that by nature of being, Jesus Christ is God! By nature of being we are human, but by nature of being He is God (Deity), one of the members of the Godhead (the Trinity). (Read also Revelation 1:17-18. Notice the words of Jesus, “I am the Living One – I became dead – but I am alive forever more”). He entered our world as a human being, becoming the unique God-Man – truly God and truly human. It was the only way He could become our sin-bearer, paying the penalty in our place. But, having done so, he rose in triumph over Satan, death and sin. The main theme of John’s Gospel shows who Jesus really is. Chapter 20, verses 30-31 is a key passage and it says, “Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (the Messiah), and that by believing you may have life in His name”. Because Jesus Christ is who He claimed to be and is alive, the following blessings can be true in your life: --


 Justification from sin and peace with God (Romans 4:25, 5:1). Because Jesus has paid the price of your sin and won the victory, God can wipe out the whole record of your sin when you turn to Him and receive Christ as your personal Saviour (Hebrews 10:16-17).  Life-transforming power (Romans 6:1-5, 2 Corinthians 5:17). A new purpose and power for living a life of real meaning and purpose for God.  Keeping power – Eternal security (Romans 5:9-10, Hebrews 7:23-25). Knowing that you are saved for both this life and the next.

THE CLIMAX OF THE RESURRECTION Here are three future blessings that apply to all true believers: An Eternal inheritance for all who have trusted Christ and who therefore belong to Him (Romans 8:17, 1 Peter 1:3-5). As Creator Jesus Christ is the rightful owner of the universe and He wants to share His inheritance with His people. Complete transformation from perishable to imperishable; from mortal to immortal. Ultimate victory over sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:51-58 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-5). To be forever with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, John 17:24).

HOW SHOULD YOU RESPOND? If you are not a Christian, the message to you is the message that Paul gave to the man in charge of the prison at Philippi when he asked the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul’s reply was, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved” (Acts 16:30-31). If you are a Christian, here are three things you need to do: - “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:1-4). Our minds are vitally important. What we feed our minds on determines our attitudes and priorities.  “Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:1-2). It is through the study of God’s Word and our obedience to it that our minds are renewed.  “Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). This is because CHRIST HAS RISEN! -- Editor


FROM A PRISON INMATE Thank you for the lessons you are providing me with as I grow in the Faith. Prayer is a blessing as I thank the Lord daily and pray for others, including family, prisoners, authorities, community and world. I am 48 years of age with three children who I love with all my heart. Even though I haven’t seen them for over five years, they are all in my heart and I know the Lord is looking down on them. I pray that one day they will forgive my absence in their lives, even the forgiveness of my expartner who I have forgiven. Even if there is no forgiveness I pray for the person that they may know the Lord. I recently wrote a letter to my tamariki telling them how the Lord works wonders and helps me through the Word and prayer. As I see myself I am a work in progress, and progress I am steadily making. For sure the Lord has corrected me in all sorts of situations which I am truly grateful for. Being in prison has taught me a lot, especially patience, acceptance, forgiveness, listening, obeying authority, reaching out for help. I am not perfect but strive to be Christ-like in what I say and do. It really opens my eyes when I feel Satan is working to destroy people here and I’m constantly praying and blessing every day. I pray for the mentally ill, vulnerable, weak, angry, frustrated people, especially unbelievers. I’m a work in progress, searching for the road of good, which the Lord is, and praying for help in reading the Word daily. My chaplains here are awesome and do great work for our Lord. That is how I am and want to be. I’m ready to move on from this to bigger and better things that the Lord has planned for me and I am forever grateful. This inmate is one of about 180 inmates in different prisons throughout Aotearoa who regularly receive and complete MPA Bible Lessons. These lessons are available free of charge. See our website (page 3) for these and other material.


12 Steps for Mental and Emotional Health 1. Take responsibility for your own decisions. 2. Be willing to take correction rather than offence from those who know better. 3. Develop the ability to accept short-term pain for long-term gain. Quick fixes are not the answer. 4. Have realistic expectations for both self and others. Must be flexible. 5. Accept personal past. Learn the lessons but don’t repeat the mistakes. 6. Balance head and heart: Objective and subjective. Don’t allow emotions to override logic. All head and you’ll dry up; all emotion and you’ll blow up. 7. Personal needs and wants must balance with others needs and wants. 8. Be careful making friends and who you trust. When you trust the right person there will be success. When you trust the wrong person there will be pain. Trust those who have been tested first. 9. Have worthwhile and achievable goals by which to make progress. 10. Have an inner sense of belonging and security. Don’t depend on others for this. 11. Have an inner sense of worth and value. We are all made unique by God. 12. Take care of your body seriously. Do not abuse it.

Mr and Mrs Keith and Enid Stoney in their home at Silverdale (North of Auckland), with Malachi, from MPA HQ in Whanganui. They have regularly supported the ministry of Maori Postal Aotearoa for many years. It is through people like them that the Lord sustains the work so that it can continue sending the Gospel to many people throughout Aotearoa.


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Anei Nga Korero Pai

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