Tupu Whakarangi 219

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Tupu Whakarangi


Official Magazine Of


Maori Postal Aotearoa

Testimony Page 12

maoripostal.co.nz Box 10 Whanganui Issue 219

06 343 7957


In this Edition 4 70 Years of MPA

19 Good Reads

12 Testimony

20 Kai Time!

15 Who To Trust?

21 1 Timoti 4:8

16 Marriage Matters

22 Teen Space

18 Church History

23 Tamariki

Nau mai haere mai Editor

Graham Batson

Associate Editor

Tony Ahie

We pray this edition of Tupu Whakarangi is a blessing to you, your friends and your whanau.

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa!

068730054 enquiries@tsbc.org.nz www.tsbc.org.nz 354 Te Aute Road R D 2 Hastings 4172

Have you completed all Maori Postal’s Bible lessons but still need more? Then contact The Shepherd’s Bible College to further your learning! The Shepherd’s Bible College is committed to the authoritative, infallible, sufficient Word of God. Every class uses the Scriptures as the only authoritative rule for faith and life. The Shepherd’s Bible College believes the best way to train students is to locate them right in the heart of church ministry. Placing students

within the ministries of local churches provides opportunities for pastoral care, accountability, discipleship, and personal mentoring. If the Lord is challenging you to study and prepare yourself for His service, then we ask you to prayerfully consider contacting The Shepherd’s Bible College.

Paul Washer recommends The Shepherd’s Bible College Find out why at www.tsbc.org.nz


Moerea Pa, Rotorua, 1950

This year is a very special year for Maori Postal Aotearoa because the Lord has sustained the work for 70 years this year. I had the opportunity of speaking with a former MPA Superintendent, Ken Forster. Sit back relax and enjoy Ken’s historic overview of MPA. northern side of the Manukau harbour, and because I suffered from asthma, I was doing my schooling from the NZ Correspondence School.

Tena koutou katoa e hoa ma, e nga tamariki ma. Ko Ken Forster toku ingoa.

I was born in 1934 in Auckland. It was as NZ was emerging from the Great Depression, but my parents were able to look after the small family they had.

A man named Dennis, from the city came to our area selling veges and fruit. Being inquisitive by nature, I would accompany my mother out to the large van and see what mum was buying.

We lived in a number of different places as my father was a Woodwork Teacher. In my early teens we lived in a fairly small community on the

One day Dennis asked me if I would like to come to the Sunday School they held 4

from the book of Revelation in the Bible. He came to chapter 3, verse 20, which talks about Jesus standing outside the door of our heart, knocking. That very night I made a decision to make the Lord Jesus my Saviour. This is what it means to be a Christian. This changed my whole outlook on life and I wanted to live for and serve the living God.

Ruth & Arnot Edwards

each week down at the beach community hall. I readily agreed and I, along with others, was picked up each Sunday morning. I really enjoyed getting together with other kids from our area, and every now and then being involved with Bible class groups from all over Auckland. The study this involved, and writing for these yearly competitions, was something I loved.

Fast forward a few years and I met a young lady (Jenny Guy) in the church I attended. She was a Branch Leader of the Maori Postal Sunday School (now called Maori Postal Aotearoa). We visited the families she posted lessons to

When I was nearly 15 our family shifted into a suburb in West Auckland, and our house was one street away from where my Bible class leader lived. He invited me to church services on Sunday evenings and one night the preacher was speaking 5

Jenny Forster (Guy)

Elsie Kerr

and took some of the children from these families to various services in the city.

World War. About the same time and unknown to the Northland folk, Miss Elsie Severinsen who later married Elias Kerr, commenced her own lessons for children in Marton and surrounding districts. The work was then centralised in Whanganui and it quickly expanded throughout the North Island.

In September 1956 we were married and came to live in Whanganui so we could help with the work of MPSS. Arnot and Ruth Edwards had cofounded the Sunday School in Dargaville soon after Arnot’s discharge from the army in 1945, at the end of the 2nd

We were able to help Arnot and Ruth in some of the work, but we were also very interested in visiting families in their homes, to encourage the children with their Maori Postal lessons. At weekends we were able visit a number of families along the Whanganui river. We also ventured to the top of the North Island and were warmly

Early Maori Postal’s vehicles


Arnot Edwards, Ken Forster and Fred Fox

welcomed into many homes up there from Ahipara to Te Hapua.

They had a large home on Durie Hill, and after building an office and printery onto their home, we were able to print the lessons on a small Heidelberg printing press. I was a carpenter by trade, but quickly learned how to print.

By 1960 we had shifted back to Auckland, but we were still involved with Maori Postal and in early 1962 we put our house in west Auckland on the market and when it sold shifted back to the River City. With this shift we worked full-time with Arnot and Ruth Edwards in MPSS.

Two years after our shift back to Whanganui, Arnot and Ruth were burdened about the need for something similar to Maori Postal for the Pacific Islands so they eventually shifted to Australia. I was appointed Superintendent in 1964. Although the lessons were going out to many families, I was keen to see the work grow. It occurred to me, that after 20 years, there were a

MPA HQ Bell St Whanagnui


Opening of MPA HQ Lowther St Whanganui 1977

number of adults out there that had done MPSS lessons, so was there a way to keep in contact with them? In many cases their children were receiving the lessons but I was keen to start something for our “ex-pupils.

see more Branch Leaders in the North Island and we were able to find suitable people to fill this role. In the mid 1960’s we realised that many whanau had moved to the South Island for trade training or employment. So after a conference in Christchurch we were able to establish 6 branches of MPSS in the south.

Talking with Tau Paranihi, a kaumatua from Putiki, he suggested a name for a magazine I thought would be a good idea for ex-pupils. So Tupu Whakarangi was born, this means to Grow Toward The Heavens. It is great to see this magazine still going today. Another area of interest was to


I spent a considerable amount of time in the office we had established in Bell Street, Central Whanganui . At times I longed for people to come in and have a chat. I am very thankful for Hui Moon, who on

occasions would pop in and ask how everything was going. He would pray and encourage me in the work we were doing. Sometimes I wondered about the homes the lessons were going into. Were the children doing their lessons even though some never sent them to their leaders for marking. I had an answer to that question a couple of years after I had completed my term as Superintendent. I had been doing some building work at one of the Whanganui River schools. Before finishing, prior to the Christmas holidays, the boss said he wanted to take us to the river settlement of Hiruharama. We arrived there early afternoon, and I started talking to a group of women sitting on the steps of the wharepuni. One of them suddenly realised I had been sending MPSS lessons to some of her tamariki. She was quite excited and told us her children did their lessons, but often they missed putting them onto the transport which was their only means of “posting”a letter. She then invited me to come back some time.

A few weeks later Jenny and I visited her in her humble home. In the months that followed we were able to go to Jerusalem a lot and she eventually gave her life to the Lord Jesus and became a Christian. So this is the potential of what a Maori Postal Branch Leader can do. As it is 70 years since Maori Postal started, I want to say Happy Birthday, and God’s rich Blessings on the work as it continues. But to each individual who is reading this, whether boy or girl, parent or grandparent, may God bless you, and may you let the Lord Jesus into your life. The Bible tells us, “When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside, he is not the same any more, a new life has begun.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 5,verse 17 - Living Bible.

Contact us for info on becoming a MPA Branch Leader 06 343 7957 maoripostal.co.nz

Continued... By Graham Batson In 1970 Mr and Mrs Fred Fox, who had been serving the Lord as field directors for MPSS in Northland, were appointed as superintendents. In 1974 a further step forward was taken with the purchase of a secondhand Solna 124 offset printing press. 1976 saw the commendation of Graham and Evelyn Batson by the Foxton Assembly. They moved to Whanganui to assist in the work at HQ. In 1977 came the opening of the new HQ office and printing works in Lowther Street, Whanganui. Also added to the plant at that time was a graphics art camera for film work associated with offset printing, and a plate burner. In 1979 Graham acquired an intertype machine from Hutt News, Lower Hutt and had it installed

Graphics Camera

in the office which made us fully independent for all typesetting and printing. In 1980 the Solna offset press was replaced with a brand new Dominant 514 which handled most of the offset work for almost the next 20 years. Graham took over as superintendent on the resignation of Mr Fox in 1982. In 1999 the Solna Graham on Intertype offset press was replaced by a new Ryobi 520X. Shortly after purchasing the Ryobi we also purchased a finishing unit to handle magazines and calendars, etc. It was then becoming obvious that our building was somewhat cramped for space and, after examining various alternatives, in 2002 we were able to purchase the property at the rear of the existing HQ building.


Booklet Maker

This then became the new Maori Postal Aotearoa office with the original building being used solely for printing and graphics. With the assistance of Mobile Missionary Maintenance both buildings were upgraded and new concrete laid between the buildings for easier access. In 2005 we added to the plant an image setter, allowing us to produce all our own film work for offset which was a decided advantage cost wise and for convenience. This made us fully independent for all printing operations once again. In 2013 the decision was made by the executive committee to sell the printing plant so now we get most of our printing done off site. Also in 2013 MPA hired a new assistant manager, Tony Ahie. Tony and his wife Rachael have been taking care of the day to day duties at Maori Postal HQ. Arnot and Ruth Edwards National Manager

Ken and Jenny Forster National Manager 1964-1970


Fred and Margaret Fox National Manager 1970-1982

Graham and Evelyn Batson National Manager 1982-current

Tony and Rachael Ahie Assistant Manager 2013-current

Please pray for the continuing work of Maori Postal Aotearoa 11

Testimony to the power of

Christ Jesus

Bruce Crawford

Early teens saw me in Bible class and the only reason I would attend was because a few of the good looking girls in town also attended. I was about 14 when some of us heard that the Baptist Church was having a big night with plenty of food so we decided to attend for the sake of a good feed. They had an evangelist there and at the end of his message he was calling for people to come forward and give their life to Jesus. I responded to his call but forgot all about it the next day. From then on it was basically wine, women and song for me.

From the age of 8 I grew up in Kawerau. My family called themselves Presbyterian but only attended church for christenings, weddings and funerals and maybe Christmas and Easter. I was sent to Sunday school whenever they could get me to go but I avoided it every chance I got!

At the age of 23 I went to Auckland because I was getting such a bad reputation in Kawerau. In Auckland I could be less conspicuous as I continued to get into all kinds of trouble.


On one of my trips back to Kawerau I was fortunate enough to meet a lovely lady who was prepared to take me as I was. She went back to Auckland with me. How she put up with me I still don’t know because life was virtually one long party to me. I would get drunk, get into fights, get arrested and basically was in trouble most of the time.

him because every time I asked him a question he was able to go to his Bible and answer it from there. Never once did he say “This is what I think” or “This is what I believe”, his answers were definite and straight from the Bible. He was obviously a man of deep conviction who knew the truth, so this got me starting to study the Bible with him and we had a number of sessions.

In 1972 we decided to get married. I brought my daughter up telling her you don’t need all this religious rubbish. This is now the biggest regret of my life and we pray that she will yet turn to the Lord.

I read a passage forbidding people to be involved in witchcraft and occult practices. This was God’s instruction to the people of Israel as they entered the Land of Canaan: -

When I was 56 years of age my wife, Jo, was working in real estate and I came home one Friday night and was sitting there with my box of beer and she said she had met this most interesting man that day. His name was John and he was a Christian guy. My immediate reaction was, “Are you going to join the God Squad?” At that point nothing else happened and I pretty much dropped the subject. Next week Jo said we had been invited up to John’s place for dinner. I did not want to go but I thought if I went I could have a bit of fun with this guy and rubbish him. So we went and John and Jean put on a beautiful dinner for us. Then after dinner we were having our coffee and the reason we had been invited came up. I didn’t get a chance to rubbish

When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no-one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practises divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 18, verses 9 to 13. 13

This really spoke to me because as a child my family were involved in occult practices and I had joined in as well. I became a believer and received Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour within months of meeting John. At 56 years old my wife finally had a husband who was staying at home and staying sober!

having taken this step of obedience to the Lord my Christian life began to fall in place. I was thankful that I was in a strong Christian fellowship because without them I could have drifted off again. As we got to retirement age we decided to move back near family in Kawerau. Jo’s mum was going through a bad time with her health and we wanted to be near if she needed us. Now we are part of the fellowship that meets at the Kawerau Bible Chapel on the corner of Grey and Onslow Streets which is now our spiritual home.

In 2002, after learning the truth of baptism, both Jo and I were baptised in Henderson, Auckland, in a backyard pool belonging to a friend in the Christian fellowship we were attending. I experienced no bright lights or earth shattering events but

“Prayer is beyond any question the highest activity of the human soul. Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God.” ― D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Contact us to get your free Bible studies! 14

06 343 7957 info@maoripostal.co.nz



reggae tunes, they proclaim an uncompromising message of hope and salvation to this lost generation. Christafari reworks classic hymns and many of today’s top worship anthems, plus gives fans a handful of original worship songs that truly capture the band’s signature sound.

Christafari With over a half million albums sold worldwide, Christafari is the top selling Gospel Reggae artist of all-time. Christafari is more than a group of musical trailblazers, they consider themselves “Musicianaries.” Using their unique blend of traditional roots and contemporary dancehall

How do I know who to trust when they are waving around a Bible at my door?

Pop question # 1


I’m a lier

Is Joseph Smith a prophet of God?

[Pop question # 2

Are the Watchtower Tracts revelation from God?

If they say yes, don’t trust them!

Galatians 1:8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!

If they say yes, don’t trust them!

Jude 3 I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.


Marriage Is love a


Contrary to what the world would have you believe, love is not a feeling. Yes it involves emotion but love is a choice, we choose to love someone. When your child annoys you and you feel upset or mad with them, do you still love your child? Of course you do! Love is not only an emotion. If it was you would stop loving your child the moment your emotions turn negative, and then you’d love them again when your emotions feel positive. And that’s the same in marriage, we do not fall in and out of love with our husband or wife. When we marry someone, we choose to love them and only them until death do us part. You see people all over the world ‘falling in and out of love,’ that’s a lie! That is not true Biblical agape love. Love (Agape) is one of the most common words in the New Testament and unlike our English word love, agape love never refers to romantic or sexual love, nor does it refer to a pleasant feeling about something or someone, nor is agape love referring to friendship or brotherly love. Some people know what true Biblical love is, but a lot of people seem to think of it only in terms of warm fuzzy emotions, nice feelings, affection, romance, or desire. I heard of a story where a young woman came to her pastor desperate and discouraged. She said, “There is a man who says he loves me so much he will kill himself if I don’t marry him, what should I do?”


Matters The pastor replied, “Do nothing. That man doesn’t love you, he loves himself. Such a threat isn’t love, it’s selfishness.” Self sacrificing and self giving love, is love that requires something of us. Love that is more concerned with giving than receiving. Agape love is so unnatural to human nature and some may see love as; “you give me, you make me feel this way, and then I’ll give you and feel love for you.” The world has defined marital love as a romantic feeling or attraction, which has nothing to do with true Biblical love going by God’s own standard. The supreme measure and example of agape love is God’s love. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son”. Love is, above all, sacrificial. It is sacrifice of self for the sake of others, even for others who may hate us. It is not a feeling but a determined act of will, which results in acts of self giving. Love is the willing, joyful desire to put the welfare of others above our own; that includes your spouse! It leaves no place for pride, vanity, arrogance, self seeking, or self glory. It is an act of choice we are to exercise even towards our enemies. If God so loved us that, even while we were His enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more should we love our husband or wife?


Church History

Recommended Resource Church History - Timothy Jones


and more power until Innocent III (1198– 1216) taught Europe to think of the popes as world rulers. Later centuries, however, saw the popes corrupted by power and increasingly militant reformers cry out for change.

Europe owes more to the Christian faith than most people realize. When the barbarians destroyed the Roman Empire in the West, it was the Christian church that put together a new order called Europe. The church took the lead in rule by law, the pursuit of knowledge, and the expressions of culture . The underlying concept was Christendom, which united empire and church. It began under Charlemagne in the eighth century, but the popes slowly assumed more

In the next edition of TW: THE AGE OF THE REFORMATION 1517– 1648

“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” - Charles Haddon Spurgeon


Good Reads

In this edition of Tupu Whakarangi we have another beautiful, comforting and encouraging book recommendation for you

What did you expect?

What Did You Expect presents six practical commitments that give shape and momentum to such a lifestyle. These commitments ranging from: “We will honestly face our sin, weakness, and failure” to “We will change our agenda” and “We will protect our relationship,” will equip couples to develop a thriving, grace based marriage in all circumstances and seasons of their relationship.

by Paul Tripp

Marriage, according to Scripture, will always involve two flawed people living with each other in a fallen world. Yet, in counselor Paul Tripp’s professional experience, the majority of couples enter marriage with far different expectations. These unrealistic expectations leave them unprepared for the day to day realities of married life. This unique book introduces a biblical and practical approach to those realities that is rooted in God’s faithfulness and Scripture’s teaching on sin and grace. “Since we’re sinners married to sinners, reconciliation isn’t just the right response in moments of failure. It must be the lifestyle of any healthy marriage.”

The next TW Good Read:

Want a free copy? Be first to tell us why you want this months Good Read and it’s yours!

info@maoripostal.co.nz - Box 10 Whanganui - 06 343 7957

Closes 01/11/15


KaiTime By Rachael Ahie

Delicious Homemade Pizza Topping: - 420g can of a pasta sauce of your choice or spaghetti - 1 small onion thinly sliced - 2 Rashers of bacon or ½ C diced ham - 200g cooked diced chicken - 225g Pineapple pieces, drained - ½ Capsicum diced - 1-2 C Grated cheese -2 TBsp BBQ sauce (added after pizza is cooked)

Ingredients: - 2 C Flour - 2 tsp Baking Powder - ½ tsp Salt - 1 Tbsp Butter - About ¾ -1 C Milk

Spread the pasta sauce or spaghetti onto the pizza base, add all other toppings leaving the cheese until last, sprinkle cheese over top of pizza and bake in a pre-heated oven 220 °C for 15-20 minutes. As soon as pizza comes out the oven add a swirl of BBQ sauce over the top of your freshly cooked pizza.

Method: Make the base by sifting together the flour, baking powder and salt. Rub in the butter with the fingertips. Add enough milk to make a soft dough. Roll out onto a floured board and place on a lined or non stick baking tray.


Share your recipes

Box 10 Whanganui - info@maoripostal.co.nz

He pai iti nei to te whakamahi i te tinana; tena ko te ngakau karakia e pai ano mo nga mea katoa, kei reira hoki nga korero mo te ora inaianei, mo tera hoki kei te haere mai.





u “Join a gym, go to the swimming pool, run a marathon, play a sport.” Q We hear of these exercising options so often, but how many of us really want to do any of these things? If you’re anything like me, you don’t want to go to a loud gym, freeze in the pool half naked, run until it feels like you’re going to die or take up a new sport. However there are plenty of other physically demanding options to choose from that can assist us in keeping well. Walking your mokos to school, around a park, along the beach or through a safe walkway. These are all good options and you don’t have to do it alone. God is with us, plus you can even exercise with others. Try it, it’s fun! You can talk about things; secret things, funny things, future things, marriage things. You can laugh, love and play all at the same time while looking after the temple of the Holy Spirit! Give it a go, sort a plan, grab your man and walk the land! This is worth a quick look if you like exercising at home Please remember to seek the advice of your health care professional before venturing into a new exercise routine. faithfulworkouts.com

CHRISTIAN LIVING Feeling guilty? Christians feel guilty sometimes too. Even though we are saved from hell, we still sin. The sin war will go on until we go to be with the Lord, or He comes for us. However, if we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, but we shouldn’t keep on sinning so that God can show us more of his wonderful grace.


Contact us if you need help!

Teen Space

real issues - real answers

for, but when you sort it, you’re free or relieved.

This months topic:


“I’m not a Christian, but some of my mates are. They always say they go to the Bible for answers, is the Bible even true? Every time we pick up the Bible, we pick up the truth. Jesus said, “If you continue in My word . . . you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31-32).

Think of the times when you have been working on a math problem. As soon as you find the answer, you feel free or relieved. What about when you do science and you’re in the lab pouring different solutions into test tubes, you gotta keep going with it until you finally suss it out or you found what you were looking

We as humans will search, struggle and wrestle for the truth until we find it. Only then will we be free. The Bible is our source of truth about God, life, death, men, women, children, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, friends, and enemies. It shows us how to live. The Bible is the source of everything you need to know about life on earth and the life to come. You can trust the Bible. It is God’s living Word.

maoripostal.co.nz has a page called “where do I go when...” You may find that helpful also. Contact us if you wanna chat!


06 343 7957 info@maoripostal.co.nz

TAMARIKI Read About Jonah In The Bible <<

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cow says. Cow says who? No, a cow says Moooo!



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st oo


Doctor, doctor people keep telling me I’m invisible!!

o Wh said hat? t 23


n’ t M Th a ro g Gi ve Aw w T hi a It s Aw y... ay !

Tena Koutou Katoa

Anei Nga Korero Pai

Would you like FREE Bible Lessons for you or your Tamariki? Go online or fill in the form and send to: Maori Postal, PO Box 10, Whanganui











Address ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Name of parent or guardian (if under 16) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Haere Mai Nau Mai


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