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Nothing affects man’s character more than the company he keeps. We catch the ways and tone of those we live and talk with, and get harm far more easily than good.

Disease is infectious, but health is not.


If a professing Christian deliberately chooses to be intimate with those who are not friends of God and who cling to the world, his soul is sure to take harm.

It is hard enough to serve Christ under any circumstances in such a world as this, but it is doubly hard to do it if we are friends of the thoughtless and ungodly. Mistakes in friendships or marriage engagements are the whole reason why some have entirely ceased to grow.

By J.C. Ryle

“Nā, ko te tangata e hiahia ana kia meinga hei hoa aroha mō te ao, e mea ana i a ia hei hoariri ki te Atua.” Hēmi 4:4

“Thefriendshipof theworldisenmitywithGod.” James4:4

Kenehi Youth

Kia ora whānau. We are a gospel centred youth outreach in Fairfield, Hamilton.

Community youth outreach is nothing new in our community. There have been many faithful followers of Christ in decades past that have shone the light of the gospel and seen fruit as the Lord transforms people by the power of His Spirit.

We seek to show in word and action that purpose, peace, joy, forgiveness and life are only found in the Lord Jesus - the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

We run weekly programmes that include dinner, games, Bible messages, memory verses and all sorts of activities throughout the year.

We also seek to build relationships with whānau during the week so we can minister and witness the grace and mercy of God to them. Our Lord calls His people to be the light in this darkened world, like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. We see at Kenehi Youth His faithfulness when that light is displayed boldly for His glory. He draws many to Himself to hear the message of the way, the truth and the life.

Over the years at Kenehi we have been blessed to be able to rely on the awesme resources of MPA. They are always a great tool to take on occasions when we are ministering to individuals and whānau or to add to kai parcels as a combination of physical and spiritual blessing. The calenders and scripture posters are especially appreciated in the ministry we do.

We have loved receiving some of the newer resources such as “Te Tino Kōrero” SuperBible comic.

May the Lord continue to use MPA for His glory and let us all be salt and light wherever and everywhere He leads us.

Article by Anna and Brett Falconer

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