Tupu Whakarangi Magazine Issue 246

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FREE ISSUE 246 ISSUE 246 / POUTŪ-TE-RANGI 2023 Māori Postal Aotearoa

1 Teharonika

A Thankful Heart

“Ingāmea katoamewhakawhetaiatu;kotāteAtuahoki tēneiipaiaiirotoiaKaraitiĪhuheimahimākoutou.” 1Teharonika5:18

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

As a Christian, I believe the secret to being thankful in all things is linked to our trust in Ihowā and His promises. It’s a perspective issue, not a circumstance issue.

“Nā,emātauanatātou,keitemahitahingāmeakatoaite pai mō te hunga e aroha ana ki te Atua, arā mō te hunga ikarangatiairungaitānaiwhakatakotoai.”Rōma8:28

This is a beautiful promise that Ihowā gives those who are His. Ihowā is working all things together for our good - not that all circumstances are good themselves, but rather that the outcome of those circumstances are for our good.

This “good” is revealed in the following verse, v29“For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His tama.” The good Ihowā is working out in our lives is to make us more like His tama. Ihowā uses both good and bad circumstances as His tools to make us more like Ihu Karaiti. This is a promise we can trust, and one that will help fuel our heart to be thankful in all things.

When we encounter situations that are trying, painful, or disappointing, and don’t turn out the way we want, instead of focusing on the situation itself, we can shift our perspective to the promise that Ihowā is working

“I ngā mea katoa me whakawhetai atu.”

this for our good. Ihowā is making us more like Ihu Karaiti. This is the cause to be thankful in all things.

A fantastic example of being thankful in all things is that of Matthew Henry, a bible commentator.

One night thieves stole his wallet. On the night he was robbed, he made the following entry in his journal.

“Let me be thankful. Firstly, I’m thankful because I’ve never been robbed before. Secondly,I’mthankfulbecausealthough they took my wallet, they did not take my life. Thirdly, because although they took all I possessed, it was not much. And fourthly, I’m thankful because I was the one who was robbed, not the one robbing.”


Pg 4 MPA Update

In 2023 we are excited for what Ihowā has for MPA.

Pg 6 Why I No

Longer Practice

I will share what God has put on my heart.

Pg 8 Teagan’s Story

From having an abortion to finding God.

Pg 12 WāhineYou are Valuable

You are far more precious than gold.

Pg 14 MPA in our Communities

Let us all be salt and light wherever we are.

Pg 16 Movie Review

What an incredible example of being thankful in all things. Matthew Henry knew the promises of Ihowā. Instead of dwelling on the negative event that happened, he offered thanks to Ihowā.

My prayer for you is that when painful circumstances, frustration and disappointments come our way, that we would be like Matthew Henry, offering thanks to Ihowā, knowing that Ihowā is working all things for the good of those who aroha Him.

He said “They’renotready for Heaven, but we are.”

Pg 18 Kai Moana

Paella Recipe

Recipe from the Māori Television.

Pg 20 Tamāriki Corner

From our Tamāriki A Ihowā magazine!


A mission aimed at spreading the word of God among MAori and across Aotearoa.

MPA Update

As we look back at last year, we give gratitude and praise to the Lord for the way He has directed and supplied the various needs of Māori Postal Aotearoa.

2022 was a very busy year for our team. We upgraded our website and online ordering system, which saw us distribute almost 162,000 resources across Aotearoa. We also renovated MPA headquarters to increase room for the new printer. This included some very late nights and weekend work. While two thirds of the printer arrived during November, we continue to wait for the final part and look forward to being able to share photographs and update you all in the very near future.

2023 is now upon us, We are excited to report we have a new team member,

Nikolas, who brings fresh ideas and has taken the initiative to build a rapport with those completing MPA studies through personal correspondence. He is a real blessing to the work.

We are also grateful for the support and wisdom of each of our Governance Board members, and thank them for the expertise and professionalism they bring towards the work of MPA. They fully understand the mission of MPA and ensure we have the necessary resources required to fulfill this.

Psalm 119:105 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet.” May the Lord continue to light and direct our path for His glory in this coming season.



Aroha - Love

Hoa - Friend

Hukehuke - Foolish

Ihowā - Jehovah God

Ihu Karaiti - Jesus Christ

Karu - Eye

Kenehi - Genesis

Māhaki - Humble

Mana - Power

Manu - Bird

Papa - Father

Paipera Tapu - Holy Bible

Tama - Son

Tamāriki - Children

Tāne - Man

Tinana - Body

Wahine - Woman

Wāhine - Women

Whānau - Family

Malachi & Char Williams MPA National Directors
“We are passionate about resourcing whānau, tamāriki and all tangata whenua in Aotearoa with the word of Ihowā.”


Warning: if you read this you will no longer be ignorant to the evil attached to yoga.

An individual’s brightness can only be achieved in the complete letting go of the darkness in which they are bound.

I have many good hearted Christian friends who teach and do yoga. I have never judged them, belittled them, degraded them, mocked them, laughed at them, made fun of them, spoke negatively against them or criticized them for their personal beliefs and practices. I love them very much. Please apply the same respect for my testimony and what the Lord has shown me in my personal walk with Him.

I will always choose to OBEY and say

what He puts on my heart over what others will say and think. I am not here to make “friends” with the world. I am here to make His glorious gospel and everlasting Kingdom known. To God be the glory!

I have found the closer I desire to be like God and Christ, the more I abhor all evil.

Here is my testimony:

“Good morning class, let us start in goddess pose”.

This was the very last pose I ever did. As I held this pose I couldn’t help but think what does God think of me holding a goddess pose? What would Christ think? It’s like all of a sudden I’m actually conscience in my actions and behavior. It’s not “just stretching” like I justified in my mind.

When I returned home I decided to research what the goddess pose stood for and the results disgusted me.

“TheGoddessPose(UtkataKonasana) is a worship offering to the fierce, dark,


intimidating goddess named Kali. Kali’s appearance could be described as terrifying…”

I hit my knees in tears. “Lord forgive me! ThankyouFatherforyourmercies, your grace, and your forgiveness. Thankyouforopeningmyeyes! Thank you for winking at my ignorance, I will be ignorant in this matter no longer.”

A few hours later a strong Christian woman sent me a message stating, “I think Yoga isn’t a practice Christians should be partaking in.” Chills ran up my arms. God had established it. That’s all the confirmation I needed to never practice yoga again.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a spiritual practice where you are yoking yourself to a Hindu god.

What are the vast majority of yoga poses for?

• To worship false gods.

• To pose as false gods.

• To be like false gods.

• To be unified with false gods.


We are not to worship the sun in a sun pose, stand like a goddess, become one with the universe, or act and resemble animals.

“Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars!” Psalm 148:3

“And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan!Foritiswritten,‘Youshallworship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’” Matthew 4:9-10

“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me.” Exodus 20:3-5

There are many other ways to stay fit. Simply stretch if you need to stretch. We should never degrade ourselves so low as to the worshipping of false gods, or to be like gods. We should have a great respect and reverence for our Temples! We are the Living Temples of the Living God. Should our Temple bow down to evil?

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” Ephesians 5:1

We should strive to be like God. We should be an example of Christ. We should only worship God.

“Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” 1 John 2:6 ESV


Teagan’s Story

From having an abortion to finding God

Growing up I had a pretty normal life like most Kiwis who aren’t Christian but from the age of 12 a lot of trauma started happening. One of those things was the death of my father. He committed suicide which left me and my siblings with a lot of trauma. This led me into a destructive mindset where I thought if my father didn’t love me enough to live then what’s the point?

When I reached 18/19 years of age I tried to find comfort in the form of relationships. One of these relationships led to me getting pregnant. I felt scared. I felt alone. All the baggage that I carried from a young age poured into this relationship, and the two of us were quite toxic together.

I was also selfish and decided that I didn’t want to look after this baby and if I didn’t want to look after the baby, I didn’t want anyone else looking after it either. I decided to have an abortion.

Going into the appointment I wasn’t given too much information about how I might

feel afterwards, or how this decision may affect me. After the abortion, I went into a spiral of depression and self-hatred. I really hated myself. I thought “How could I do this to my own baby?” I did not realise beforehand that I would be having these kinds of thoughts.

I spent the next nine years diving into drugs, alcohol and relationships. I was young and naive and often wondered “what’s the point in living?” I went into a spiral of trying to numb myself of everything I was feeling by partying, drinking and doing hard drugs.

Leading up to me becoming a Christian, I was running my own personal training business. Then covid hit. It was hard to get clients because of the fear around covid, and this left me without a job.

I spent a lot of time isolated, and got to a point where I like “Well if I can’t build the clients back up and this isn’t the job I’m going to have after covid, I’m going to wait and see what happens.” Little did I know God already had plans for me.

Around level 2 or 3 lockdown in New


Zealand my brother and sister-in-law had a baby. They had also started attending meetings called “The Gatherings” and wanted to continue to attend as many as possible. They asked me if I would babysit my nephew.

God was wanting me to go to these gatherings as well. In my heart I was having a tug of war. I now know God was pulling me and saying “I want you to go to these meetings” but my mind was saying “No I don’t want to go to these meetings. What’s the point?” It wasn’t until I arrived to babysit my nephew that I made a decision to go to a meeting.

There were guest speakers. I heard the perspective of other people who were Christians and what God was speaking to them. One of the things happening at that time was the abortion law being passed. I learnt that the church was protesting against it. God created us all and He brought life to every single person. The church wanted to defend the babies that couldn’t fight for themselves.

I was sitting in one of these meetings right before the altar call. The Pastor

said “If you’re an adulterer, a liar, a thief, a homosexual or if you’ve had an abortion, you’re a sinner and you need to repent”. I felt confronted in that moment, but kept that to myself.

Something was happening within me. I felt I needed to keep going to these meetings, so I kept going. A couple weeks later the same thing happenedthe Pastor was preaching and at the end of his message he said the same thing, “If you’re an adulterer, a liar, a thief, a homosexual or if you’ve had an abortion, you’re a sinner and you need to repent.” Again, I went away feeling like what the heck? Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel like this Pastor is condemning me?

Again something inside me was pulling me back to these meetings. I continued to attend and the same Pastor would repeat the same thing, “If you’re an adulterer, a liar, a thief, a homosexual or if you’ve had an abortion, you’re a sinner and you need to repent”. But this time he added, “However, we thank the Lord that you are here in this place today and we love you.” That’s when my heart felt the love of God and the acceptance of God.

“God can also save more than one life through your testimony. Let God use you to be his vessel and testify.”

Even though I was a sinner, He loved me and He wanted me.

I went up to the altar and I gave my life to the Lord, asking for forgiveness of the sins I had done that had been tormenting me for nine years. I asked him to be my Lord and Saviour and to heal me and forgive me. Then began the journey of healing, and that’s where my life changed.

God put it on my heart to read the Bible, and to verbally confess my sins. I shared about my abortion to a group of Christian girls. To my surprise they were really loving and accepting. I thought they were going to hate me. The perspective I had from the world was that Christians were judgmental, but instead I felt the love of God through them. They comforted me and let me know that’s not me anymore. I was forgiven. I can move forward from that and begin to get closer to God.

I was baptised and ever since, I haven’t looked back. God has helped me to heal.

“Confessyoursinstoeachotherandpray foreachothersothatyoumaybehealed. Theearnestprayerof arighteousperson hasgreatpowerandproduceswonderful results.”James5:16NLT

I wanted to share my testimony because I believe if someone had come to me at

that time with God’s love and kindness, while I was going through the fear of being pregnant and having those thoughts of “I need to get rid of this baby cos it’s an inconvenience to me”, and talked with me, explaining my options, I’m pretty sure I would have accepted it.

My testimony about my experience is to help girls, whoever you are, that may be going through the same emotions and feelings that I went through. Find someone you trust and talk to them. If you can, find someone at a church that could help you. I know God will send you the right people to help you if you really desire that help. There are other options, like adoption. That baby is a person, even though we can’t see it inside our womb. That is a living, breathing baby. If we take it’s life, that is murder. We didn’t allow that baby to have a chance to become someone.

If you’re someone who has already gone through an abortion and is now going through the trauma and self hatred that brings while trying to numb the pain, God will forgive you. God can save more than one life through your testimony. Let God use you to be His vessel and testify about what He has done in your life because that one person who might be going through the same thing, can get their victory and get their healing by the touch and love of God.

WUIC Clothing

warriors united in christ

WUIC started off as a hobby and is now a small business. WUIC have a great range of clothing with quality designs, sizes and colours.

Every order personally prayed over by Teagan with a blessing.

Shop now! www.wuicclothing.co.nz


Drinking From My Saucer

I’ve never made a fortune and it’s probably too late now. But I don’t worry about that much, I’m happy anyhow. And as I go along life’s way, I’m reaping better than I sowed. I’m drinking from my saucer, ‘Cause my cup has overflowed.’

I don’t have a lot of riches, and sometimes the going’s tough. But I’ve got loved ones around me, and that makes me rich enough. I thank God for His blessings, and the mercies He’s bestowed. I’m drinking from my saucer, ‘Cause my cup has overflowed.’

I remember times when things went wrong, my faith wore somewhat thin. But all at once the dark clouds broke, and the sun peeped through again. So God, help me not to gripe about the tough rows that I have hoed. I’m drinking from my saucer, ‘Cause my cup has overflowed.’

If God gives me strength and courage, when the way grows steep and rough. I’ll not ask for other blessings, I’m already blessed enough. And may I never be too busy, to help others bear their loads. Then I’ll keep drinking from my saucer, ‘Cause my cup has overflowed.’



This is for you!

A young wahine arrived in a store wearing clothes that showed her tinana all too well. The shop owner, being a wiser older tāne asked her to sit down, looked straight into her karu, and said something she would never forget.

“Young Wahine, everything that Ihowā has made valuable in this world, is covered up and hard to see or find.

For example, where can you find diamonds? In the ground, covered and protected.

Where are the pearls?

Deep in the ocean, covered and protected in a beautiful shell. Where can you find gold? Underground, covered with layers of rock, and to get there

you have to work very hard and dig deep.”

He looked at her again and said, “Your tinana is sacred and unique to Ihowā.”

You are far more precious than gold, diamonds, and pearls, therefore you must be covered too.

He then added: “If you keep your precious minerals like gold, diamonds, and pearls deeply covered, a “reputable mining organization”, will work for years to mine those precious goods.

First, they will contact your whānau. Second, sign a professional contract (marriage). Third, they will tenderly refine those precious goods (marital life).

But if you let your minerals find themselves on top of the Earth’s surface, exposed to everyone, you will always attract many illegal miners who will exploit and freely take those riches illegally.“

“Ka whakawhetai ahau ki a koe; he mea whakawehi, he mea whakamīharo tōku hanganga; he mahi whakamīharo āu mahi, mōhio rawa anō tōku wairua ki tēnā.”

Ngā Waiata 139:14


“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

Psalm 139:14



Nothing affects man’s character more than the company he keeps. We catch the ways and tone of those we live and talk with, and get harm far more easily than good.

Disease is infectious, but health is not.

If a professing Christian deliberately chooses to be intimate with those who are not friends of God and who cling to the world, his soul is sure to take harm.

It is hard enough to serve Christ under any circumstances in such a world as this, but it is doubly hard to do it if we are friends of the thoughtless and ungodly. Mistakes in friendships or marriage engagements are the whole reason why some have entirely ceased to grow.

“Nā, ko te tangata e hiahia ana kia meinga hei hoa aroha mō te ao, e mea ana i a ia hei hoariri ki te Atua.” Hēmi 4:4

“Thefriendshipof theworldisenmitywithGod.” James4:4


Kenehi Youth

Kia ora whānau. We are a gospel centred youth outreach in Fairfield, Hamilton.

Community youth outreach is nothing new in our community. There have been many faithful followers of Christ in decades past that have shone the light of the gospel and seen fruit as the Lord transforms people by the power of His Spirit.

We seek to show in word and action that purpose, peace, joy, forgiveness and life are only found in the Lord Jesus - the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

We run weekly programmes that include dinner, games, Bible messages, memory verses and all sorts of activities throughout the year.

We also seek to build relationships with whānau during the week so we can minister and witness the grace and mercy of God to them. Our Lord calls His people to be the light in this darkened world, like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. We see at Kenehi Youth His faithfulness when that light is displayed boldly for His glory. He draws many to Himself to hear the message of the way, the truth and the life.

Over the years at Kenehi we have been blessed to be able to rely on the awesme resources of MPA. They are always a great tool to take on occasions when

we are ministering to individuals and whānau or to add to kai parcels as a combination of physical and spiritual blessing. The calenders and scripture posters are especially appreciated in the ministry we do.

We have loved receiving some of the newer resources such as “Te Tino Kōrero” SuperBible comic.

May the Lord continue to use MPA for His glory and let us all be salt and light wherever and everywhere He leads us.


MPA in our Community and Correctional facilities

“I have a bad past and I believe and confess to our Lord that I am a sinner but I would love to change my life but I cannot do it alone. So I was just wondering can you please guide me into the right places?”

ASCF, Auckland

“I am writing this with kindness and gratitude, hoping that over the break period all was well, that all was safe and all had a good and safe holiday period. I also write asking to be sent a 2023 calendar. I enjoy the packs and messages that Māori Postal Aotearoa share. I write in doing so giving thanks for all the messages and blessing your place provides. Thank you.”

ASCF, Auckland

“I am writing to you to see if I can get some lessons and a Paipera Tapu. I am going to change my life as I have been going down the wrong path and so I need help. I want to now give my life to God, as drugs and alcohol abuse was in my life. I want to be a new man and walk with the Lord to be a better father for my kids and family.”

Spring Hill, Huntly



End of the Spear

End of the Spear is a true story of adventure, tragedy, and a new beginning.

The Waodani people live in the Amazonian jungle, a world of incredible natural beauty which they believe is inhabited by spirits. But they are a violent people who practice tribal revenge; sons are responsible for avenging the deaths of their speared fathers. This tradition has brought the tribe to the edge of extinction.

One of their leaders is Mincayani. He was just a boy when his village was attacked by a rival tribe led by Moipa. He flees into the jungle with Dayumae, a young girl. Coming upon a group of whites, she decides to go with them and is never seen again.

Years later when he is a warrior, Mincayani believes that violence keeps him strong and the worst thing in the world is to appear weak and undecisive. He eventually avenges the deaths of his family by leading a group of Waodani warriors to Moipa’s camp.

Meanwhile, Nate Saint lives along the Amazon with his wife and young son Steve. He is a pilot and an ardent Christian who wants to locate the mysterious Waodani tribe, along with some of his American friends and give them the gospel message so they can be freed from the prison of their practice of revenge. He also fears for the tribe’s survival. Since they are killing so many people, the government is threatening to bring in troops and wipe them out.

While flying over the jungle in his plane,


Nate spots the Waodoni camp and is determined to make contact with them. His son, who is afraid of losing his father, wants to be reassured that he will use his gun to defend himself if attacked. Nate replies: “We can’t shoot the Waodoni. They are not ready for Heaven but we are.” Nate begins regular flights around the Waodoni village.

Mincayani and his people do not know what to make of the large wood bee they see in the sky. The missionaries start by offering gifts in a bucket suspended from the plane. When they land on a sandbar in the river, they try their best to appear friendly and peaceful, but they don’t know enough of the Waodoni language to communicate with the Indians.

Mincayani thinks they are cannibals and remembering the disappearance of Dayumae does not trust these white men. After two members of his tribe lie about what happened to Dayumae, Micayani and his men spear and kill the missionaries.

Time passes, and Dayumae’s sister arrives at the white settlement looking for her. Dayumae has been raised by little Steve’s aunt Rachel, who speaks Waodoni. Dayumae and some of the missionary wives decide to make contact with the tribe and see if they can live among them, which was the original plan of their slain husbands.

Although Mincayani is convinced that Dayumae is a spirit, Kimo (one of his warriors) accepts the women and the

message they bring about a God who had a son who was also speared but he didn’t spear back, so that the people who speared him would live well. Soon young Steve and his mother join the others at the Waodoni camp.

The last segment of End of the Spear takes place when Steve Saint, now an adult living in the United States, returns to Ecuador for the funeral of his aunt Rachel, who had continued to live with the Waodani. The Indians ask Steve to carry on the work of his father and aunt. What follows takes place at the site where his father was killed 40 years earlier. It is an emotional sunburst that lifts up in a convincing and salutary way the startling power of the Gospel’s message of reconciliation.

Non-violence is more than an attitude or an ideal; it is a new way of living based on love and compassion for all. The old law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leads to an endless cycle of violence and destruction. It creates hatred, leaves new victims, and wreaks havoc on whole communities.

“We can’t shoot the Waodoni. They are not ready for Heaven but we are.”
Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
“A spiritually uplifting film about the courage and compassion at the heart of the Christian path of non-violence.”
Serves Six Recipe Time: 1 hour Difficulty: Medium Kai Recipe From: maoritelevision.com Kai Moana Paella

What You Need:

• 300gGreen-Lipped Mussels

• 300gTarakihiFilletsdeboned, skin removed

• 150gPrawns-shelled anddeveined(acouple of koura tails are awesomeifyouhave any)

• 2½cupsShortGrain


• 1.5L Fish Stock

• 1LargeOnion

• 4 Garlic Cloves

• ½ cup Frozen Peas

• 1BunchofParsley

• 2tspDriedHoropito

• 1tspPaprika

• 6 Saffron Strands

• 1TbspPiripiriChilli


• 2 Lemons - zest and juice

• CookingOil

• Salt, to taste

Let’s Get Started:

• Debone and remove skin from the tarakihi fillets, then cut into 3x3cm pieces.

• Heat a large frying pan with a thick base on high heat. When the pan is very hot, add oil and brown the tarakihi on each side, then remove and set aside.

• Leave the pan on the heat.

• Add the small diced onion and fry until onions are soft and lightly caramelized, approximately 3-4 minutes.

• Add peeled and thinly sliced garlic and piripiri paste, then cook until the garlic becomes soft and translucent.

• Add the rice to the onions and garlic. Cook for 2 minutes at medium heat, stirring constantly to toast the grains.

• Add the horopito, paprika and saffron. Cook for 1 minute stirring constantly.

• Add half the fish stock and bring to the boil, always stirring to ensure the rice doesn’t catch on the bottom.

• When the rice has almost absorbed all the liquid, add the remaining fish stock. Lower the temperature to a simmer. Cook for 10 minutes.

• Add the green-lipped mussels, prawns (or the koura tails if you have any), tarakihi and peas to the pan. Cover with a lid or tin foil and turn the heat down low. Cook for 10 minutes or until the mussels have opened.

• Remove lid and finish the paella with herbs, lemon zest, lemon juice and season with salt.








Test your ability to obey by playing a game of ‘Simon Says’ with your whānau. See who can stay in the longest. Who is the best at listening and obeying Simon?


Can you answer these questions?

While you read Kenehi 5-9, see if you can find the answers to all of the questions!

1. What was the name of Noah’s papa?

2. Did Noah have any tama? How many?

3. What were the names of Noah’s tama?

4. What kind of wood did Noah build the ark out of?

5. What kind of manu did Noah send out to check for dry ground?

Answer:1. Lamech, 2. 3, 3. Shem, Ham and Japeth, 4. Cypress, 5. A Dove TUPU WHAKARANGI 21

That comes from the Bible?

“Haere ai te whakakake i mua o te whakangaromanga, te wairua whakapehapeha i mua i te hinganga.”

Nga Whakatauki 16:18

“Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance to downfall.”

Proverbs 16:18

This means if we are too conceited or self-important, something will happen to make us look hukehuke. We may have boasted about doing something, and then it has turned to custard and we felt ashamed or embarassed.

The opposite of having pride is being māhaki, and that is not always easy for us but, if we genuinely want to please Ihowā, He will help us.

Ephesians 4:2 “Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another.”

Ihu Karaiti is our example. He had all the mana and authority of Ihowā, His Papa, but He told His hoa (and us too) ”If anyone has a desire to become great among you, let him be your servant; And whoever has a desire to be first among you, let him take the lowest place.” Matthew 20:27

“Pērā i te Tama a te tangata, kīhai nei i haere mai kia mahia he mea māna, engari, kia mahi ia, ā, kia tuku i a ia kia mate hei whakautu mō ngā tāngata tokomaha.”

Matiu 20:28

Even as the Son of man did not come to have servants, but to be a servant, and to give his life for the salvation of men.”

Matthew 20:28

Article by Liz
Everyday expressions you probably didn’t know come from the paipera tapu.
“Pride comes before a fall”

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