eMapepeza issue 18

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• CITY OF EKURHULENI • DIPALESENG (BALFOUR) + ONLINE e-Mapepeza (www.issuu.com/mapepeza (www.issuu.com/mapepeza)

VOL.3 - #18

aUGUsT 12, 2016

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THE entries for the City of Ekurhuleni’s Annual National Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards are now open. The city calls on all artists to participate in the 29th instalment of the contemporary fine art competition by submitting their works before the August 18 submission deadline. The judges will select an exhibition of the best artistic work and the winning artist will walk away with R160 000 prize money. The selected art works must have been completed in the 12 months prior to the competition. The dates of the 2016 Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards submission of art works are as follows: Works may be entered on the 16, 17, & 18 August 2016 from 09h00–19h00 at the Coen Scholtz Recreation Centre, Mooifontein Road, Birchleigh North Kempton Park. Satellite entry points are available at: • Boksburg Library on 16 August 2016, from 09h00-16:00, • Springs Art Gallery on 16 and 17 August 2016 from 09h00-19h00 and • Katlehong Art Centre, 203 Sontonga Street, Phooko Section on 17 August 2016 from 09h00 – 16h00.


South Africans braved the cold weather on August 3 to cast their votes during the 2016 Municipal Elections. On Sunday, August 8, The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has declared the elections as free and fair during the final results for this year’s elections.


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Veli Gambi (27) was found guilty and sentenced to 7 years imprisonment for armed robbery. On February 25 this year, Veli robbed his 30 year old male victim at the corner of Khumalo and Nala Streets in Duduza. A case for armed robbery was then registered and Gambi was arrested and detained the same day. The matter was placed before the Nigel Magistrate Court and on the 26th of February this year the suspect appeared. Veli was found guilty on the charge of armed robbery on the 28th of July and was sentenced to 7 year imprisonment. The court also declared Veli unfit to possess a fire arm.

A robbery took place at the Victorian Shopping Centre during Saturday night of August 5. The store manager at Heidelberg’s Total Sport discovered that the shop was burgled into during the night after he saw clothes, bags and plastics lying all over the shop. Upon further investigating inside the shop and storeroom, he found that the storeroom was ransacked, two safes were grinded open. Cellphones from the safe and undisclosed

cash amount of money were stolen from another safe. When the 29 year old manager looked around he saw two holes on the ceiling, where suspects gained entry into the shop. It was also found that suspects cut-off two holes on the roof. Suspects are unknown. Heidelberg police are appealing to anyone with information to contact Detective Sargent Cedric Mosoathupa at 016 341 5175 or 082 561 0450

The Station commander of Duduza SAPS, Lieutenant Colonel Droskie, has expressed her praise to Constable Nevea Mahlaba for her professional and thorough investigation resulting in this success. She further added that this success should serve as a warning to would be criminal that they will be apprehended and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The station commander said this conviction is in line with the national and provincial strategies of the SA Police Services.

T/A Mapepeza Community Newspaper

Language: English/isiZulu/Sesotho Media: Print and e-Paper editions Frequency: biWeekly (2ndFridays) Distribution: Free-fetch and door-to-door Online: www.issuu.com/mapepeza


Stephen Seakgwe MARKETING / ADVERTISING: Anatola Mofoka


Nqobile Khumalo CONTENT MANAGER: Nanikie Tsepetsi CONTRIBUTORS: Ekurhuleni Media GCIS


Mapepeza Newspaper Office Office 13, 1st Floor - M&L Building 66 Voortrekker Street (opposite KFC Heidelberg) Heidelberg CBD Gauteng Province, 1441 CALL: (078) 221 8002/(083) 758 3892 FAX-TO-EMAIL: (086) 403 3024

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Deadline for all articles/adverts: Every Wednesdays, 15h00

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On Monday, August 8, on the eve of Women’s Day, about nine women aged between 30 and 50 years old were burned doing their annual grass harvesting community project – with one of the succumbing to her injuries. The Project consists of 30 women for Zonkizizwe and Magagula Heights, southern side of Vosloorus.

It is alleged that on the day of the incident, only a few of the women went out to cut thatching grass. Whilst busy with their project in the middle of the bushy area, they noticed a big fire com-

Heidelberg SAPS have opened a culpable homicide case on Tuesday, August 9, after it was alleged that a red Open Kadet was hit from behind a white Volvo truck. Both vehicles were traveling on the N3 Freeway to the same direction towards Johannesburg. It is further claimed that after the truck hit the red Opel Kadet from behind, it dragged some meters away out of the road. The Sedibeng Medical Emergency Services certified dead the 50 years old driver of the red Open Kadet on the scene. Local police are still investigating how the accident occurred.

ing towards them in a high speed as there was strong wind blowing to their direction. According to other survivors, they tried to run away, but the fire was very fast as the grasses were dry. On Police, Fire and Rescue Team and Paramedics arrival, all nine women were burnt by the wild fire. One woman died on the scene, four were seriously injured and the other four were also burnt but in are stable conditions. Police investigations will continue to identify the cause of fire.

Mapepeza Newspaper subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the Code please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011 484 3612/8, fax: 011 4843619 Website: www.presscouncil.org.za Mapepeza Newspaper is an independent grass-roots publication and a member of Association of Independent Publishers.


All rights and reproductions of all reports, photographs, graphical illustrations and all materials published in the Mapepeza Newspaper are hereby reserved in terms of Section 12(7) of the Copyright Act: 96 of 1978 and any ammendments thereof.

Mapepeza Newspaper






Outgoing Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni Cllr Mondli Gungubele, joined the Ekurhuleni residents in Boksburg Dawn Park area to cast his vote for the 2016 local government elections.

ANC candidate and Executive mayor of Lesedi Local Municipality, Lerato Maloka, casted her vote at the Fountain Five Primary School in Ratanda.

Graphics: IEC

Leading Parties 1. ANC - 62.08% (16 seats) 2. DA - 23.77% (6 seats) 3. EFF - 10% (3 seats) Leading Parties 1. ANC - 48.64% (109 seats) 2. DA - 33.65% (77 seats) 3. EFF - 11.23% (25 seats)

COMPILED BY: Stephen Seakgwe & Nqobile Khumalo


he official results of this year’s Local Government Elections, held on August 1-3, were announced at the IEC Results Operations Centre (the ROC) in full view of political party leaders, government officials and the media. According to the IEC, in the 2016 Municipal elections, about 55% of 26.33m registered voters were women. In 26 municipalities in #LGE2016 no party achieved a majority – which are known as hung councils. A record of 1.3 million new voters registered. Of the 213 municipalities contested in the elections, ANC achieved majority in 161 municipalities, DA in 19 & IFP Inkatha in 6. 9301 council seats contested in the municipal elections, excluding District Council seats, the ANC won 5080 seats (48.3%), DA 1723 seats (13.8%),

EFF 731 seats (6.9%), and IFP 427 seats (4.2%). Electing District Councils can only be finalised once local councils have been established and have elected members to District Councils, like the Sedibeng District (a combination of Lesedi, Emfuleni and Midvaal municipalities). In 26 municipalities contested, no party achieved a majority – which are known as hung councils. The City of Ekurhuleni is one of the metropolitan municipalities labelled as a ‘hung council’, where the ANC managed to wrestle control of Ekurhuleni in Gauteng with 109 seats while the DA trailed with 77 seats followed by the EFF with 25 seats. In addition, the commission admitted that the elections were not free of challenges. Vice Chairperson Terry Tselane said the commission received close to 100 objections related to the elections that they had to deal with.

ANC Sedibeng District Municipality mayor, Cllr Busi Modisakeng also made her mark at Ratanda’s Fountain Five Primary School during the local government elections on Wednesday, August 3.



Community media encouraged to live by Madiba’s legacy!

Faith Muthambi spoke to community media in a meeting hosted by the State Owned Entities Communicators Association (SOECA), State Owned Entities Procurement Forum (SOEPF) as well as the Community Newspapers Initiative (CNI) on July 28. Communications Minister Faith Muthambi “I am also aware that you have created a porsays the late former president Nelson Mande- tal system with your own publications that la encouraged the creation of a society where will enrich and facilitate the flow of informathe voiceless would have a voice. tion within the SOEs as well as government,” she said. “Nelson Mandela encouraged the creation of a society where the voiceless would have a Minister Muthambi said journalists may be at voice, where dialogue takes place even in the the centre of reputable media environment, most remote places. but they are not the only ones chronicling the world around them. “He said through community media, we have an obligation to defend, advance and deepen “This is where the idea of ‘Owned media’ bedemocracy. He further cautioned that despite comes relevant. You should not be apologetic the successes we have scored in democratis- about telling your own stories. State Owned ing South Africa, it did not mean that anti- Entities Procurement Forum must become democratic forces of counter-revolution no an enabler to achieve that historic mandate. longer exist in our society,” she said. “They must not sit there and create stumbling Minister Muthambi was speaking at a Com- blocks, claiming this cannot be done and inmunity Newspapers media breakfast in Pre- stead they must offer solutions on how it can toria, on Thursday morning (July 28). be done. We need a pro-transformation procurement forum that speaks loud with clear She emphasised that State Owned Entities transformation agenda. No excuse,” she said. (SOEs) need to increase their use of community media or alternative media in order to Minister Muthambi said the relationship becommunicate their messages. tween her Ministry and SOECA, SOEPF and Community Newspapers Initiative (CNI) is “Since assuming office in government, we duly cemented. have been consistent in our support to community media.” “You must continue to believe in your vision because a positive thinker sees the invisible, The State Owned Enterprises Communicators feels the intangible and achieves the imposAssociation (SOECA) and the State Owned sible,” she said. Enterprises Procurement Forum (SOEPF) is currently negotiating with the SABC to earn The South African Local Government Asso36 slots in order to provide SOEs with a plat- ciation (Salga) spokesperson Tahir Sema said form to share and provide accurate informa- they took a decision to set aside 30% to adtion about their institutions. vertise on community media. - SAnews.gov.za

Mapepeza Newspaper


President Jacob Zuma and deputy president, Cyril Ramaphosa are delighted to witness these works of art dedicated to the Womens march against pass-laws in 1956 at the Lillian Ngoyi square in the City of Tshwane. President Zuma said the launch of the Women's Living Heritage Monument at Lillian Ngoyi Square was a symbol of the bravery and patriotism of South African women, and a monument to their contribution to the liberation and democracy that South Africa has achieved. The monument tells the story of women’s contribution to the liberation struggle and features four statues of the heroic stalwarts, Lillian Ngoyi, Sophie De Bruyn, Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa. “Their march was not in vain. We recognise many others who dared the apartheid state in 1956 and marched to Union Buildings, and also women in every part of the country, who contributed in various ways to the freedom we are enjoying today. “We also recognise women who have contributed to building this country - the factory workers, domestic workers, farm workers, those who work on our roads and every other sphere.” President Zuma said while much had been achieved, there was still some work to be done. “Some communities are still waiting for water, electricity, sanitation and housing. Women are still struggling as they travel long distances to fetch water. “It is for this reason that work is continuing to improve the lives of our people each day. Government will not rest until decent basic services reach all our people.” The unveiling of the struggle herione monument was officially done on the morning of Women’s Day, August 9.


EKURHULENI LIBRARIES NOW HAVE E-BOOKS The days of walking into a library to borrow a book are now a thing of the past for Ekurhuleni library users.

by punching in the library membership number after typing in the link : http://gauteng.lib.overdrive.com

Users can now use advanced technology to borrow books online.

“The City’s ultimate purpose for this initiative is to encourage the culture of reading amongst our citizens and to provide convenient access to books at any given time without walking into the library,” said Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Gadebe.

An E-book is an electronic version of a printed book which can be borrowed by library users electronically for a period of two weeks. The system will automatically retrieve it thereafter for other users to access it. The E-book is available to all registered library users and can be downloaded for free

“Plans are in place to roll out an educational awareness campaign across the City to assist library users and librarians to be familiar On Monday, August 1, Gauteng MEC for Community Safety Ms Sizakele Nkosi Malobane with using the online site,” explained Gadebe. and Gauteng Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Deliwe De Lange addressed the newly appointed trainees at the Arthur Block park in Johannesburg.

Mapepeza Newspaper


Top five reasons to support small businesses



The countdown has begun for South Africa’s biggest small business day of the year, Small Business Friday on 02 September. But why is it so important for the nation to get behind small business? Here are our top five reasons to support small business:

1. Convenience

Small businesses are local and often just around the corner which means that supporting them will save you both time and the energy needed to commute to larger centres.

2. They offer that personal touch

Enjoy great service from someone that really appreciates your business. When you frequently visit a small business you build a relationship with the employees and owner. It is a great feeling to be known and remembered by the person

from whom you make purchases frequently. They can offer special advice, help you when you’re in a ‘fix’ and connect you to other locals you may otherwise never have met.

3. They offer unique products/services

Small Businesses add personality and spice to your local community. In a world filled with an ever increasing amount of franchises, where every mall looks the same, small businesses give a community a special flair and often offer distinctive products and services you can’t get anywhere else. The nature of a small business often also allows them to cater to your specific needs with customised solutions.

4. Your purchase has a positive impact on the business owner, the employees, their families, the community and South Africa

When you support a small business you are not helping a CEO buy a third holiday home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom or

dad put food on the table, a family pay a bond, or a student pay for university fees.

5. You’ll be making a positive impact on the economy and assisting in alleviating unemployment One in four people in South Africa are unemployed. What happens when we all elevate our support and shop at our local small businesses? A higher percentage of small businesses will survive and grow, their infrastructure will expand, they will employ more local people – alleviating unemployment, driving job creation and making a real contribution to the economy. Support #SmallBizFriday and help us to mobilise all those around us to join in and build the frenzy. Help us mobilise the nation to make a difference to your community by choosing small business!

MathsTech team gives back to Ratanda!

COMPILED BY: FlamBOYant South Africa

On Saturday, August 6, the team of students enrolled in the MathsTech programme gave back to the Ratanda community as part of their Mandela Day celebrations. The group of high school learners, graduates and local artist were organized by MathTech founder, Paul Nkosi. The journey began in Lehae La Bana, an early childhood development centre in Ratanda, to paint the walls of the crèche to the delight of the facilitators of the place. After the painting was completed, the team moved to Lebone Drop-in Centre. The kids from around the area (some enrolled in Lebone) were invited to be entertained by the MathTech team, who bought along music artists Da-Mazz, Stylez and DjMakgabane. Three graduates and proud beneficiaries of MathsTech shared their life experiences and their journey since graduating from the programme. The children of Lebone drop-in centre were given brand new school shoes and shared fun moments with the MathsTech team of high school learners from Ratanda and Soweto. Founder Paul Nkosi said that the programme began in Soweto back in 2007, where he decided to establish a local division for the learners in Heidelberg. In 2010, the first batch of learners was selected, including graduates Thabo Mosikidi, Thabo Thamae and Sibusiso Ncube. Since then, MathsTech has enabled learners to pass with flying colours and giving them an advantage when enrolling in universities and colleges. He also thanked the young people who are currently using the programme to improve their maths and physical science knowledge, encouraging them to pass with flying colours in the upcoming year-end Lindiwe receives shool shoes from Paul Nkosi and the MathsTech team alongside Lebone drop-in centre facilitators and local artists. examinations.




Mapepeza Newspaper

Writer: Lorato Trok Illustration: Catherine Groenewald Translated By: Lorato Trok and Nanikie Tsepetsi Mr Dumisani Lutweyi is a Pastor/Trainer/Facilitator/ Assessor/Moderator/Educator/Promoter/Brand Ambassador/Events Sport Administrator Qualifications: B.A Communications + PGCE + Professional Communication Certificate + Facility and Operations Management Skills Certificate + Competent Assessor & Moderator + Events Sport Management.

This Is Good

Our motivation is based on the following story! An old story is told of a king in Africa who had a close friend with whom he grew up. The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life (positive or negative) and remarking, “This is good!” One day the king and his friend were out on a hunting expedition. The friend would load and prepare the guns for the king. The friend had apparently done something wrong in preparing one of the guns, for after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blown off. Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, “This is good!” To which the king replied, “No, this is NOT good!” and proceeded to send his friend to jail. About a year later, the king was hunting in an area that he should have known to stay clear of. Cannibals captured him and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up a stake and bound him to the stake. As they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they never ate anyone that was less than whole. So untying the king, they sent him on his way. As he returned home, he was reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt remorse for his treatment of his friend. He went immediately to the jail to speak with his friend. “You were right,” he said, “it was good that my thumb was blown off.” And he proceeded to tell the friend all that had just happened. “And so I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad for me to do this.” “No,” his friend replied, “This is good!” “What do you mean, ‘This is good’? How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year?” “If I had NOT been in jail, I would have been with you.” – Author Unknown The morale of the story is that we must see the best out of every bad situation. Sulking and giving in a challenging moment will not help but destroy us .Never allow bad situations to permanently close the doors to your destiny, sometimes we need those stones to be thrown at us in order for us to build our steps up to our better future. Always find an opportunity out that opposing situation, that kind of an attitude will see you through all the times. Come on now just look at that challenge you are faced with right now and say “This Is good”

“Sometimes losing hope is gaining strength to win the battle”


Language: Sesotho

hale khale ho ne ho ena le ngwanana ea monyane ea neng a bitsoa Tselane. Eare ha Ntate oa hae a hlokahala, eaba o se a sala le Mme oa hae. Eaba ka letsatsi leng Mme oa Tselane a joetsa Tselane hore ba tla tlameha ke ho falla moo ba dulang teng Tselane eena ,o ne a sa batla hore ba falle moo ba neng ba phela teng.O ile a lla haholo ke pelo bohloko. Empa hodima hole joalo, Mme oa hae o ne a tshaba ho sia moradi oa hae a le mong hobane ho ne ho na le madimo a neng a dula mahaheng a haufi. Feela Tselane a bokalla hoo Mme oa hae a ileng a bona ho le molemo hore a sale. Mme oa Tselane a dumellana le Tselane hore hosing ho hong le ho hong , o tla mo tlisetsa dijo hobane a ikemiseditse ho sala. A mo laela hore o tla mo binela pina ha a fihla monyako mme Tselane a se bulele mang kapa mang ha so ka a utloa pina. Mme oa Tselane a be a mo binela pina ho mo utloisa hore na e tsamea joang le hore Tselane a tle a hopole……… “Tselane ngwanake,Tselane ngwanake nka nka bohobe o je Tselane ngwanake” Ho tloha ka leo letsatsi eaba pina ena Tselane o e hopola hantle hore a tle a tsebe ho bulela Mme oa hae ka mehla ha a mo tlisetsa dijo. Eaba ka tsatsi le latelang , Mme oa Tselane a tsohella Tselane hosing ho mo tlisetsa dijo , fihla a ema monyako a qala ho bina a re “Tselane ngwanake,Tselane ngwanake nka nka bohobe o je Tselane ngwanake” Aaaah eaba Tselane o notlolla monyako ho bulela Mme oa hae Ha Mme oa hae Tselane a ntse a thabetse ho mo bona abile a mo aka, Dimo eena o ne a ipatile ka moraho ho difate a ntse a shebile le ho mamela pina ea Mme oa Tselane Tselane eitse ha tima mabone , a utloa lentsoa le tenya le tebileng haholo le bina pina ea Mme oa hae ka ntle , eaba lentsoa lena ha le bina le re “Tselane ngwanake ,Tselane ngwanake Nkanka,nkanka bohobe o je, Tselane ngwanake”.Tselane eitsa ha nyarela ka festere ho lemoha hore ke Dimo ka lentsoe la hae le ne le tebile hahoholo. Tselane a hoeletsa a le ka tlung a re “tloha mona oena Dimo ,ha o Mme oa ka ,o leka ho nqekella”.Eaba Dimo o oa tsamaea. Dimo o ne a phoqehile haholo hobane Tselane a hana ho mo bulela . Hoseng ho-hong le ho-hong,le bosiung bo-bong le bo-bong Mme oa Tselane o ne a tla le Dijo. Hoseng ho-hong le ho-hong le bosiung bo-bong le bo-bong Dimo le eena a leka ka hohle ho qhekella Tselane fela a hloleha ka mehla hobane Tselane a le masene Dimo a lemoha hore ke lentsoe la hae ke lona le etsang Tselane a hanele ho mo bulela. A be a besa mollo oa mashala. Eare ha mollo o hlenne haholo ,a be a nka leshale le le chesang ho a feta ka o fela ,a le koenya hore a tle a etse lentsoe la hae le be phefa. Dimo a utloa hore lentse la hae le se le phefa a qala ho etsisa Mme oa Tselane ka ho bina……… Hoseng ha tsatsi le hlahlamang Dimo a etela Tselane .Ha afihla lemating la ntlong e oo a qala ho bina. “Tselane ngwanake,Tselane ngwanake Nkanka ,nkanka bohobe o je, Tselane ngwanake Tselane ngwanake, Tselane ngwanake Nkanka,nkanka bohobe oje, Tselane ngwanake”. Tselane a thaba haholo ho utloa lentsoe lena habane o ne a nahanne hore ke lentsoe la Mme oa hae le monate. Eeitse ha a bula lemati a bona hore ke Dimo, eaba o leka ho koala ka pele empa Dimo o ne a se a kena. Dimo a qautsa Tselane a mo kenya ka hara khetsi ea hae. Dimo a khutlela ha hae lehaheng a ntse a bina ebile a thabile haholo. Haeba nkabe le bojoala ba setso . Ke ne ketla tsamaea ha monate ka dijo tsaka tsa bosiu. Ebe ke lefeng letsatsi le monate?ho re Dimo…… Ka tsatsi le latelang hoseng seng Mme oa Tselane a fihla a tlile le dijo tsa moradi oa hae. A bina pina ea hae kamehla,empa eaba Tselane ha a tsoele kantle. A bina pina ena ea hae hape ,empa hodima hontse hole joalo eaba Tselane ha a hlahe . Ka morao ho bine khetlo la boraro ,a raea lemati la buleha afumana Tselane ale seo ka tlung. A hle a tseba hore na ho etsahetse eng …. ka pele pele a tibisa menahano. A ritela bojoala ka hara mohope o moholo. A bo roala hlohong ea hae eaba o ea lehaheng . Ha a fihla lehaheng a kokota ha Dimo. Dimo eeitse ha nkhella lephoka la joala a potlakela hobula. A re “dumela Dimo,ke ne ke feta feela ka tsela ka be ke outlua o ntse o bina ha monate. Kea motseng o mong hoe a ithabisa”. Eaba Dimo o khahloa ke ho noa bojoala boo ba setso boo Mme oa Tselane a bo roetseng. Eaba Dimo o re ho Mme oa Tselane ,’”kena Mme o dule fatshe “.Mme oa Tselane eaba o re ho Dimo “nka bojoala ke bona boo ke neng ke bo ritetse lapeng koana”. Dimo ka ho bolaoa ke meharo eaba o ea lololo ka joala boo Mme oa Tselane a neng a bo ritetse. A bo khasipela b aba ba feela tu….moo bo felang teng eaba ke ha Dimo a oa fatshe a ba a robala ke botaoa. Eare ha Mme oa Tselane a utloa hore Dimo o oa khona ke boroko,a bula khetsi ea hae moo Tselane a neng a patuoe teng. Eaba Tselane le Mme oa hae ba matha haholo ho balehela hae lapeng. Ho tloha mono eaba Mme oa Tselane le Tselane ba khetha hoe a dula motseng o mong o mocha moo Madimo a neng a sa fihlele teng. E aba ke tsomo ka mathetho.

© African Storybook Initiative, 2014

Mapepeza Newspaper


LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Notice No: 33/2016 File No:15/1/13

NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED MUNICIPAL SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 2016 Notice is hereby given in accordance with Chapter 4 of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (Act No.16 of 2013) and in line with the Municipal Systems Act, of the intention of Lesedi Local Municipality to adopt the Municipal Spatial Development Framework 2016. The public and all interested stakeholders are invited to submit their written representations in respect of the proposed Municipal Spatial Development Framework to the Municipal Council within 60 days of the publication of this notice. Copies of the said proposed Spatial Development Framework are available for inspection and scrutiny at the Department LED & Planning, the Municipal website and all Lesedi Municipality libraries. Enquiries in this regards may be directed to Mr Andrew Machitje at 016 492 0080/ Email andrewm@lesedi .gov.za Any person who wishes to provide comments on the above mentioned intent is hereby called upon to lodge such comments in writing to the undersigned within 60 days from the date of this publication.

Lesedi Local Municipality Box 201 Heidelberg Gauteng 1448

Isaac Rampedi Acting Municipal Manager

Bigger, better Leaderex 2016!

A bigger and better Leaderex opens its doors to the public on August 24 2016 – a day for executives, professionals and entrepreneurs to network, challenge conventional thinking, and learn from the country’s top CEOs and thought leaders, writes Cara Bouwer. Building on a successful debut in 2015, this year the organisers, Leader.co.za, in association with the JSE and leading think tanks, have stitched together 50 events that focus on key priority areas for South Africa, including entrepreneurship, innovation, economic growth, investing and, of course, leadership.

Over 100 respected thought leaders and entrepreneurs will share practical insights and advice on the day, representing one of the largest collaborations of its kind in the country – and the top networking platform for professionals. Leaderex 2016 has built on this hunger for

knowledge transfer and is again offering this hugely successful initiative. For the entrepreneur, funding, mentorship and enterprise development are core themes, tying in with topics such as self-leadership, the role of civil society, socially oriented businesses and an overarching drive to get South Africans to take collective ownership of their future. These themes run throughout the Leaderex platform, hardly surprising when you consider the strength and vibrancy of South Africa’s worldclass business education sector, and the focus on skills across all sectors. Leaderex takes place on 24 August 2016 at Sandton Convention Centre. Entry is free if you register online at www.leaderex.com before 19 August.


Ekurhuleni Community Bursary forms for the 2017 academic year are now available at all libraries and Ekurhuleni Customer Care Centres.

Interested candidates should possess a good academic track-record and a desire to pursue full-time studies of Bachelor’s Degrees, National Diplomas, Certificates and Accredited Learning Programmes from recognised and accredited higher education and training institutions.

The minimum requirement is a Grade 12 certificate or current matric exam results. The closing date is on August 26 and no late, faxed or emailed application forms will be considered. Successful candidates will be expected to enter into a bursary agreement with the municipality. For more information, those who are interested may contact the bursary desk on (011) 999 0654/ 7715.


Please examine all services/offers carefully, request quotes and deposits before buying or accepting. Mapepeza Newspaper will not be liable for any misleading claims or damages to our readers. E&OE



Mamoratwe Training REG.No: 2012 /123861 /07







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Mapepeza Newspaper

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Look out for Ratanda-born football sensation, Lebohang Mabe, also known as “Mpie” who has recently been introduced in the new and improved PSL team Maritzburg United. He previously played for Mbombela united and still retains his position as a midfielder.

Maritzburg United have three games at home and two away in the first five games in the 2016/17 campaign. First off, they face Bloemfontein Celtic on the August 23, at Dr Molemela Stadium. United’s next encounter against the defending Champions Mamelodi Sundowns, that will be even more interesting. This game will be played on October 14 at Harry Gwala Stadium, with SuOn the team’s Facebook fan page, Lebohang shared a photograph of him wearing his new Puma-sponsored persport United visiting the Team of Choice the team jersey. following Wednesday (October 21). Maritzburg United chairman Farook Kadodia on Tuesday, July 12 announced the club's new signings, transfer updates and general club news ahead of the 2016/ 2017 season. Other players that have joined Maritzburg United Football Club this season are the following: Bryce Moon Andrea Fillecia (Belgium--Striker signed from Free State Stars), Themba Shabalala(Central Defender from Free State Stars), Bevan Fransman (Central defender for Bloem Celtic), Dennis Wieldiech (from Germany—Defensive mid-field from Holstein Kiel FC), Luyanda Ntshangase (Midfield from Izichwe Development Academy), Devon Saal (Midfield from Santos FC ), Bongani Mpande (S.A Goal keeper from Bloem Celtic FC), Blessing Moyo (Zimbabwean Midfield from Harare City FC)

Striker Hlompho Kekana has been officially named as Sundown’s captain.

Two Silver medals came from Cameron van der Burgh and Chad le Clos so far.

Manchester United paid a world record £89m (R1.3bn)to sign Paul Pogba from Juventus - a player they let go for only £1.5m four years ago. Maritzburg United’s new signings, including Lebohang Mabe (just in front of coach Ernst Middendorp).

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