eMapepeza issue 9 10032017

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VOL.4 #9

GauTenG oPens a neW scHools eVerY monTH! pAGE 4

raTanda scHool PrinciPal PaYs For drunKen driVinG! Human rights day 2017!

hUMAN RIGhTS DAY is a national day that is commemorated annually on 21 March to remind South Africans about the sacrifices that accompanied the struggle for the attainment of democracy in South Africa. The commemoration provides the country with an opportunity to reflect on progress made in the promotion and protection of human rights. This years celebrations will be held in Ginsberg, King William’s Town in the eastern Cape. Theme: “The Year of OR Tambo: Unity in Action in Advancing Human Rights” On the day, President Jacob Zuma will officially handover the memorial grave site of Steve Bantu Biko to the Biko-family. This is part of celebrating and promoting unity in line with the vision of OR Tambo.

Why Human Rights Day?

The 1960s were characterised by systematic defiance and protest against apartheid and racism across the country. On 21 March 1960, the community of Sharpeville and Langa townships, like their fellow compatriots across the country, embarked on a protest march to march protest against pass laws. The apartheid police shot and killed 69 of the protesters at Sharpeville, many of them shot while fleeing. Many other people were killed in other parts of the country. The tragedy came to be known as the Sharpeville Massacre and it exposed the apartheid government’s deliberate violation of human rights to the world. The democratic government declared March 21 human Rights Day to commemorate and honour those who fought for our liberation and the rights we enjoy

today. Our Constitution is hailed as one of the most progressive in the world. The Constitution is the ultimate protector of our human Rights, which were previously denied to the majority of our people under Apartheid. We commemorate human Rights Day to reinforce our commitment to the Bill of Rights as enshrined in our Constitution. These rights include: • Equality – everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. • Human dignity – everyone has inherent dignity and have their dignity respected and protected. • Freedom of movement and residence – everyone has a right to freedom of movement and to reside anywhere in the country. • Language and culture – everyone has the right to use the language and to participate in the cultural life of their choice. • Life - everyone has the right to life. Government will host various activities throughout human Rights Month to remind all South African to continue working together to uphold the culture of human rights. human Rights come with responsibilities and we all have the responsibility to build a society that respects the rule of law. Whether we are at the work place, within communities, at schools, or with our partners and children, we all need to demonstrate the kind of responsibility that we would like to see in our country’s future. We all have a responsibility to ensure that our human rights record and history are preserved and strengthened for future generations. Follow the conversation on social media: #HumanRightsDay

10-17 MARCH 2017

FirsT Female PresidenT oF THe suPreme courT oF aPPeal

FamilY escaPes deaTH on THe road

pAGE 4

pAGE 2

ON Sunday, March 5, police confirmed that a 55 year old man was arrested for Reckless and negligent driving and drunken driving. The man is known to be the Principal at Ratanda Secondary Schoool. It is alleged that the principal was driving his maroon Nissan van, when he bumped on a blue Mazda in the R549 VaalDam Road near Shalimar Ridge, and principal's car overturned.

On Police’s arrival, and whilst interviewing drivers of the two vehicles involved in collision, police detected that the local secondary school principal was under the influence of an alcohol. he was then arrested for Reckless and negligent driving including charges of drunken driving.The principal spent the night in Police custody and was released on R1 000 bail. he will appear again in court on June 29.


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heIDeLBeRG Police opened a reckless and negligence driving case docket, after a 34 year old driver lost control of his Fiat Palio and overturned. It is alleged that there were five occupants in the car including, a three month baby girl during the time if an accident on Saturday morning, March 4.

The driver, her 32 year old husband and a family friend were taken to heidelberg hospital for medical treatment. The child and another occupant escaped unhurt. During interview, it was revealed that the family was on their way to a birthday celebration of their granny in Springs, ekurhuleni.

Child And Youth Care Centre Family Open Day Awareness!

sisTers arresTed For sTealinG Groceries!

ON Friday afternoon, March 3, a 29 year old Shoprite employee and her 35 year old sister arrested were for stealing groceries worth R350. It is alleged that a Shoprite employee was working at a teller machine, when her elder sister came to the teller pushing trolley to pay for the items. Instead of scanning items for payment, she skipped grocery items that were not paid for. The Shop Supervisor spotted that uncalled for activity by employee. Upon investigating the matter, it was detected that items valued R350 were not scanned. Police were called and arrested for Theft of groceries. The arrested suspects have appeared before heidelberg Magistrate on charges of theft.

ON Saturday, March 4, the Department of Social Development’s Ms Lategan, Department of education’s Mr Oswuell- Jeranyama, FAMSA Assistant Director Mnisi, Department of Correctional Services, Captain Tshilate of SAPS and Mr Tshabane (head of JW Luckhoff CYCC) were part of the delegation that give presentations to parents of the children housed or accommodated in the CYCC. Children that are at JW Luckhoff


T/A Mapepeza Community Newspaper

Languages: english/isiZulu/Sesotho Media: Print and e-Paper editions Frequency: Weekly (Fridays) Distribution: Free-fetch and door-to-door Online (eMapepeza): www.issuu.com/mapepeza Mapepeza Newspaper is an independent grass-roots publication and a member of Association of Independent Publishers.

Stephen Seakgwe MARKETInG DIRECTOR: Anatola Mofoka (Lolliepop) PHOTOGRAPHY:

Nqobile Khumalo

DISTRIBUTIOn TEAM: Percival, Siyabonga, Wetsi , Given, Sam LAnGUAGE TRAnSLATORS: Mlungisi (isiZulu)

CYCC are sent to the institution by Court ruling out of the submission from family Social Workers. The issue is the children's behaviour, attitude, and conduct that were unbearable in their parent's house that compelled them to be placed in the CYCC to undergo programs that change the behavioural attitude. It is also aimed at uplifting and restoring the culture of learning to the children to ensure better future of the children.


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The parents were being sensitised and educated on the constitution policies and mandate. Parents were further motivated and courage to work together with the institution to ensure the smooth facilitation of programs aimed at behavioural change of the child. Parents were also highlighted on other sister department responsibilities towards offering assistance to the institution, personnel and children.


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Police probe Benoni mass murder!

The South African Police Service are investigating the mass murder of 14 people in Benoni. Following a tip-off from a member of the community, police discovered six bodies with apparent gunshot wounds near a railway line on Sunday, March 5. On the following day on Monday, eight more bodies were discovered in the same area, bringing the total number of victims to 14. The bodies, which not yet been identified, are believed to be illegal miners. Acting National Commissioner Lieutenant General Khomotso Phahlane has condemned

GPG OFFICIALLY HANDED OVER MOKONE MARUPING PRIMARY SCHOOL TO THE COMMUNITY OF BRAAMFISCHERVILLE! The MEC for Infrastructure Development formally handed over the Mokone Maruping Primary School to the Community of Braamfischerville and the Department of Education on Wednesday, March 8. This school replaces a temporary structure that was in operation since 2005. This is the sixth school opened since July 2016. The other schools were Garankuwa Primary School, Nellmapius Secondary School, Bophelong New Secondary School, Nomzamo Madikizela Mandela Primary School and Soshanguve East Secondary.

the killings but also discouraged citizens from speculating on a motive. He said they should rather wait for the investigation to advance and the victims to be identified. Phahlane said Gauteng Commissioner Lieutenant General Deliwe de Lange and her management team are overseeing the investigation. “Communities can be assured that the South African Police Service remains committed to further reducing the levels of serious crime and we are presently focusing on refining our crime prevention and combating operational plans,” said the Acting National Commissioner.

SMME’s empowered with Free Weekly Tendering Sessions! In efforts to empower Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMME’s) Gauteng Treasury has developed Supplier Development Programme referred to as “How to Tender”. The sessions are designed to provide training and development to existing and prospective suppliers on how to do business with government. The programme aims to create awareness around new policy development that affect government procurement process. The five week course entails the following: Week one: BBBEE Code of good practice (by DED) and Introduction about GPT request for quotation (RFQ) and request for proposal (RFP). Week two: Section1 of the Tender Document Week three: Section 2 (pricing) Week four: SARS and Legislation Week five: Local Content (by DED) promoting locally manufactured goods.



The opening of Mokone Maruping Primary School fulfills the promise to the people of Gauteng that we will open a new school once every month. Mokone Maruping Primary Gauteng Infrastructure Development MEC Jacob School is located in the North Mamabolo and Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi West of Johannesburg and it cut the ribbon to open the Mokone Maruping Pri- caters for approximately 1 200 mary School in Braamfischerville, Johannesburg. learners from Grade R to Grade 7. The school is a modern information technology ready facility with a design based on a prototype that incorporates the Department of Education National Schools Infrastructure Norms and Standards. The school falls in the mega school category to respond to the demand for spaces in the area and Gauteng province. The school boasts the following unique facilities and features in 33 smart classrooms: • 5 Grade R classrooms, • 12 Foundation Phase classrooms, • 12 Intermediate Phase classrooms, and • 4 senior classrooms.

2 Smart Science laboratories, 1 Multi-purpose hall, 1 Computer Laboratory, IT Control Room, A Library, Nutrition Centre with Dining Hall, School Main Hall, Audio Visual Computer Laboratory, Clear-Vu Fencing, Covered walkways, Sports facility, Soccer According to Supplier Development Unit, the need came as a and netball field, Combi courts result of suppliers having challenges with understanding gov(to accommodate Netball, Basernment procurement processes and policies. ketball and Tennis Courts), Plant Room, A Guard Room, 5 Courtyards Date: Every Wednesday To save on electrical power, LPG Place: 75 Fox Street, Imbumba House, Marshall (Auditorium) gas supplies have been installed Time: 10h00 in the 2 Science labs and the Nutrition centre. In the science For any further inquiries, kindly contact: labs, gas reticulation is installed Humphrey Mjikeliso against the walls which connectTel: 011 689 8279 ed onto a twin gas tap which is Email address: Humphrey.mjikeliso@gauteng.gov.za used by learners for carrying out experiments. A gas cooker has also been installed in the nutriOR tion centre for the preparation of Queen Mofokeng hot meals. The school is also a 011 689 6765 MEC Panyaza Lesufi poses with a learner from the green school with the following: Email address: queen.mofokeng@gauteng.gov.za newly opened Mokone Maruping Primary School.

- Roof Insulation (reduces energy loss from the buildings) - Glazing (that maximises natural light into the building and reduces energy loss from the building) - Energy saving lighting (LED Light fittings) - Rainwater harvesting - Landscaping - Insulated walls for heat conservation and soundproof. The school is named after a community activist Mr. Mokone Maruping who was born in 1947 in Alexandra township and passed on in April 1999. Mr Maruping was a leader in the Civic Association and worked as a Chairperson of Zone 9 sub branch of the civic and was later elected as the first democratically elected Councillor. He was known for his multiple roles in the community. The total cost of the project is R 98 million and it was constructed in 2 phases. Phases 1 was completed in December 2016 and Phase 2 will be completed by end of May 2017. The School Hall and Sports field will be completed during phase two. However, the school is 93% completed and started operating on January 2017. The economic impact during the construction phase included: •A total of approximately 278 jobs were created, of which 230 were local. Of the total 149 were male youth and 44 were female youth. Total number of women employed was 60. •18 local sub-contractors were appointed. MEC Mamabolo has issued the Department of Education with a certificate of completion of construction. This document certifies that the construction of the school is complete, in compliance with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) requirements and specifications. He appealed to the community to look after the school and report any acts of vandalism. “This is your asset, protect it and take care of it”, said MEC Mamabolo. These township schools boast high-end learning facilities and will ensure that “our learners will get quality education where they reside”, said MEC for Education Mr Panyaza Lesufi. Already, we are reaping the benefits of the investment being made in township schools. In the 2016 National Senior Certificate, township schools made us proud by contributing substantially to the overall pass. Remarkably out the 32 schools that achieved a 100% pass rate, 8 are from the township


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modern schools to improve education in townships!


Gauteng Infrastructure Development MEC Jacob Mambolo and Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi unveil the certificate of completion of construction of the newly opened Soshanguve East Secondary School in Tshwane.

The provision of schools with modern facilities in townships will improve the quality of education in townships, says Gauteng education MeC Panyaza Lesufi. he said this at the official handover of the newly built Soshanguve east Secondary School in Pretoria on Sunday, March 5. MeC Lesufi said the provision of schools with modern facilities will also have an economic impact and assist to stimulate the township economy. “Our learners will get quality education where they reside. We are prioritising township education because we do not want our people to be exposed to technology or experience utilisation of tablets and computers for the first time at university.”

The official handover was convened by Gauteng Infrastructure Development MeC Jacob Mambolo. The school is located in the Northern Development Corridor of Tshwane and it caters for approximately 1 200 learners from Grade 8 to Grade 12. More than R105 million was invested in building the state-of-the-art school. The Gauteng education Department said a total of 185 jobs were created through the construction of the school, and about 14 local sub-contractors were appointed.

tion Technology control room, library, nutrition centre with dining hall, school hall, concrete palisade fence, covered walkways, sports facility, soccer and rugby field, combi courts, and a plant room. This is also a green school with roof insulation which reduces energy loss from the buildings and glazing that maximises natural light into the building and reduces energy loss from the building. There is also energy saving lighting; rainwater harvesting; landscaping; insulated walls for heat conservation and soundproofing and a 120m3 underground rainwater harvesting tank.

MeC Mamabolo encouraged the community of Soshanguve to protect the school against any vandalism. “This is your school. You, the community of Soshanguve, have a responsibility to protect the school and promote the smooth education of our children. Should we ever hear that the school was burnt down, we will not build you another one,” he said.

This was the fourth school to be opened in the province since July 2016. The other schools were Garankuwa Primary School, Nellmapius Secondary School, Bophelong The school has a total of 30 classrooms, The department said it is striving to open New Secondary School and the Nomzamo two Science laboratories, two multi-purpose one new modern school every month until Madikizela Mandela Primary School. rooms, one computer laboratory, Informa- 2019. - SAnews.gov.za

meeT THe FirsT Female PresidenT oF THe suPreme courT oF aPPeal

PReSIDeNT Jacob Zuma has, in terms of Section 174(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, nominated Madam Justice Mandisa Muriel Lindelwa Maya as the President of the Supreme Court of Appeal. Justice Maya will fill the vacancy that has occurred following the discharge from active service of Mr Justice Lex Mpati. She was appointed as an Acting Judge of the high Court in 1999 and a fulltime Judge the following year.


She has acted as a judge at the Labour Court, an Acting Judge in the Supreme Court of Appeal, and as an Acting Judge at the Constitutional Court. In 2006 she was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal and in 2015 she was appointed as the first female Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Appeal. This will make her the first female President of the Supreme Court of Appeal. According to the Constitution the

President of the Supreme Court of Appeal is appointed by the President after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission. The President has informed the Chairperson of the JSC, Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng about his decision to nominate Justice Maya as President of the Supreme Court of Appeal. “We wish Justice Maya all the best as the selection process unfolds,” said President Zuma.




For any information, advise and consumer-related complaints contact the Gauteng Office of Consumer Affairs on

TEL: 011 355 8292/8245 EMAIL: consumer@gauteng.gov.za #CONSUMERRIGHTSINTHEDIGITALAGE

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Gauteng’s budget supports poor citizens in tough economic times!

On Tuesday, March 7, Finance MEC Barbara Creecy (pictured) unveiled Gauteng’s R108-billion budget; saying it will strengthen the transformation of the provincial economy and maintain spending on quality social services to support poor citizens in tough economic times. The biggest share of the budget will go to the social sector with Health receiving R40.2-billion, Education R40.8-billion and Social Development R4.4-billion in the 2017/18 financial year.

“One in four South Africans live in Gauteng and this places great demands on social departments to meet the ever growing needs of our citizens. In times of fiscal consolidation at national level, we developed a Revenue Strategy, to raise R15.6billion over the past two and half years to fund increasing demands primarily in education and health and social services,” she said. The 2017/18 budget is positioned to support efforts by the provincial government to use public procurement as a key instrument to bring about greater inclusion and participation in Gauteng’s economy. “Over the past three years we have spent R46-billion procuring goods and services from 12 000 registered companies. Ten thousand of these companies, belong to historically disadvantaged individuals including firms owned by black entrepre-

neurs, women, youth and the disabled. A total of 91% of our expenditure or R42.8billion has been spent on buying from these companies,” said the MEC.

Significant progress is also being made in support of the Township Economy Revitalisation (TER) Strategy. To date the provincial government has done business with 2813 township enterprises to the value of over R5-billion. “In addition, we have impacted positively on the lives of 350 000 young people in the province through Premier David Makhura’s Tshepo 500 000 initiative. To intensify the programme going forward, an additional R110.9-million is provided for 2017/18 to support youth employability,” MEC Creecy said. Gauteng’s infrastructure spend improves service delivery, creates jobs and integrates economic opportunities with transport corridors and human settlements. “Over the medium term we will spend R43.7-billion on infrastructure; making this the largest provincial infrastructure investment in the country,” MEC Creecy explained. Human settlements will account for the largest share of the infrastructure spend as the provincial government moves to turn Gauteng into a construction site with the implementation of 31 mega housing projects.

“To ensure infrastructure budgets achieve their targets, funds have been allocated only to those projects that are “shovel ready”, the MEC said; adding that preliminary research by auditing firm KPMG shows that the R30-billion spent on infrastructure between 20132016 created 92 000 direct jobs and sustained 69 000 indirect jobs, added R15billion to household income and generated R6-billion in government revenue. MEC Creecy reiterated government’s commitment to improve the management of finances and fight fraud and corruption. Ground breaking initiatives such as the Open Tender have led to significant improvement of audit outcomes in both the provincial and local spheres. “Over the past two and a half years we have saved R414-million through cutting costs on transport, corporate branding, travel and accommodation and redirecting these amounts to citizen’s needs,” Creecy said. The province will continue with its modernisation efforts. Funds have been set aside to prepare and support the institutionalisation of ICT in schools. Also in support of the province’s goal of providing 100 percent connectivity of government institutions by 2019, allocations to Gauteng’s Broadband Network project increase by R90- million in 2017/18.



Up against competing heavyweights Naspers, Zeder Investments and Woolworths, Anglo American South Africa took top honours at the inaugural Top 500 Awards, held at Melrose Arch on Tuesday, March 7. Anglo also walked away with the Top 500 Best Managed Company in Resources Award, topping the likes of Gold Fields, Exxarro Coal, Trans Hex Group Limited and The Petroleum, Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa. Other (Category) award winners at these inaugural annual awards included Mercedes Benz South Africa, Woolworths, Adcorp, Bidvest, EOH and Flight Centre. Ralf Fletcher, CEO of Topco Media, commended the Top 500 finalists on their global growth and ability to keep the economy robust, as well as on their commitment to South Africa (the private sector, as a whole, spends between R8 - R9bn a year on charitable causes or socioeconomic development): “These giants of industry are investing back into the country that has been their bedrock - by creating jobs, supporting SME's, facilitating skills development, empowering their supply chains, and through direct Corporate Social Investment. Their success is really our success, as a nation”. - Bizcommunity/Topco Media

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Heidelberg’s Kgomotso takes part in Zee World Miss Teen Commonwealth SA 2017!

Commonwealth Pageants South Africa (Pty) Ltd is looking for the next Zee World Miss TeenCommonwealth SA title holder. Kgomotso Mabitsela has been selected as one of the top 36 Finalists in this year’s competition. The Grand Finale takes place in April. The Pageant empowers teenage girls with the knowledge to be young leaders of tomorrow and focus on leadership skills, modelling,

public speaking, etc. All contestants need to make a difference in their communities during the competition. The Miss Teen Commonwealth SA pageant is in its 4thyear and the main prize is R 15 000 cash plus other prizes.Stageline MakeUp is the official make-up Sponsor and Zee World the media Sponsor. Through the Commonwealth Pageants, a platform is created for young women to become charity and culture ambassadors with-

in South Africa and the broaderinternationalcommunity. The title holders become involved in charitable causes and uphold the aims and objectives of the Commonwealth. More info on the Finalist: _Follow her on facebook:Kgomotso Mabitsela-Zee World Miss Teen Commonwealth SA Finalist 2017

This year the pageant will support chosen charities in local communities within the

province. For more information on the pageant, please visit http://www.sacommonwealthpageants. co.za/ . For daily updates and news, follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/MissTeenCWSA/ Contact: Zee World Miss TeenCommonwealth SAFinalist: 0616225917 or visit www.sacommonwealthpageants.co.za or info@sacommonwealthpageants.co.za



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Tenderers with a CIDB Grading of 7CE are hereby invited to submit a bids for the Infrastructure Department at Lesedi Local Municipality for the provision of Turnkey project services for a 5 months period as specified in the scope of works. The successful bidders shall be required to undertake Turnkey services for the construction of Roads and Stormwater project in Lesedi Local Municipality for a period of five (5) months. Tenders are requested to tender as a consortium of professional consultants and contractor.

The Lesedi Local Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 3.10 of the Lesedi Town Planning Scheme, 2003 of the receipt of a consent use application submitted to it. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Executive Manager: Development Planning, C/O HF Verwoerd and Louw Street, Heidelberg for a period of twenty eight (28) days from 17 March 2017.

Queries for the above-mentioned bid may be directed to Sibulelo Nxathi at Tel: 016 492 0202 during office hours Mon to Fri 08:00 – 16:00. Closing date: 10 April 2017 at 12h00 Tender documents, together with the terms of reference, which are important for the preparation of the proposal/tender, will be available from Ms Sibulelo Nxathi at SCM office at the Municipality, Heidelberg, as from the 17 March 2017 for a non-refundable fee of R1, 815.00, payable at the rates and taxes hall during office hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:00. A compulsory site briefing will be held on the 20th of March 2017 in the Infrastructure Services boardroom at 10h00. The completed proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked” Functionality”. The completed tender document must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope clearly marked “Price”. Both envelopes must be placed in one single sealed envelope marked:-TENDER NO: 02/2017: TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OF TURNKEY SERVICES FOR THE INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES DEPARMENT (5 MONTHS BID) Bids must be placed in the Tender Box situated at the Development and Planning Department Municipal Building, c/o of Du Preez and H F Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, on or before 10 April 2017 at 12:00. Tenders will be opened in public. The Tender Box will be open during office hours, Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:30. No e-mailed nor faxed bids will be considered. The LLM reserves the right not to accept the lowest priced proposal or any proposal in part or in whole. It normally awards the contract to the tenderer who proves to be fully capable of handling the contract and whose proposal is technically acceptable, has meaningful empowerment credentials and / or financially advantageous to the LLM. LLM reserves the right to negotiate rates, for purposes of creating uniformity and the tenderer, by responding to this tender, agrees to abide by such negotiated rate which may be changed from time to time by agreement between the parties. Any bid not suitably endorsed or comprehensively completed, as well as bids completed in pencil will be regarded as invalid bids. All objections and complaints must be lodged within 14 days and in writing to the municipal’s manager’s office. The 90/10 preference procurement point system will apply and preference will be given to bidders who are able to demonstrate the following:a) Price 90 points b) B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution


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10 points

NB: All service providers must submit their B-BBEE Verification Certificate from Verification Agency accredited by the South African Accreditation Systems (SANAS) or Registered Auditor approved by the Independent Regulatory Board (IRBA) or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the Close Corporation Act (CCA) in order to claim preference points. It is a condition of bid that the taxes of the successful bidder must be in order, or that satisfactory arrangements have been made with South African Revenue Service (SARS) to meet the bidder’s tax obligations. Additionally no contract shall be concluded with any bidder, whose municipal rates and taxes and service charges are in arrears.

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Arts/Crafts Banking/Insurance Business Services Clothing & Cosmetics Computer Services Construction/Building Day Care Service Executive Manager: Development Planning Doctor (Medicine) Domestic Services ANNEXURE Education/Tutoring Electrical/Electronic Repairs Name of Township: Obed Nkosi Township Financial Services Property Description: Erf 1664 Obed Nkosi Township Food and beverages Herbalist/Medicine Locality of Property: Bhejane Street, Obed Nkosi Township Health & Beauty Internet Cafe/Service Use Applied for: Tavern (subservient) Legal Services Multimedia Services Full Name of Applicant: Zenzile Mbinza Town Planners on behalf Music (Artist/Group) of Mr Vusi Khumalo. New Business Pawn/2nd Hand ISAZISO SIKA MASIPALA - UMASIPALA WE LESEDI Public Benefit Organization ISICELO SEMVUMO UKUZE KUBE NENDAWO Retailers Any person who wishes to object to the application or submit representations in respect thereof must lodge the same in writing to the said authorised Local Authority at the Municipal Manager, PO Box 201, Heidelberg, 1438 or at the address specified above on or before 13 April 2017.


Umasipala Wendawo yase Lesedi uphana lana ngesaziso se sesicelo esisitholile Ngokwemibandela 3.10 ye isikimu se Lesedi sika 2003. Imininingwane yale sicelo iyatholakala ukuhlolwa phakathi kwama hora womsebezi ema emahhovisini womphathi wezokuthuthukisa nokuhlela, ekhoneni zemigwaqo zika HF Verwoerd no Louw, eHeidelberg isikhathi sezinsuku ezimashumi amabili nesibhozo (28) ukusukela ngezi 17 March 2017. Noma imuphi umuntu ofisa ukuphisana ngemizwa yakhe mayelana nalesicelo engenza njalo ngokubhalela Umasipala ku Municipal Manager, PO Box 201, Heidelberg, 1438 noma kulekheli belishiwo phezulwana phambi komhla ka 13 April 2017. ISITHASISELO Igama lendawo: Obed Nkosi Incazelo yomhlaba: Erf 1664 Obed Nkosi Lapho indawo ikhona: Umgwaqo kaBhejane Isicelo: Indawo yokucima ukwoma Igama lomceli: Zenzile Mbinza Town Planners bezebenzela umnomzane Vusi Khumalo

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