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To come sabbing nl ease


List Contact with Sheffj-eld



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ion@yahoo . co . uk shef fanimalact ask parts of the country other in To sab for helP, The Hunt Sabs Association BM HSA, Post.HSA, 450012'7 WClN 3XX, Tel , 084 5 London, www. huntsabs . org. uk contact: For inf o on hunt- monitoring (LACS) Cruef Sports The League Against www. league . uk. cgm tactics, on sabbing, For more info pictures and news see The North West Hunt Sabs webpage

So-b HUNTSABOTEUR Thank you to those who have contributed photos, cartoons etc. to howl as I have (welI we are all fighting plagiarised them! not a so I am sure its the same thing for nr n]-VV!9 r l r r r / am \ I/!


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For more comments

information etc please

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The same as what l. l-ves I




we do with




sabs of

abuse in r-s not che only Sadly hunting c.urrently and so most sabs are society for humans, acti-vism invofved in other animals and the environment.

do? our


more sports are concerned As far as blood than fields are l-ost in the shooting lives by are killed ones and animafs the hunting wrll interrupt Sabs fishing as well. sport them, and will shoots as we come across animals protect non-human other directly (the summertime when the off-season during . For example many sab hunts are not hunting) badger culls, in stopping groups are invofved (see www.badger, and animal rescue. has wide Promotjon of a vegan lifestyle and saves the maximum number affects reaching of I irrcs nrlqsihl e. f or f hi s reason most sabs in wegan campaigning. are vegan and involved ,


n1 s bartneC7 hcrnLi


i w; Fxsyly. \ $fte-rl*+ prfittr*E*TtrS, g4vitJe ruxry ffi+4 F{ur,rysr S4,&Rt$fiF Siv;ggqff ioh, .r-{rury{"

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www.badger" www.alfeg,ot'g,uk/ who*alfsg.html


rjffiiii*iii,thqr{,Sir,r'*i*{Jj ffiil;ib*d;ril$i$ffiffi

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This zlrre aims to expfain how hunts hunt I in the current legal climate and what can be done to stop them. The aim is noL to desr-rilre rnrhrrfignls need to he r]i srrrnf erl as there is already a large body of info uy

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banned. rel-ated Lhis is I

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in the form of sabs financial assistance l-, i-^ rrg r.u, - r{ -r-Ll-

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The focus of the to hunting foxes where my personal

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vhopn ggr t

information is or hares, ds experience t.O uv

ff es eefl fr u

SttnnO D uy }r v 1.t

in the fiel-ds, and to enforce

^ t-L e a s e p

L- U

After a successfulsaband early pack up of a fox huut, Nottingharn and Sheffieldsabscanleacrossa shoot.(Well u'e tried to persuade cachother that they were in fact lifelike scarecrows,as we wanted to get to the end of a veganfair). The shooterspackedup andwent backto their vehiclewhell therervereonly six of them.They r.vere adamanttliat they were llot packingup, they attemptedto become when their numberstrebledwith beatersand other aggressive shootersat their van. Sabsdiffusedthe situationas one of us u,ent for our vehicle.The shooterstried to drive a\\,ayto kil1 animals wherewe couldn't seethem.But our driver had parkedour vehicle blockingthe shooters'line of sightonto a busy road,therebybeing an effectivebut highly legalblockade.The shooters\\'aitedaud sworeat us to leave,we drank tea, laughedand ate as u,e rvatchecl the sun descendon their day of murdering.Leaving rvith the upper hand,to the pub as the sun set.

n e _ L p ]-n


anyw ay

Thank you from the foxes, hares, deer killed dailv for sport.




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I canthink of two occasionswhen sabshavehelpedanimals that would otherwisebe seriouslyinjured as a resultof the hunt. On one occasionas sabsmoved through the mountedfield and one of us noticeda ltorseand rider in distress.The restof the field did not seeurto notice or care abouttheir struggle,the hunt sabapproachedand lield the horseas the rest of the field afterthe red coats.The horsewas trappedin the disappeared fence,with wile aroundits hoof, without the sabthe horse's panickingwould probablyhavecausedit to breakits leg in panic to get free. The sabtlien untangledthe wire from around the horses'leg andhelpedthe rider back on to the horse'Sabs alr,l'aystry to staytogetheras hunt supporterscan be unpredictable,as the rider got back on her horsethe terriennen arived, their body languagewas aggressive,and they asserled that the sabshouldn'tinterferewith the horse.The rider said that the sabswas helping and pleadedwith the terriermeuto leavethe sab.The rider thoughttwice aboutthe natureof sabs as a result of that day, and continuedto point out the nice sab and tell peopleto be carefulnot to causethem injury. Another titne, huut supporterscouldn't help but confonrrto their socialisedpolitenessto sabsby thanking us for saving houndsthat got caughtin tire fenceduring a sab.Maybe some of their supporlersrealisewe arethereonly to saveanimalsl'

Personalaccountsof sabs I havebeeninvolvedin animalriglitscampaignsfor a long titlte, but sabbing,is irnportantaswe directlysavethe lives of coutltless to the smugfeelingof rvartnth foxes.Thereis nothingcotnparable and successas you seea fox leave a covert,unnoticed,anclcscape to safety.I hatebeingin the van as I find it incrediblyfi'ustratirrg not to be ableto getbetweenthe fox andthe houuds.That saicl, good sabbingwatchedfrom a distanceis amazing,a true inspiration.Hunt sabswork togetheras a proper afhnity group,aud when things go wrong, we stick togetherwhich is irnportant,atld makesleavilg your bed on a Saturdaynloming so much easier.

ffi lqpt d^bsalab^lth^utrqhofr*rt


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t er m s Sabbing/ Hunt ing hunt s people who disr upt name of Lhe saboleur s, f or killed being anim als of st opping the int ent

' sport' Lo m ask sabs spr ay which oil an essent ial C i tronel l a give of t he f ox so Lhat t he hounds can't the scent chase f ield, hedge or kale a wood, disused. r ailway, C overt wher e hunt s guar r y species, a Lo be hom e w hi cLr could uP a scenL put hounds t o pick on hor ses fi " fa Lhe hunt suppor t er s of a r ecor ding wit h t ape player Gi zmo A n am plif ied wit . h a hor n It is used in conjunct ion hounds i n cr y. hounds out of t he cont r ol t o encour age calls and voi ce and away f r om t he quar r y. m ast er of the hun t s usually under gr ound, when a f ox hides Goi ng to gr ound can it so it out t o dig t hen at t em pt men wif f terri er be ki l l ed H ounds the dogs used by hunLs t o chase quar r y. each sor L of ar e used f or br eeds dif f er ent S l i ghtl y quarry ( LACS) t er m ' Spor t s Cr uel League Against H unt moni tor s get pr osecut ions to and t r y hunt s P eopl e w h o f ilm bar k when t hey t o be in cr y In cry hou nds ar e said m anner when t hey ar e on t he in an excit ed Logether scent or ar t if icial pr ey quar r y scenL of Lheir of t en hunt s I 11egal point . m eet ing Meet the adver t ised f r om sabs put of f Lo hoping publicly ad.ver Lise don' t


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att-endi ng at t he ouLer edge of a st and on point r ider s On poi nt f oxes t hey can look out f or hunt-ed area so t hat t he hounds t o it and at t r act a cover t l eavi ng quar r y t o r un away, t heir up Hounds causing P utti ng a chase of the begi nning hunt ed t haL is being Th e species Quarry t o st op t he hounds, whip cr ack the hounds using R ati ng Used by is wr ongth em what Lhey ar e doing t.el l i ng both sabs , and hunt sm en who have of t he hunt and people paid wor ker s R ed coats of a long per iod f or hrrnt_r-d rnlif h a oar t icuf ar hunt coat s of r ed r oles dif f er ent a f ew ar e ti me - There t o use t er r ier s who m en class wor king men Terri er of killing wit h Lhe int ent under qr ound fox es att-ack them




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phe-n a 6x b*o'lss ctrz, t1".-.rid-er\ goi,^t -. 71f[s"Fro^ tt(z..L h'^'ds 6u,d L'ot"nd,s Sive- d"r'-sa '

LL"^ l't" As hor,.^ds ^"' s[er,w.r o<e- sf{;*a, L'o,.'z fox v* " *^ &o-,t (L* h^o'\13., Lhc,tl e,^.lcn iD ?*ext L. ko.t -it hvta,.|

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Sabs in field, must 1^^ reasonably fit. Each group needs Horn bl ower Map reader Video camera user Additional people to rate hounds, use voice ca11s, spray citronella etc. Sabbing a hunt effectively rs a team activity and so no member is expected to have al-l the required skiffs. Good hunt sabs often don't feel they have any particufar skilfs, when they begin, but the tactrcs aren't thaL complex, though only ever reafly learnt by experience.

th^'s sal,


-ir 6.



bootsP tu't11" h)olki"g

Dhor. irntti"l ,-ret qnra.^d "ffisl '-

a\'at t13^'




helP an


t/-s a*^"F/od. as it '^to-kes ant

ffiJ;"T; .pqt 'Wrffff*,'

tok^qo\\ h"*r



dry socksand a thermos! Pleaseread the tactics that are briefly outlined in this book. For

'"toflt' l"rr

more info please look at the North West Hunt Sab Association web


pages on the contacts page. The



theory and the practice can sometimes be very different, the best way to learn is to come along, and see how the experienced sabs do it.

G As fu- hoc'rrds ettkr so corn.4- sc,'bs s^tartd' le'an ["..a ."^ tez iQ 6re (;{,.J orac..

S i-I I I




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S^bs t si^q pLrlps fu curt tcJaLs




s'P% lnomtlcrs"

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to {et( @*- lD)''

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u''/' ef&Jt'ztl'


Gt'oue[[o" -


r F a 6x breoks e\Rt sabs b mle U'c- lPu'r.4: fi^,l ; varq*=" ;rt to Ltc^- t6E


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r";ir' Yotkeb t^"*f. +h":p:l'3^9 11*;lt 'i ? to^"" r.-:hl ps,-t^'rc^(t,*

5?ra\S, Hat, {oucs * scart

Bring lunch, beer money, water, gaeso/\c!

co-r\ Zu*-^tbul+ooPa co-c/g, ilso hutt le>s Ft te' a'^d -ta 1La t;*i5 ;;"-"*tt=' tl*


6\9 lQ o. LvtnJcc)ssu'> o h* 't/^^o( u-{t.J9!dvtd, s*bs tt^n- *o, hn e $ec.n K,.o*L to sit i't tk- &'+'L h P . ' * -u ^ U* ; 6 abshn.c-t

lt'q &'twesqs'^


og h'-* ti"les as

ho' bl'^ir-rr' iltr sa'bs*t13. ..-if S;; a;t& " ir^a s3-3t :r::3:; satrs soncLt\



So what

are the 'loop are hunts that

in holes' exPloiting?



a few ways by are still there Basi cally breaking without which hunts can continue up as double so ttre l-aw. These methods af no with to police to give excuses helpfut hunting then of hunting, knowledge the ban. did before as it contlnues and the Council Alliance The Countryside a produced Associations of Hunting Handbook 'Hunting for hunters, booklet ways around potential It explains 2005.' a useful is the ban, and as such for sabs as to what hunts may reference the into an incite gives do and and try ban. the t-o attitude lobbies pro-hunt

"You [hunters] will need to use your imagination so that supporters feel fully engaged,and can enjoy themselves within the boundaries of the law. There are also opportunities to use 2 dogs "in connectionwith the obseruation or study" of wild mammals which may help us in our role of monitoring the size and health of populations." Page 18 'Hunting Handbook 2OO5.' "After the 18th of February hunting activity might include: . Trail huntiirg . Hound exercise . Usir-rg no more than 2 dogs to flush to a gun . Rabbit hunting . Rat hunting a a a

Hunting hares which have been shot Flushing to birds of PreY Research and observation of the various

quarl-y species" page 9





a hunt






the hunt saboteurs Get in touch with page ' on contacts details contact association, sabs need additional really Most sab groups play' to roles are a number of and there and licence driving must have a full Dr:iver, documents when asked to by be able to produce own multi-driver groups Most sab police. may need but some drivers vehicles, insured are not required Drivers own insurance. their way useful is a really to run anywhere so this The people to become involved' fit less for to and meets to get sabs sab van is used to when the them around the countryside transport of running ' Lack hunt gets away - saves lots from gorng groups prevent can often of drivers are really who can drive so people out at all, needed. needs to be able to confidently Map-reader, person this the driver Like get us places. to be need not does and in the vehicle stays who are only Again people fit. physically want to leave don't and read, to map prepared up as they free useful are really the vehicle sabs who want to be in the field.

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'eil o'tes




How violent The chase i q

A r.-A n i


and murder 'l

i an:l





hunts? innocent



Dr ol - andi


that it is a family sport is shameful and dangerous. There are numerous accounts of the links between violence towards, and abuse of animals wi-th physical, psychological and sexual abuse of humans. Members of the hunt afmost always outnumber Hunts sabs. Many sabs sab as thev disaqree with violence and exploitation; for these reasons sabs are not aggressive. However, a- viol-ent reaction from hunt supporters can be q oa n ac a or ^n t nat hat an irrt. lnt er v e n t f o n was - - rn -r-r- aggressive successful-. Hunters are and Itfo 'y' lLrrsf - hc

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against n r r l-

.liqr r r nti nn Lr!D ! uy ur v r r

' i l 1^- al I_LIc9a1

\ c nnr f D !/ur

sabs. f hai


Hunt liV eS

nf v! L


sabs in


way of hunters to save foxes and other animals so confrontations do occur. Sabs try to keep them to a minimum in order to successfully protect wildlife and t- hen


Q:r il



rvr i rvl9rruu nl an-a

:a: qYsrrf

i nqio - u

sabs does occur, each hunt is different and some are much more aggressive than others. There have been serious i-^;r--F^ naqf hrrl---instlIDL f llulugrrLb o:jaf sabs III in thc Llls UUL }JcDL, rhc


o tq:nY:ianfrl JL


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ac ti OnS af uL

^}..r -i ^- 'l l j l Iy b_LU d._L

"Drag hunting Alternative hunting measures will not be drag hunting. The term drag hunting is to remain the property of the Masters of Drag and Bloodhounds Association.. ." a hounds following Dra g h u n t i n g i n v o l v e s scent that has been laid in advance. No the emphasis is on a n im a l s a r e k i l l e d , j nrnrri pIU V -L Lrl rl Yi nrr

: d.

^' l r-h U rraa

'l rc^h^ llvf

i h^ rl Y

! r! ' l e -i

f Of


sport. not a blood mounted followers, for a has been in existence This sport get can riders that shows and time, long wildlife. killing without enjoyment

"'I'rail hunting Any tbnn of trail, stimulatedor mock huntingshouldbe prornoted and seenas a measureto provicletelnp()raryactivity for houtrdsand their fbilorvers.Traii hurrtingis the huntingof an artif-rcialsccntatrtl that you usethe scentof a fbx, hare,deeror nlillk we recol-umend Do not assttnethat yor-rrhoundsrvill hr-rnta as appropriate. - they will haveto be gradr.rally traii irnmecliateiy sr-rbstitr:te of trail scentatld to it. Full aclviceon thepreparation introdr"rced nethotlsof applicationis beingpreparedby the CI-IA and r'villbe Thereis no rcasotr to huntsas soonastestsarecomplete. circulated the route why huntsnanor fbllowcrsshouldktto"vitr adr.'ance a trail,thuscioselyrnatching rvill takewhen fbllo'"r,ing houncls huntinsin its cunentfom."

\\: \,

"Flushing Two hounds can be used to flush quarry from covert (which could be undergrowth or woodland). The qLlarry must then be shot dead as soon as possible by a "competent person". The Hunting Act doesn't specily what a competent person is but it is likely a court would expect them to (a) have an appropriate licensed weapon and (b) be able to prove that they have competentiy shot and killed the quarly species in the past."

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"Hound Exercising Any number of hounds can be exercised at the same time but landowners must give permission for this to take place. Anyone carrying a hunting horn or whip should understand that they are doing so for the purpose of controlling hounds rather than hunting."

*"' ,'. {\ttl

"Flushing to a bird of prey Under the Hunting Act it is legal to use any number of dogs to flush any wild mammal from cover so that a bird of prey can hunt it. Given the skills and experience required for falconry this should not be considered lightly but if you would like more information please contact the Hawk Board." Page 19 hole

f lrl

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"Anyone killing a hare by flushing to guns with two dogs must be in possession of a Game Licence - these are available from Post Offices." Page2L

rl11i nd


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The day after I wrote the above,I was sabtringa hunt that we have visited a number of times this season.The hunt is hunting illegally as they have riders on point and use a whole Pack of hounds to flush out foxes.The hunt doesown a bird of PreY,but I have never seenit in flight or in the vicinity of the hounds, and therefore is an excusefor illegal hunting. During the day sabsenabled a fox to escapea covert that the hunt was hunting in. After this Pieceof life saving sabbingPolice took of sabs,3 namesand addresses were arrested.I was attacked bY a police dog and bitten without Prewarning from the dog handler' As I was being arrestedanother sab was being attackedbY hunt support and the police refusedto turn around and rvitnessthe attack, intent on onlY arresting sabs.The 3 of us were arrestedfor ' Possession of Offensive'Weapons and then arresteda secondtime whilst in custody for Section 68. CIA 1994AggravatedtresPass! So apparently stoPPingan illegal hunt is also iilegai. The caseis on going and I wili let people know the outcome in mY zine when it goesto print!

still illegal/ If hunting is bannedis sabbirrg

"'Chasing Away' You may be aware that DEFRA has recently endorsed another form of hunting which they term ,.chasing .-*ry", whereby dogs can legally chase animals away from an aiea of land for purposes of dispersal. The Countryside Alliance's legal team believe that DEFRA is in fact incorrect and such an activity would be breaking the hunting law.l'

The Hunting Act 2005was written to outlaw hunting with hounds.The hunting fraternity have invented hunting with a pack of hounds to a bird of prey, as a w-ayaround the law. Hunting in this manner is againstthe ethic of the law, but it doesnot contravenethe letter of the law' S. 68 of the Criminal Justiceand Public Order Act 1994 made sabbingillegal.T'heact definesthe offenceas;'A otl latlcl personcommits aggravatedtrespassif he trespasses those intimidating or with the intention of disruptirrg, taking paft in, lawful activity taking placeon that or adiacentland.' This should no longer apply to hunt sabsaswe intervene with hunts that are trying to kill their quarry, thereby breakingthe Huntinga.i ZOo+'So S. 68 won't aPply'


'&"; sti ^i\x.Fi"lt_,,,

|; , lU"'

"Terrier Work and Earth stopping One dog at a time can be used to flush foxes from below the ground on the condition that it "is undertaken for the purpose of preuenting or reducirtg serious d,amaqeto game or wild birds...uthicho p"r"onls keeping or preseruing for the purpose of tlrcir being shot". A hunt terrier iork service for the benefit of those landou,ners l__ who shoot will be welcomed by landowners llf in those many parts of the country where lF

I .. Iti l ' :'r: ii \ , 'Ti


The only legalhunting, u'hich sabswill disrupt, is rvhen a hunt is using a hawk. However, I have never seella bird of prey at a hunt being usedto kill animals,only asan excuse for illegal hunting. Should this situationariseboth sides

to provethe otherwasbreakingth9-la-1vI would have S.68 doesnot apptyif a hunt is breaking the law.Sabs are I' W

* " .w ;.,:L"i:::ilTl,l'J,'".Jii.T:ii1 ;:*il l' ;il?1ff: Trespass(none S. 68) is a civil offenceand as such sabson land that they do not have accessto can be removedfrom that property using reasonableforce.To becomea criminal matter an injunction must be in placeon specificland and then sabsreturn, breakingthe injunction. I have no knowledgeof this ever happening. Sabsintention is not to break the law, it is to savelives, however I cannot say that sabswont break the law, asin the past,to uphold moral laws againstmurder of innocents. Hunt sabssometimesget prosecutedfor other lawsrthese may still apply. Examplesinclude affray and breachof rhe peace,or carrying an offensive weapon (hunt whips) these chargesare often dropped,or just usedto removesabsfrom an areato enablethe hunt to continue to nunt.

game or wild birds are kept or preserwed for shooting."

I f i l_ l \rr



"Some hare hunting packs and clubs may want to I changing to hunting rabbits .r, option. 9o19ider HFirM "" Rabbit burrowi can legaitybe stopped.

l.' I i

P_;;-,Kii;,,rA hare can be hunted with any number of hound" R-;}$,-.,. for searchand despatchpurposesif it has been i"-,ir:1r= &: shot. In areas where ti "*

hare shtots take place hunts can liase with shoot organisers and after the shoot use hounds to hunt and despatch any hares u'hich have been shot.

ihi|f ,\ ,it ,tfrlo {: \l,X;"f, ;;"; 1'#] {;Ll, 'Jffi l ' -{ \ 5 1 , r. { \.,




I Note: It is illegal to shoot hares for the purpose of 1 then hunting them." n\h'



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Hunt Monitors

,i S nilttegdte

The League Against Cruel Sports (IACS) train and support hunt observdrs to attend

of is a variety As you can see there legally can hunters lives' 'games with Sabs have seen hunts play. Sheffield hunting illegal thelr to vafidate trying l--' . t - )y

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hunts in order to check the activity of the


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broken, They maintain a completely legal


position on roads and footpaths in their



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Our sab group is also into teaching people what to look for as a sign that hunts are breaking the law. We then would want individuals to attend hunts like pro-hunt


vehicle supporter and attempt to film hounds



actually chasing foxes.




As hunt saboteurs have often spent years

hO U ndS





prosecutions may occur.


However the attitudes an animal. following that feave us to expect of the hunters the when we ar e not around they would let the quarry, satisfying kitl the hounds clai-m that Hunters lust. blood hunter's f hcrr r-an r-onf rof however hounds, their .,2 cannntrlf hefwise countlesS rhev erri denf I as hounds l-ives woul d not have been ]ost other kitl they or as on roads, are killed fn each pack of animal-s. domesticated have a tendency that dogs are hounds there to break away from the main pack and get or these can chase quarry ]ost, and are not being animals domesticated by the huntsman. restrained



attempt to get video footage so that

lack the scent an artificiat "hasl to do so. When the opportunity inclination they choose arises to hunt li-ve quarry hunts about, are sabs When instead. Lhat |a --,^V IIa

\1 y(

hunts and record when the Hunting Act is

an animal- (by following of killing intent of to a bird and to be flushing a scent) to seem don't prey at the same time ! They each these two methods cancel that realize out ! other Hounds



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directly saving the iives of quarry species

r' pe

most sabs don't feei comfortable to film a lo(

chase and kill, therefore we would like additional people to do this important work. For more info contact your local sab group or .A The League. i"6@hr^^f cn,+e-*oltA. to't

o.i ' i i.' ,. . \ 4r8 .1: Pike I owe j

U PPER \'i'.



fll\,,,)' Alliancelodgeda separatechallengeto the HuntingAct 2004, The Countryside claimingit was in breachof the EuropeanConventtonof HumanRights.This was rejectedin July. The Leaguehas retainedthe eminentsilk,DavidPannick,QC as its barristerand Collver-Bristowas solicitors. John Cooperis an 'A list' prosecutorfor the AttorneyGeneral.One of the leading barristersin London,his extensivepracticehas coveredsome of the most familiesin important casesin the criminalhumanrighlsfield,and has represented the Deepcutlitigation.His most recentbook,Cruelty,an Analysisof Article3, deals with the law of torture,inhumanand degradingtreatment.John Coopersits on the Bar Counciland is one of its spokesmen.

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to human right to be cruel


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. The LeagueAgainstCruel Sportstodaywelcomedthe rulingby Lord JusticeMay and Mr ,;, -, JusticeMoseson the claimsbroughtby huntersthatthe HuntingAct breachesthe European -:.lir,J r, Convention on HumanRightsand the freedomof movementof goodsand serviceswithinthe -'-'. tr r s grounds Lr rdl the Lr r c uuur courts t felt that the ban was EuropeanUnion.The case was rejectedonI the ,r uur r uJ that tt rlri^n 3lr, n e ce ssa ry anndd p prropor o p o tr r tio onate. n a te . r a t r o na ^6^ocsary

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. f \ ) ;>=1 'l,ti.e ^ l/-;;""' 7: ' ,.r',/f"

"We welcomethis recognition ihat thereis no humanrightto be cruel.The huntingfraternity k^^ ^^^^:^r^^rt., the HuntingAct and throwngood moneyafterbad in an atiempt rrdDuu,r-,oLs,,'y challenged to frustratethewillof the peopleand of the electedHouseof Commons.The HuntingAct is a popularact,the ban is beingenforcedand,mostimportantly, animalsare no longerableto abusedin the name of this barbaricbloodsport.

o' ! ! ;t' ,''


"What partof 'no' does the huntingfraternitynot understand?This is a resoundingdefeatfor -L./'r.oart, t hehun ters,who ne edt om ov ef or war dandac c ept t he d e m o c r a t i oc fwPi a l l r l i a m e n t a n d t h e*, 'J - general public, take no for an answer. Just majority of the and learn to to make it crystalclear ...e 'no'to the abuseof _.t0"-. to the hunters:thatis'no'to chasinganimalsto the pointof exhaustion, I ,, ' ' our wildlife,and 'no'to crueltyto animalsin the nameof 'sport'. \ ' ' .1,: ,; '' " ''/

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"Hunting in Britainis nowdead- it is timethatitssupporters accepted that.,, ,rqi'j":

-- L*i"l iil' Ha rrop Mos s


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If e ea q fu rru !h e r

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hand. In the CAs handler's their beneath the hunts to contact manuaf they advise of of birds Hawk Board about handling the Hawk Board has voiced prey. Recently Ann^a ul J v u- f

i tL l vi rrn n

as tfrey animals.

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lack the expertise article. See later



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LeagueChairman andleadingbarrister Johncoopersaid:

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n rceLci _r r L- F pr c n .c

'r,,:-'' remains.htnt lluntine ban Act valid Lords nrle Parliament

?, ' \-,


rI l^u,,F rrL 5 ^

The use rl vrl_dl_l y. .

of the 'Hunting the advice Despite hunts Handbook 2005' one of our local going out on the be it will that claims of the intention to a hunt with day prior ahnaF

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the next day. The hunt chase and kill to continue desperate are supporters and so hunL sports blood sickenimg their part to have an t-mportant sabs stillDlav.

Prror to The Hunting Act 2004 there was no such thing as hunting with hounds and a hawk. The method was introduced as a way around the act to enable hunts to contlnue to use a whole pac k of hounds Lo raise and chase a f ox. The only difference from normal, now illegal hunting is that the bird of prey is supposed to kill the fox or hare not the hounds.

'lhe hutlting 'l-heHuptilg Act 2004 fiaternityhar,cchailenged the legalit1,'of -I'he in two \l'a,v*s. par-liament Throughchallengirrg theuseof Act (1949)to banhuntingin the lirst place,andby clairningthattheIluntrngBan contravenes The European conventionof HurnanRights. , iltrntingwasbameclas fhe Pat'liarnent Act u,asusedto b1,passt6e Houscgl Lords,who did not back the biil. and the act rvasagreetllvitir Royal assent. Both caseshavebeenlost, thoughthe huntersare expectedto appealthe I lumanRightscase.Thereis no furlherline to pursue.,r,ith the challengetcr theuseof the ParliarnentAct. Fuftherexplanationis given by Tlie Leaguein their pressreleases as foliows: Thursday 13th October2005

,Hunting The Countr yside alliance Handbook 2005, suggests the use of hawks ,Given but warns that the skills and experj_ence requirecl for falconry thls shoul-d irot be considered lightly., fnstead of the suffering of animals, hunting by this manner rncreases tire numbers of animals involved in hunting, including domesticated animafs thaL a.f so suf f er, all in the name of a blood sport The CA also suggests tirat hu n t s considering this method cont a c t t h e Ha wk Board. .HOWever the Haw]< Board happy to be associated sport.

If you suspectill;l hu r r ti r rigs h apperriirg irr your aleapleasecolttact hunt watchat

yY+f:!rxv41qir.rrl., r llts iltlo carrsar e lives

are no longer with this blood ttti ti TTa-i fJJ "Theh u n +e r su r e d t o c a a ; M lha+ we were paid 6v the f(rerrrlintf1 a day plus a( ( v oo r r a p {y 7 i c I s 5 .T h e n ] h e Berlin u, t a( (ca M g d o w n a n d i +.w a , , u b b o r e d, o be Lin d a M c C a r i n e Vw h o b o u g h l t h e s andw i c h e sT ! A e Vd e f r n i l e ( yc o u ( d n . i 6e( iev e t h a + a n y g 6 Q yw o c r {{ 9q sabbing for free'. (Dave lg"|1on, a, guored ;n Anitnal CenrorV' bV Marft 60ld, .lg9S)

Law Lords rule ParliamentAct valid - Hunting ban remains The LeagueAgainstCruel Sporistodaywelcomedthe rejectionby the Houseof Lords of the trunters'challenge to the Parliament Act.This is the thirdtimethai the courtshaveconfirmed the Parliament Act (1949)and with it the HuntingAct 2004.The LeagueAgainstCruelSports has been representedthroughoutthe hearingsand defendedtne chiileng; on behalf of its supportersand members.

t* --,l I'' /' \



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Johncooper,leadingLondonbarristerand chairmanof the LeagueAgainstcruel sports said: 1\l

"Thisis a triumphfor democracy, for all thosewho abhorcrueltyand mostof all for English and welsh wildlife.The Leagueis delightedthatthe Houseof Lordshas reachedthis decisionand thatthe crueltyand barbarityof huntingremainbanned.we hopethatthe hunterswill now realisethai their attemptsto frustraL the will of the majorityof the peopre have been definitivelyquashed.

\ LS) I r,, tn

"Therecan be no clearermessagethanthe highestcourtsand the highestjudges in the land confirming the Parliament Act (1949).Huntingwild mammalswithpa-ks of'dojs is a crime. Thosewho havebeencountingon the huntingban beingoverturned mustnow realisethat theyhavelostihe argumentin parliament, they havelosi the argunrent in courtand longago they lost the argumeniin the country.our messageto the huntersis this - if you breakthe law,you will be prosecuted." For furtherinformationcontactwanda wyporska, press officer, LeagueAgainstcruel sports on 020 74036'155 Notesto editors: r

lmmediately the HuntingAct was givenRoyalAssentin November2004.John Jackson,Chairman of the Countryside Allianceand othersfiledchallenges on the allegations thatthe Parliament Act was invalid.The Government vigoro-usry parliament opposedthe challengeto the Act, but declinedto oppos-e an injunction challenging the commencement clauseof the HuntingAct.The LeagreAgainst cruel Sportsoriginarryintervenedin the case to secuie the Februarv1B commencement date.


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power ,

are I have sabbed when there judges magistrates, and police officers huntsmen hunting. They never restrained from attacking sabs, and even have been known f or being violentthemselves. One of the hunLs we have frequently has a sabbed, member of the field who claims be to 'The . superlntendent of South Yorkshire Police' Ignori ng the fact that there is more than one suneni ntendcnt . shc dnes not know the law, as she believes Lhat murder could be constituted as reasonable force to evict a 1-raon:dc6r LTcDPqDDCT

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of t.he sabs vehicles t-he hunt they claimed

accessing rhrrur rnr|_ L rirnrcYr.

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t-o stop us to be drag

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ynnl v r ri no uu

b u t l the r e , b u t without training a s t o wh a t i s a nd w ha t. isn't a hunt/ prosec u t io n s a re u n l i ke ly . Prior to the huntingban huntswere easierto find thanthey arenow as theypublished whcremeetswere in the nrediaandproduced huritcardslisting a seasotls nteetingpoints. As huntsareoftenbreaking1helaw they lro longerdo so making finding huntstiifficult. If you canget hold of meetcardspleasesencl themto the HSA or contactlocal sabs.This is helpfulinfo. leallV

Pr,.o. to Tlto- K,r^hr.q Ac'+ Zffi+.

l*"ft", f$€qlo,,tHi ,**-'y isn'( 3' ,''f ;t'"#;lp;d"a. ,bVk"


ttol a^o" c,o>,,6nw4odost

Jim Chick [I kid you not]- Chairman of the Hawk Board in BBC news 17/9/2OO5. This [hunters flushing their quarry to birds of preyl is bringing the sport [falconry] into disrepute. Many hunts are using people to handle the birds who have just been on a short [falconry] colrrse. You are not competent to handle a la-rgebird of prey after a short course.' 'Secondly, a fox is not a recognised quarry for a bird of prey. It is a large animal and cannot be easily subdued so there is a big ethical issues over whether it should be used.' 'An eagle is possessive and once it has caught a fox it will not let go. If the hounds are then brought in they could attack the eagle and a hound could be blinded or killed.' He added that it was dangerous to have an eagle with a mounted hunt, as it could lead to a horse throwing its rider.' 'A small number of hunts ar-ebehaving irresponsibly.' He said. 'We felt very let down, we supported them and waked the marches and raised funds for them and now this is a slap in the'face.' http :/ / I / hi / ak.p olitics / 42556 I 4. stm

So don' t an ethical not itself and managed enclosed

Fal-conry is are Animals elrnorm a l r r lqr

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would need to be in the air the bird t.he time they are above t.he hounds all would not be wnrkino R'i ders rrn noinf as the hawk would be capable necessary r!f



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I have seen using The hunts accurately. frequently the bird a hunt do not fly on q--^ rru to have redcoats u\ c^-^,.^1r r u u 9 l r, ^cntinue and is a farce this point, showing that be able and should could the police that F^ LU

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Sadly where


ouL the and no

The police do have the resources to upholcl this l-aw if they choose Lo do so. They do have the manpower, they can pull fogether and infiltrate animal rights organrsations and deal wjth huge numbers of people at protests. Before Feb l8th 2005 they managed to arrest hunL sabs.





I'd l-ove to think that there are police there who are 'just doing my job, and arrestlng and prosecuting hunters with same enthusiasm as they used to arresL prosecute hunt sabs. Sadly I have seen evidence that thls is happening.

It ls given envlronment. a natural to see previous however/ interesting as theY on one another turn al-lies tsa

lice make sure that break the 1aw?

sport. in

and h a n d l e rs fo r th e i r e n te rt ainm ent 'l rz n n r-' i _rrrn a l are o wn e r s - F ' r eor r e n f b i rds ' i ke n l - qv awak e n 1 _h e d a rrl i o h f v qr lu a n d none are J\UI/U

d.L - FLCtL t s ^ IPL '-^F

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1."' - finn fr ulr Lr r r y.

Lwo cases has been at least a the hounds have been chasing Ol --l

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has then gone in to trY and kitl bird and the hounds have ki]led the quarry of prey and the fox! both the bird

At present hunts are pretending to follow a jsn,t scent, but to experienced sabs it hard to see when this is a front_ to illegal ki}ling. When following a drag the riders or quad with the scent dragging behind, the hounds, followed by the body of the hunt then pass by the same direction a while fater. The hounds are in cry as they follow the scen.t. When a hunt- is hunting with intent to kill (or people are red coats, who used to wear red coats, but now also wear dark colours so not to stick out. ) stand on the corners of woods or other coverts and look out for foxes fleeing a covert. This tell tale sign is not nof

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