Reptiles are very sensitive to fragmentation .Million of kills damage large amounts of certain fragmented populations in the Netherlands,Belgium and Germany .Roads and traffic wear than also largely to the decline of countless reptile species. By their relatively low mobility and dispersion ability are reptiles sensitive to the barrier effect and the shredding effect of roads. In addition, the slow and almost always terrestrial way of propel and the adverse response behavior on approaching traffic for road traffic victims .
in many give the affected cases measures little confidence for sustainable defragmentation (Salehi, For connecting two 2011). important reptile habitats on the Elspeetsche Heide (Gelderland), is for a high level of ambition chosen and not for the standard fauna passage. Because reptiles and amphibians such as only target species were designated, is especially take into account the micro-climate and the conductive structures in and to the fauna passage.