DATE: 23 September SCHOOL: Colegio Gral. Manuel Belgrano. COURSE: 5to 3ra HUM TIME: 80 minutes (9:10 - 10:30) TYPE OF LESSON: Revision TOPIC: “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE AN EXPERT”
CONCEPTUAL: REVISION: Vocabulary: Jobs and professions (diver, biologist, doctor, scientist, photographer). Scuba dive, air tank, mask, wet suit, flippers, weight belt, dive booties, turtle, swimmer, underwater, snorkel, submarine. Grammatical Structure: She/he has to/doesn’t have to… I/you/we/they (don’t) have to… I/ you/we/they/he/she had to… We work/are working… Function: Expressing actions that are being carried out (at the moment).
PROCEDURAL: Revising diver’s equipment. Revising the use of have to/ don´t have to. Completing the sentence with “have to”, “has to”, “don’t have to”, or “doesn’t have to”, plus the element of the equipment the team has. Remembering what the text is about. Telling the differences between Simple Present and the Present Continuous forms and uses. Bingo game. Miming and guessing actions in the present continuous. Counting the points and delivering the prizes.
ATTITUDINAL: Cooperative work and participation during the lesson.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDENTS: It’s a group of 22 students: 14 girls and 8 boys. Their relationship is excellent. They can efficiently work in groups or pairs. They relate to each other respectfully and friendly. Their relationship with their teacher is as well based on respect and trust. They are eager to participate and to use English as much as possible during the lessons. The group has already worked with a trainee teacher, so they are familiar with the situation.
ASSUMPTIONS: Students are supposed to know the verb to be, simple present, present continuous, future “Going to”, past simple (was/were), regular and irregular verbs. Jobs and professions (Lawyer, warrior, sheriff, leader, drifter, hunter, pizza delivery, supply runner, sergeant, constructor, construction crew, housewife/homemaker, counselor, cook, farmer, vet, doctor, nurse, architect, mechanic, artist, scientist, shop assistant, photographer). Articles “a/an”. Scuba dive, air tank, mask, wet suit, flippers, weight belt, tortoise, turtle, swimmer, underwater, snorkel, submarine. INTERACTION PATTERNS: Whole class; group work, individual work.
AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to… MAIN AIM: … express actions that are being carried out (at the moment). SUBSIDIARY AIM: … tell the difference between the Simple present and RESOURCES: the Present Continuous tenses and their uses. Photocopies, blackboard, posters, flashcards, prizes, Bingo cards. PERSONAL AIM: I will try to encourage students to participate. CONTENT & LEARNER’S ACTIONS AND STEP TIME TEACHER’S WORDS AND ACTIONS SKILL INTERACTIONS Speaking: Revising T sticks a poster of a diver (and his equipment) on the board. Ss look at the poster on the board 5 Warming up diver’s equipment. (Attachment #1). Then, she asks them if they remember what and remember and say the names min. his profession is; and if they remember the equipment the of the elements of a diver’s
3 min.
10 min.
5 min.
5 min.
Reading and speaking: Revising the use of have to/ don´t have to.
Reading and writing: Completing the sentence with “have to”, “has to”, “don’t have to”, or “doesn’t have to”, plus the element of the equipment they have.
Reading and speaking: remembering what the text is about. Reading and speaking: Telling the differences between Simple Present and the Present Continuous forms and uses.
diver needs. T points to each of the elements and starts saying “a diver has to wear/use a…”, and waits for Ss to complete the sentence by saying the name of such element (e.g. “a mask”). T sticks a poster on the board (Attachment #2). Next to the poster, she sticks four flashcards with verb phrases “HAVE TO”, “HAS TO”, “DON’T HAVE TO”, and “DOESN’T HAVE TO”. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and the incomplete sentences on the poster and help her to complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate verb phrases. T delivers some flashcards with a part of the equipment to each group (air tank, mask, wet suit, flippers, weight belt, dive booties, snorkel) (Attachment #3). At the same time each group receives an incomplete sentence next to the picture of either a fish/ two fish or a diver/ many divers. Each team gets a different part of the diver’s equipment and a sentence to complete with the phrases “HAVE TO”, “HAS TO”, “DON’T HAVE TO”, or “DOESN’T HAVE TO” + the element of the equipment they have. And below the sentence it says whether it is necessary or not as a guide for Ss to know whether to complete the sentence in the affirmative or negative. Once they finish, T asks one of the members of the team to go to the blackboard and stick their complete flashcard next to the arrow that starts on the element they have (e.g. if they have flippers, their flashcard has to be next to the arrow that starts on the flippers. (Attachment #1)). And they have to read it. T asks Ss to open their books on page 23 (Attachment #4), in order to remember the text they have read the previous lesson. She asks some questions about it, to see if they do remember, and if they do not, T tells them some of the facts mentioned there. Then T asks them about the underlined sentences in the text. She writes two of them on the board “we usually work with biologists…” and “Now, we ARE working with a group of scientists”. T asks Ss to tell her the differences they notice between one sentence and the other. If they don’t remember or do not mention anything about present continuous, teacher asks them when we use e.g.
Ss help T to complete the sentences with the right verb phrase.
Each team gets a flashcard, and they complete the sentence that is along with it. Once they finish, they go to the board and stick it next to the right arrow. 2
Ss remember what the text on page 23 was about.
Ss revise the difference of Simple Present and Present Continuous tenses, in form and use,
2 min.
Listening, reading and writing: Bingo game.
10 min.
Speaking: Miming and guessing.
15 min
“ARE” + verb + -ing; if to talk about our routines or about something we are doing at this moment. Once it is clear that it is used to express something that is being done at the moment, teacher asks them to make a sentence as an example with the words “NOW”, “WE”, “STUDY English” and another with the words “WE”, “STUDY English” “ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAYS”. T asks them to copy their examples on their folder. T shows Ss some pictures of people doing different things (in order to revise meaning). T asks Ss what they see, e.g., “She is swimming”, “They are playing football”, “He is studying”, etc. (Attachment #5). T gives Ss a bingo chart with (8) different pictures (of course not all of them have all the pictures). (Attachment #6). T takes a random flashcard out of a bag. She tells the sentence that represents the picture, and sticks the flashcard on the board. T repeats the same until someone says “Bingo!” (Or up to 15 sentences. If no one says Bingo that/those who have circled more pictures win 5 points to their teams). If someone says “Bingo!” his team, wins 5 points. T tells Ss that the last game they are going to play is very important because it can earn them 10 points, so every team has now the chance to win the prize, even the last one on the score table. Then T explains the rules of the game: One of the Ss of the team has to go to the front, take a flashcard (same flashcards from the poster. See Attachment #5)) out of a bag and mime what the person on it is doing. The rest of the team has to guess what that is and say a complete sentence. If the partner at the front is a boy they have to say “he is dancing”, for example. If it is a girl, they have to say “she is dancing”. There will be two rounds. Each team has only 1 minute to mime and guess as many flashcards as they can. And after every team has done it, the first team starts over. T will write how many right guesses each team has. Then they count all of them to see which one get the 10 points. If there is a tie for the first place, those teams with the higher score have the opportunity to go to the front one more time, only this time they will mime only one flashcard each. The first to guess (in the same number of opportunities), wins.
Ss help T to make a sentence in the Present Continuous and one in the Simple Present. Then, they write those sentences down on their folders. Ss get a “Bingo Card”. They listen to the sentences (and then, if necessary look at the pictures on the board) and circle those pictures on their cards (if they happen to have them). If one S has all his pictures circled, he says Bingo and wins 5 points for his team.
One S of the team goes to the front, takes a flashcard out of a bag and mimes the action on it so that the rest of his team guesses it.
Counting the points and delivering the prizes. Farewell
10 min.
T asks Ss to help her to count the points each team has on Ss get their prizes and souvenirs. the score table, and delivers the prizes as promised during the Then they say goodbye to T. second lesson. (PRIZES: 1st place: Chocotorta. 2nd place: 1 alfajor for each of the members of the team. And 3rd place: 1 Bon o Bon for each of the members of the team). Then teacher thanks Ss for their best predisposition during the time she spent with them, delivers some souvenirs to them, and finally she says goodbye.
ATTACHMENTS: (Attachment #1):
(Attachment #2)
(Attachment #3