1 lesson plan clase 3 24 08 15

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INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE CURUZÚ CUATIÁ PROFEORADO DE INGLÉS LESSON PLANS # 3 y 4 TRAINEE: ALMEIRA, Marcela. DATE: 24th August SCHOOL: Colegio Gral. Manuel Belgrano. COURSE: 5to 3ra HUM TIME: 80 minutes. (10.40 -12 h.) TYPE OF LESSON: Revision. TOPIC: Yesterday is history (Simple Past) CONTEXT:



CONCEPTUAL: REVISION: Vocabulary: Jobs and professions. Regular and irregular verbs (Live, is, begin, go, think, do, meet, help, sleep, hunt, find, bring, become) Grammatical Structure: e.g.: She/he is was/wasn’t You/we/they were/weren’t She lived/went, etc. She/he didn’t live/go… Did she/he live/go…?

PROCEDURAL:  Checking HW.  Talking about the test.  Making sentences.  Reading and writing about famous people.  Writing sentences.  Completing the verbs table.  Completing the sentences.  Transforming sentences into questions and negatives.

Function: Expressing events in the past. ATTITUDINAL: Cooperative work and participation during the lesson.

ASSUMPTIONS: Students are supposed to know the verb to be, personality adjectives It’s a group of 22 students: 14 girls and 8 boys. Their relationship is (“Look like vs. be like”), physical description, likes and dislikes (love, excellent. They can efficiently work in groups or pairs. They relate to hate, not mind), simple present, present continuous, future “Going to”, past simple (was/were), regular and irregular verbs. each other respectfully and friendly. Their relationship with their teacher is as well based on respect and trust. Jobs and professions (Lawyer, warrior, sheriff, leader, drifter, hunter, They are eager to participate and to use English as much as possible pizza delivery, supply runner, sergeant, constructor, construction crew, during the lessons. The group has already worked with a trainee teacher, housewife/homemaker, counselor, cook, farmer, vet, doctor, nurse, so they are familiar with the situation. architect, mechanic, artist, scientist, shop assistant,). Articles “a/an”. On the other hand, they are very talkative, so it takes some minutes for Regular and irregular verbs (Be, live, is, begin, go, think, do, meet, help, them to focus on a task. sleep, hunt, find, bring, become). Simple past affirmative, negative, interrogative. AIMS: INTERACTION PATTERNS: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to… MAIN AIM: … express events in the past. SUBSIDIARY AIM: recognize the difference between regular and RESOURCES: irregular verbs. PERSONAL AIM: I will try to engage students and make them participate. LEARNER’S ACTIONS AND STEP TIME CONTENT & SKILL TEACHER’S WORDS AND ACTIONS INTERACTIONS T asks Ss whether they have done their homework. The teams Ss show T their HW, and then they Starting the 10 Speaking: Checking whose every member have done it will get 2 points. The teams check it orally. lesson. min. HW. where only some of the members did it will get 1 point.

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