In the history of the art we see the main artistic themes are everything which is connected to human beings-speaking about their activities and desires, about nature and artist's imagination. Jitka Kopejtkova is artist who in the process of living and connecting to reality is looking for something seemingly irrelevant‌ simply what is seen every day and is taken as ordinary, but we don't see this unbelievably creative process of coincidence, which changes it to the art. Unless we have enough freedom, will and imagination to find it there. Kopejtkova places her images on canvas as a fragmented street theatre where random human being is both director and actor. The first one with intention to advertise puts leaflets and banners to walls‌which are teared off, glued and paint over by the other one without a knowledge to create continuous and mainly anonymous artistic process, which thanks to Kopejtkova is moved to brand new media-hanging image. The whole such process of artistic banality humanization is not coincidence, but conceptual seeking which is close to little performance, or street art even ready made. Postmodernism with its unclear and hard-to-define fundamentals gives the opportunities to such new artistic activities, which were already ontogenetically present in the art, but are transform by present artist to today's reality with new and creative look. Creativeness of Jitka Kopejtkova is mainly "reinstallation" of real street fragments, real places and events to museum and gallery. Fragment which is a final part of Kopejtkova artistic creativity and imagination. Opening speech for Jitka Kopejtkova‘s Posters Exhibition in Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art in Medzilaborce, Slovakia Dr. Michal Bycko PhD. museum curator
V dejinách umenia sledujme skutečnosti, že témou zobrazovania jednotlivých umelcov bolo všetko, čo súviselo s človekom, jeho aktivitami, túžbami, ale aj všetko čo súvisí s prírodou a fantáziou umelca. Jitko Kopejtková je výtvarníčkou, která v tom procese svojho bytia a jeho vzťahu k realite hl'adá niečo, čo je zdanlivo nepodstatne..., prosto to, čo dennodenne vidíme, akceptujeme jako samozrejmosť, ale nevidíme v ňom úžasný kreativny proces náhody, ktorá to všetko mení na umenie. Pochopitel'ne, ak máme v sebe tol'ko ochoty, svobody a predstavivosti, že to umenie tam nájdeme. Kopejtkovej na baner prenesené fotografie sú fragmantom istého pouličného divadla, ktorého režisérom je náhodný člověk. Ten prvý, ktorý v úsilí reklamy, propagácie a pod... lepí na steny a iné plochy informačné médiá – plagáty, ktoré následne… ten druhý ich strháva, poškodzuje, plepuje a ani si neuvedomuje, že vytvára istý následný kreativny proces, ktorý zanechá jeho stopu a-nonymne, která se vďaka autorke dostáva na nové médium, na závesný obraz. Celý ten proces tohoto umeleckého pol'udštenia banality nie je náhoda, ale koncepčne hl'adanie, ktoré hraničí s malým predstavením, ale i Street artom a možno aj s ready made. Doba postmoderny svojou nejasnosťou a ťažko definovatel'nosťou dáva aj priestor vzniku takých umeleckých aktivit, ktoré v ontogenéze umenia až boli, ale tým, že súčasný autor ich „posúva“ do reality súčastnosti nadobúdajú novu vizuálnu i kreativnu podobu. Tvorba Jitky Kopejtkovej je v podstate „reinštalácia“ fragmentu reálnej ulice, reálneho miesta i deje do priestirov múzea a galerie. Fragment, ktorý je súčasťou procesu vo finálnej podobe autorkinej umeleckej kreativity a prestavy. Úvodní řeč k výstavě plakátů Jitky Kopejtkové v Múzeu moderného umenia Andyho Warhola v Medzilaborciach Dr. Michal Bycko PhD. Kurátor Muzea
APPLIED ARTS Cooperation with decoration and design company Czech Deco Team, Scetch Design and Interior by Dana Marsalova Print on applied arts like cushions, deckchairs covers etc.
UŽITÝ DESING Spolupráce s návrhářskou a designérskou firmou Czech Deco Team, Scetch Design a Interior by Dana Maršálová Potisk na užitý design jako jsou polštáře, potahy na lehátka aj.
COOPERATIONS Cardmag magazine (graphics and texts) International Conference Cardforum in Czechia and Slovakia Credit Cards design
SPOLUPRÁCE tvorba magazínu Cardmag (graficky i textově) pořádání mezinárodních konferencí Cardforum v ČR a SR příprava designu platebních karet
Doprovodný program k výstavě Jitky Kopejtkové exhibition Poster story II Galerie Jamborův dům, Tišnov 2013 Supporting program for Jitka Kopejtkova‘s exhibition Poster story in Jambor‘s House Gallery, Tisnov 2013
Doprovodný program k společné výstavě Dotek ulice, Trafačka, Praha 2012 Supporting program for collective exhibition The Street Touch, Trafacka, Prague 2012
Komentovaná prohlídka pro veřejnost k výstavě Jitky Kopejtkové Poster story II Galerie Jamborův dům, Tišnov 2013 Commented Tour for public to Jitka Kopejtkova‘ s exhibition Poster Story II in Jambor‘s House Gallery, Tisnov 2013
Rozhovor s Jitkou Kopejtkovou v magazínu Víkend. Hospodářské noviny, č. 37, 14. 9. 2012.
„I found those colors sitting in my head all the time“,
No politicians
remembers Jitka Kopejtkova the moment to get intrigued
She finds both abstract and real themes on posters. Women,
for the very first time by teared-off layers on hoardings. „I came
men, lips, hands, fairy-tale stories. She avoids politicians.
back second days but they were gone. Surely, posters are glu-
The only theme she rejects even though it would be slick and sa-
ed over. Since then I am trapped in the magic of moment
leable, but it‘s not her cup-of-tea. „I want to show that even the dir-
and I realize to have only one chance to catch it.“ Currators pige-
tiest street has got magic, mystery, mood. I am choosing details
onholed her work as so called new street art. „At the first moment
with my macro lens and make them bigger in my studio to move
it is such banality - to shoot strained posters“, says Jan Kalab
and paint them on wide canvases and boards.“ she discloses her
founder of Trafacka gallery which is specialized on street art. „But
artistic process. She hunts posters not only in Prague but in vil-
after a while you see sur-prising and snappy connections, which
lages and many European cities. She feels during her journeys
seems to be arranged. And viewer looks back in memories and
how the freedom on streets wanes. Many times policemen „swo-
finds how life is ac-curate in its randomness when man knows
op“ her when she grabs brush. „Fortunately they let me explain
how to see it.“ Jitka Kopejtkova knows how to see. The proofs are
my intentions and leave me when see camera.“ she smiles. More
exhibitions both in Czech Republic and abroad.
and more obstacles and surveillance is present in public places, but street art suspicions don‘t disappear. Prague is definitely not
Street Gifts
nursing its street art. The Zizkov‘s street art is tourist attraction
She shoots pictures for 20 years already. When boarders
because is a part of professional art publications. But they don‘t
after 1989, her mother-in-law experienced
find it, it disappears, municipality get rid of it. On other hand some
with Paris convinced her to go there: „You have to see such city!“
famous graffiti in London are protected by glass. „Graffiti is Coats
And it was destiny. „I walked the streets and heavily shot
of Arts made by educated people in art, who simply got peculi-
everything. Once I found thrown-away bottle on the Seine em-
ar need to self-expression. And it‘s necessary to distinguish ar-
barkment. I shot it from different angles and with different lights.“
tist from blockhead, who sprays on fresh-painted wall.“ photogra-
She started to seek another ones. She catched poetry not only
pher rails and presents places which are the kindest to her art.
bottles but shoes or sofas. So the amateur without any art de-
„Bratislava, Ostrava - those are the most free and culture cities.“
gree stepped on journey to capture „street touches“. Friend convinced her six years ago to present old bottles images as ex-
Graffiti for children
hibit in her caffe near Loreta church in Prague. And then one
1000 visitors attended her exhibit „Non-reversible Bottles“
gallery in Mlada Vozice castle looked for substitute exhibit. Owner
on Mlada Vozice castle in 2009. Other exhibits came. Poster Pe-
persued her to „jump-in“ with her images. „It was strange
ople in Palac Akropolis, Street Touches in Trafacka, Poster Story
for me some other people beside me will look on my pictures
in Split, Croatia, Street Art in Andy Warhol Museum in Medzila-
or even will want to buy them when ask me after opening. They
borce, Slovakia. Her photographers and canvases ornament mo-
want to hang it in their offices, living rooms, bedrooms - I was
dern lawyers offices and medical doctors houses. Michael Byc-
shocked that my private joy is moving on.“ In the meantime she
ko, curator of Andy Warhol Museum, who recently placed her
shoot her first strained posters. In Prague, in Milady Horako-
canvases beside legends like Warhol and Basquiat, says: „She
ve and Korunovacni streets. „There was long poster wall near
takes me with her atypical street art. How she grabs finished me-
Russian embassy but they unfortunately get rid of it,“ she says.
dia and transform it to other one - here her work corresponds
„I understand, it was not pretty - wall with strained posters looks like
with Warhol, because even he was inspired in one era with pos-
vandalism, but they are the most beautiful for me. These colors,
ters and newspapers.“Jitka Kopejtkova expands even to design -
combinations, compositions!“ She found next treasury in Zizkov,
she is in contact with banks to placed her strained posters to cre-
U Bulhara, in Argentinska street, by river Vltava and in Vysocany.
dit cards. She makes history, mission and impact street art work-
Although illegal posters space shrinks and Prague get rid of them
shops for children in Stredokluky and Trafacka. „I want to bring
immediately, there is still bottomless well of her inspiration un-
them what graffiti is and what is its meaning and significance. So
der viaducts and in settlements.“The biggest harvest comes af-
not to take spray one day and vandalize walls.“
ter huge concerts or matches or any other big events. Returning people are full of different moods to teared-off posters. They want
to take them home or just express their emotions,“ she explains.
Jitka Kopejtkova, *1973
Sun, wind and rain just finish destructive process. However, Jit-
She was born in Prague. She began intense shooting in 1994.
ka Kopejtkova never destroys posters, just „to repair“ them a bit
She paints, makes collages and free art in home and utility de-
on-site with her paintings. „Sometimes I wake up early and stron-
sign. She‘s got first exhibit in 2006. She‘s got first exhibit in 2006.
gly feel it.
She is married with two children.
Prague is empty in the morning, mainly on Saturdays and Sundays my time comes, I can paint and streets are carless. I put camera and acrylic inks, brushes, water to my bagpack and get out to the streets.“
The interview for the Vikend magazine. Hospodarské noviny, no. 37, 14. 9. 2012.
JITKA KOPEJTKOVÁ Běloky 11, 27353, atelier in Prague Tel: +420 603 505 788 e-mail: jitkakopejtkova@seznam.cz www.kopejtkova.cz born in 1973 INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS 2013 hotel Fushion, Prague 2013 Image in letters, letters in image, Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art in Medzilaborce, Slovakia 2013 Jambor‘s House Gallery, Tisnov 2013 2012 New street art, Mobile Payments Conference 2012, Centre of Modern Art DOX, Prague 2012 New street art, Středokluky Gallery, Středokluky 2012 Arts in Streets, Paris, France 2012 Muzej Grada Split, Croatia, (under Czech Embassy patronage) 2012 Big format photography, Vožice Castle 2012 Arts in Streets, Brussels, Belgium 2012 Big format photography of London - Cardforum, Seč 2012 Cherchez la femme, hotel Icon, Prague 2011 Poster story, Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art in Medzilaborce, Slovakia 2011 Poster story, Galerie Badrov, Zagreb, Chorvatsko, (under Czech Embassy patronage) 2010 People from posters, Palác Akropolis, Prague 2009 Non-returnable Bottles, Vožice Castle 2006 Non-returnable Bottles, Café Loreta, Prague COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 2013 Galerie La Femme, Prague 2012 Indyart, Kojiart, Divadlo bez zábradlí, Prague 2012 Fragile Plasters, Kojiart and Indyart – žižkovské graffiti, Palác Akropolis, Prague 2012 The Street Touch – Kojiart and Indyart, Trafačka, Prague EXPOS 2013 For Forniture, Letňany, Prague 2013 For Interior, Letňany, Prague 2014 Polygraphy – Non-traditional Printing, Brno MEDIASERVIS „Poster Woman“ Víkend magazine http://issuu.com/marceljanik/docs/vik37_22-25 „Jitka Kopejtková - photographer, designer“ www.ibestof.cz http://www.ibestof.cz/remeslo-/jitka-kopejtkova---fotografka-designerka.html „Trafačka looks for art of street“ Czech TV http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/kultura/170240-trafacka-si-vsima-umeni-ulice/
JITKA KOPEJTKOVÁ Běloky 11, 27353, ateliér v Praze Tel: +420 603 505 788 e-mail: jitkakopejtkova@seznam.cz www.kopejtkova.cz narozena 1973 SAMOSTATNÉ VÝSTAVY hotel Fushion, Praha Obraz v písmě, písmo v obraze, Muzeum moderního umění Andyho Warhola, Slovensko Jamborova galerie, Tišnov New street art, konference Mobilní platby 2012, Centrum současného umění DOX, Praha New street art, Galerie Středokluky, Středokluky Umění v ulicích, Paříž, Francie Muzej Grada Split, Chorvatsko, (pod záštitou Velvyslanectví ČR) Velkoformátové fotografie, Zámek Vožice Umění v ulicích, Brusel, Belgie Velkoformátové fotografie Londýna - Cardforum, Seč Cherchez la femme, hotel Icon, Praha Poster story, Muzeum moderního umění Andyho Warhola, Slovensko Poster story, Galerie Badrov, Zagreb, Chorvatsko, (pod záštitou Velvyslanectví ČR) People from posters, Palác Akropolis, Praha Nevratné láhve, Zámek Vožice Nevratné láhve, Café Loreta, Praha
2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2010 2009 2008
SPOLEČNÉ VÝSTAVY Galerie La Femme, Praha Indyart, Kojiart, Divadlo bez zábradlí, Praha Křehké omítky, Kojiart a Indyart – žižkovské graffiti, Palác Akropolis, Praha Dotek ulice – Kojiart a Indyart, Trafačka, Praha
2013 2012 2012 2012
VELETRHY For Forniture, Letňany, Praha 2013 For Interior, Letňany, Praha 2013 Polygrafie – Netradiční potisky, Brno 2014 MEDIASERVIS „Žena z plakátu“ magazín Víkend http://issuu.com/marceljanik/docs/vik37_22-25 „Jitka Kopejtková - fotografka, designérka“ www.ibestof.cz http://www.ibestof.cz/remeslo-/jitka-kopejtkova---fotografka-designerka.html „Trafačka si všímá umění ulice“ česká televize http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/kultura/170240-trafacka-si-vsima-umeni-ulice/
JITKA KOPEJTKOVÁ koncepce portfolia Bc. Alena Bartková autoři textu Dr. Michal Bycko PhD. překlad Mgr. Marek Kraus grafická úprava Bc. Klára Halamková obrazový materiál Jitka Kopejtková Praha 2013