Issue 1 September 2019
WEEKLY BULLETIN Dear Parents and Carers,
Finding out about our school
It has been a really enjoyable week in school, as children have got back into their routines and into their new topics. We are very proud of how all of the children have settled into new classes, especially our new reception children and new starters in other year groups. It is amazing to see how confident they have all been. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers that our uniform policy needs to be adhered by all pupils. As a reminder, pupils must wear: School sweatshirt or cardigan Plain grey straight leg school trouser or plain grey skirt Plain grey shorts are optional during the summer months Plain red or white polo shirt with collar Red, grey or black tights are permitted Socks must be grey or black Red school dress is optional during summer months Black leather or leather look, flat school shoes (no trainers)
Year 1 and 2 have spent their English and Topic lesson researching and discussing how our local area and school has changed over the years. We invited Mrs Short (school cleaner) in to school so she could share her knowledge. The pupils wrote questions which they then asked her about the local area. They all loved learning about how things have changed over the 20 years that Mrs Short has worked at the school. Pupils were fascinated to hear how there used to be curtains instead of doors between the classrooms and all about the newly built corridor connecting KS1 and KS2. A huge thank you to Mrs Short for helping us understand more about where we learn and the place we live.
Pupils must not wear jewellery except one small stud in each ear. Hair must be of natural colour and no extreme haircuts including lines are permitted. Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Charlie Summers - Headteacher
School Council Elections Shrewsbury Academy Open Evening Prospective parents and pupils are invited to attend the Shrewsbury Academy Open Evening on Wednesday 2nd October from 6pm – 8pm.
As usual, each year group from Year 2 to Year 6 will hold their school council elections Friday 20th September. Further updates to follow on who has been selected.
Facebook For the latest news and student achievements, please give us a follow on Facebook @grangeprimaryschoolshrewsbury For Trust news also follow The Marches Academy Trust Facebook page @MarchesAcademyTrust.
The Grange Primary School Bainbridge Green, Shrewsbury SY1 3QR T: 01743 462984 | E: | W:
Marches Academy Trust Following the communication in July, we officially joined the Marches Academy Trust following approval from the Regional Schools Commissioner. The Trust will provide us with invaluable advice, staff support, financial support, the sharing of expertise from the other schools and the opportunity for the pupils to work together. Other schools in the Trust include The Marches School, The Grove School, Sir John Talbot’s School, Lower Heath CE Primary School, Tilstock CE Primary School, Shrewsbury Academy and Longlands Community Primary School.
Exciting topic launch As part of our Autumn term topic “Predators”. Sycamore and Willow class had a topic launch day about Birds of Prey. Mike Wakeman visited from the Welsh Bird of Prey centre. Students looked at predatory birds, listened to a talk about each bird he had brought along and some had a go at having the birds perch on their arms.
Reminder: Local Festival The Boots and Roots annual Family Festival takes place at Hawkstone Park Follies on Sunday 15th September 2019 from 10am – 5pm.
Please send pictures into school if you attend and we will share them on our Facebook page.
Award Winners Congratulations to this week’s award winners, who are: Holly Class – Keaton Wilde Chestnut Class – Bentley Cartwright Sycamore Class – Kianna Harley Willow Class – Paulina Wojciechowska Yew Class – Ava Owen Beech Class – Eddie Mortimer Maple Class – Ruby Francis Attendance award winners: KS1 – Rowen Class – 97.98% KS2 – Sycamore Class – 98.02%
Diary Dates A reminder that our term dates can be found on our website: nce-matters School Council Elections
Bike to School Week We hope that as many of our students take part in the great event from 23rd – 27th September. There is even a competition to win a bike. We would like to remind all students to wear a helmet when riding their bike.
Bike to School Week Film Night (School Council) Hello Yellow Fundraiser Sports Event - Tag Rugby Ground Force Day (KS1 am / KS2 - pm) House Sports Competition - KS2 Tag Rugby Project Exhibition Disco School finishes for half term School returns from half term
Friday 20th September Monday 23rd - Friday 27th September Thursday 10th October TBC Thursday 17th October Monday 21st October Monday 21st October Tuesday 22nd October Wednesday 23rd October Wednesday 23rd October Monday 4th November
Menu Please find our current menu here
The Grange Primary School Bainbridge Green, Shrewsbury SY1 3QR T: 01743 462984 | E: | W: