Issue 23 Friday 22nd November 2019
WEEKLY BULLETIN Dear Parents and Carers, Firstly, thank you to those families who were able to contribute a shoebox to this year’s Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. Whilst there is certainly no expectation that families take part in this collection, it is really heart-warming to see how many donations we receive each year. It is a great example to share with our pupils of how we can help children around the world who are less fortunate than the children in our own school community. On Tuesday, our Year 5 and 6 children had a visit from the Rotary Club, who are keen to set up a Rotakids Club within school time. This is a junior version of the Rotary Club, set up to support local causes as well as to lead projects that have a global impact, and is a great way for children to get involved not only with fundraising, but with the running of a committee. There will be a Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee, as well as many other roles, which will all be fulfilled by children from Owl Class. The first meeting of our Rotakids will take place early in the New Year, and we are sure this will offer them some great opportunities! Lastly, thanks to those who joined us for Open Afternoon on Wednesday, or invited along friends and relatives who do not yet know how we operate at Lower Heath! It was lovely to show visitors around, and to let them see forest school sessions, bread making and papyrus making! We hope that many of you will be able to come back to visit us on Sunday, for our Christmas Fair! Mrs Deborah Sadler, Headteacher
Head Lice We have been made aware that head lice have made an appearance in school. To prevent the risk of further cases and reduce the spread, please can we remind children with long hair to have their hair tied up. Please can we also ask that parents regularly check their child’s hair and if any head lice are found the hair is treated. More information can be found at:
Lower Heath CE Primary School
Book Fair Reminder! The Book People book fair is in school from Tuesday 26th November until Tuesday 3rd December! The book fair will be open each morning from 8:45 until 9:15am, and from 3:15 until 3:45pm each afternoon, for parents to choose some books with or for their children. As well as getting some lovely books at great prices, as a school we earn commission on all books we sell, which we receive in the form of free books for our classrooms! Come along and visit the book fair if you can!
Christmas Events 2019 Letters will be sent home with more details very soon, but we thought it would be helpful to provide advance notice of the Christmas events taking place at the end of term. Firstly, each year our Year 5 and 6 children organise a Christmas tea party for any grandparents and local senior citizens. Our choir perform Christmas songs for our guests. This year, the party will take place on Monday 16th December and start at 1:45pm – please do invite any relatives who might like to attend. On the evening of Monday 16th December, from 6:00 8:00pm at Fauls Church Hall, Years 1-6 will be performing two short Christmas musicals. On the afternoon of Wednesday 18th December, at 2:00pm at Fauls Church, we will be holding our Christmas Service where our Reception and Nursery children will perform the Nativity. The rest of the school will sing songs to accompany the performance. On this afternoon, there will be no clubs after school, including Activity Zone, and children will need to be collected from church at 3:15pm. The performances at both the church and church hall will be ticket-only events (free of charge) due to the limit on the number of people we can fit in each venue. Letters will be sent home to order these tickets in early December.
Lower Heath, Nr Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 2BT T: 01948 840524 | E: | W:
Christmas Fair
Celebration Happy Birthday to:
Holly, Ralph and Poppy H, who all celebrate their Birthdays this week!
Term Dates Autumn Term 2019 Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 20th December 2019 Spring Term 2020 Monday 6th January to Friday 3rd April 2020 Half term Monday 17th to Friday 21st February 2020 PD day Monday 24th February
Award Winners Congratulations to this week’s Headteacher Award winners, who are:
Summer Term 2020 Monday 20th April to Friday 17th July 2020 Half term Monday 25th to Friday 29th May 2020 PD day Monday 20th July
Robin Class: Oscar, Lauren and William Skylark Class: Lily, Ava, Niaz and Seth Kingfisher Class: Bertie, Bill, Emilia and Remi
Please note that the early May Bank Holiday in 2020 has been moved from Monday 4th May to Friday 8th May to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.
Owl Class: Charlotte H, Charlotte B, Beau and Honey Well done also to Harley for her swimming achievement, to Honey for receiving her dance medals, and to our girls’ Football team who played brilliantly yesterday!
Please be reminded that term dates are viewable on our website by clicking here.
Worship Our theme for this half term continues to be the Christian value of hope. We will be looking at this value in the context of advent and Christmas. Next week, we will be exploring “The long journey to Bethlehem” (Luke 2:1-5). If your child(ren) would like to prepare a prayer or something to share during worship linked to this theme, they would be very welcome.
Diary Dates: Monday 25th November
Author Visit – Sarah Griffiths
Tuesday 26th November to Tuesday 3rd December
Book People Book Fair
Thursday 5th December
Parent Drop-In (9:00-9:30am)
Monday 9th December
Owl Class Community Lunch
Tuesday 10th December
Christmas Panto Trip – Years 3-6
Tuesday 10th December Thursday 12th December
Holly Farm Christmas Cinema - Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 School Disco
Monday 16th December
Senior Citizen’s Tea Party (1:45pm)
Monday 16th December
Christmas Performance at Fauls Church Hall (6:008:00pm) Christmas Service
Wednesday 18th December
Please be reminded that you are able to view our upcoming events on the school website by clicking here.
Lower Heath CE Primary School
Lower Heath, Nr Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 2BT T: 01948 840524 | E: | W: