Longlands Primary School: Community Plan 2022/24

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2022 - 2024 Community Plan

Community within the Trust

The Marches Academy Trust’s vison is ‘Achievement Through Caring’. We believe that our children are part of our community of learners and as such we work hard to create a sense of belonging and connection in our family of schools Our staff across the Trust work hard to form effective partnerships within each of our communities; it is this work that makes each school unique as each community has its own character

I have put together examples of how each of our schools are building strong foundations in their communities that will help the school community to evolve and best serve the children We also do all that we can to support all our children and young people to contribute and strengthen their own communities

The Trust has strengthened Local Governing Bodies (LGB) and built upon the lines of communication so that our Governors from all schools in the Trust feel connected and more importantly an integral part of the journey of the Trust

Our Trust has connected with Health, Police and Social Services in Shropshire to ensure that our children and communities are getting the support they need to thrive

The Trust has a successful partnership with Shrewsbury school. We are sharing good practice in maths, careers, Sixth Form, ExpertEd and the development of talented sports people.

All schools are looking at ways to connect with their communities from open days at Longlands Primary School where the community were invited in to spend time in the social farm to the Marches School holding a kindness week, where they took cards with messages of gratitude to members of the Oswestry community

The Trust continues to build on its partnership with Shrewsbury Town in the Community This benefits our children in the Trust and the wider community

We are fortunate that the Rotarians based in each of the areas that our schools are located in are proactively involved in supporting our schools through mock interviews, mentoring and fundraising to support special projects.

Our schools continue to play a vital role in collecting and distributing food parcels to their communities


At Longlands Primary school, we recognise the importance of strong community links. Through our curriculum, each child can find their talents and achieve their full potential, giving them a sense of moral and charitable purpose that is linked to where they live School provides a wide range of enrichment activities, which take the children into the community and bring the community into the school

Family, school and community relationships directly affect student outcomes which is why our connections with the local neighbourhood are of paramount importance to the success of the school

We aim to be a genuine part of our locality where all are valued and respected for who we are, where we build meaningful relationships that are based on nurture and support, where we build a sense of belonging and trust, and where we uphold respect and equity as students grow to be valued members of their community


Since 2017, Longlands has seen our pupils take part in over 40 community events.

Longlands have supported over 50 families over the past 2 years with the HAF programme.

Over the past 3 years, Longlands has received £24,000 in community grants.

Our Comm




Open events for children to welcome elderly and vulnerable residents.

To create a buddy system for pupils at Longlands to link with elderly members of the community.

history together

2023 / 24

Following the pilot, working with class pupils, staff members and the local residents, create a case study for SLT and The Marches Academy Trust to identify the key benefits of running this project with more pupils/classes

If successful, run the buddy programme in all year groups at Longlands


To run open events to promote Longlands within the community

2023 / 24 2021 / 22

Opening this project out to all pupils within EYFS, KS1 & KS2 If successful, this would also enable the project to reach/benefit more local residents

Look to offer the usage of the social farm & eco allotment to other educational settings in Shropshire.

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Mirroring previous open events, look to open Longlands over a weekend to non Longlands families to allow them to see the opportunities Longlands create

To help the social farm and eco allotment continue to grow, working with local nursery ' s and schools to hire out our unique outdoor learning area

Create case studies & research evidence from the elderly buddy pilot for Longlands and The Marches Academy Trust
202 202 2023


Work with the Market Drayton Town Council, The Marches Academy Trust & The Grove School on utilising The Zone building and funding

To continue to work with local events such as the Ginger and Spice Festival


Work with Shropshire Council and their HAF programme staff to continue to run funded holiday activities

Following the pandemic, look to reestablish the Active Drayton programme

Working with the SGO for North Shropshire & the active partnership team, continuing to run local school competitions and leagues

Continuing to run the North Shropshire district football teams under the Longlands name Supporting pupils from across 35 primary schools

2022 / 24

Working with funding providers such as the National Lottery Fund, look at ways of benefiting the wider community during the school day but also during the holidays and weekends. Reaching all of the community!


Continuing to work with local events such as the Ginger & Spice festival and the Market Drayton lights festival to ensure Longlands are apart of the annual events


During the Easter, summer and Christmas breaks, working with school support staff to offer the HAF provision to Longlands families. This would include the activities and feeding the children

2022 / 24

Working with Sport England, look to reestablish our free weekly activity workshops with local sporting clubs such as Market Drayton Tigers FC & Rugby RFC


In partnership with other local schools in Market Drayton and surrounding areas, utilise Longlands sporting facilities and host competitions mirroring previous years prior to the pandemic.


GH, EH & NS look to continue to work together on running the North Shropshire District programme Working with local schools on engaging more pupils from all North Shropshire schools.

Matches & training to be hosted at Longlands Primary.

Case Study

Since June 2018, Longlands Primary School have continued to strengthen their links with local partners the Ginger & Spice Festival. During the 2018 festival, Longlands hosted educational food demonstrations and workshops about the importance of fresh, seasonal and locally produced food, including food produced from our own social farm & garden This was followed by a celebratory community meal in collaboration with local chefs, sponsors and Love British Food Ambassador, Olivier Blanc.

In 2019, Longlands Primary teamed up with our local secondary school, The Grove, where we became official holders of the Guinness World Record for the most people decorating gingerbread men simultaneously! The record attempt took place as part of the 2019 Ginger & Spice Festival.

In 2020 and 2021, our school choir wowed the crowds Julia Roberts, from the Ginger and Spice Festival said; “It was fantastic to see so many happy children and their families in attendance and the choir really was wonderful!”

Partnered Programmes / Events

Longlands Primary School takes part in regular programmes, events and projects with the local and wider community to offer our pupils a wider curriculum offer Over the past 12 months these have included:

Ludlow & North Shropshire College Workshops (Parent Learning)

Market Drayton Town Council Festival of Lights (Choir Event)

Shrewsbury Town Football Club (Read the Game Programme)

Market Drayton School Sports Partnership (Sports Competitions)

Shrewsbury School dance festival (Dance Workshops)

Halloween Bingo PTA (Parent & Community Event)

Social Farm Community open day (Fundraising community event)

Stoke City Football Club (Community fundraiser event)

Shropshire Council Bikeability workshops (Year 3,4,5 & 6)

Kingswood residential trip (Year 4)

Market Drayton In Bloom competition & awards

Macmillan Coffee Morning (Community Morning)

Shrewsbury Flower Show competition (Virtual)

HAF Programme (Easter, October & Summer)

Arthog residential trip (Year 6)

Cancer Research Race 4 Life (Whole school fundraiser)

Community Partners

Community Sponsors

Further Information 01630 652312 lonadmin@lon.mmat.co.uk longlandsprimaryschool.co.uk

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