Welcome to the Reception Year!
Staffing in Mrs Hipkins (Class Teacher)
Mrs Reynolds (Class Teacher)
Four guiding principles: 1.
Every child is a unique child
Positive relationships – partnership between home and school
Enabling environments
Children develop and learn at different rates
What is Reception and the EYFS? • The Reception year of primary school is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) • Children continue to follow the Early Years curriculum, learning actively through exploration and play • 7 areas of learning and development • • • • • • •
Communication and Language Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design Reception is an important transition year that prepares children to move smoothly and confidently into Year One, where they will start to follow the National Curriculum
How will children learn? Balance of: ADULT-LED CHILD-LED
Adult-led * Focused teaching directed by the teacher to develop skills * Daily phonics, Literacy and Maths sessions
Child-led * Indoor and outdoor play with resources carefully selected to promote skills and engage children’s interests * All adults are involved, teaching ‘in the moment’, using careful questioning to promote learning
Learning Environments •
Classrooms with:
role play area
reading corner
construction zone
small world area
writing and maths area
interactive whiteboard
carpet area
EYFS outdoor area
School hall
Forest school
Off site visits and invited visitors
EYFS Curriculum Prime Areas Communication and Language Listening, attention and understanding Speaking Personal, Social and Emotional Development Self-Regulation Managing Self Building Relationships Physical Development Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills
Specific Areas Literacy Comprehension Word Reading Writing Maths
Number Numerical Patterns
Understanding of the World Past and Present People, Culture and Communities The Natural World Expressive Art and Design Creating with Materials Being Imaginative and Expressive
Links between Reception and Nursery
in Reception and Nursery work together to plan children’s learning in literacy and maths
ensures clear progression across the EYFS and provides opportunities for further development of skills and knowledge
day, the children have several opportunities to access resources and learning in our ‘freeflow’ sessions
A typical school day… 8:40-9:15 Welcome and registration 9:15-9:40 Phonics 9:40-10:00 Kinetic Letters 10:00-10:15 Daily 15 10:15-10:30 Playtime 10:30-10:45 Snack and Storytime 10:45-11:15 Literacy 11:15-11:45 Child-led learning 11:45-12:15 Maths 12:15-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:15 Story / Rest Easy 1:15-2:00 Foundation subjects 2:00-2:45 Child-led learning 2:45-3:15 Daily Worship
PE – Tuesday Forest School - Wednesday
Early Reading and Writing
‘Little Wandle’ - phonics and early reading
Children will be listened to read regularly with an adult
https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-pa rents/
‘Kinetic Letters’ to develop core strength and promote correct letter formation
https://lowerheath.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2021/01/K inetic-Letters-Guide-1.pdf
Communication and home learning through Class Dojo
Home and school reading recorded using Go-Read (a digital reading record system)
Worship As a Church of England School, all pupils take part in daily worship Children attend Holy Immanuel Church in Fauls We explore our Christian values o love o respect o faith o thankfulness o fellowship Reverend Sue Armstrong, sometimes with her dog Merlin, visits Lower Heath weekly to deliver worship We love our worship sessions!
School Uniform
Grey trousers, shorts, skirt, pinafore or summer dress
Grey Lower Heath polo shirt
Green Lower Heath sweater / cardigan
Plain, black / dark coloured shoes (no trainers)
Black PE shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
White Lower Heath PE T-shirt
Trainers / pumps for PE
All available at ‘Our Schoolwear’ https://ourschoolwear.co.uk/collections/lower_heath_ce_primary_ school
Forest School
Dress for warmth, not fashion! Wellies
Waterproof coat and over-trousers (if you have any)
Other equipment
Named water bottle
Healthy snack (no chocolate or crisps please)
How can I support my child?
Daily reading and book talk (5-10 mins)
Learning letter sounds (phonemes) – ‘s’ not ‘suh’ – and how they are written (graphemes) - see Little Wandle Parents’ Guide
Practise writing, using cutlery and scissors correctly
Recognising amounts to 10 and matching these to correct numerals (songs, rhymes)
Regular attendance and punctuality
Undressing and dressing independently
Toileting, wash hands, put on and fasten coats independently
Sharing and turn taking
Listening to and following instructions
Other bits ‘n’ bobs…
School day 8:40am until 3:15pm
Breakfast club
Activity zone (or extra-curricular clubs)
School dinners – free, daily choice
Packed lunches clearly labelled with name
Water bottles clearly labelled - water only please
Uniform and bags clearly labelled with names
If you have a spare pair of wellies, please bring them in so that your child can wear them in the mud and rain
Any questions?
Have a wonderful summer break!