1 minute read
Lower Heath CE Primary School
“Helen Reynolds, Headteacher
Excellence can mean different things to different people. Is it about being the best, demonstrating outstanding skills, excelling in a certain field? Or is it about seeking your own personal excellence; striving to be the best you can be and do thebestyoucando?
At Lower Heath, our motto, ‘Let your light shine’, fully embraces the belief that everyone has talent and has the potential to excel in their own special way. Our role in school is to provide the opportunity for these abilities to be identified and realised.
Our Year 2 and 6 children have impressed us with their resilience and dedication this term during their SATs. They all did their very best and rose to the challenge. The children understand that to achieve excellence, hard work and practice is required and we are sure this will be reflected in their achievements.
A highlight of our term has been our cultural diversity day, where the whole school recognised the qualities in different cultures. All children learnt a different style of dancing, learnt about their celebrations and practices and tried traditional foods.
Another memorable day was the Marches Academy Trust 'Big Sing' where schools from across the Trust came together to share songs and enjoy music together. Again, our children worked so hard to prepare and rehearse the song they chose and delivered an excellent performance.
We have been working hard to develop an excellent learning environment for our children too, focusing on our outdoor education. Our youngest children take full advantage of our newly refurbished outdoor classroom and we look forward to all classes enjoying this next year.
Also, the book corners that were designed by the children as part of World Book Day in the spring came to fruition this term. All children’s love of reading should be nurtured and this was a brilliant school project to enthuse children to read.
Our Year 4 children ventured to Dodford Children’s Holiday Farm, staying away from home, some of them, for the first time. We were blessed with beautiful weather and it was a joy to see children become part of nature, feeding animals and collecting fresh water shrimps. Simple pleasures.
A group of our Year 5/6 children attended the Shropshire Schools Swimming Gala and excelled by coming first in the small schools category. Two children were even selected to swim for the county! What an achievement!
We are proud of our school community and all we have achieved together this year. We wish each and everyone who is connected with Lower Heath CE Primary School the very best holiday time and look forward to our next academic year.
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