1 minute read

Longlands Primary School

We support the children to develop resilience, perseverance and to challenge themselves. In Year 5 Maths lessons, they have been finding solutions to problems, explaining their thinking, and coaching classmates. We use dong nao jin questions ('open mind problems') and pupils apply their learning to ensure excellence is achievable for all. In January, Tess in Year 6 challenged herself to read 25 books before she finished the year. She thought that this challenge was a great way to progress and excel- which she has done brilliantly and has reached book 22!

Excellence can be supported through practical learning and the children in Year 2 have enjoyed creating their own scales and reading labelled and partially labelled scales. In Science, children in Year 4 also worked practically to complete experiments to show how sound is created and how it is carried from the source, via the ear, to the brain, helping the children to develop an excellent understanding of sound waves.


We celebrate effort and progress and encourage working together. In EYFS, the children often work together to create a supportive environment, with adults setting high expectations, and providing exciting activities. The Nursery children have been 'Thinking Big! and learning lots of big words' by creating wonderful huge structures, using gigantic resources and making enormous marks on giant paper. In Year 3, the children have been cooperating and problem solving to learn about countries, hemispheres, longitude and latitude while Year 1 have showed teamwork and integrity by working together to ensure that our garden and animals are looked after. They are caring and respectful to our farm and model to others how to be respectful.

Across the school, excellence is presented in many ways - in our lessons, in the way we present ourselves and in the way we interact.


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