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Oakmeadow CE Primary School
Part of this is providing opportunities to actively contribute to our wider community. We work closely with our local Parish Council and community groups and this term we have taken part in the Bayston Hill Big Green Week. As part of this, an Eco Fair held on our school field was a great success with local stall holders sharing services, produce and providing activities and experiences. Throughout the week all classes spent time looking at various environmental issues and have produced some lovely work – Year 6 for example have planned and designed a ‘green city’ with five sustainable areas for consideration: energy, food, transport, nature and waste.
We also work with other partners such as Shrewsbury Town Football Club who deliver the Reading the Game program to encourage a love of reading and raise attainment. Shropshire Music Service have delivered Ukulele lessons to all pupils in Year 4. A benefit of being part of a Trust is the partnership, shared resources and expertise our children can access to raise standards in wider curriculum areas. This term Year 6 had a visit from Science teachers from The Marches School who came to dissect sheep’s hearts with them. The pupils absolutely loved it and totally involved themselves! It was part of their unit where they have been looking at organs – it was also a great insight into some of the exciting opportunities available at secondary.
This year we have embedded a House Point system to inspire individual and collective achievement. Pupils are given points for curriculum excellence, effort and demonstrating our school values. They also work together in Housetournaments and sports days which promotes teamwork and how our own individual effort can ensure that everyone achieves more.
Attendance is the first step to excellence and we were pleased to achieve the FFT National School Attendance Award for two terms running – this was a recognition for placing in the top 10% of similar FFT schools in England. We aim to continue our achievement in this next academic year. As this term draws to an end, we are incredibly proud of all of our staff and pupils for all that has been accomplished and look forward to sharing more successes next year.
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