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Maths 3 and 4

Maths 3 and 4

We strive to engender an infectious, lifelong, enthusiasm for learning to create a community with ambition, a sense of self-worth, belief and personal growth. We seek to create young people who can be confident and successful in an ever-changing world.

We want to engage students and staff by offering a range of opportunities and experiences that lead to the highest standards of achievement and mastery of key skills.


We expect our students and staff to: • Appreciate the value and power of knowledge. • Develop qualities of independence, adaptability and creativity. • Approach situations with positivity and a solution-based mindset. • Be inspired to learn and to continue learning. • Understand and demonstrate emotional intelligence and collaborate effectively. • Be respectful, determined, dedicated and disciplined in the drive to achieve excellence. • Be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally aware.

We love what we do.

Our subject specialists have carefully structured the curriculum to take students on a journey through Year 7 to Year 11, preparing them for further education or employment and to become valuable and positive members of a global community, Shrewsbury Academy works closely with our feeder schools and cultivates a relationship where the knowledge that students bring from their primary learning is used to garner developed interest in learning at a secondary level. We foster a collaborative approach so that knowledge and understanding is built upon to enable their working memory to grow.

Students study a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all groups of learners, allowing them to feel challenged and to excel. We believe that students should access a full range of academic, creative and expressive subjects, which is evidenced in the models below.

Each subject has a clear rationale for its curriculum plan, and a coherent and detailed sequence of work, with integrated assessment points, building towards the final examinations. Our suite of subjects for study at GCSE is broad, with a strong academic core in the EBacc subjects. The overview of our entire curriculum mapping is available on our website https://www.shrewsburyacademy.co.uk/information/curriculum/ showing each subject’s journey at Shrewsbury Academy:

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