Craftmatic Supporting A Lifetime of Good Health

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Craftmatic Historically the #1 Best Selling Adjustable Bed

Craftmatic Adjustable Beds:

Over one million people

ENJOY A GREAT NIGHT’S SLEEP! Happy Craftmatic family members share their experience.


Lifetime of

Good Health “

I recommend The Craftmatic Adjustable Bed to everyone because it can offer so many therapeutic options.

- Dr. Willibald Nagler

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health 2

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health


ublisher’s Letter

Welcome to the first issue of ‘Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health’. Craftmatic Adjustable Beds began improving peoples’ sleep over 40 years ago and to date have sold more than one million sleep systems worldwide. It is designed not only to make you comfortable and relaxed while you sleep but also help improve your overall health. While everyone loves relaxing in bed, for many satisfied customers, the health benefits they get from their beds are more important than the comfort. If you’ve ever experienced the discomfort of occasional low back pain and other minor aches and pains due to muscle fatigue or overexertion, you’ll be interested to know that Craftmatic Adjustable Beds may bring the comfort you seek and are well documented in the following pages through stories from happy customers. We have also provided information on common minor aches and how Craftmatic Adjustable Beds can help relieve the pain. Have you ever had a bad night’s sleep? According to Dr. Willibald Nagler,MD, sought after medical authority and lecturer, adjustable beds may offer that endless range of adjustments for additional support, especially when our bodies are hurting. Read more about this including extracts from Dr. Nagler’s ‘Good Beds for Bad Backs - a Guide to Better Sleep’. From the selection of premium quality materials to the use of highly skilled craftsman, your Craftmatic Adjustable bed is assembled with the utmost attention to every detail. Hence, you can be assured of dependable performance, comfort and relaxation for years to come. We hope you enjoy reading our premiere issue and we look forward to hearing of your Craftmatic experience, the kind of ultimate comfort people dream about.

Jacob Redlus

Managing Director Craftmatic Australia Pty Ltd

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health





Publisher’s letter


Table of Contents




World’s Ultimate Sleep System History of Success

If you’ve ever had a bad night’s sleep, stop wondering why


Mild Arthritis and Joint Pain


Why I Sleep Better All Night and Feel Better All Day

with my Craftmatic Adjustable Bed


Craftmatic Adjustable Beds

Over one million people enjoy a great night’s sleep!

20 Muscle Pain Associated with Stress and Tension or over Exertion

21 Asthma

It could be your Bed!



Low Back Pain

24 Sleep and Aging

Top 10 Things You Can Do to Avoid Back Problems


Edema or Swelling of the Legs


The Science of a Good Night’s Sleep

Top 10 Health Benefits of Sleep

Preventing Edema


26 A Remedy for Snoring

Sliding Hiatus Hernia



Gastric Reflux and Night Time Heart Burn

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

Travel Crossword

orld’s Ultimate

Sleep System The History of our Success The Craftmatic era in bedding began in 1974, when the company began sales of an electric adjustable bed in the USA. Today Craftmatic is widely recognised as the world leader in sales of adjustable beds. Craftmatic Australia Pty Ltd is a distributor for Craftmatic, the largest adjustable bed organization in the world. We began selling beds in 2004 in Queensland; our bed was so popular that it quickly spread nationwide. We now sell our adjustable beds throughout Australia and New Zealand. Today, over one million owners attest to the fact that this unique bed is both attractive and supremely comfortable. Developing the world’s most comfortable bed didn’t come easy. After we discovered that the ordinary bed was just not adequate for supporting the human body while relaxing, we developed a sleep system that was more in tune with modern living. Since then we have constantly improved our beds in accordance with other advances in technology. The result is a revolution in bedroom comfort -- one that promises unmatched comfort while awake, and greater, more restful sleep. The secret is in the way in which a Craftmatic raises and lowers to support the whole body from head to toe. Not only does it feel good, but it’s so much healthier.

From the time our first bed rolled off the production line, people all over the world have recognised the truly luxurious benefits of a Craftmatic Sleep System. Since our humble beginnings in 1974, our first concern has always been to provide customers with uncompromising standards of service. From your very first request for information through to the day your Craftmatic Sleep System is installed in your bedroom and well beyond, you can depend on Craftmatic service, quality, and integrity. This is what we’ve become famous for.

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health


Ibad night’s sleep, f you’ve ever had a

stop wondering why. It could be your bed! Because your legs are curved and your spine is “S” shaped, flat beds create gaps where your legs and spine are not supported. It’s a physiological fact that muscles in use are in a state of tension. When you are forced to hold your head up, stretch your legs and spine, support your arms and legs, and move your body yourself to change your position (or improvise contoured support with pillows as you must do in a flat bed), your muscles stay in tension. That is why when you lie on your back in a flat bed, you have to constantly move your body to stay comfortable. Even turning onto your side doesn’t help for long, because lying on your side eventually cuts off blood circulation, hampers breathing, and exerts gravity disturbing downward pressure on your internal organs. Thus you turn again, because the flat surface you are sleeping on is actually causing your curved body pain and forcing your muscles to stay in tension.

When asleep, you unconsciously move into one position after another to escape this pain and tension, but since your bed is flat and can’t conform to your body’s curves, you toss and turn all night long. A good night’s sleep is difficult to achieve on a flat bed! Dr. Willibald Nagler MD, sought after medical authority and lecturer, agrees that a flat bed offers no additional support to the body especially when it’s hurting. An adjustable bed allows you to make a range of adjustments to reach a level of comfort allowing you to have a good night’s sleep. Dr. Nagler has received many honors for his outstanding medical work. He has held the position of Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at Cornell University Medical College as well as Physiatrist-in-Chief and Residency Program Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. Following is an extract from Dr. Nagler’s ‘Good Beds for Bad Back - a Guide to Better Sleep’.

Over 28,000 people in Australia make the same mistake everyday. They purchase something they know little or nothing about. That’s right over 28,000 Australians buy a new bed or mattress every day, average 7 days a week. Statistically 80% of Australian adults suffer from Low Back Pain. Low Back Pain, is the number two reason people go to the hospital second only to pregnancy and the number one reason people are out of the workplace every day.


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

“Since “Rest” is important for your well being, your bed should be one of the most important products you own.” -Dr Willibald Nagler, MD I believe that most people never considered their bed as the possible cause of their Low Back Pain. Most people spend about 1/3 of their life in bed. That’s more time than any other piece of furniture is used. Your bed is bound to have a major impact on how you feel both mentally and physically. You rely on your bed to feel good. That’s why it’s so important to find the right bed. If your bed is uncomfortable you will never arrive at a feeling of comfort and wellbeing. Since “Rest” is important for your well being, your bed should be one of the most important products you own. It has been reported that as many as a third of people may not be getting the quality of sleep we need, resulting in everything from bad backs to bad attitudes. In many cases our beds are responsible. We tend to take our beds for granted. They are very crucial for our overall sense of well being. Not only can some health ailments be prevented by the proper bed but may also treated by it. I believe that 99% of the population would sleep better on a firm mattress rather than a soft one. This holds true for “Back Pain Suffers” especially a mattress which is too soft can inhibit ease of movement and make the spine sag, overstretching the back muscles.

Beds,” the type that can be adjusted to raise the head and also elevate the legs. Most low back pain responds extremely well to the elevation of the knees. This can also be accomplished in a flat bed by using lots of pillows, but the pillows usually will slip out in the middle of the night. An “Adjustable Bed” can prevent this from happening. An adjustable bed where you can raise and lower the head and foot is useful for those who may need to balance their requirements for more upright support. They are also very useful for those who experience great difficulty getting in and out of bed. Adjustable beds offer a tremendous advantage to anyone who is in constant search for their “Posture Perfect Position.” Only Adjustable beds can offer you the convenience to make your bed fit you perfectly, at the touch of a button. I am often asked “Why do I favour the Adjustable type bed over all other types of beds”. It’s very simple. Technically when someone purchases a flat bed the analogy that one size fits all, can be considered a proper example.

This will cause stretching and straining of the ligaments which support it.

People often choose beds by the size of their bedroom, the size of their sheets, or the size of the headboard they may have owned for years.

A soft mattress makes the back muscles become overextended, which prevents them from getting the rest they need.

But how many have considered the size of their body, and the support it may need due to the many years of wear and tear.

In contrast, a firm mattress, allows the back muscles to keep the spine in a more natural alignment. Best of all for backaches are “Adjustable

That’s just another reason why I favour the adjustable bed. The adjustable bed can be made to fit your every need at the touch of a button. Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health


Willibald Nagler, M.D. Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine Cornell University Medical College Physiatrist-in-Chief and Residency Program, Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center

Willibald Nagler, M.D., a native of Austria, received his M.D. degree in 1958 from the Medical School at the University of Vienna. He received graduate training at the Hospital for Special Surgery and The New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center. Since 1971, he has held the position of Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at Cornell University Medical College as well as Physiatrist-in-Chief and Residency Program Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Nagler is also a consultant at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and a member of the Advisory Board for Rehabilitation Medicine at the Hospital for Special Surgery. His patients have included the late President John F. Kennedy, many famous musicians, sports figures and business leaders. Dr. Nagler, a sought after medical authority and lecturer, has received many honors for his outstanding medical work including in 1985 an endowed Chair as the Jerome and Anne Fisher Physiatrist-in-Chief at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. In 1990, he received the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine’s Conrad Jobst Award for outstanding contributions in vascular research. He ist past President of the PM&R section of the Pan American Medical Association. Dr. Nagler has appeared on national television, authored numerous articels in medical journals and received acclaim for his popular book, “Dr. Nagler’s Body Maintenance and Repair Book”. Dr. Nagler has special interest in the nonsurgical treatment of lumbar spine disorders and conducts an investigative program in the rehabilitation of burned children and of cerebral vascular disorders. (The American Austrian Foundation, www.


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

Now there are many other types of beds that people buy everyday. Here are my comments for back sufferers. Conventional flat beds – cannot adjust to our body’s contour. The same would go for air beds, foam type beds and water beds. They all just lie there flat, and offer no additional support when the body may be hurting and crying for help. Only adjustable beds can offer the body that endless range of the adjustments it may need. Plus getting in and out of a flat bed can also be a problem for back pain suffers. A mattress that is flat is general lower than an adjustable bed, and the extra height of the adjustable bed make it easier to enter and exit. But more than just an aching back can find comfort in an adjustable bed. That’s why I have slept in an adjustable bed for many years. My personal experience with the adjustable bed is just one reason why I have recommended the Craftmatic Adjustable Bed to many of my patients.

Why Craftmatic? It’s simple, in the early 1990’s I wrote an article about “Bad Backs and Bad Attitudes” referring to adjustable beds as a simple solution to many problems. When the people at Craftmatic read the article in a national health publication, they contacted me and asked me to join their consulting team. Now, since I have been affiliated with Craftmatic for many years, and understand their commitment to customer comfort, without any hesitation I feel very secure in recommending the Craftmatic Adjustable bed to my patients who would benefit the most. Furthermore, Craftmatic has been in business since 1974 and are recognized as the undisputed number one world leader for adjustable beds.


L pain ower back

It is the complex arrangement of ligaments, muscles, discs, nerves and joints that increase your vulnerability to back pain. Backaches arise from a number of different causes, but often it is difficult to locate the exact source of pain if there is no apparent abnormality in the back. Most commonly, the origin of pain is a result of a muscle ligament or disc strain, an irritated nerve, or simply from the ‘wear and tear’ of getting old. Lower back pain can impact severely on your every day life and potentially become disabling. According to the Medical Journal of Australia, drug treatment cannot cure chronic back pain but massage can offer effective pain relief. “There is no evidence of long-term efficacy for drug therapy with analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants or antidepressants, for treatment of chronic low back pain. In addition to the pain, patients typically suffer physical disabilities and psychological distress. They may be unable to work and depressed” (Source: Medical Journal of Australia 2004; 180 (2): 79-83) Our Adjustable Beds, with patented massage delivery system, offer a relaxing massage feature to help alleviate those aches and pains and allow you to drift effortlessly to sleep.

“I sleep without pain killers. I wake up in the morning with no back or neck pain. I sleep right through the night (M. Sainty, NSW) “After using the bed for just 3 nights, I noticed my lower back and hip problem is almost gone.” (J. Pool, QLD) “I can say that I am very happy with my bed – it has greatly reduced the lower back pain I have had for 60 years!” (M. Nappler, VIC) “Before the adjustable bed, I had to sit up for sleep, I can now sleep in bed pain free”. (Mr Noyes, NSW)

“I am now able to sleep on my back and wake-up pain free, uninterupted restful sleep luxurious comfort and the massager helps with my blood circulation and to relax.” (Mr Evans, NSW)

“Best of all for backaches are ‘adjustable beds’, the type that can be adjusted to raise the head and also elevate the legs. Most low back pain responds extremely well to the elevation of the knees.” (Source: Dr. Willibald Nagler 5/2008)

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health


Top 10 Things You Can Do

to Avoid Back Problems

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Sleep on a quality, firm mattress Improve your posture Sit correctly, don’t slouch Bend carefully. Bend your knees more than your back. Lift correctly. Bend at your knees, not at your waist Avoid twisting when you bend Keep fit Lose that extra weight Walking is probably the best exercise Cycling and swimming can help

The Craftmatic Sleep System may temporary relieve symptoms of lower back pain by simply following this procedure: Elevate the head of the bed to a 30 degree angle and slightly bend the bed at the knee. This may require minor adjustments until you feel most comfortable. Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.


dema or

Swelling of the legs

Edema occurs when there is some kind of interference or change in the body’s waterregulating system. A healthy body can handle up to eight quarts of water a day without overloading. These are some of the common things that can cause Edema:

insufficient and fluid collects in the tissues causing swelling.


This sluggish circulation of the leg may itself result in phlebitis (inflamed veins) or in a blood clot (thrombosis). The leg becomes inflamed and swollen.

An allergic reaction can temporarily injure the thin walls of the blood vessels, causing fluids to pass through and collect in the surrounding tissue.

Circulatory problems Edema of the leg is often a symptom of and accompanies varicose veins. This is caused by failure of one way valves that control the flow of blood from the surface veins to the deeper veins. The veins become severely knotted and cosmetically unattractive. The drainage of the blood from the ankles and lower legs becomes 10

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

Varicose veins are sometimes hereditary. Often it is caused by increased pressure from sitting or standing too long or by pregnancy.

Heart disease One of the acute problems of chronic heart failure, in addition to Edema of the legs and feet, is pulmonary Edema, or the collection of fluid in the lungs. The lungs become congested with excess fluid, especially at night or if the patient is lying prone, and causes breathlessness. It is essential, in this case, that the Edema be controlled or drowning may occur.

High sodium intake The more sodium or salt in the diet, the more fluid the body will retain in order to dilate it and maintain the ideal balance.

Hormonal shifts during childbearing years Premenstrual fluid retention is probably the commonest form of generalised Edema. It is directly linked to the level of estrogen that the body produces. Estrogen, being a sodiumretaining hormone, causes the system to retain more water in order to dilute the sodium. Edema is also a side effect of taking birth control pills, which contain estrogen, and or estrogenreplacement therapy after menopause.

Kidney or liver disease Malfunctions or disease of the liver will often result in a collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity. This type of Edema is known as cites. A significant loss of kidney function is often accompanied by a fluid overload as indicated by Edema of the ankles (or lower back of bedridden patients).

Lack of physical exercise Swelling in the legs, feet or ankles has been experienced by almost everyone as a result of sitting or standing in one place for too long. This puts undue pressure on the blood vessels in the hips and legs. When this pressure inside the vessels is increased, excess water flows out of them and collects in the tissues. Exercise prevents the pooling of fluids.

Obesity Being overweight encourages Edema because the extra weight inhibits circulation by putting pressure on the blood vessels. It can also obstruct lymph draining in the legs, resulting in what is known as lymphedema.

Pregnancy Edema of the ankles and hands during pregnancy is fairly normal. The body is retaining excess fluids for several reasons. Also, the added weight of the womb tends to compress the abdominal blood added weight of the womb tends to compress the abdominal blood vessels, resulting in a buildup of fluid in the legs. A potentially serious complication of pregnancy, however, is toxemia (preeclampsia), of which extreme Edema is one of the characteristics.

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



Preventing Edema 1. Get plenty of rest and elevate your legs above the level of your heart 2. Drink more water in order to dilute sodium and eliminate excess fluids 3. Cut down on salt -- it can take as little as 1000mg of salt to cause minor Edema 4. Lose those extra kilograms. Obesity puts a great deal of strain on your cardio-vascular system and is the leading cause of varicose veins. 5. Exercise more -- walking, swimming, jogging, and cycling are good to increase your vascular tone and improve circulation. 6. Change your sleeping position. If you wake up with puffy eyes and face, sleep on your back and elevate your head and shoulders at night. 7. For women and pregnant women who suffer from varicose veins, a good pair of support hosiery will help alleviate Edema. 8. Watch your diet by eating more whole grains, vegetables, fruit and foods that are natural diuretics (e.g. beetroot, asparagus, cucumbers, strawberries, pineapple and grapes) If you have constant, unexplained Edema you should consult your doctor. Edema can be a symptom of many serious conditions, including heart, liver and kidney disease.

Stress and anxiety Stressful conditions can cause the body to produce an antidiuretic hormone. This is turn, can cause the body to retain enough fluid in Edema.

Wet climate and heat A hot, moist climate can cause the blood vessels to expand, allowing them to hold more water and causing temporary Edema. Although it can make you feel very uncomfortable, the most common forms of Edema are not serious. However, unexplained, recurring Edema must be treated because it is an indication of some specific disorder and can cause problems of its own. University of Miami research shows that twenty-minute, three-times-a-day raised-leg exercises were significantly more effective in the management of leg edema due to venous stasis (Source: ANGIOLOGY February 2011 62) To relieve swelling, your health care provider may suggest keeping your legs raised when sitting, wearing support stockings, limiting how much salt you eat or taking a medicine called a diuretic - also called a water pill.

“As I said before, I suffered badly with cramp in my legs trying everything from camphor to corks now I don’t need them my bed does it all.” (P. Rose, VIC) “My feet are not swollen any more when I wake up, I feel more relaxed due to this bed being more comfortable it allows me to sleep better.” (Ms Tull, NSW) “I sleep better, “Wonderful” I sleep better and when using the massage option find it very helps me to relax and with feet elevated it helps reduce swollen ankles.” (Ms McAulay, NSW) 12

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

The Craftmatic Sleep System may temporary relieve symptoms of Edema or Swelling of the Legs by simply following this procedure: The movement of fluid of the limbs is aided by elevation. Your Craftmatic bed can relieve the symptoms of Edema or swelling of the legs; raise the lower portion (foot) of the bed from 30 to 45 degrees. Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.


liding Hiatus Hernia

A rolling or ‘Sliding’ Hiatus Hernia can have severe complications such as volvulus, incarceration or strangulations causing upper abdominal or chest pain and may escalate to a high risk of mortality. Warning signs include progressive unintentional weight loss, difficulty swallowing, bleeding, iron deficiency anaemia and even chronic gastrointestinal bleeding (Source: Price, London Oct 14, 2005, pg 57)

“May I congratulate your designers and your firm on the Craftmatic bed, my family, my wife and I am amazed at the ease at which she is able to get in and out of bed without the considerable struggle and pain that she used to get, and also without the assistance of anyone else. She gets a great deal of relief from her arthritis, water retention and hiatus hernia” (G. Humphries, UK)

The Craftmatic Sleep System may temporary relieve symptoms of Sliding Hiatus Hernia by simply following this procedure: Elevate the head of the bed to a 30 to 45 degree angle. Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



astric Reflux

and Night Time Heart Burn

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a common digestive problem. In GERD, acid from the stomach flows backward into the esophagus. (Source: American Family Physician. Leadwood: Oct 1, 2003. Vol. 68, Iss. 7 pg.1321) The American Academy of family Physicians (Oct 1, 2003) lists the most common symptoms of GERD as a heart burn and regurgitation. You will feel a burning feeling in your chest, which may move toward your throat causing a bad taste in your mouth. This is the result of stomach contents mixed with acid back up into your esophagus. You may also experience an ongoing cough or sore throat or the feeling that you always have a lump in your throat. Symptoms of GERD can escalate to ‘alarm’ symptoms such as chest pain, choking or difficulty when swallowing, at which stage you should call your doctor. (Source: American Family Physician. Leadwood: Oct 1, 2003. Vol. 68, Iss. 7 pg.1321)

“I suffered for many years with disabilities such as arthritis, asthma, emphysema and gastric reflux, just to name a few, I find that since sleeping in my Craftmatic bed I wake up practically pain and stiffness free.” (J. Laslow) “The Craftmatic bed is beneficial to relieve throat clearance problems when awaking in the morning” (Mr & Mrs Weston, ACT) “Much less pain, more relaxed sleep I get much more sleep and less pain also the fact that I can adjust the bed to the most comfortable setting for me and can have the mattress on either soft or firm” (Ms Downing, ACT)


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

The Craftmatic Sleep System may temporary relieve symptoms of Gastric Reflux and Night Time Heart Burn by simply following this procedure: Elevate the head portion of the bed to a 30 to 45 degree angle so you can improve your sleep quality and overall well being. Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.

ild Arthritis

and Joint Pain

Arthritis is the major cause of disability and chronic pain in Australia, affecting 3.85 million Australians. The Arthritis Foundation of Australia recognizes the value of quality sleep in managing arthritis. “Arthritis is not yet curable. While the condition is usually manageable, it invariably impacts on a patient’s quality of life and includes varying degrees of discomfort and pain. Try different relaxation techniques until you find one that works for you” (Source: Arthritis Foundation of Australia) With the convenience of a remote control, Craftmatic adjustable beds can increase mobility, independence and provide freedom from debilitating pain.

The Craftmatic Sleep System may temporary relieve symptoms of Mild Arthritis and Joint Pain by simply following this procedure: Elevate the head of the bed to a 30 degree angle and slightly bend the bed at the knee.

“I have never slept so comfortably and woken so painlessly as I have since purchasing the Craftmatic I go longer through the day before taking pain killers , sometimes all day and my appearance is less strained and much more relaxed because I am sleeping well. I have not reached this level of sleep for over 20 years.” (J. Curtis-Deen, QLD) “I always had trouble sleeping as I have arthritis and water retention, but I can now sleep all night as my bed goes to whatever setting is comfortable for me, I always enjoy the sitting position for breakfast in bed at the weekends! The morning was always the worst time of the day for me as I was always stiff and sore after sleeping on my flat bed and trying ot get up out of it was very difficult and painful, now I just press the button and the bed moves into the best position for me to relieve the pain.” (Mrs A. Carmichael) “Better sleeping, less aches.” (A. Peters, QLD) “No more neck pain” (K. Peters, QLD)

Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



hy I Sleep Better all with my Craftmatic

We’ve recommended it to all our friends. It is so welcoming and we just warm-up immediately and we’re thinking we won’t need an electric blanket this winter. (Ms Restieauz, CCH)

We can’t wait to go to bed at night as we know in the morning all our pains have gone. We love our queen Craftmatic bed. It’s made our life better and yes it is a big miracle. (Mr & Mrs Rimharter, QLD)

Because the timing for me was so amazing I don’t think the guilt lasted 10 seconds I can’t remember the date I bought it but because of my health it has been the most wonderful thing. (Ms Skeet, AUC)

I’m walking better now. My circulation has improved and I can sleep for 6 hours. (Ms Lang, QLD)

We deserted our lounge and made our bedroom our new living room with the adjustable bed. (Mr & Ms Lette, NSW)

My feet are not swollen any more when I wake up, I feel more relaxed due to this bed being more comfortable it allows me to sleep better. (Ms Tull, NSW)


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

Night and Feel Better all Day Adjustable Bed I was a bit dubious at first but now I can’t wait to go to bed at night. The massage unit is wonderful to lull me to sleep much better restful sleep. (P. Cavell, QLD)

I have found I have a better night’s sleep it has help me over the few short months. I woke much fresher and relaxed. Yes it is a miracle bed. Best bed I have ever owned - I would have recommended to family and friends. (S. Lally, SA) We enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep and wake up refreshed not tired as we used to, also the bed is not messed up because of a restless sleep. (Mr & Mrs Reed, NSW)

I’m now experiencing improvement in my sleep. (Mr & Mrs Schofield, VIC)

Compared to all our other beds, Craftmatic has enabled us to position the bed to suit our varied needs. (Mr & Mrs Cooper, SA)

To wake up in the morning and feel rested and happy to get up and face another day has been a wonderful change for me. I really do love this bed. Love the massage I feel relaxed and ready to sleep. I have the whole bed to myself. (Mr & Mrs Rowell, QLD)

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health




elping over one million Quality of life is everything and many of our customers have experienced

We are pleased with our Craftmatic purchase of a king size bed. We now sleep more soundly and wake up much more refreshed with none of the old aches and pains. We find the bed very comfortable and the elevation of the head and foot is very good for my breathing and swelling of my feet. The massage is wonderful and really helps us go to sleep much more easily. (M & K Bennett, QLD)

Thank you so much for making the purchase of this fantastic bed possible for me – I think of it every time my sore back and side does not hurt. It has also helped my sinus and chest congestion almost all disappeared. I was using a puffer frequently for “asthma” so the doctor said – now I dont have to use it at all – I am very lucky! All I can say is thank you very much. (A. Gold, QLD)

I love my new Craftmatic Bed. Every night is so much better sleeping especially as i am a nurse of over 40 years, it is wonderful also for my spoodle who sleeps on the end of the bed on a pillow so relaxed he often goes back to bed after I get up totally rested. (R. Greenwood, WA)

The best bed that I have ever had, takes me no time to fall asleep and the massage that you get is great, it’s warm and comfortable. I tell as many friends I can about it. The two guys that delivered and installed the bed did a great job thank-you. (Boris, SA)


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

A few weeks ago my Doctor suggested that a bed with an automated back rest would benefit my heart condition, and shortly after your sales rep [name omitted] called and gave an excellent presentation of you product, resulting in my purchasing of the King Single Classic, which proved very satisfactory, with the exception of a lack of casters, which is in the process of being rectified, which increases my piece of mind. However, little did I dream that less that a month after, I sustained severe back injuries, with extreme pain. Therefore I was able to avoid quite a lot of pain because of the ease with which I could raise myself, to get out of bed. Also the massage unit, I am sure, speed up the recovery time. This was a serious accident at my age of 88, and I am extremely glad I bought your bed when I did. (Florence, SA)

I think your bed has saved by back – it’s a wonderful product, I have no regrets. (Emma, NSW)

Adjustable Beds:

people enjoy a great night’s sleep! better health, comfort and well being through their Craftmatic Adjustable bed. Read some of their stories.

I have never been so comfortable as I am on my Craftmatic bed. I can’t stay home with my leg on pillows as they fall off without my knowing. Now with my new Craftmatic bed my legs stay elevated and have actually reduced my healing time – actually improved my chance of healing completely by 100%. I am able to get up during the day for a few hours thanks to Craftmatic. Also for the first time ever I am able to read a book in bed comfortably, thanks again Craftmatic. Plus all the staff have been exceptionally helpful.

Compared to all our other beds, Craftmatic has enabled us to position the bed to suit our varied needs. (Mr & Mrs Cooper, SA)

I am very happy and comfortable in [my] new bed. [I] find position 3 in [the] instruction manual ideal and I have no cramps in feet and lower legs. The bed is an ideal height to slide out of bed.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to tell you that I like my Craftmatic Bed. As well as being comfortable it makes making the best easier than my last torture rack of a bed that I was please to get rid of. I wake up refreshed as a result of a comfortable night’s sleep. I bought new sheets and a dooner to fit so i turned over a complete new super Craftmatic Bed. I received your bonus pillow and thankyou very much for that. I really had decided to buy the bed before the presentation if the price was right. The price was right and the terms were easy, it was very enjoyable experience and a pleasant afternoon. Thank you for my bed once again. (Roma, VIC)

By the way, I am 74 and definitely recommend this bed. 8-10 hours sleep now whilst previously I was receiving 3-4 hours of broken sleep. (Charles, WA)

When your sales consultant [name omitted] visited me I had no intention of buying a new bed. But since deciding to invest in your product I am so very pleased that I did. Apart from all the wonderful things that the bed can do I find that it’s one of the most comfortable beds I have ever slept on and I have possibly slept on more beds than anyone else I know. Also thank you for the new pillow you sent me last week. (Shelley, NSW)

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



uscle Pain

Associated with Stress and Tension or over Exertion

“We are pleased with your Craftmatic purchase of a king size bed. We now sleep more soundly and wake up much more refreshed with none of the old aches and pains.” (M. K. Bennet, QLD) “The best bed that I have ever had, takes me no time to fall asleep and the massage that you get is great, it’s warm and comfortable. I tell as many friends I can about it.” (Boris, SA) “Elevation of my knees has improved my lower back pain - muscle fatigue. The comfort and health benefits of my Craftmatic is the perfect solution for me.” (M. Purcell, QLD)

Stress and tension can stem from a range of causes but usually presents physical symptoms such as muscle pain, headaches and interrupted sleep. It is important to have adequate amounts of quality sleep. Poor quality sleep can lead to reduced alertness, shorter attention span, slower than normal reaction time and poor judgement, which may all serve to heighten your stress levels. Massage can increase circulation of the blood, relax your muscles and offer relief from those persistent aches and pains. Improved comfort and sleep quality may lead to reduced muscle pain. The Craftmatic adjustable bed with massage offers the wonderful benefits of relaxation. Each night you could find yourself treated to a much needed massage while drifting effortlessly to sleep or sitting up to read a good book. The Craftmatic Sleep System may temporary relieve symptoms of Muscle Pain Associated with Stress and Tension or over Exertion by simply following this procedure: Find a relaxing position and turn on the massage until relief is obtained. Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



Asthma presents one or more of the following symptoms -- shortness of breath, wheezing, tightness in the chest or a dry persistent cough particularly at night, early morning or with exercise. If you suffer from Asthma, you may have sensitive airways, when they are exposed to certain triggers your airways narrow, making it hard to breathe. The muscle around the airway tightens, and can become red and swollen. People with Asthma often suffer from disturbed sleep due to coughing, wheezing and breathlessness. Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. It is important to have adequate sleep and quality relaxation time. Controlling your Asthma will enable you to lead an active healthy lifestyle. (Source: Asthma SA, 2011-03-04)

The Craftmatic Sleep System may temporary relieve symptoms of Asthma by simply following this procedure: Sufferers of Asthma or other breathing disorders may achieve greater sleeping comfort with the torso (head of the bed) slightly elevated. CAUTION: If discomfort persists, consult your doctor immediately. Disclaimer: Information provided should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Concerns over this health problem should be discussed with a doctor.

“Thank you so much for making the purchase of this fantastic bed possible for me -- I think of it every time my sore back and side does not hurt. It has also helped my sinus and chest congestion almost all disappeared. I was using a puffer frequently for ‘asthma’ so the doctor said -- now I don’t have to use it at all -- I am very lucky! (A. Gold, QLD)

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



he Science

of a Good Night’s Sleep

On average, we spend 25 years of our lives sleeping, along with thousands of hours relaxing on our beds. For a good night’s sleep, hundreds of thousands of people have discovered that the Craftmatic Sleep System is the scientific solution to total rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

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Sleep research has made it increasingly evident that quality sleep is of vital importance in leading a productive, effective and enjoyable life. Modern science clearly shows the importance of the presleep period. The more relaxed and comfortable we are prior to going to sleep, the better our sleep is likely to be.


Stages of sleep Sleep is a dynamic process that involves two types of rest: active and quiet. Active sleep is called REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). It is preceded by quiet sleep (NREM sleep), which has four stages:


st stage: This stage lasts between 5 - 10 minutes. All bodily activity starts to slow down: muscles relax, temperature decreases, pulse and respiration become more regular, the mind wonders and one is easily awakened.


nd stage: Bodily movement continues to decrease and one is soundly asleep, yet can be awakened by sounds. At this point, the eyes become unresponsive to stimuli and start to roll back and forth.


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

rd stage: By this time the body is almost totally relaxed and one is not easily awakened.

th stage: At this deepest level the muscles are completely at rest and there is little body movement. One awakens slowly from this stage. EM Sleep - This is the stage where dreams occur. The level of one’s nervous and mental activities increases, as well as temperature and heart rate which is characterised by rapid darting movements of the eyes.

How much sleep do we need? There is no standard amount of sleep that is right for everybody. The normal range of sleep for humans is between 5 and 10 hours, with 7.5 hours being the world-wide average. How much sleep do we require may change as you get older and may vary with the state of your health, the weather, physical activity, job demands and your emotional condition. The true measure of how much sleep you require is how rested you feel when you wake up.

Sleep Disorders According to the Sleep Health Foundation of Australia, “problems with sleep are very common. They may occur because of poor sleep habits and insufficient time in bed, or as the result of a specific sleep disorder such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnoea or insomnia. Addressing all of these issues is the key to improving the health, safety, productivity and quality of life of affected people.”

Some Common Sleep Disorders Apnea is a condition in which breathing stops for brief periods (30 to 130 seconds) during the night, waking up the individual. The frequent sleep disturbances devastate a person’s daytime functioning. Leg Jerks (or nocturnal myoclonus) is an involuntary twitching and kicking of the legs, usually every 20 to 40 seconds, sometimes for several hours at a time. It can occur as many as 300 to 400 times a night, arousing the sleeper and leaving him exhausted by morning. Narcolepsy is an inherited disorder that is characterised by repeated sleep attacks during the day. An individual may actually go to sleep, or may display ‘automatic behaviour’ whereby they appear to be awake and functioning during these attacks. Another characteristic symptom of the condition is cataplexy, a partial or complete weakening of muscle tone, usually triggered by intense emotion. Night Terror is a sudden awakening during which the victim suddenly sits up with an agonising dread, gasping and screaming. It is not caused by nightmares. An episode can last from 15 to 30 minutes, after which the individual returns to sleep. Sleepwalking, Sleeptalking and Bedwetting are also familiar patterns and conditions that interrupt sleep, but usually without dramatic side-effects to their victims. According to the Australasian Sleep Association, “Access Economics, the respected national economic consultancy, estimated that in 2004 the cost of untreated sleep disorders to the Australian Community exceeded $10 billion per annum, yet only $200 million is spent in direct health costs to identify and treat them.”

The Most Important Things to Know About Anxiety and Sleep (‘Anxiety and Sleep’, Sleep Health Foundation www.

1. If you are a “worrier”, you are at greater risk of having insomnia. 2. Worrying about your sleep can make it worse. This may create a vicious cycle of poor sleep and worrying. 3. Worrying may disturb your sleep even you if you are not an anxious person. 4. If you have a regular pattern of poor sleep and feeling tired during the day, you may feel less sure of your ability to ever sleep well again. 5. Insomnia that began in a time of high stress might not go away, even after the stress has been dealt with. 6. To treat insomnia, one of the main things you should focus on is being more relaxed and drowsy before going to bed 7. Using alcohol for relaxation may lead to worse sleep. It is a popular myth that alcohol improves sleep. Disclaimer - Information provided here is general in nature and should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice. Ongoing concerns about sleep or other medical conditions should be discussed.

Top 10 Tips for

a Good Night’s Sleep 1. KEEP REGULAR HOURS. Keep your biological clock in sync by going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning - even on weekends.

2. DEVELOP A SLEEP RITUAL. Doing the same things each night just before bed cues your body to settle down for the night.

3. SLEEP ON A COMFORTABLE, SUPPORTIVE MATTRESS AND FOUNDATION. It’s difficult to get deep, restful sleep on a sleep set that’s too small, too soft, too hard or too old.

4. EXERCISE REGULARLY. Regular exercise can help to relieve the day’s tension - but not too close to bedtime or you may have a hard time falling asleep.

continued on page 22...

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



leep and


The changes that aging brings tend to come upon us unnoticed at first, like the passing of the seasons. Slowly, over time, we become aware that our eyesight is less keen or our hearing less acute. In the same way, our experience of sleep is altered. It’s not that our sleep needs decline with age. In fact, research demonstrates: Our Sleep needs remain constant throughout adulthood. Most of us still require the same seven to nine hours of sleep a night we always did. However, a good night’s rest may prove more elusive as we grow older. Lifestyle changes and behavioral practices may play their part. Daytime naps may make us less tired at bedtime. Poor sleep habits may have become entrenched; we may associate our bed with television or reading, not sleeping. Stress and bereavement may lead to early awakenings or interrupted sleep. And in the silence of our bedrooms, the bark of a neighbor’s dog or a passing siren may trouble us more than when we were younger.

How Sleep Changes Middle-aged and elderly people tend to spend less time in deeper sleep than younger people. In addition, the average total sleep time increases slightly after age 65 as do reports of difficulty falling asleep. One study found that after 65, 13 percent of men and 36 percent of women reported taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. What causes this difficulty? The elderly generally secrete lesser amounts of certain chemicals that regulate the sleep/wake cycle. Both melatonin (a substance produced by the pineal gland that promotes sleep) and growth hormone production decrease with age. There are also changes in the body temperature cycle which occur with age. These factors may 24

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

cause, or be a consequence of, sleep problems. In addition, a decrease in exposure to natural light and a change in diet may exacerbate sleep difficulties. Some researchers theorize that daytime inactivity (lack of exercise) and decreased mental stimulation may also lead to the “aging” of sleep. Falling asleep isn’t the only difficulty older people may face at night. Sleep also becomes more shallow, fragmented and variable in duration with age. The elderly wake more frequently than younger adults. Recent research suggests that the aging bladder can contribute to this. Daytime sleepiness follows. Persistent trouble falling asleep at night or frequent drowsing by day is not normal or inevitable with age. Sometimes, age-related changes mask underlying sleep disorders. For example, sleep apnea, a breathing disorder, is more common in the middle and elder years. The repeated awakenings caused by a literal lack of breath lead to daytime sleepiness. How to tell whether daytime drowsiness is a result of a sleep disorder, sleep deficit or depression? Consult a sleep specialist.

The Impact of Sleep Problems Sleep Deprivation has measurable negative effects on performance and physical and mental health: Reduced energy, greater difficulty concentrating, diminished mood, and greater risk for accidents, including fall-asleep crashes. Work performance and relationships can suffer too. And pain may be intensified by the physical and mental consequences of lack of sleep.



TOP 10

ealth Benefits

of Sleep

1. SLEEP KEEPS YOUR HEART HEALTHY. Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol, all risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Your heart will be healthier if you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.

2. SLEEP MAY PREVENT CANCER. People working the late shift have a higher risk for breast and colon cancer. Researchers believe this link is caused by differing levels of melatonin in people who are exposed to light at night. Light exposure reduces the level of melatonin, a hormone that both makes us sleepy and is thought to protect against cancer. Be sure that your bedroom is dark to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.

3. SLEEP REDUCES STRESS. When your body is sleep deficient, it goes into a state of stress. The body’s functions are put on high alert which causes an increase in blood pressure and a production of stress hormones. Higher blood pressure increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes.




The increase in stress hormones raises the level of inflammation in your body, also creating more risk for heart-related conditions, as well as cancer and diabetes. Inflammation is thought to be one of the causes of the deterioration of your body as you age.

5. SLEEP MAKES YOU MORE ALERT. When you wake up feeling refreshed, use that energy to get out into the daylight, do active things, and be engaged in your world. You’ll sleep better the next night and increase your daily energy level.

6. SLEEP BOLSTERS YOUR MEMORY. While your body may be resting, your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between

events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Your dreams and deep sleep are an important time for your brain to make memories and links. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better.

7. SLEEP MAY HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT. Researchers have also found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that the lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite.

8. NAPS MAKE YOU SMARTER. Napping during the day is not only an effective and refreshing alternative to caffeine, it can also protect your health and make you more productive. A study of 24,000 Greek adults showed that people who napped several times a week had a lower risk for dying from heart disease. People who nap at work have much lower levels of stress. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood.

9. SLEEP MAY REDUCE YOUR RISK FOR DEPRESSION. Sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with a deficiency in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, between 7 and 9 hours each night.

10. SLEEP HELPS THE BODY MAKE REPAIRS. Sleep is a time for your body to repair damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage.

Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



Remedy for


“Snoring occurs when air does not flow smoothly through the air passages, or when the soft tissues or muscles in your throat vibrate during sleep. Snoring occurs in all age groups. The largest affected group however, is the middle aged population. Snoring may be associated with long term health problems such as an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.” (“Snoring”, Sleep Disorders Australia Snoring can be annoying to a partner and may lead to restless sleep. While there is no known cure for snoring yet, there are some products or remedies that can reduce those restless nights. According to Dr. Willibald Nagler, MD, one such remedy is the use of an adjustable bed. Following is an extract from Dr. Nagler’s “Good Beds for Bad Backs - A Guide to Better Sleep”

...from page 21

5. CUT DOWN ON STIMULANTS. Consuming stimulants, such as caffeine, in the evening interferes with falling asleep and prevents deep sleep

6. DON’T SMOKE. Smokers take longer to fall asleep, awaken more often and experience disrupted, fragmented sleep

7. DRINK ONLY IN MODERATION. Drinking alcohol shortly before bedtime interrupts and fragments sleep.

8. UNWIND EARLY IN THE EVENING. Try to deal with worries and distractions several hours before going to bed.

9. CREATE A RESTFUL SLEEP ENVIRONMENT. Sleep in a cool, quiet, dark room on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation.

10. MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY. Say “yes” to sleep even when you’re tempted to stay up late. You’ll thank yourself in the morning.


Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

People ask me all the time how does an adjustable bed help “snoring.” Elevating the upper body in an adjustable bed tends to keep the stomach contents where they belong, and also helps keep the windpipe strait and less likely to become kinked in a way that can cause “snoring.” Many spouses of my patients tell me that when their mate begins to snore in their sleep, they just reach for the remote control and adjust the bed until the noise stops. That feature alone would make the investment in a Craftmatic Adjustable Bed priceless. As a physician for over 40 years and having been The Chief of Physical Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital Cornell Medical Center in New York since 1971, I recommend The Craftamatic Adjustable Bed to everyone because it can offer so many therapeutic options. But I must emphasise to everyone that a Craftamatic bed can be the perfect solution for a good night’s sleep, because you are in control of your sleeping and comfort positions. It’s as simple as pushing the button and raise the head and legs of your Craftmatic Adjustable bed until you feel great. If your needs should change you can always re-adjust the bed to what might feel right at the time.

Last but Not Least A Craftmatic Adjustable bed can help you feel better, even if you feel that you might not need one medically, just yet! The extra comfort can help, and serve as an added measure of protection to avoid creating or expanding a back problem that has not yet fully developed. I say why wait for a back problem to elevate to the point that it shows its’ ugly face.



lobal Travel


Across 1. State capital of Georgia (7) 4. Egyptian dam (5) 6. Italian isle (5) 7. Montgomery is the state capital (7) 8. Grand Canyon State (7) 10. Japanese city (5) 12. Capital of 16 across (6) 13. Capital of the Philippines (6) 16. European country (5) 18. Capital of Algeria (7) 20. North American mountain range (7) 21. Egyptian desert (5) 22. Tripoli is the capital (5) 23. Washington city (7) Down 1. Capital of Ghana (5) 2. Capital of Kenya (7) 3. Biblical Mount (6) 4. San Antonio mission (5) 5. Falls (7) 9. Asian country (5) 11. Australian town, ___ Springs (5) 12. French wind (7) 14. State capital of Maine (7) 15. Topeka is the state capital (6) 17. Currency of Nigeria (5) 19. French river (5)

Answer to Global Travel Crossword Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health



Supporting a Lifetime of Good Health

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