HDI Network Brand Guide Book 2008

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Brand Guide

USA • Singapore • Malaysia • Philippines • Indonesia • Hongkong

Purpose This brand guide is written for the benefit of those working within HDI Network, business associates and for those considering investing in the brand. It offers a framework for making and evaluating creative decisions by providing the understanding and rules on the application of the brand. It also explains how, when used correctly and consistently, these elements speak for HDI Network in a clear and compelling way. By following this guide, we help define HDI Network for our customers, partners and our respective industries at large. Equally important, we help them to recognize, differentiate and remember us.

Brand Guide

Contents Introduction

• Welcome • Our Origin • Timeline • HDI Network Today

Organization Profile

• Tagline • The HDI Network Mission Statement • The HDI Network Vision • Strategy • Core Values • Brand Promise • Our Commitment • Corporate Song

Visual Identity Brand Guide

• The HDI Network Logo -Artwork -Using our Logo • Country Inclusion • Graphic Elements • Typography • Images • Language/Tone • HDI Network Colors


Brand Guide

• Welcome • Our Origin • Timeline • HDI Network Today

Welcome The HDI Network brand today is used to represent the network marketing business of HDI and is recognized by hundreds of thousands of consumers worldwide. It is an extremely valuable asset which can generate substantial success for all involved in it. As such, we have created a brand guide. Like any guide, its objective is to help people who use the brand understand its origin, the brand values and the best ways of getting the most out of it. A brand is always evolving and people’s perceptions of it change from time to time but the core values and singular brand promise HDI Network stands for are sacred. They define how we do business, how we communicate, what we believe in and ultimately where we are headed.

Brand Guide

Our Origin In 2005, we introduced a new corporate identity: HDI Network. The letters “HDI” stand for High-Desert International. Our name originates from “High-Desert”, a reference to the inland and often high elevation deserts of the American West where we derive our range of natural bee products. When the company started marketing these products in 1984, there was no budget for advertising so it was necessary to be different and more creative in marketing. A simple commission plan was drawn up giving bonuses on sales and recruitment. The first business opportunity meeting was conducted in the living room of a small house back in Singapore. There were a total of 20 attendees who responded to a small advertisement placed in the local newspapers. Soon the word started to spread. 6 months later, High-Desert held its first large scale business opportunity meeting in a hotel ballroom in Orchard Road Singapore. Thousands attended and traffic ground to a halt. The rest, as they say, is history. High-Desert started out challenging the norms and being different from the rest. Today, we are known as HDI Network but the core beliefs and values of the group remains the same.

Brand Guide

Timeline • 1984

High-Desert starts in a small house in Singapore, importing health products and supplements from USA. Without a budget for advertising and promotion, it distributes the products via network marketing.


After enjoying explosive success in Singapore, High-Desert expands into Malaysia and becomes one of the leaders in the industry.


High-Desert sets up in Philippines, becoming one of the first and biggest network marketing companies established in the country.


High-Desert moves to Hong Kong as a branch of High-Desert Philippines to cater to the demands by the Filipino community there. High-Desert also becomes a sponsor of the Olympic Council of Malaysia.

•1992-1993 High-Desert makes its mark in the Asia as the fastest growing network marketing company in the region. With close to 500,000 distributors in the network, it also becomes one of the largest. High-Desert starts diversifying into real estate development, finance and outdoor advertising. •1994

High-Desert carries on its expansion as PT. Harmoni Dinamik Indonesia is set up. It also sets up HDI Nutrients, a research and development facility in USA to develop new products.


High-Desert has truly becomes an international organization as business partners are now able to travel and explore various opportunities in other countries.


High-Desert undergoes a branding revamp to reflect its international status. It slowly makes the transition from High-Desert to HDI Network. The group also starts HDI Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated towards building free schools.

Brand Guide

HDI Network Today HDI Network is a global presence active in 5 countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Hong Kong. It has more than 300,000 distributors supported by a network of 200 independent dealers and stockists. HDI Network has established a reputation over time and is well known for the following: 1. Effective and high quality natural products that work 2. A commitment to providing the best business opportunity possible for distributors 3. A network marketing company that nurtures relationships based on Love and Care 4. Always paying out bonuses on time, every time

Brand Guide

Organization Profile

Brand Guide

• Tagline • The HDI Network Mission Statement • The HDI Network Vision • Strategy • Core Values • Brand Promise • Corporate Song

Tagline Helping People Originally using the tagline “Helping People Business” , HDI Network today adopts the tagline “Helping People”. It is the nature of human beings to want to help those who are in need. This comes from our fundamental desire to love and be loved. We express this by helping others enjoy better lives through the business and better health through the products. By showing genuine care and concern for others, we are truly a company that makes a difference by Helping People.

Brand Guide

The HDI Network Mission Statement

Our mission is to establish a world-class network marketing company based on the philosophy of Love and Care while helping people achieve a better quality of live through our business and products.

Brand Guide

The HDI Network Vision

Our vision is to create an international community of people that work and live by the HDI Network brand value. There is a sense of belonging amongst these individuals who are driven towards the common goal of advancing themselves and their surroundings.

Brand Guide

Our Strategy

In each of the countries we are present in, we will ensure a steadfast commitment to the brand value. We run our businesses with a conscience and do what’s right without exception. We are also focused on creating tangible wealth for our distributors and ensuring that they go through a rewarding experience with us.

Brand Guide

Our Core Values ☀ To consistently offer products and services based on high standards, attention to detail and delivering on promises ☀ To build relationships based on the “one family” concept: loving and caring for those around us, acting with integrity, sincerity and maintaining the trust and mutual respect for one another ☀ To constantly advance ourselves, our businesses and our surroundings ☀ To serve as a catalyst for personal and corporate contributions to the community

Brand Guide

Our Brand Promise We uphold our brand promise of committing to do what’s right for others without exception. By putting ourselves in the shoes of our partners, clients and fellow colleagues, we are always in touch with their needs and wants, allowing us to exceed expectations and be a source of inspiration to those around us. At HDI Network, this it applies to everyone: staff, distributors and customers alike. In order to do so, we focus on these 3 main ideas:

1. Having a positive view of others. 2. Being genuinely concerned about the value and benefits they get from our products and services 3. Taking a personal interest in how they do. As such, every product or service that comes from us has an invaluable asset attached to it: The HDI Network brand.

Brand Guide

Our Commitment In HDI Network, we also have an additional commitment by the staff. This is present in every HDI Network office and reminds our staff what they should be doing at all times. I REPRESENT HDI NETWORK, and I COMMIT TO: • • • •

The Company and one another by being confident, open, honest and helpful Taking the products regularly Constantly improving myself in product knowledge Treating distributors like family members with Love and Care

Brand Guide

Our Corporate Song HDI One Family I. We are part of One Family Helping people through LOVE and CARE Believe in your dreams We can make it happen Promoting a better quality of life Ref: Share the LOVE and CARE for everyone Chorus: HDI One Family one vision full of LOVE and CARE HDI One Family building bridges far and beyond We can make a difference this is where we belong With HDI... One Family II. Come and lend a helping hand Reaching out to one another Through LOVE and CARE Together we stand for a brighter tomorrow Creating a better place for you and me Ref: Share the LOVE and CARE for everyone

Brand Guide

Chorus: HDI One Family one vision full of LOVE and CARE HDI One Family building bridges far and beyond We can make a difference this is where we belong With HDI... One Family Ref: Share the LOVE and CARE for everyone Bridge: HDI One Family one vision full of LOVE and CARE HDI One Family building bridges far and beyond HDI One Family one vision full of LOVE and CARE HDI One Family building bridges far and beyond We can make a difference this is where we belong With HDI... One Family

Our Visual Identity

Brand Guide

• The HDI Network Logo -Artwork -Using our Logo • Country Inclusion • Graphic Elements • Typography • Images • Language/Tone • HDI Network Colors

Our Visual Identity The HDI Network logo is an essential part of the HDI Network brand and cannot be altered in any way, shape or form. It is defined as: (a) White hexagon logo of High-Desert on a blue rectangular background* (b) White lettering on a red rectangular background** (c) in Aldine721 BT font (not bold, italics, outline nor underlined) the letters “HDI” in upper case. The aspect ratio of the rectangle is based on using the letter “I” as the unit of measurement for the distance from the letters to the sides of the rectangle (d) “Network” word in HelvNue Bold-Obligue font in color blue * (e) A blue curve beneath the logo. (same color as the “network” name)

* Pantone® 275 C on glossy print materials; on other surfaces the nearest practicable equivalent ** Pantone® 1807 C on glossy print materials; on other surfaces the nearest practicable equivalent

Using the “I” of the HDI as the unit of measurement Brand Guide

Our Visual Identity Designed in 2005, it represents the following elements: 1.

The hexagon logo with HD inside it is inherited from the original High-Desert design. Turned clockwise 90 degrees, it stands for “Ji�, an auspicious word in Chinese that means luck. The angle on the top represents a roof and the hexagon surrounding it is both a house (meaning that the luck is within the house or in this case, the company) and a visual link to our long standing relationship with the bees.


The blue and red combination is our original corporate colors that have been used ever since High-Desert. The red is the color of fire and blood, associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire and love. It is a very emotionally intense color and has high visibility. The blue is a trusted color, providing a sense of tranquility and security. It symbolizes loyalty, wisdom, trust, faith, and confidence.


Aldine 721 BT, an old school font, is used for the letters HDI to represent our heritage and history. The white used for the font gives a sense of coolness, purity, truthfulness and perfection.


The Network letters are in Helvnue font and give a sense of friendliness and openness while the curve at the bottom represents dynamism and constant movement.

The HDI Network name is a powerful asset. To maintain brand strength, correct and consistent use is vital. The logo is used when representing HDI Network and any business of the HDI Network brand in corporate communication.

Brand Guide

Using our Logo Size of the HDI Network logo

Depending on usage, the size of the logo will change. The logo should be sized for clear legibility at all times.

Alternate Logo colors

One-color version For black and white publications, or when color is not an option, these are the one-color versions of the logo available for use in black or other spot colors. The reversed color of the logo is used in order to give it more claritymaking it a strong counterpart of the full-colored version.* If one is using the full black and white version of the logo on a solid background color, the background must provide adequate contrast.

Full black and white version *Exception to the HDI Brand Guide Rule.

Brand Guide

Using our Logo Full Knock-out Logo

The logo is also available in a full knock-out version. The full knock-out version should be used in place of the original black and white logo when background color or photographic backgrounds make the original black and white logo illegible. If using the full knock-out version of the logo on a solid background color, the background must provide adequate contrast. If using the full knock-out version of the logo on a photographic background, please be sure that the area behind the logo is visually even and that its value is equal to 75% black or greater for best legibility.

Against black background Brand Guide

Using our Logo Area of Isolation

The HDI Network logo is a clean and strong mark and should be treated with respect in all usages. A minimum amount of white space around the logo is required. For the minimum amount of white space required, use the width of the “I� in HDI as the unit by which to measure white space on all sides of the logo. This area of isolation protects the logo from other imagery, graphics, and page trim. Only the HDI Network tagline may be placed closer to the logo.

Brand Guide

Using our Logo With the tagline Helping People

This diagram shows how to affix the tagline Helping People (in Myriad Pro Italic Font) with the HDI Network Logo. Using the the same unit of measure (the letter “I� from HDI) to judge the distance between the logo and the header.

Helping People Brand Guide

Using our Logo Product Application

☀ When using the logo strictly on the labels of products or product packaging material, we use the HD hexagon logo accompanied by the letters HDI in Aldine 721 BT Font below without any rectangular box. The HD hexagon logo should not be distorted in any way or form and the distance from the HD hexagon logo to “HDI” should be consistent. It should also provide sufficient contrast to the background. Preferred colors are grey or black if on a white/light background, and white if on a black/dark background. Colors for the logo and lettering should be single tone/not in gradient for clarity. ☀ Products will be referred to as HDI Products in all marketing materials and collateral. This is a change from the use of “HD” Products previously.

on white/light background

Using the “I” of the HDI as the unit of measurement

on black/dark background

Brand Guide

Using our Logo Logo don’ts

Presentation of our logo consistently is important and helps to promote recognition of the HDI brand. These examples and the examples on the following page help to avoid misuses of the logo.

The logo should never be... re-typeset

H DI Distorted in any way unless part of a design element

Brand Guide

Using our Logo The logo should never be... Placed on any color background that does not provide adequate contrast*

Reversed out of a photographic background that does not provide adequate contrast*

Reproduced on an busy/ complicated background*

Changed in terms of color.

*This is a judgment call and there are no firm rules on what represents adequate contrast or a busy background. It is also acceptable if the logo becomes a design element.

Brand Guide

Using our Logo In using the tagline, Helping People. It should never be... Re-typeset

Helping People HELPING PEOPLE Helping people

Re-arrange/ resize

Helping People

Helping People

You can however... Change the color of the text. Since it’s a variant of a branding slogan typically used in marketing materials and advertising, it is be flexible enough to blend into the design. Preferred colors are grey or black if on a white/light background, and white if on a black/dark background.

Brand Guide

Helping People

Graphic Elements When designing materials that require visual graphic elements, we often use the hexagon motif/montage and line waves. This is not compulsory but it creates consistency in design productions. 1. The hexagon design represents the cells in the beehive and is a direct reference to our roots when we started marketing bee products. 2. The line waves represent flow and water, blending one design to the next in balanced harmony.


Brand Guide

Country Inclusion Some materials include the countries where HDI is present. The proper way to show their arrangement is as such:

USA • Singapore • Malaysia • Philippines • Indonesia • Hongkong *should always use the Myriad Pro regular font and do not shift the order of the countries.

In cases that you have to highlight a particular country to emphasize the origin or source of the material, change the color of the specified country name and the bullet beside it. If only one color is available, please use a darker or lighter color to give emphasis. *Do not BOLD the country text.

USA • Singapore • Malaysia • Philippines • Indonesia • Hongkong USA • Singapore • Malaysia • Philippines • Indonesia • Hongkong

Brand Guide

Typography Primary

Myriad Pro

Typography is critical when creating clear and consistent brand communication. It helps to provide a clear and recognizable brand voice when used across all corporate communication material. The primary typeface chosen to communicate the HDI brand is Myriad Pro because of its easy readability and surplus of typefaces. This font is the default choice and should be used in all graphic and corporate communications as well as internal and external correspondence. Examples include emails, word documents, forms, presentations and marketing materials. It also offers many weights available which give a large degree of design flexibility. Only under special circumstances and approval can typefaces other than the ones listed in this book be used.

Myriad Pro Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Myriad Pro Condensed

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Myriad Pro Condensed Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Myriad Pro Bold Condensed

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Myriad Pro Bold Condensed Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Myriad Pro Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Brand Guide

Typography Myriad Pro continued...

Myriad Pro Light Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Myriad Pro Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Myriad Pro Semi-bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Myriad Pro Semi-bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Myriad Pro Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Myriad Pro Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Brand Guide

Typography Secondary

Aldine721 BT

This font is used for the HDI brand logo text and can be used to compliment the typefaces of Myriad Pro.

Aldine721BT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Aldine721BT Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Aldine721BT Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} Aldine721BT Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Brand Guide

Typography Secondary


This font is used for the HDI Network brand logo text “Network”.

HelvNue Normal ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} HelvNue Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} HelvNue Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]} HelvNue Bold Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 {(.,:;!¿?&$¢)[]}

Brand Guide

Images When using images to represent the organization, they should show real people as much as possible (preferably Asian in origin) smiling, laughing and interacting with one another. This gives a visual uplift to the text or materials. Images of nature are also encouraged. The quality of images is also important. Images should be high resolution without noise and watermarks. Images should also be royalty free so that we do not fall afoul of copyright laws.

Brand Guide

Language and Tone We believe that a message is better read when it’s straightforward and simple to understand. This conveys a sense of honesty and openness. Furthermore, straightforward and simple communication leads to less misunderstanding. Always keep the tone light, happy and positive. Be very particular in punctuation, usage of nouns, verbs and tenses as this creates an impression on the reader. Also pay attention to details, especially in formatting and spelling.

Brand Guide

HDI Network Colors The HDI Network colors, Color Accuracy There is natural inconsistency in color across different media and printing processes. When working in media that does not use PANTONE color, use the values in the chart on the right to match the PANTONE color. These listed color values should help to provide the best color consistency.









Brand Guide

HDI Network Colors Corporate colors These are the preferred colors to be used in integrating the HDI logo in any corporate materials or designs to better represent the company. When used, this color guide will generate a strong brand unity and create visually stunning materials that reflect the brand name. Color Guide PANTONE 275 C PANTONE 275 U




BLACK 100%

Brand Guide

Helping People

USA • Singapore • Malaysia • Philippines • Indonesia • Hongkong

Brand Guide

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