Lavoro roma 2015 in inglese

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A preliminary study on the changes induced by radiobiological stimulation (Callegari’s Radionic) on retinal function and morphology in patients with macular diseases: OCT and microperimetric assessments. Pierdomenico D’Andrea, M.D. Via Monte Faito, 5 – Pescara (I) key words: Retina, Macular Dystrophies, OCT, Microperimetry, GianBattista Callegari’s Radionic.

Abstract Aim of the study: to demonstrate the effectiveness of Callegari’s radionic, which consists in the possibility to interact with the oscillatory part of the matter, using particularly waves, defined radionic since generated in particularly oscillating circuits, called Callegari, to induce changes in retinal morphology and function in patients suffering from various macular dystrophies, and to evaluate in which kind of dystrophy the procedure is more useful. Materials and methods: 39 eyes, affected by various maculopathies (atrophy – 10 eyes-, vitreomacular traction syndrome (VMT) -13 eyes-, age related maculopathy (AMD) -6 eyes-, vascular related maculopathy -6 eyes-, pseudophachic cisthoyd macular oedema (CME) -4 eyes- were exposed to radionic stimuli, 10 sessions every 4 days, during one month, (according to GianBattista Callegari’s Radionic). Exclusion criteria were: pregnancy, known or previous malignancies. OCT and Microperimetry were performed before and after the stimulations, automatically delivered by the CRC DIGITALE DEVICE (Italian patent 2008). Follow-up was 3060 days. No drugs were administered during treatment and follow-up. Due to the sample heterogeneity and peculiarities, it was not performed statistical analysis. Results: the OCT evaluation criterium was variation in retinal thickness ± 20% vs. baseline; the microperimetric one was ± 20% vs. baseline. In all patients there were no changes in OCT (except CME and vasculopathy related maculopathy), but an increased sensibility was observed in 58% of patients, especially in atrophyc maculopathies (70%). Discussion: the most important result of this study was the improvement of macular sensibility in macular atrophies, despite any appreciable thickness changes measured by OCT. The radionics wave projected to patients suffering from macular atrophy are like-infrared waves, so they are able to induce regeneration of tissues. They could induce neuronal sprouting, or increase production of endogenous growth factors to explain these results. It is demonstrated an anti-oedemic effect in CME and the reduction of vessels permeability in vascular-related maculopathies. Conclusions: this study suggests the possibility of inducing some changes in structure and function of the retina by the overlapping of radionics stimuli to endogenous retinal electric-fields. The best result is the increasing of macular sensibility in atrophies. In the cases when the result is not good , it is possible to presume a mistake of scheduling therapy/stimulation. Further investigations are needed to understand the potential effects of this device.

INTRODUCTION. Various studies demonstrated the effectiveness of physic stimuli to induce changes into the retina and ocular tissues. The interaction between herzian waves (lasers, ultrasound, mechanic) and eye are well known. The energy of these sources actually used in ocular therapy are very high and their effect are destructive (photocoagulation, photoablation, phacoemulsion,

and others). They induce chemical changes into the tissues. If the energy is very low, or time exposure is very reduced, it could obtain other effects, such as tissue regeneration, as demonstrated with nano-pulsed lasers in AMD. If waves are used, which have very low energy and particular wavelength, frequency, time and waveform, it is possible to release information/instructions to tissues, to achieve any effects. This kind of stimuli induces physical changes, so they are reversible for a single stimulus, but they become effective to achieve morphologic and functional variations in the tissues, as expression gene increasing of protein, for example, if the stimuli are repeated. If we consider that the first event of the illness is an electric offset, it could be possible to reset it by using any appropriate stimuli, by overlapping to his endogenous electric fields. Studies were performed about corneal regeneration, ocular pain, intraocular pressure, diabetic retinopathy, by using magneto-electric fields (1), or by using micro-currents (2) in pigmental retinitis. The action mechanism is due to overlapping to endogenous electric-fields to obtain a particular effect. In conclusion, very low energies, practically athermal, no mutagen, transmitted by herzian fundamental waves are the informational system to achieve biological effects. The relationships between various kinds of waves (wavelength, frequency, energy, time) are regulated by Thomson equation, so the same effect is obtained by varying these parameters. The Callegari’s radionic (3,4,5,6,7,8) is a particular physical radiation, which according to Thomson equation, could induce any effects into substrates, without changing their chemical nature, but only by interacting with the oscillatory part of the matter, that is the electrons in their orbits, without modifying their energetic levels. The CRC DIGITAL DEVICE (Italian patent 2008) delivers automatically to tissues the digitalized radionic resetting waves (numeric information) to reset (or to repolarize) the endogenous electromagnetic-fields, by using the magnetic-resonance effect. AIM OF THE STUDY Demonstrating that Callegari’s radionic is able to determinate biological variations in tissues. For this study retina has been chosen as target tissue since it is easily assessable both from a morphological (OCT) and functional (MP) point of view, even if the last exam explores a psychophysical threshold which could be easily influenced by the patient’s mood. Materials and methods

For this investigative study 39 eyes have been selected from 34 patients affected by different forms of maculopathies: - atrophy – 10 eyes-, - vitreomacular traction syndrome (VMT > 1500 μ) -13 eyes-, - age related maculopathy (AMD) -6 eyes-, - vascular related maculopathy -6 eyes-, - pseudophachic cisthoyd macular oedema (CME) -4 eyes-. They were exposed to radionic stimuli, 10 sessions every 4 days, during one month, (according to GianBattista Callegari’s Radionic). OCT and Microperimetry were performed before and after the stimulations by the same operator, automatically delivered by the CRC DIGITALE DEVICE (Italian patent 2008). Follow-up was 30-60 days. No drugs were administered during treatment and follow-up. Exclusion criteria were: pregnancy, known or previous malignancies.

What is Callegari’s Radionic? It is the Physics of the particular natural electromagnetic field (radionic field) that is present in the atom and is originated by the natural background electronic oscillation that is continuous, constant with no fading; It is the Physics of the particular Oscillating Circuits Callegari, naturally activated, in which the Magnetic Resonance realizes a particularly “transparent” space (Radionic space) which allows to operate in the electromagnetic field of organic and inorganic matter (investigation, study, analysis, radionic treatment from a distance). THE INSTRUMENTS Callegari Jonisolar Radionic Device CRC (Italian Paten 2008 and International Patent pending Europe 2009): it works with elevated radiofrequences(SHF) from 30.000 to 300.000 megahertz (from 30 to 300 gigahertz), correspondent to wave length shorter than 1cm. (from 9mm. to 0,3mm); CRC Digital (Public Register of Programs for Operator – SIAE – Rome – October 2013) : it realizes computerized digits of the Original Callegari Radionic Scale correspondent to frequencies from fmin = 14.989.622.900.000 hz = 15 Thz ed fmax = 9.993.081.933.333.330.000 hz 10 Ehz respectively correspondent to wave length λmax = 200.000 U.Ä. = 0,02 mm and λmin = 0,00003 U.Ä. = 3 x 10 ̵ ¹² mm)

Overall results In order to establish if variations have occurred in the morphology and in the function of the retina an examination of the modification of at least ± 20 % in the basic values of retinic thickness (OCT) and medium sensibility (microperimetry) has been taken into account. After the treatment no change was apparently observed in OCT, in macular atrophy and VMT. On the contrary, some changes in the thickness were observed in MCE and in Vascular Related Maculopathy (decreasing thickness). An improvement in sensibility was spotted in 54% of the patients. Only 8% of the patients underwent an apparent worsening of their sensibility. The best results involved macular atrophy which was improved in 70% of cases. No significant change in OCT in VTM and AMD has been observed. There has been an improvement in the macular function especially in atrophic maculopathies. A decrease in retinal thickness in cystoid and non-cystoid oedema has been observed. No reduction in retinal sensibility has been noted except for 3 patients. No side effect was registered. As for the contradictory result of the VTM, further investigations are needed.

Discussion Patients selected for this study suffer from conditions that require invasive therapies, as VTM, or for which there are no therapies of proven efficacy, as atrophy. Because of the peculiarities and sample heterogeneities, no comparisons with a control group has been made. Furthermore, the only aim of this study is to verify if CALLEGARI’S RADIONIC could or could not induce changes in the retina. The most important result of this stimulation is the improvement of macular function in the treated atrophies, and it must be emphasized

that no patient in this group worsened retinal function. In the VMT the results are contradictory, probably due to stimulation programming errors : it is possible that the membrane was reactivated by stimuli in the patients who had a light increase in retinal thickness. Undoubtedly the waves used are able to vehiculate some “information/instructions” to the ocular tissues, to try to restore the electronic oscillating stability in their orbit, to induce a biological effect. The absence of effect is not to be ascribed to a bad work of the instrument but, probably, to a misuse of the device sending wrong or pointless information. In these cases further investigations are necessary. . Conclusions Diseases occur primarily as alteration of the tissues’ endogenous electric field, or their oscillatory component. Callegari’s radiostimulation can interact with them. This study suggests the possibility to induce some functional and morphological changes into retinal tissues overlapping to endogenous electric fields by using the radionic waves according to CALLEGARI’S RADIONIC. Theoretically, biological effects could be achieved with any appropriate physical stimuli (coherent light, sound, or mechanic), if they have specific requirements, according to Thomson equation. The specific effect depends on the frequency, intensity, time, kind of wave (information) delivered to tissues. The clinical use of Callegari’s radionic needs further investigations, but, at the moment, it seems useful in visual rehabilitation of macular atrophies.

Macular atrophy: 10 eyes

apparently no oct changes/mp improvements macular atrophy oct results 300

retina thickness

250 200 oct pre


oct post



50 0 -50












macular atrophy mp results

sensibility dB

30 25 20

mp pre


mp post



5 0 1





6 pz






VMT > 1500μ 1500μ RESULTS


retinal thicness (micron)

vmt oct results 500 400 300

oct pre


oct post



0 -100









9 10 11 12 13


vmt mp results

retinal thickness (microns)

35 30 25 20

mp pre

15 10

mp post diff

5 0 -5









9 10 11 12 13


RESULTS macular cystoid oedema – OCT/MP assessment cysthoid macular oedema

retinal thickness

350 300 250 200

oct pre

150 100

oct post diff

50 0 1






cysthoid macular oedema

retinal sensibility dB

35 30 25 20

mp pre

15 10

mp post diff

5 0 -5



b.d. pz


Maculopathy related to vascular deseases (without vtm syndrome) decreased thickness/increased sensibility

vascular maculopaty mp results 30

400 300 oct pre


oct post



0 1







retinal sensibility dB

retinal thicness (microns)

vascular retinopathy 500


25 20 mp pre


mp post



5 0 -5









Amd hard drusen

no OCT changes/ increased sensibility

amd hard drusen oct results

amd hard drusen mp results 30

250 200 oct pre


oct post



50 0 -50




4 pz




retinal sensibility dB

retinal thickness


25 20 mp pre


mp post



5 0 -5




4 pz



1) Prof. Dr. F. Gekeler Transkorneale Elektrostimulation Der Ophtalmologe February 2012, Vol. 109 , issue 2, pp. 129-135 2) D’Andrea P., Maurizio L. Effetti della ionorisonanza ciclotronica endogena (ICE) sull’Edema maculare diabetico. Risultati preliminari Atti del II Congresso Nazionale S.I.B.E., Bologna 21 aprile 2007, pp 42,46.

3) GB: Callegari Monografia di Radionica e Radiobiologia Sperimentale Sintesi Tecnica Ed: GB: Callegari-Napoli 1948 Biblioteca Partenopea di Studi di Scienze, Letteratura ed Arti “Ernesto palombo” in Napoli, Archivio riservato dell’Associazione Gian Battista Callegari – Centro Studi di Radionica e Radiobiologia Callegari in Napoli. 4) GB. Callegari Sintesi informativa sulla radiobiologia sperimentale meccanizzata Ed GB Callegari-Napoli 1950 Biblioteca Nazionale centrale di Firenze 5) GB. Callegari Radiobiologia sperimentale Corso teorico-pratico Ed. GB. Callegari-Napoli 1957 Biblioteca Nazionale centrale di Firenze 6) A.V. Guccione K-Biodetector Callegari ed. F. Fiorentino-Napoli 1967 biblioteca civica centrale di Torino biblioteca nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III di Napoli 7) GB. Callegari Radiobiologia sperimentale Ed. Famital-Napoli, 1968 8) GB. Callegari Radionica e Radiobiologia Ed. Spazio Uno – Napoli 1980 Biblioteca Provinciale Antonio Mellusi (Benevento) Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III di Napoli Biblioteca della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci di Roma Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II di Roma

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