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Concordia Damen launches E-Moton river cruise ship
Concordia Damen has completed the build of the hull of the latest additon to the feet of A-ROSA Flussschif, one of Europe’s leading operators of river cruises. In the next stage of the vessel’s constructon, the hull will be transported by the heavy-lif vessel Yacht Express to Damen Shipyards Gorinchem in the Netherlands, where Concordia Damen will perform the outitng. Measuring 135m in length and 17.7m across, the four-deck vessel will feature 140 cabins ranging from two person to family units, making her the largest vessel to be operatng on the Rhine in terms of passenger numbers. The majority of the cabins will have their own balconies and accommodaton with separate living and sleeping areas available. Other family-friendly features include a children’s play lounge and pool as well as a larger pool for all ages on the sun deck. The restaurant will also have a separate children’s eatng area.
i. concordiadamen.com
In order to meet market and customer demand, Desmi has developed two new Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) covering bulker solutons and ships sailing in IMO waters only or primarily: CompactClean Bulker and CompactClean OptIMO. These new systems join the Desmi portolio of BWMS alongside the well-known CompactClean BWMS. With the CompactClean OptIMO BWMS Desmi provides customers with an opportunity to select a BWMS which is carefully optmized to the needs of the vessel and its operaton. The CompactClean Bulker is a BWMS optmised for the operaton of Bulk Carriers or other vessel types, where discharge of ballast water is performed at increased fowrate. The Bulker soluton allows for a tailormade BWMS for customers which will allow one fowrate during ballast, and another and higher fowrate during de-ballast.
i. desmioceanguard.com

Jan van der Tempel named European Inventor Award 2021 fnalist

The European Patent Ofce (EPO) announces that Dutch Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Inventor Jan van der Tempel has been named as a fnalist in the Industry category of the European Inventor Award 2021. He has developed a moton-compensated system for transferring people and cargo between foatng vessels and statonary ofshore facilites, boostng safety on the high seas. Mr Van der Tempel commercialised his inventon by founding a university spin-of which he has grown into a company that now operates motoncompensated ofshore access systems and services all over the world. Today his technology is used in over 65 such systems worldwide, and has successfully transferred over six million ofshore workers and 17 million kilograms of cargo worldwide to date.
i. epo.org
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Damen Maaskant reaches milestone in trawler constructon
Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam has reached a major milestone in its constructon of a 38m trawler for Belgium-based Rederij Long Ships. The hull has been launched into the water in Poland and has been transported to Stellendam for further outitng. Speaking on the occasion of the Z91 Franson, Rederij Long Ships owner Eddie Catoor thanked the personnel of the Gdansk yard for all their eforts throughout a hard winter. He says, “I expect a lot from Franson. First and foremost to bring in food from the wide seas. Food that will supply a growing world populaton. She will also play an economically important role, contributng to the Flemish economy and employment in the ports and fsh trade and especially in creatng a livelihood for our Flemish fshermen.”

i. damen.com
Fincanteri will provide eight vessels for Indonesia
Fincanteri and the Ministry of Defense of Indonesia have signed a contract for the supply of six FREMM class frigates, the modernizaton and sale of two Maestrale class frigates, and the related logistcal support. The order represents a success for Fincanteri and for the country, which has a feet of ten FREMM ships. The agreement is of the utmost importance to strengthen the collaboraton between two countries in a strategic area of the Pacifc. Fincanteri will be prime contractor for the entre program. The constructon of the frigates will ensure signifcant employment benefts for several Italian shipyards of the Group in the next years, and for other companies in the sector, namely Leonardo, as well as numerous small and medium-sized natonal companies, and will see the collaboraton of the local PT-PAL shipyard (Java island).

i. fncantieri.com
TOC Europe7-9 September, 2021Rotterdam, The Netherlands Tocevents-europe.com Europort Rotterdam 2021 2-5 November, 2021Rotterdam, The Netherlands Europort.nl METS 202116-18 November, 2021Amsterdam, The Netherlands Metstrade.comNor-Shipping10-13 January, 2022 Oslo, NorwayNor-shipping.comSeatrade Cruise Global27-30 September, 2021 Miami, FloridaSeatradecruiseglobal.comMaritime EventsIntermodal Asia27-29 July, 2021Shanghai, ChinaIntermodal-asia.com
Evac´s marine growth preventon ensures efciency on Polish Navy tugs
A new series of Polish Navy tugs has been installed with Evac´s marine growth preventon systems to ensure engine cooling system efciency and reduce maintenance costs throughout their operatonal lives. Evac has supplied marine growth preventon systems (MGPS) to protect Blokland box coolers which have been installed on a series of six tugs for the Polish Navy, built by Remontowa Shipbuilding in Gdansk. The fnal tug, H-13 Przemko, was undergoing harbour acceptance tests in April following the delivery of the ffh vessel, H-3 Leszko, in February. The tugs have been built as part of the Polish Navy’s B860 programme and are designed for towing ships as well as actvites related to technical evacuaton, support of rescue operatons and the neutralisaton of polluton along the Polish coast. As ice-class vessels, they will be able to operate in severe ice conditons in conjuncton with icebreakers.

i. evac.com
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Piriou deals with French Occitanie Region
Piriou has just received ofcial notce from the south France Occitanie Region for the order of a 70m airlif dredger dedicated to the maintenance of harbours in the Gulf of Lion. Designed in collaboraton with Toulousan LMG Marin naval architecture agency, this modern and efcient dredger enables a 1,500m3 capacity to transport sediments. It will also be fted with a sling to collect sand at a depth up to 32m and of a front unloading device used to replenish beaches. The integraton of a hydrogen fuel cell will enable to save up to 20% of the vessel’s fuel oil consumpton. The contract was awarded afer more than a year and a half of internatonal competton and plans to deliver the dredger in Sète; south France; in the third quarter of 2023.
i. piriou.com

Two Schotel Rudder Propellers on their way to Turkey
Two Schotel Rudder Propellers type SRP 710 have lef the German producton site in Wismar and are on their way to the Turkish shipyard Med Marine for installaton in a new tug. The salvage tug, which has been ordered by Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) will be equipped with main and auxiliary propulsion systems from Schotel. By this, the vessel will achieve an expected bollard pull of more than 120 tonnes. The Robert Allan RAstar 4200 (MED-A42120) design vessel is considered the largest tugboat on the East African Coast of the Indian Ocean. The new vessel will be driven by two Schotel Rudder Propellers type SRP 710 with an input power of 3,700kW, each at an input speed of 1,000rpm. The SRPs feature propellers measuring 3.4m in diameter. The Azimuth thrusters will be powered by diesel engines. Furthermore, one hydraulically-driven Schotel Transverse Thruster type STT 170 (250 kW) will ensure maximum manoeuvrability.
i. schottel.de

Constructon kicks of on world’s frst zero-emission fast ferry
On 10 June 2021, partners in the TrAM (Transport – Advanced and Modular) project are excited to announce that constructon has commenced on the world’s frst fully electric passenger fast ferry at the Fjellstrand shipyard on the west coast of Norway. Equipped to carry around 150 passengers, the catamaran vessel will be 31m long with a nine-metre beam. It will be equipped with two electric motors and a 1.5MWh capacity batery with charging power of more than 2MW. This will be the world’s frst fully electric and zero-emission fast ferry classed in accordance with the Internatonal Code of Safety for High-Speed Crafs (HSC Code). As the TrAM project’s demonstrator vessel, it will begin a trial passenger service between the city of Stavanger and surrounding communites and islands in spring 2022 to test and validate the project fndings. The vessel has been designed for a service speed of 23 knots and has been named Medstraum (which means ‘with electricity’ and ‘co-current‘ in Norwegian).
i. fjellstrand.no

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New Vestdavit subsidiary in the Netherlands
Vestdavit has bolstered its presence in the European market with the launch of a new subsidiary in the Netherlands that positons it for business growth in one of the world’s major maritme hubs. The leading Norwegian Davit supplier is now able to provide readily available resources and expertse for new and existng clients from its Vestdavit ofce located in Maastricht that opened on 1 May and is headed by Managing Director Kai Gjerde. The ofce will functon as a sales and service centre strategically located at the intersecton of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany to support clients in these and surrounding countries, as well as service hundreds of vessels passing through regional ports like Roterdam, Amsterdam, and Antwerp. As an Electrical Engineer by profession, Mr Gjerde has a broad commercial and technical background in the maritme industry and served as Vestdavit’s agent through his own service company in the Netherlands before taking on the new role.
i. vestdavit.no
Keel Laid for First Russian-built Arc7 LNG Carrier

On 15 June, Russian shipbuilder Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex held a keel laying ceremony for a new Arctc liquefed natural gas (LNG) carrier ordered by compatriot shipowner PAO Sovcomfot (SCF Group). The newbuild is the lead vessel in a series of ffeen carriers ordered from Zvezda for servicing the Arctc LNG 2 project. She is the frst-ever vessel of such dimensions, cargo capacity and icebreaking capabilites to be constructed at a Russian shipyard. The series’ lead ship will be owned by SCF, while the remaining fourteen will be owned by SMART LNG, a joint venture between PAO Sovcomfot and PAO Novatek.
i. sovcomfot.ru
Wärtsilä signs multple vessel support agreement with Nakilat
Wärtsilä has signed support agreements for LNG carriers owned by Qatar-based Nakilat, owner of the world’s largest LNG carrier feet. The agreements were signed in April this year and are valid for fve years. Wärtsilä is the supplier of the LNG reliquefacton systems onboard all of the QFlex vessels covered by the agreements. Under the contract terms, Wärtsilä will provide 24/7 technical remote support for the vessels’ onboard Gas Process Plants. The customer has direct access to Wärtsilä’s dedicated team of LNG technical experts for specialized technical advice and remote troubleshootng, thereby reducing potental equipment downtme, and when possible, avoid tme consuming and costly onboard visits by service engineers. Furthermore, following each cargo loading, selected operatonal data from the running reliquefacton systems is analysed by Wärtsilä’s LNG technical experts to ensure the operability and readiness of the system.

i. wartsila.com
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