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The first removable heliport
MX Maritme powered by PolyMX, Dutch specialist on polyurethane solutons, is the frst in ofering a soluton in the trade-of between meetng regulatory requirements for a certfed helicopter landing area on the deck of a yacht versus the size and the aesthetc design of the yacht. A helicopter landing area at the deck of a superyacht. It sounds wonderful, but a permanent heliport also takes up a lot of space and damages the teak. Maybe the biggest hurdle with owning an aviaton capable superyacht is the trade-of between the aesthetc design features and the standards for meetng the certfcaton requirements.
i. polymx.com

Pyroguard Marine

Fire safety glass isn’t just for use on dry land. In fact, with major fres on container vessels reportedly one of the biggest hazards for the global shipping industry, ensuring suitable passive fre protecton strategies are in place on our ships is clearly vital. Introducing Pyroguard Marine, a range of fre safety glass that can perform to the highest possible requirements, while simultaneously being able to withstand the extreme weather conditons and temperatures found within marine environments. By partnering with globally respected partners and system suppliers in the marine market, Pyroguard has been able to develop a range of robust fre safety glass solutons, specifcally developed for the demands of marine and ofshore applicatons, including commercial vessels, container ships, ofshore platorms, yachts and luxury leisure cruisers.
i. pyroguard.eu
New AlphaPilot MFS-VR by JRC/Alphatron Marine JRC/Alphatron Marine is pleased to announce that they have developed a new autopilot: the AlphaPilot MFS-VR. The AlphaPilot MFS-VR is an adaptve autopilot that uses informaton of speed or draught, and it is suitable for multple vessel types, like workboats, fast crew tender vessels, fshing boats, tugs, and more. This is the successor of the successful AlphaSeaPilot MFC and MFA system. The new MFS-VR is a speed adaptve, type approved, and wheel marked autopilot system. The autopilot can be used for vessels up to 30 knots (non-High-Speed Craf) and is also specially type approved for HighSpeed Craf (HSC) compliant with ISO16329 to provide an overall speed applicaton range for vessels up to 70 knots.
i. alphatronmarine.com
Marlink releases new ITLink solutions

ITLink, the benchmark for ship IT management has been further enhanced with new capabilites and features in response to evolving customer requirements. Marlink, the leading provider of smart digital solutons, has further expanded its ITLink portolio, the maritme industry’s most comprehensive IT management soluton, with the additon of two new service optons. Introduced in response to customer needs for cost-efectve, easy-to-use and deploy ship IT management solutons, Marlink has rebranded its remote IT soluton KeepUp@Sea to ITLink and further enhanced the suite of solutons with both entry-level and advanced IT solutons.
i. marlink.com
Inhibiting Corrosion in Vessels with M-645

Marine environments are extremely aggressive and corrosion protecton in these areas requires an especially careful approach. Applicaton of Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VPCI) in the hydrostatc testng process is of great importance since the test water can be aggressive to pipeline material. The same goes for seawater ballastng of ships. M-645 is a foat coat used to inhibit corrosion in vessels containing saltwater or brine. It foats on the surface of the water, forming a self-healing protectve flm on adjacent metals. The flm displaces water containing chlorides from the surface of the vessel. As the water is raised or lowered, M-645 coats every square inch of the vessel’s interior – including ring stfeners, girders, piping, and side shells – with a sufcient amount of product to protect against corrosion.

i. cortecvci.com
One system for all Ship Manager needs The shipping business today deals with numerous systems and complex processes when it comes to Fleet Ship Management. Using diferent systems means using a lot of tme and risking several mistakes as you go along. Logimatc created one system to handle all needs at once - Sertca. Sertca is a technical Ship Management Sofware providing your Ship Manager with an overview of an entre feet. It secures a stable communicaton and data management between the main ofce and the vessels. It revolutonizes the way feet ship management operates and provides a strong foundaton for solid company growth.
i. logimatc.com

Viking YouSafe immersion suit makes crew transfer easier
Viking Life-Saving Equipment has launched a new Walk-to-Work crew transfer suit that overcomes a cumbersome feature of ofshore wind turbine maintenance procedures without compromising safety, further strengthening its reputaton for innovaton in the renewables sector. The one-size immersion suit is packed airtght into a bag that is atached to the user’s lifejacket instead of being worn during the transfer between support vessels and ofshore installatons. Sealed in a protectve bag, the lightweight immersion suit has been developed in cooperaton with leading ofshore wind and oil & gas operators. With a three-year service life expectancy, the Viking YouSafe Walk to Work immersion suit is also substantally lighter, weighing just 1.37kg, compared to 4.6kg for a typical immersion suit used in this applicaton, while stll maintaining its protectve qualites.