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Time to entertain with Tijssen Elektro
Integration of Kymeta antennes benefit the aesthetics of ship design.
Photo courtesy e3 Systems and photographer Stuart Pearce (yacht-shot.com)
Time to entertain
IN THE LAST 45 YEARS, TIJSSEN ELEKTRO HAS BECOME A HOUSEHOLD NAME WHEN IT COMES TO ENGINEERING AND installing electrotechnical systems on board of luxurious yachts.
Tijssen’s entertainment department Tijssen Audio and Video Systems Integrator (TAV) is renowned for its custom-built equipment and installations on board of sailing and motor yachts. Ever since the inauguration of the audio and video systems department in 2007, over 30 projects have been successfully completed. Yet every first yacht is special, even after thirteen years. Moonen and Vitters Shipyard asked Tijssen Elektro to provide a state-of the-art audio and video entertainment system for their custombuilt projects. Soon afterwards, shipyards like Heesen Shipyard also requested Tijssen to supply an integrated entertainment system. “In a short amount of time, TAV became a reliable, fully-equipped and independent department of Tijssen Elektro and has experienced continuous growth over the years,” comments Patrick van Eindhoven, Commercial Manager TAV. “It’s a small, but significant part of Tijssen Elektro’s service. Together with NavCom, the MPA alarm and monitoring system, and the electrical engineering division, Tijssen Elektro provides a fully integrated turnkey concept for the superyacht industry. Dozens of turnkey projects have already been realised at several shipyards”. In addition to catering to the superyacht industry, TAV also installs entertainment systems in residential houses and businesses. Because of their experience, they easily combine craftmanship, creativity, and accuracy in each and every project.
Customised The entertainment business has changed a lot throughout the years. Today’s audio and video
systems are more customised than ever. Whether you want to enjoy your favourite romantic movie, listen to music or party all night long, software engineers from Tijssen are ready to assist and program the owners desires in one application on an iPad or iPhone. This system integration makes it possible to control the light switching or the HVAC, blinds, shades, and curtains for the ultimate entertainment experience. Tijssen prefers to use one application to control the entire system, for just one reason: to keep it simple!
Developments The world of entertainment is known to develop swiftly. The first basic systems only consisted of a set of speakers, an amplifier, and a television. Nowadays, the systems are very complex with Audio-Video distribution over IP, Flat Satellite antennas (Kymeta), outside cinema experiences, video walls, high-end digital audio amplifying, and so on. Not only is the technical standard very high, the client’s wishes also often exceed the standard. “TAV enjoys the challenge of seeking options to conceal speakers and audio within furniture, without losing any quality in performance”, comments Mr van Eindhoven. Entertainment equipment is also functionally used in the interior, like a designer piece. Televisions are hidden in the ceiling and revealed by a lift or can rotate 360 degrees for use in different areas on the yacht. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a hot term at the moment. The need to use own devices and own content is quickly growing. On board, guests and owners must be allowed to connect their own device and listen to their own content on the outside decks or other areas. That is why Wi-Fi and local Bluetooth are important and it is precisely these technical developments and
Photo courtesy of Tijssen Elektro.

One of the first entertainment systems that TAV delivered to Vitters Shipyard.
improvements that Tijssen embraced at an early stage.
Thoroughly tested before installed All Audio and Video equipment is thoroughly tested and programmed in-house by TAV. Just to ensure that everything is functioning up to standard in the demanding yachting industry. Preparations are made by highly trained engineers in their well-equipped workshop. After completing the tests, a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is carried out. During this FAT, the entire system will be tested together with the customer, assuring a perfectly working system before distribution. TAV also features pre

Yacht with Kymeta Antenna.
Photo courtesy of Tijssen Elektro.

TAV Rack on yacht that is being constructed at Heessen Shipyard today.
installed AV racks. The racks are already fully prepared in the workshop. Connecting the cabling on-site is therefore much faster and more efficient.
Connectivity Every yacht should feel like a luxurious home. But it is also an office, a children’s playground, a place to relax and enjoy life with family and friends. And of course everyone loves to work, play games, watch films, and listen to music without any interruptions. Entertainment systems thus closely interact with navigation and communication equipment. Tijssen Elektro has proven to be a reliable partner in the field for many years. They create a stable continuous connection for streaming TV and music at full sea or at the marina and or surrounding area. Integration of the aforementioned flat (Kymeta) antennas reduces satellite antennas and is a great addition to the aesthetics of ship design.
Aftersales All TAV’s entertainment equipment is flexible and of a high-quality standard. If necessary, the technical engineers will happily provide their support and answer any questions or assist in case of malfunctioning. There is also an option to receive remote assistance. “We are just one phone call away”, says Mr van Eindhoven, “and TAV is constantly closely monitoring any developments in the field to live up to the expectations of owners, both now and in the future!”