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Breathing new life into old treasures
The 40m schooner Vagrant was originally created in the US by Herreshoff designer and shipyard in 1913.
ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF ROYAL HUISMAN. This year’s ceremony was hosted as a virtual event by the World Superyacht Awards, continuing their annual recognition of the ingenuity and craftsmanship marking the most outstanding luxury yachts from across the globe. Warm congratulations go to Vagrant’s owner and the owner’s team, as the shipyard’s team expresses their heartfelt gratitude for this recognition.
Ready to last another 100 years
The 40m schooner Vagrant was originally created in the US in 1913 by the world-famous Herreshoff designer and shipyard. In 2017, >>

The schooner Vagrant is a living sailing legend, now also recognized by the World Superyacht Awards.

Vagrant’s owner decided to bring her to Royal Huisman’s dedicated reft division – Huisft – for a major reft and provided a very clear brief to the Huisft team, “Reconstruct Vagrant’s magnifcent elegance and style inside and out, with the utmost respect and care for her appearance to refect the past decades of family ownership. Also, re-engineer Vagrant with the fnest materials and most advanced board systems for sensible, effortless and safe operation, allowing her to cruise with a small and happy crew. In summary, Vagrant should be ready to last another 100 years.” What ensued was a very extensive rebuild project, carried out by Huisft’s inhouse team at the Royal Huisman shipyard, which was supported by expert consultation with Dykstra Naval Architects on the upgrade of Vagrant’s rig by Royal Huisman’s sister company Rondal.
A living sailing legend
Although Huisft projects are never a typical reft, the vast scope of this 22-month Huisft project made it more like a new build, both for those involved at the shipyard and likewise noted by outside observers. The rewards of this project are plentiful though. The report by the jury states, “It stood out, not only for the painstaking manner in

Atlantide was designed by naval architect Alfred Mylne and built by the British shipyard Philip & Sons in 1930. Atlantide was shipped from Newport, USA, to the Netherlands, and arrived at Royal Huisman’s headquarters in Vollenhove in the frst week of 2021.

which the rebuild was undertaken, but also for the magnifcent result.” The judges were impressed with the detailed work undertaken and believe, “It has undoubtedly helped to preserve this magnifcent yacht for another 100 years at least.” Thanks to her owner, Vagrant will not become forgotten history. The schooner is a living sailing legend, now also recognised by the World Superyacht Awards.
Having received the award for the rebuild project in November 2020, Huisft looks forward to starting a new restauration in addition to the current reft projects – a project so grand in scale, that they will be allocating it the same status as a new project. According to Huisft, “It’s a very special, unique, and historic project, which we are certain to make into a success thanks to our skilled craftsmen and women, together with the owners and their team!” The team of Royal Huisman and Huisft is honoured to merit the continued trust of Dr. Jim Clark, who commissioned the shipyard to carry out the very special restoration of his most recent acquisition, the 1930’s yacht Atlantide. This 37m classic motorsailer was shipped from Newport, US, to the Netherlands, and arrived at Royal Huisman’s headquarters in Vollenhove in the frst week of 2021. Following the successful 2020 reft by Huisft of Jim and Kristy Clark’s famous J-Class yacht Hanuman, and with three newbuild orders already completed by Royal Huisman in recent decades (Hyperion in 1998, Athena in 2004, and Hanuman in 2009), Dr. Clark decided the same craftsmen and women are best suited to take on this new project, rebuilding Atlantide at the quality level Royal Huisman is known for.
Realising yet another dream
Atlantide was designed by naval architect Alfred Mylne and built by the British shipyard Philip & Sons in 1930. Following Atlantide’s rich history spanning over 90 years, the team of Royal Huisman and Huisft is grateful for this opportunity to preserve the legendary yacht well into the future. The shipyard’s team has an established track record of success with the restoration of classics, conversions, and rebuilds of historical yachts. Structural work, updates, and conservation work are all embarked on with keen interest and great skill. Jan Timmerman, CEO of Royal Huisman, comments, “If a discerning client commissions a fourth very substantial project to the same shipyard, you just know that the work you perform is truly appreciated. We are most honoured to fnd ourselves in the position to realise yet another dream for our esteemed clients Jim and Kristy Clark.” The rebuild of Atlantide is scheduled for delivery in spring 2022.