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Investing in sustainability
MB92 has been working towards more environmentally-friendly practices for several years, but in 2020 the group decided to vastly increase its efforts and make sustainability one of its principal strategic pillars across both shipyards. As such, the group has launched a 2021-2025 sustainability plan targeted at consolidating its position as a leader in environmental care in the superyacht reft industry. The fve-year plan will tackle six key areas of focus. The focal areas boil down to reducing the shipyard’s carbon footprint, decreasing combustible gas emissions, minimising non-recoverable waste, improving port and sea water quality, reducing VOC emissions, and improving social responsibility.
Sustainable future
“The problems we face as an industry are simply too big and too important to face alone, so we must all work together to evolve towards a more sustainable future as quickly as possible”, says Pepe García-Aubert, CEO of MB92 Group. “The journey ahead of us is long and we understand that there are many challenges to overcome that will involve major changes, not only for our company, but also for our supply chain and in the nature of the solutions we propose to our clients.”
Local and international commitments
As part of the plan, MB92 has forged alliances with local and international organisations such as the United Nations, the Water Revolution Foundation (as one of the frst anchor partners), and the Catalan Government through the Climate Change Agreements. A signifcant multimillion euro investment will be allocated for the next fve years enabling the group to execute the set goals, with a large proportion to be invested in environmentally-effcient infrastructure and innovations. A number of initiatives are planned for this year that are designed to not only reduce an activity’s impact on the environment, but also to offer benefts to clients in terms of greater effciency and simplify ample processes such as shore power connections and waste management.
MB92 La Ciotat
The company has two superyacht destinations that are available throughout the year: MB92 Barcelona and MB92 La Ciotat. Each site is equipped with the latest in shipyard facilities and technology and is supported by a trusted network of suppliers. A sustainability committee was formalised in La Ciotat consisting of representatives from the entire shipyard, including procurement, HSE, project management, and communication. MB92 La Ciotat is currently researching and developing a new fltration system for VOCs and is working
with La Ciotat Shipyards on a number of projects to improve shore power connection and water treatment. In addition, the company is investing over EUR 40 million in the future 4,300t Atlas yacht lift, which will provide clients with an environmentally-friendly drydocking solution with features including the largest port-based artifcial fsh nursery worldwide.
Sustainability report
Finally, an important part of the plan is overseeing and reporting progress. The group will hence begin publishing an annual sustainability report outlining its actions and deliverables. The oversight committee will include external sustainability auditors and will be EMAS-certifed.
i. mb92.com
MB92 destination in Barcelona.
All photos courtesy of MB92 Group.