After Jugo critical report

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Marco Pavan MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography LCC University of the Arts, London

After Jugo Sarajevo, the life of a generation

Critical Report

“After Jugo” is a multimedia project that documents the life of the people born in the 80s in Sarajevo. They are now young adults, in their twenties, about to enter in the social, political and economical life of their country. They all have in common that they were young kids during the Bosnian war, 1992-1995. Some of them experienced the siege of Sarajevo and stayed into the city with their parents. Others managed to escape and came back years later. Some other moved recently to the city from the countryside, to study and to live the life of a big town. “After Jugo” is a website where photographs, video interviews and sound work together to portray the life of a generation. The stories of the people are as important as the photographs, if not more. With the images I tried to give a hint of how is life in Sarajevo today and to contextualize the subjects showing the environment where they live. The interviews, with the sound of the voice, make people real and help to involve the audience in their stories. Different reasons pushed me to choose this subject for the major project. Some personal and some more journalistic. While I recently travelled to the other countries in the Western Balkans, I never managed to get to the centre of the region and I felt something was missing. Sarajevo: the city where west and east meet, the Istanbul of the Balkans. A dear friend would take me round the cafés and bars insisting that there were no Serbs, Croats and Moslems here, only Sarajlije, as they are known in Serbo-Croat. It was difficult to disagree [..] Sarajevo, where East and West not only tolerated but thrived off each other’s cultural influence, was for me one of Europe’s greatest achievements. (p. 156-157, Glenny, 1992) In the late 80s, with my family, we used to go on holiday to Croatia and my father was working as photojournalist in the area. We went back only few years later, once the war was over. My father sometimes still tells me some episodes happened just before 1991, when he decided that being a war reporter was not for him. And if I know some of the history of the Balkans, it is more because the told me than because I read history books. I think, actually, that knowing its past it is fundamental for understanding a country and for this aim the book Bosnia: a short history by Noel Malcolm (2002) has been very useful. Moreover, one of the clearest memories I have from when I was a child is of a news piece on the Italian television: a reporter was meeting some youngsters in Sarajevo during the siege and walking in the city from a party to another. At a certain point, near a red car, one of the guys was shot by a sniper. Just few minutes before he was talking about music and girls and suddenly he was dead. I think that was the first time, although it was through the television, I realized what ‘death’ means. In some way, these are some personal reasons why I feel an interest towards the Balkans.

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