robert frank, jazzin' america

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Robert Frank: Jazzing with America By Marco Pavan “..bebop appeared [in the 1940s] to sound racing, nervous, and often fragmented. But to jazz musicians and jazz music lovers, bebop was an exciting and beautiful revolution in the art of jazz.” On the musical style of the bebop, Wikipedia When The Americans was published, in 1959, it was labelled as badly composed and out of focus and characterized by a general sloppiness. But above all – and beyond the judgments – was the way that Frank used to look at the American dream that hit the critics and the public. On the other hand, he found the empathy and the support of the Beats, who shared his alternative look on the American society. Kerouac understood the poetry of the book, but, rather than depicting the sadness, The Americans unveils and sings the “normality-ness” of a dream. Moreover, if it is true that the poem is about America, it is also true that the country was seen through the very personal point of view of Frank and the various ways he composed his photographs are deeply related to his feelings towards the subject. According to John Szarkowski, as he stated in his book Mirrors and Windows, Green (1984) reports that the three most important events in American photography of the 1950s were the founding of Aperture magazine (1952), the Family of Man exhibition (1955) and the publication of Robert Frank’s The Americans (1959). These are three events closely related; the Americans is a contrast to the classical positive photojournalistic view of the Family of Man; and some of the ideas conveyed by Aperture helped to ‘foster the radical vision that ultimately made Frank’s work available in America’ (Green, 1984 p. 69). Green (1984 p. 72) lists six premises, emerged from a series of articles in Aperture, by which a photograph could be read, but two of them seem to me to be more relevant to Frank’s work. First, ‘a photograph’s significance lies deeper than that which can be comprehended by an immediate response’, simply consider that critics come to look at Frank’s work as a breakthrough only many years after its publication, in the mid-1960s (Cook, 1982). Second, and most important, ‘a photograph is a complex whole composed of similes, metaphors, symbols, and forms that refer both to the visual world and to the perceptions and feelings of the photographer.’ Frank was aware that he was going to express himself in the photographs of the world he was seeing through his camera: ‘«my view is personal», Frank stated, and with this simple acknowledgment rejected the iron-clad tradition of the American documentary essay’ (Green, 1984 p. 85). The style of The Americans was profoundly different from the classical documentary essay and from Cartier-Bresson’s decisive moment, which was ‘something perfectly balanced from the point of view of its aesthetic and its meaning. [..] such perfect that seems to be staged’ (De Paz, 2000 p. 120). The hostile response from the old guard to Frank’s shabby shocker of a book was almost guaranteed to endear him to a younger generation already at odds with the saccharine diet of Look or Life. It was also in complete contrast to the easy platitudes of the most popularly lauded photographic enterprise of the day, Edward Steichen’s ‘The Family of Man’ (1955), which he billed as ‘the greatest photographic exhibition of all time’, and which featured feel-good photojournalism at its most sententious. (Badger, 2009) The Family of Man was selling the American way of life, ‘most photojournalism [..] was optimistic and upbeat, reflecting the attitude of a prosperous post-war America’ (Beecher, 2009). Frank, a Swiss immigrant coming from the old Europe, was instead showing a real and raw world,

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