A new preventative approach to improving alcohol related health within the workplace
The Alcohol Health Network has made a tremendous difference to the work we are doing to raise awareness and promote sensible drinking. Their expertise, together with their professionalism has made a world of difference, giving the work real momentum.
Iona Lidington, Associate Director of Public Health, Royal Borough of Kingston
Alcohol and your business 1 in 4 employees is known to be drinking above NHS guidelines, raising the risk of ill health both physically and mentally, increasing absenteeism, reducing productivity and if no suitable interventions are put in place can lead to loss of employment. Alcohol Health Network CIC is a social enterprise working with employers to increase alcohol awareness and proactively reduce the human and economic cost of alcohol misuse in the workplace. We particularly aim to support those people who may not be aware their level of drinking poses a risk to their health. We work with Human Resources, Occupational Health and Health & Safety teams to deliver an integrated and comprehensive Alcohol Awareness Programme, which supports and strengthens CSR, employee wellbeing and diversity policies.
US research has shown businesses investing in alcohol awareness initiatives save four times the original investment in sickness absence costs, absenteeism, presenteeism and recruitment. AHN Academic Advisory Board Evidence Statement, October 2013
UK employees take
17 million
sick days a year due to alcohol
The Alcohol Health Network has made a tremendous difference to the work we are doing to raise awareness and promote sensible drinking. Their expertise, together with their professionalism has made a world of difference, giving the work real momentum.
Iona Lidington, Associate Director of Public Health, Royal Borough of Kingston
Alcohol and your business 1 in 4 employees is known to be drinking above NHS guidelines, raising the risk of ill health both physically and mentally, increasing absenteeism, reducing productivity and if no suitable interventions are put in place can lead to loss of employment. Alcohol Health Network CIC is a social enterprise working with employers to increase alcohol awareness and proactively reduce the human and economic cost of alcohol misuse in the workplace. We particularly aim to support those people who may not be aware their level of drinking poses a risk to their health. We work with Human Resources, Occupational Health and Health & Safety teams to deliver an integrated and comprehensive Alcohol Awareness Programme, which supports and strengthens CSR, employee wellbeing and diversity policies.
US research has shown businesses investing in alcohol awareness initiatives save four times the original investment in sickness absence costs, absenteeism, presenteeism and recruitment. AHN Academic Advisory Board Evidence Statement, October 2013
UK employees take
17 million
sick days a year due to alcohol
Our bespoke Alcohol Awareness Programme offers:
An Alcohol Awareness Campaign Manager, assigned to help get you started & support you on your journey, works with HR/OH to personalise your programme and ensure it aligns to your organisational needs.
A review of your HR policies/guidelines to ensure any Alcohol Policy you have, or that is introduced, supports your overall HR strategy. We share best practice for alcohol policy in the workplace.
A co-created Alcohol Awareness Campaign that you and your employees design, with our expert guidance, to maximise employee engagement in alcohol awareness raising.
A fully customised online tool, AHN’s E-Drink-Check, supporting employees to privately and confidentially self-assess their drinking level, providing advice about cutting down and signposting to further support if required.
Anonymised data drawn from the E-Drink-Check on drinking and general health levels in your company, which help you better target future health campaigns.
For every companies spend on alcohol awareness, they save in sickness absence costs
Expert Advice and Guidance aimed at all levels within your organisation. Our holistic approach offers resources, guidance and training for Senior Leaders, OH/HR practitioners and Line Managers which will help you to: • Create a culture of responsible drinking in your workplace • Identify alcohol problems • Support staff who need it to get appropriate support.
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A confidential telephone helpline for employees who discover they are drinking at increasing or high risk.
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University College London’s “Down your Drink” web tool - a confidential e-counselling programme based on cognitive behavioural therapy, shown to reduce heavy drinking rates by 50%. Print-ready campaign materials, including e-fact-sheets, posters, fliers and scratch cards or the option to create new. Lunch and Learn sessions for staff on alcohol and its effects as well as interactive health events such as pop-up mocktail bars and beer goggles.
Online alcohol self-assessments can reduce problem drinking by
Our bespoke Alcohol Awareness Programme offers:
An Alcohol Awareness Campaign Manager, assigned to help get you started & support you on your journey, works with HR/OH to personalise your programme and ensure it aligns to your organisational needs.
A review of your HR policies/guidelines to ensure any Alcohol Policy you have, or that is introduced, supports your overall HR strategy. We share best practice for alcohol policy in the workplace.
A co-created Alcohol Awareness Campaign that you and your employees design, with our expert guidance, to maximise employee engagement in alcohol awareness raising.
A fully customised online tool, AHN’s E-Drink-Check, supporting employees to privately and confidentially self-assess their drinking level, providing advice about cutting down and signposting to further support if required.
Anonymised data drawn from the E-Drink-Check on drinking and general health levels in your company, which help you better target future health campaigns.
For every companies spend on alcohol awareness, they save in sickness absence costs
Expert Advice and Guidance aimed at all levels within your organisation. Our holistic approach offers resources, guidance and training for Senior Leaders, OH/HR practitioners and Line Managers which will help you to: • Create a culture of responsible drinking in your workplace • Identify alcohol problems • Support staff who need it to get appropriate support.
7 8
A confidential telephone helpline for employees who discover they are drinking at increasing or high risk.
9 10
University College London’s “Down your Drink” web tool - a confidential e-counselling programme based on cognitive behavioural therapy, shown to reduce heavy drinking rates by 50%. Print-ready campaign materials, including e-fact-sheets, posters, fliers and scratch cards or the option to create new. Lunch and Learn sessions for staff on alcohol and its effects as well as interactive health events such as pop-up mocktail bars and beer goggles.
Online alcohol self-assessments can reduce problem drinking by
Why Alcohol Health Network? Our innovation in online alcohol interventions is leading the way in promoting alcohol related health in workplaces in the UK and across Europe. Our expertise comes from over 20 years of alcohol harm reduction practice and research. Our collaboration with University College London’s E-Health Unit, Camden and Islington NHS Trust and the leading experts in alcohol and public health on our Advisory Board give us the most current evidence base with which to provide solutions to improve alcohol related health.
Working in Partnership with
www.alcoholhealthnetwork.org.uk info@alcoholhealthnetwork.org.uk Tel: 020 3151 2420 4th Floor, Willow House, 17-23 Willow Place, London SW1P 1JH
In line with current evidence, workplaces should consider developing both online and face-to-face approaches to support alcohol harm reduction in engaging with employees to create healthy workplaces.
Professor Paul Wallace, Dr. Elizabeth Murray, University College London
Why Alcohol Health Network? Our innovation in online alcohol interventions is leading the way in promoting alcohol related health in workplaces in the UK and across Europe. Our expertise comes from over 20 years of alcohol harm reduction practice and research. Our collaboration with University College London’s E-Health Unit, Camden and Islington NHS Trust and the leading experts in alcohol and public health on our Advisory Board give us the most current evidence base with which to provide solutions to improve alcohol related health.
Working in Partnership with
www.alcoholhealthnetwork.org.uk info@alcoholhealthnetwork.org.uk Tel: 020 3151 2420 4th Floor, Willow House, 17-23 Willow Place, London SW1P 1JH
In line with current evidence, workplaces should consider developing both online and face-to-face approaches to support alcohol harm reduction in engaging with employees to create healthy workplaces.
Professor Paul Wallace, Dr. Elizabeth Murray, University College London