July - september 2011
official newsletter ezemvelo KZn Wildlife
think out the Box
giving Back to the community
fLying high to save the rhino K
Zn Wildlife’s very own sharon ilett is at the forefront of raising funds for rhinos in a most unique way – by sky jumping, and must be applauded for her courageous effort in the fight against rhino poaching.
Earlier this year Sharon skydived for rhinos along with rhino experts, Jabugoing lani Ngubane and Paul back to Cryer, Andrew Zalouour roots mis, CEO of iSimangaliso Wetland Park, 20 staff members from African Conservation Trust, and concerned members of the public. “My allegiance to rhino poaching required me to jump out of a plane to create awareness and raise funds that will go towards rhino protection. The main reason for taking a EKZN branded Jacket! part was that my son who See page 11 passed away
had a passion for rhinos which started when he was five years old at Queen Elizabeth Park. We had two baby rhinos and used to clean and feed them under the watchful eye of a keeper until they left the park,” said Sharon. In 10 weeks, 40 volunteers raised more than R180 000, and this would not have been possible without the support of rhino conservation experts and African Conservation Trust who are the custodians of the “Save the Rhinos & Skydive Campaign.” Sharon also got the hospitality industry, FEDHASA, on board this initiative, who donated R5 000 to the African Conservation Trust at a function held at Coastlands on the Ridge, Umhlanga Rocks. The money will be used to purchase anti-poaching patrol equipment, and aerial surveillance-emergency helicopter support. For Sharon this project is very dear to her heart
and will be ongoing. Sadly however, poaching continues…and the campaign to stop rhino is far from over for Ezemvelo’s Sharon Ilett. Note: Sharon has spoken about a possible national “Skydive for Rhinos” in 2012 taking place in various provinces, as well as overseas. At the moment, the African Conservation Trust is busy creating a new provincial initiative called Project Rhino KZN, and is trying to rope in public, private and NGO rhino stakeholders to create awareness and help raise funds to stop the carnage of this heinous crime.