Fall 2020 Publication Schedule
SEPTEMBER The Tragedy of Heterosexuality Jane Ward | 3 Clipped Wings Molly Merryman | 12
NYU Press Classics Susan B. Anthony Kathleen L. Barry | 47
New in Paperback Gowanus Joseph Alexiou | 24
New Village Press My Life in 100 Objects Margaret Randall | 52
Gaming Sexism Amanda C. Cote | 29
University of Regina Press Genocidal Love Bevann Fox | 54
A Queer New York Jen Jack Gieseking | 34
• W W W. N Y U P R E S S . O R G
OCTOBER NYU Press Classics Heavenly Sex Ruth K. Westheimer and Jonathan Mark | 47
The Dark Fantastic Ebony Elizabeth Thomas | 23
New in Paperback The Future of Tech Is Female Douglas M. Branson | 29
Wits University Press And Wrote My Story Anyway Barbara Boswell | 61
Reproductive Rights as Human Rights Zakiya Luna | 36
Honey on the Page Miriam Udel | 4 Enchanted New York Kevin Dann | 5 The Untold Story of Shields Green Louis A. DeCaro, Jr. | 8 The Sustainability Myth Melissa Checker | 25 The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī | 43 Arabian Romantic ‘Abdallah ibn Sbayyil | 45
University of Regina Press A Book of Ecological Virtues Heesoon Bai, David Chang NS Charles Scott | 56 University of Regina Press Concrete Mary Soderstrom | 57 University of Regina Press After the Holocaust Charlotte Schallié, Helga Thorson, and Andrea van Noord | 58 University of Regina Press Burden Douglas Burnet Smith | 58
Monthly Review Press Venezuela, the Present as Struggle Cira Pascual Marquina and Chris Gilbert | 50 New Village Press Main Street Mindy Thompson Fullilove | 53
In Darfur Muhammad al-Tūnisī | 45
Dividing the Faith Richard J. Boles | 17
Freezing Fertility Lucy van de Wiel | 36
Taking Down Backpage Maggy Krell | 2
The Fierce Life of Grace Holmes Carlson Donna T. Haverty-Stacke | 17
Front of the House, Back of the House Eli Revelle Yano Wilson | 38
A View from Abroad Jeanne E. Abrams | 6
Evil Deeds in High Places David E. Settje | 18
Creating the Creation Museum Kathleen C. Oberlin | 39
Lifeblood of the Parish Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada | 19
New in Paperback Postcards from Auschwitz Daniel P. Reynolds | 40
Theory of Women in Religions Catherine Wessinger | 21 Women in Buddhist Traditions Karma Lekshe Tsomo | 21 The Smell of Risk Hsuan L. Hsu | 24 Living Apart Together Cynthia Grant Bowman | 27 Race and Media Lori Kido Lopez | 30
Monthly Review Press Value and Crisis Makoto Itoh | 50 Monthly Review Press Beyond Digital Capitalism: New Ways of Living Leo Panitch and Greg Albo | 51
The Black Civil War Soldier Deborah Willis | 9 Fear in Our Hearts Caleb Iyer Elfenbein | 11
The Making of American Catholicism Michael J. Pfeifer | 19 Divorce in China Xin He | 27 New in Paperback Multiracials and Civil Rights Tanya Katerí Hernández | 28
New in Paperback Upending the Ivory Tower Stefan M. Bradley | 13
Keywords for Children's Literature, Second Edition Philip Nel, Lissa Paul and Nina Christensen | 33
New in Paperback Pocahontas and the English Boys Karen Ordahl Kupperman | 13
Beyond the Synagogue Rachel B. Gross | 40
America and the Making of an Independent Ireland Francis M. Carroll | 16 An Empire Transformed Kate Luce Mulry | 16
Ancient Taxation Jonathan Valk and Irene Soto Marín | 41 Monthly Review Press Between Capitalism and Community Michael A. Lebowitz | 51