The Express Newspaper 3rd May 2023

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Rodeo season has officially begun, with Mt Garnet kicking it off in style. Crowds were treated to displays of outstanding horsemanship and bravery as the best cowboys in the competition took on some feisty bulls in the arena. With fantastic weather, patrons enjoyed a great weekend of races and rodeo action and witnessed Margot Martin be crowned 2023 Rodeo Queen.



M o n - F r i | 1 0 a m - 3 p m B y A p p o i n t m e n t A n y t i m e S h o p 3 , 2 - 8 K a r o b e a n D r A m a r o o V i l l a g e follow us on socials RYLEY 0409 321 000 Amaroo Village Set to Expand EXPRESS The Delivering news across our region WEDNESDAY 3 MAY, 2023
3 WEEKS TO GO! 24, 25, 26 MAY 2023 – MAREEBA RODEO GROUNDS Mareeba bull rider Ryan Jaszczyszyn fights to stay on for the full eight seconds at the Mt Garnet Races and Rodeo weekend.

Celebrating a century of George

A RESIDENT at Carinya Home for the Aged is withstanding the test of time, celebrating his 100th birthday this month.

George Hopgood was born in Deloraine, Tasmania on 17 May 1923 and spent his early years living on an apple orchard with his parents and two brothers.

He was 12 years old when he left school and began work where he learned many skills that helped him through his life.

George always loved drawing, especially cars, trains, and planes but his brothers teased him and made fun of his drawings.

On 6 February 1942 at the age of 18, George enlisted in the army at Belmont in Victoria and commenced military training and worked on trucks and tanks.

George was one of the many Australian troops who participated in the fierce battle for the port of Finschhafen from 22 September until 28 October 1943, marking the beginning of the Huon Peninsula campaign to evict the Japanese from that territory.

Once Finschafen was secured, George was posted to Nadzab near Lao where he was trained in anti-malarial control measures.

It was during this time that Georges artistic skills were put to good use helping to inform troops about the dangers of malaria – a disease spread through mosquito bites.

George was employed by both the Australian and American army to produce drawings of mosquitoes for anti-malaria posters.

He said he wasn’t paid with money for his art but got the same food as the officers, and that it was the first time he ever drank a coke, which he believes was the most magical moment.

From Nadzab George was sent to the large, allied airbase on the island of Morotai which was then in the Dutch East Indies, which is now Indonesia.

Whilst having dangerous encounters there with surrendering Japanese soldiers in the jungle he was offered a ride as a navigator/passenger on a reconnaissance operation in a twin-engine Bristol Beaufighter bomber.

During that flight the pilot demonstrated all the capabilities of that aircraft and in that moment, George promised himself that he would become a pilot once the war ended.

Now back in Australia in 1947 at Bankstown Airport, George commenced his pilot training. He began in a De Haviland Tiger Moth.

George said the pilots sat in

the rear seat of those planes because that’s where the rudimentary fuel gauge was located. It consisted of a cylindrical glass instrument with measurements on one side. Inside the glass there was a float attached to a thin dowel.

The float showed how much fuel the plane still carried, and as the float got lower.

“You would always hope you were close to home, so that you had enough fuel for a power approach to the air strip,” he said.

George progressed to flying an Aster which was a single wing aircraft with the same motor as the Tiger Moth. Following being awarded with both his solo and Commercial pilots licence George went on to become a qualified flight instructor a job he held until he retired.

During his long working life George had many memorable encounters with clients, one of these was the launch of the Australian designed and built Victa Airtourer.

In 1970, George met his first wife Melva and gained his stepson Neville and later welcomed another son Geoffrey. Travelling is something George enjoys the most and has fond memories of his time in America and fishing in Darwin.

He is also life member of the Ravenshoe Golf Club, a very talented harmonica player and often accompanies the Carinya Band on music days.

While George has been living at Carinya he has kept up flying, but this time it is with radio-controlled model aircraft with the MASCOT NQ.

During this later chapter of George’s life, he has by no means been idle, often attending the gym at Carinya’s new Wellness Centre and attends many of the activities that are on offer when he feels up to it.

George takes great satisfaction in being able to recount his stories of his extraordinary life.

PAGE 2 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Guilfoyle Funeral Services Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013 Established in 1942. Owned and Operated by the Chaffey Family since 1998. Local Staff, Local Families, Local Knowledge. A beautiful resting place for loved ones and for family to visit. 3/3 COOK ST ATHERTON. CALL 4091 1689 IT MIGHT JUST BE EAR WAX The symptoms of ear wax are impaired hearing, dizziness, ear pain, a plugged or full sensation and ringing in the ear. You should never attempt to self-clean and always seek professional advice. We can help! We offer gentle and effective methods of wax removal. HEARING PROBLEMS? BOOK NOW 4091 1689 25% OFF* PRESENT THIS ADVERT *Conditions Apply CIRCULATION 14,000 The Express is published by Portasea Pty Ltd, 141 Constance St, Mareeba QLD 4880. ACN: 141 250 213 Printed by Townsville print centre, 623-645 Flinders St. Townsville QLD 4810 (07) 4092 3464 @ 186 Byrnes St, Mareeba  EXPRESS The PAPER MANAGER Natasha Srhoj JOURNALIST Rhys Thomas MARKETING Darryl Day CADET JOURNALIST Ellie Fink MANAGING DIRECTOR Carl Portella EDITOR Robyn Holmes LAND REPORTER Brigitte Daley

Drug driving on way to overtake drink driving

DRUG driving is becoming an increasing issue on the Tablelands as over 100 residents were found to be under the influence of drugs whilst behind the wheel last year.

In the Tablelands Patrol Group 121 people were charged with drug driving offences last year compared to 157 drink drivers.

Inspector Jason Smith revealed the statistics at the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce business luncheon where locals attended to hear about community safety from Mareeba Mayor Angela Toppin, manager of the Tablelands and Cassowary Coast Youth Justice Service Centre Kathy Duck and Insp Smith about how they are managing community safety in their respective areas.

Juvenile crime, domestic and family violence and drink and drug driving were some of the main points brought up by the speakers.

While officers can administer thousands of roadside breath tests, drug tests require a specially trained officer and the tests themselves are few and have many requirements in terms of storage and use by dates.

For some police officers, the strike rate for drivers being charged

with drug driving compared to tests administered is one in four.

Insp Smith was previously an officer-in-charge of a Road Policing Unit and spoke bluntly about his time with the unit and just how dangerous driving under the influence of any drugs or alcohol can be.

“There is no dignity in dying on our roads, it is a horrific death and the things I have seen, I hated seeing,” he said.

“The young people I have seen die because of people that are affected by drugs will see me without hardly any tolerance for drug taking.

“There are flowers on the side of the road outside Babinda where a 16-year-old and a 19-yer-old were killed by a driver who had taken drugs the previous evening – we had five fatal traffic accidents last year in the Mareeba area, alcohol and drugs play a factor in some of those.”

Lenore Wyatt spoke up towards the end of the luncheon about her own personal experience with the consequences of drug driving after she lost her youngest son, Cole, to a drug driver three years ago.

“My son was killed by a drug driver and the consequences of that is, the drug driver has a two-year suspended sentence and if he does

something wrong, he goes to jail for 10 months,” she said.

“You’re doing all this work but when they get to the courts, nothing is happening – it is devastating for the community and families.

“Sometimes the consequences do

Mareeba revealed as domestic voilence hotspot

OVER half the region’s domestic violence incidents last year occurred in Mareeba as officers from the Tablelands Patrol Group responded to more than 2000 calls for family and domestic violence across the region.

The Patrol Group covers a wide expanse of area as far north as Croydon and last year the group recorded the second highest amount of domestic violence incidents, 60 per cent of which were in Mareeba.

Mareeba had half the amount of DV calls than Cairns despite being a fraction of the size.

Inspector Jason Smith said domestic violence calls are sensitive and time consuming due to the risk posed to victims and survivors.

“Last year we had 1012 domestic violence breaches, which approaches about half the number experienced by Cairns. Mareeba accounts for approximately 60 per cent of the Tablelands figures,” he said.

“That is just the breaches of domestic violence, on top of that we have made 412 applications and we’ve attended about 700 domestic violence matters where we made referrals.

not fit the crime.”

Insp Smith agreed with Mrs Wyatt’s sentiment and said drug driving is a growing issue that police are constantly combating.

However, there could be a saving grace with the Police Powers Responsibilities Act which was introduced into parliament in February of this year and has not yet been passed.

The act would allow officer to divert people caught with drugs to services that could further assist them instead of just slapping them with a fine.

Insp Smith has implored residents lobby their local parliamentary representatives to push for the act to get passed.

“That is over 2100 calls for service to domestic and family violence and each one is really time consuming due to the risk to the victim survivor in that space in what could happen.

“Domestic violence continues to be a priority for us.”

Mareeba Shire Council Mayor Angela Toppin has joined forces with Insp. Smith to lobby for more resources for DV victims as they attempt to flee from their situations and seek refuge.

To this avail, Mayor Toppin has requested a meeting with Dr Kylie Stephens, the acting executive director of the Office for Women and Violence Prevention, and the Minister for Justice, Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Shannon Fentiman.

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 3 25% OFF WE’RE OVERSTOCKED AND MUST CLEAR! 25% OFF ALL ALLOY WHEELS IN STOCK DURING MAY. *T & C’s apply, see instore. NOBODY BEATS OUR 4 STORE BUYING POWER MAREEBA 4092 2290 ATHERTON 4091 1122 MALANDA 4096 5300 MOSSMAN 4098 1502 4091 5388 Let us show you how... Contact Anne English today! Many keyboard warriors don’t realise that their witty but devastating remarks can lead to expensive defamation actions. Let us show you why! SIMON’S VEHICLE HIRE Phone 4091 2739 or Mobile 0419 700 109 Offering Free Atherton/Tolga Pick Ups!
Comet Avenue, Atherton (Behind Harvey Norman) NEED TO PROTECT YOUR PRIDE AND JOY? TALK TO YOUR LOCAL BUILDER! Contact your local builder 4092 7668 M & S France Pty Ltd QBCC 15408840 Tablelands Patrol Group Inspector Jason Smith speaking at the recent Mareeba Chamber of Commerce business luncheon last week.
“There is no dignity in dying on our roads, it is a horrific death and the things I have seen, I hated seeing”

Margot crowned rodeo queen

Works continue on Barron River bridge

WORKS have once again begun on the Barron River bridge at Kuranda and motorists are expected to see delays as the bridge is closed intermittently for up to 10 minutes for testing and maintenance.

The roadworks begun today, 3 May, and will run until 2 June as workers continue the ongoing testing and monitoring program of the bridge.

Crews will be onsite from 7am to 5pm, including Saturday and Sunday, and changed traffic conditions will be in place including a single-lane operation of the bridge.

Variable message signs (VMS) will be in place

to inform motorists about the changed traffic conditions – changes in dates will be posted on the VMS.

Meanwhile the Department of Transport and Main Roads is progressing a planning study to investigate long-term solutions for the Barron River bridge.

This planning project will confirm the preferred alignment and scope of a replacement bridge over the Barron River, including a viable delivery strategy that also considers the ongoing management and rehabilitation of the existing bridge.

Field Days gives back to support cancer patients

CANCER patients in the region will benefit with more support as a result of a $25,000 donation from Rotary FNQ Field Days.

The donation will go towards the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation’s Cancer Care Hub campaign.

Field Day chairman Kevin Davies said the donation was a “no brainer” particularly when the committee discussed the fact Tablelands families would access the service.

“Everyone is touched by cancer and we’re very well aware of the good work that the Foundation does so it was natural for us to support this project,” Mr Davies said.

“We’re passionate about funds from the field days supporting the local community and this gift will certainly do that. Anything that we can do to support local cancer patients staying close to home during their treatment, is important to us.”

The gift brings the Foundation’s campaign to $833,652 or 55 per cent of the total $1.5 million needed.

Foundation CEO Gina Hogan thanked the Field Day committee, and everyone who supported the event, for their support.

“A key focus of the campaign is helping more cancer patients receive their treatment locally rather than having to travel south, they will live longer with cancer as new treatments are discovered, they can be treated each day, chemotherapy manufacturing will be expanded on site and inpatients will have better outcomes in their treatment experience,” she said.

“There has been a 40 per cent increase in cancer activity at the Liz Plummer Cancer Care Centre in the past five years.

This is primarily because of the vast array of cancer treatments now available – people are living longer with cancer rather than dying prematurely.

“Every donation, large and small will make a difference.”

To help, contact the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation or visit

PAGE 4 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 199 Byrnes Street, Mareeba P: 4092 1133
YOU Pam, Raymond and Robert from Claude Caters Mensland Mareeba would like to thank everyone who supported us during our 60th birthday celebrations. Our sincere thanks to our suppliers and all of our customers. Our congratulations to all the winners of our giveaways and raffles. Without your support, your friendship and your patronage, what we have achieved as a family would not have been possible.
OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS! Adam Coyle & Gordon Rassmussen Call us now for more information: 4092 5442 46-48 Byrnes Street, Mareeba QBCC 1268102 Tired of paying rent on your gas cylinders? Own them instead with... YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS OF • Acetylene • Argon Mix 5/2 • Oxygen • Nitrogen • CO2 • Argon • Available sizes: D, E and G WE CAN NOW ACCEPT NON-RENTAL CYLINDERS FOR EXCHANGE!
Other Oliva Kaehler, Hamish Jaeschlo, Kellie Doeblein, Glenda Delai, Victor Madrid, Jasmine Blain and Gail Lamont. FNQ Field Days chairman Kevin Davies, marketing officer Jeanette Sturiale, supporter Joan Whyte and FNQ Hospital Foundation chief executive Gina Hogan with chemotherapy treatment chairs that will be added to the cancer care centre. Margot Martin was crowned the 2023 Mt Garnet Rodeo Queen on the weekend. PHOTO: Crystalyn Jones Photography. MORE PHOTOS PAGE 38.

People power saves town caravan park

Youngster grows his green thumb

A YOUNG boy with a love for plants has recently gone viral online for his small business where he makes succulent “creations”.

up for a trailer and a kid’s buggy,” he said.

PEOPLE power has forced Tablelands Regional Council to re-think selling off the Malanda Falls Caravan Park, with councillors inundated by hundreds of emails, texts and messages over a 48-hour period last week in a desperate bid by the community to keep the facility in public hands.

Council officers had recommended caravan park be sold off as part of a late agenda item, but when members of the Malanda community became aware of the issue on Tuesday, social media was flooded with posts calling on locals to lobby councillors before their meeting on Thursday morning to decide the matter.

After being inundated by locals and from people outside the region, councillors moved an alternative recommendation to call for expressions of interest in a 30-year lease of the caravan park.

Before the start of the meeting, which had a packed public gallery, Malanda Chamber of Commerce representatives Greg English and Jeanette Suffield presented their case as to why council should not sell off the popular facility.

Describing the move by the council to bring the item forward as a “late agenda item” as underhanded, Mr English made it clear the Malanda community had not changed its position on keeping their caravan park from more than two years ago when council had initially proposed to sell the facility.

“This has further reduced the community’s trust in council officers. As I have said before through this whole process the goal posts have been continually shifted,” he said.

"Originally, the catch phrase from TRC was ‘we would be happy with a park that was revenue neutral’ which changed to

‘we would like to make some money from this’ which has now become ‘let’s sell the park’.”

"We, as a community, elect you seven people to govern on our behalf, but you, as councillors, can only work with what’s been put in front of you.

“We do not elect officers who put forward some weird and wonderful recommendations such as selling the caravan park which has been a community asset for the region since 1959.”

He said Malanda now boasted 11 eating places which relied on the tourist dollar and the park was critical in attracting visitors and providing a good “base” for them to explore the region.

“The community have never been in favour of selling the caravan park and at a public meeting held in 2020, council said ‘we have listed to the community of Malanda and we know that we must consult with the community’ – well, now would be a very good time to remember that,” he said.

“So, councillors, now is the time to listen to your moral compass and ignore this ludicrous proposal. We want this mess cleaned up once and for all.”

Glen Allyn resident Matt Lachlan also spoke passionately of the importance of retaining the caravan park in its current format, rejecting any suggestion that it be a “chain” park because its “appeal would irrevocably be diminished”.

He reminded councillors that a petition containing 2400 signatures was generated in 2020 when the initial proposal was made to sell the park.

Cr Dave Bilney, whose division includes Malanda, led the charge to retain the park, immediately moving an alternative motion to keep the caravan park and call for expressions of interest in a 30-year

lease to enable council to determine if there was an interested party.

“The original tender that went out for lease was a 10-year term and the net was widely cast based upon this term and as a result, there was only one tenderer realised,” he said.

“After some discussions, it was agreed by council to amend the term to 30 years but this variation to the lease was not tested in the commercial world for its appetite other than the existing tenderer therefore I would argue that the next appropriate path forward is to re-engage under the EOI process to re-test the commercial interest for a 30-year term.

“This, in my opinion, would incentivise a potential operator to invest in the park over a term that could present an acceptable financial return to them.”

He reminded council that the land was gifted to the community by James English post-war, with the intent to establish a caravan park on the land to economically benefit the town and the wider region.

With the land being able to be sold off as freehold, Cr Bilney also warned there was no guarantee it would continue to be used for a caravan park by a potential buyer.

Cr Peter Hodge made it clear where he stood.

“I was elected to look after the people in my division and all the people in TRC so there’s no way in the world that I let the businesses down in my town or your town,” he said.

Councillors voted unanimously to call for EOIs for a 30-year lease, with officers to come back to council by July with recommendations. The council also called for a report to provide options “on how the land on which the Malanda Falls Caravan Park is situated remain in council ownership as a caravan park”.

Bitumen scam warning

POLICE are warning local businesses and residents to be wary of people approaching them with offers to do bitumen work at unrealistic prices.

The “bitumen bandits” are predominately unlicensed tradespeople who go door-todoor, claiming to have “leftover bitumen from a job”, and offer discounted rates to work on driveways and paths.

Police say they can be very persistent and have been known to use standover tactics, even offering to drive potential victims to the bank to collect a deposit.

Recently, police have had reports from the Tully, Babinda and Innisfail areas, where residents were offered cheap rates to have driveways bitumen.

“Businesses and private residents are

urged to be vigilant of the ‘Bitumen Scam’ and beware of cold calling sales via phone or doorstop,” a spokesperson said.

“Remember, if it sounds too good to be true then chances are, it is.

“If you are approached by a business offering to carry out work, research the business and contact the company to verify if the people work for them.

“Ensure you obtain written quotes before agreeing to work being carried out.”

Suspicious activities should be reported to police via Policelink on 131 444 or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.

For more information visit the Office of Fair Trading website or contact them on 13 74 68. To keep up to date with scams and report scams at

Caiden Hargreaves, who is eight years old, started his business Caiden’s Plants around 12 months ago, decorating logs and pots with different varieties of succulents and selling them to his family and friends.

He says he enjoys his business and hopes he will soon be able to use his profits for a very important purchase.

“They are fun, and I like making money – I'm saving

“My grandmother taught me how to grow succulents, then my mum’s friend Lyn gave me some hollow logs from Gilberton Station, she thought would be cool for me to use for my plants.

“My favourite one is always the next idea in my head when I see a hollow log.”

Caiden’s mum Bree said he had his first ever stall at the Mother’s Day markets recently and it was a huge hit with patrons.

To support Caiden’s business, follow his Facebook group “Caiden’s Plants”.


The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 5 InspirexArt EVENTS AND SERVICES BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT NOW! • Paint ‘n’ Sip Party • Kids Birthday Art Party • Art Therapy NEXT EVENT: Early Celebration, Mother’s Day Paint ‘n’ Sip Afternoon Sunday 7th May 2023, 2:45pm - 6:00pm @ Spanish Club, 38 Chewko Road, Mareeba Book your seat at: CLEALL’S BUTCHERY 75 BYRNES STREET, MAREEBA PHONE & FAX ORDERS WELCOME PH: 4092 1006 ~ FAX: 4092 3353 SMOKEHOUSE SPECIALS ALSO AVAILABLE! RIB FILLET $29.99 KG CORNED SILVERSIDE $15.99 KG WHOLE BUDGET RUMPS $15.99 KG WHOLE PRIME RUMPS $18.99 KG RIB ROASTS $15.99 KG CRUMBED STEAK $19.99 KG BBQ STEAK $19.99 KG BEEF SAUSAGES $15.99 KG BEEF MINCE $15.99 KG BEER STICKS $22.99 KG SPECIALS AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST! COUNTRY ORDERS WELCOME! NOW IN STOCK: BEEF JERKY... $10 FOR 100 GRAMS SMOKED PORK CHOPS... $17.99KG
Although only eight years old, Caiden is already a hit in the business world for his plant creations. A large crowd in the chamber to hear the debate over the potential sell-off of the Malanda Falls Caravan Park.

New public

housing boost for Atherton

ATHERTON has been included in the State Government’s decision to purchase 64 houses or units state-wide for public housing.

The government says $25 million will be invested in securing the residential dwellings in a bid to boost the public housing stock for vulnerable people.

Contracts have already been entered into for properties in Atherton but the government declined to say how many properties were involved.

Other properties will be purchased in Gordonvale, Smithfield, Tully and a number of other towns throughout the State.

Biggest mango winners crowned at luncheon

THE winners of the 2022/23 Kensington Pride Mango competition were awarded their hard-earned prizes and certificates at the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce business luncheon at the Mareeba Leagues Club last Wednesday.

Steve Gould came in first place for the second year in a row with a whopping 1.840kg mango, he will be awarded $500 thanks to our sponsors at Lindsay Transport.

The second-place prize of $300 goes to Milan Maloberti with his 1.550kg mango.

Mr Maloberti is determined every year to place, also coming second place last year with his 1.546kg KP.

Third place is awarded to last minute entrant Dominic Serafini, who presented his 1.545kg mango on the final day. He will have his share of $200.

Dominic’s dad, Louie, graciously accepted his son’s prize on his behalf.

The Express, FNQ Growers and Lindsay Transport and Lindsay Rural, congratulate the winners and all who entered this year’s competition.

PAGE 6 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 TUESDAYS FROM 6PM FREE TO PLAY • PRIZES TO BE WON For Lunch & Dinner 7 DAYS 11.30am till 9.00pm 77 Main St, Atherton • 4091 1139 We take responsible service of alcohol seriously. It is an offence to sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years. THURSDAY PARMAGEDDON $26 Your Choice of Toppings. Served with Chips & Salad. INCLUDES a Pot of Tap Beer or Glass of House Wine! For ON MONDAY NIGHTS SPORTS BAR • POKIES • TAB KENO • KID’S PLAYGROUND For further information on any of these services please visit: Or phone 3036 2070 during office hours *This service travels via Caravonica, Trinity Bay High and TAFE, school days only. GET CARRIED AWAY WITH... TUXWORTH & WOODS CARRIERS SERVICING: • Cairns • Mossman • Port Douglas • Cooktown • Croydon • Normanton • Karumba • Coen • Musgrave • Archer River • Weipa ESTABLISHED 1972  BODY TRUCKS  SEMI TRAILERS  REFRIGERATED VANS  DROP DECK TRAILERS 4035 4022 AFTER HOURS: 0418 183 399 • FAX: 4035 4021 25 REDDEN ST, CAIRNS • EMAIL:  100% Local  25+ Years Experience  Competitive Prices Call Darrell & Lisa Turner 0408 174 791 WE CAN HELP! Are cockies, ants or spiders driving you insane? Worried about termites?
The 2022/23 Kensington Pride Mango competition winner from first to third place, Steve Gould, Milan Maloberti and Louie Serafini who accepted the prize on behalf of his son, Dominic, with Mareeba Chamber of Commerce president Joe Moro.

Club seeks interest from community

MORE than 50 years after it first opened, the Mareeba International Club is ready to embark on a new direction, with a public meeting to be held later this month to allow a new committee to be formed to propel the facility into the future.

The club was established in 1969 to provide a cultural hub for Italian immigrants living in the area, as well as to preserve and celebrate their Italian heritage, but over time, the club has expanded to include members from other cultural backgrounds and become a multicultural organisation.

Custodians for the past 27 years, Gabriel and Grace Tallarico and Rose and Gennaro Tatti, say they believe it is time to step aside and allow the club to take a new direction.

They are all stepping down from their positions and are inviting the community to become members so a new committee can be formed.

The club has no outstanding liabilities, ad-

vanced bookings in place, and equipped with modern facilities, including an operational commercial kitchen and full bar facilities, the club is ideal for large functions with the capacity to hold weddings and events for up to 500 people.

Locals who are interested in the future of the Mareeba International Club are being encouraged to become a member before the public meeting on 18 May.

To become a member or nominate for an executive position go to, or email your request to: gabriele1959@hotmail. com

An application form will then be sent out for completion and then should be returned with the $25 membership fee.

Executive nomination forms must be submitted to the club seven days prior to the public meeting on 18 May.

Big tender for water treatment plant upgrade

A TENDER worth more than $7.8 million has been awarded to Strategic Builders Pty Ltd to upgrade the existing water filter system at the Mareeba Water Treatment Plant.

The system is ageing and is inefficient by current standards and must be upgraded to avoid a significant risk to the water security of the Mareeba township.

Mareeba Shire Council received a $2 million grant to go towards the project through the Queensland Government’s Building Better Regions fund and has stated that it will fund the remainder of the project’s cost.

“While the grant does not cover the full cost, it certainly helps to reduce the burden on the ratepayers,” Mayor Angela Toppin said.

“Like most rural and regional areas, much of Mareeba Shire’s urban water supply infrastructure was installed in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and Council has been actively pursuing grant funds to ensure the ageing water infrastructure components can be replaced.

“The work will be located within the confines of the water treatment plant on Kowa Street, Mareeba, and will generally not affect the public.”

Man charged with Atherton murder

A 72-year-old Atherton man has been charged with murder following investigations into the suspicious death of a 65-year-old woman in Atherton on Sunday.

About 8.30am, emergency services were called to an address on Gordon Street where a woman was located with a wound to her abdomen. She was declared deceased at the scene.

A crime scene was declared while detectives work to determine the circumstances leading up to the woman’s death.

The man was expected to appear in the Mareeba

Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

Tablelands District Criminal Investigation Branch detectives are also investigating a house fire in Atherton Friday 28 April.

Police and emergency services were called to the Nye Street blaze just after 10am, with one bedroom extensively damaged by fire.

All occupants were accounted for and no one was injured. Investigations into the cause of the fire remain ongoing with police calling for witnesses, especially those with dashcam or CCTV captured in the area between 9am-11am to come forward.

New hooning laws passed

PEOPLE who attend or film hooning events can now be charged under new laws introduced into Queensland.

The government has passed new laws that will make it an offence to be a spectator at a group hooning event, to organise or promote a group hooning event, or to film or photograph hooning to promote the illegal activity.

It will also be an offence to possess certain items used to facilitate group hooning events, for example, false number plates.

With the additional laws now passed by Parliament, Queensland has the most stringent antihooning framework in the nation.

“If you want to tear up our roads, we’ll tear up

your car,” Police Minister Mark Ryan said.

“If you want to be a spectator at a hooning event, you will be breaking the law.

“If you promote a hooning event it will be an offence.

“If you behave in an anti-social manner and put the lives of others and yourself at risk you will be targeted relentlessly by police.

“Life is precious and too many lives are lost on our roads. Hooning will not be tolerated.”

Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll said dangerous driving and hooning-related behaviour not only endangered the lives of those behind the wheel, but they also put innocent members of the public at risk.


MASS: Concelebrated by Fr. Padre Aurelio Fragapane, from Melbourne & Fr. Kerry Crowley. Unveiling of the Three Saints. Eulogy of the Three Saints. Hymns by Saint Alfio Choir.

12 noon Entertainment, Barbecue, Italian Sausage, Ravioli, Arancini, Grilled Fish, Pizza, Chestnuts, Granita, Gelati, Cannoli, Italian Biscuits, Sweets, Tea & Barista Made Coffee.

2 pm Three Saints positioned on Vara, followed by Solemn Procession. Rosary and Hymns. Procession accompanied by Cairns municipal band.

3 pm

7 pm

ENGLISH MASS: Concelebrated by Fr. Padre Aurelio Fragapane, from Melbourne & Fr. Hilary Flynn, followed by the Blessing and Veneration of the Relics of the Three Saints.

- Dynamic Fireworks Display

- Music and Dancing till 9pm

Rides& Amusementsby

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 7 MAREEBA TURF CLUB  RACING  FASHION  FUN  ace D A Y BOOK NOW! What’s on... ■ 5 Race program Featuring the ‘Battle of the Bush’ Qualifer ■ FASHIONS FROM AFAR ■ Live Music with ‘SAVANNAH BREEZE’ ■ 150 RACE DAY MARQUEE $100 p/p – includes a 4-hour drinks package (beer, wine and soft drink), cocktail food and child minding EMAIL: SATURDAY 20TH MAY www.trybooking.Com/CHTKO 150R Country Racing at its Best! Schedule of Events AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST RELIGIOUS & CULTURAL FESTIVAL All Welcome Sunday 7th May 2023 Harold Street, Silkwood, North Queensland FREE ENTRY EFTPOS AVAILABLE Traditional Italian Food Music & Dancing till 9 pm Rides & Amusements
WonderFair. by:Entertainment IsgroFortunato Maugeri&Francesco from Brisbane
The Mareeba International Club is seeking community interest to allow the club to go in a different direction in the future.

Tourists flooding back to the village

TOURISTS are flooding back into Kuranda, with the latest figures revealing more visitors are coming to the village than before the Covid pandemic crisis hit.

Visitor numbers have surpassed 20,000 in the March quarter – a six per cent increase over the same period in 2019.

“It is wonderful to see tourists are returning to the area following the pandemic,”

Mayor Angela Toppin said.

“It is wonderful to see that visitor numbers have increased year-on-year by 170 per cent. Visitors’ numbers in 2023 have also exceeded preCovid levels, with a six per cent increase compared to the 2019 figures.

“This is a welcome boost to the local economy.”

Additional reports indicate that online search volumes have increased by 200 per cent

year on year in March 2023.

“This was a promising lead up to the school holidays and council is expecting that this trend will continue with several community events coming up over the next two months,” Mayor Toppin said.

“As major asset owners, service providers and decision makers, Local Government authorities are key influencers and contributors to the visitor experience, and it is reassuring to see that visitors are returning.

“Council provides direct support for tourism promotion within the shire by funding destination marketing and post-arrival visitor information services, and recently council and the Chamber of Commerce established a new Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) to promote tourism experiences in the Mareeba Shire.

LTO chair Cr Lenore Wyatt said said the formation of the Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) was a major step in the right direction, demonstrated by the number of tourism operators who attended the Think Tank gathering in early March.

“We’ve had some very big successes – we were glad to see over 50 people from across our shire came to the Think

Tank where we all talked about what wanted to see as the future of tourism in our shire – they came from Chillagoe, Irvinebank, Watsonville and even from our neighbouring shire,” she said.

“I look forward to the results achieved from this collaborative initiative and I invite tourism operators to contact the LTO via email to to get involved.”

It was noted that Mareeba’s tourism figures – collated from data from Mareeba Heritage Centre – are also climbing back and expected to peak further in the coming months as grey nomads return to the area.

With the Mareeba Rodeo going back to a two-day format, and the popular Savannah in the Round set for another big year, boosting the festival with bull riding displays, both events are expected to contribute a significant boost to the local economy.

Meanwhile, council is encouraging locals to volunteer at the Kuranda Visitor Information Centre. Anyone interested should visit council’s website for more information.

Nikeah receives BAFTA award

KURANDA local turned Hollywood visual effects producer Nikeah Forde has been awarded one of the most prestigious Film and TV Awards attainable, a BAFTA, after the recent BAFTA TV Craft Awards in London.

Nikeah has been recognised for her work on critically acclaimed HBO series, “House of the Dragon”, and alongside her team, was awarded the BAFTA for her work last Saturday.

House of the Dragon is just the latest project in the 38-year-old’s long line of work which includes “The Martian”, “The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader”, “Cinderella” and “Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle”.

Upon receiving the award Nikeah addressed the thousands of people gath-

ered with an acceptance speech where she thanked the many people who helped her during her journey.

“All the biggest things in my life happened to me on this show – I got engaged, I miraculously got pregnant, and I gave birth,” she said.

“But mostly thank you to Angus Bickerton, the greatest VFX supervisor around, the godfather to my daughter and to the role.

“Thank you everyone.”

Nikeah feels it’s amazing to be recognised for all the work both her and her team did during the production of “House of the Dragon”.

“What an incredible honour,” she said.

“It’s a lovely thing to have your peers vote for your work like this, I definitely feel I’ve chosen the right career path.”

services scan:

PAGE 8 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Local Framing Shop in Kuranda at 15 Therwine Street! • Memorabilia Framing • Canvas Stretching & Box Frames • Framing Repairs FREE Framing Quotes! Single Day Entry: Adults $15, Seniors Card $12, Kids FREE with an adult. For full event details and conditions of entry, visit the event website. f i CairnsExpo OPEN FRI, SAT, SUN CAIRNS SHOWGROUNDS a Cobbold Explorer PACKAGE Win MEET INFLUENCERS & EXPERTS Buy tickets now for expre entry
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Kuranda-born Nikeah Forde alongside Asa Shoul after they accepted their BAFTA TV Craft Awards in London.

Council backs hotelier on traffic direction issue

Nasser was breathing a sigh of relief last week after Tablelands Regional Council overturned a recommendation to reverse the direction of traffic on a lane that is critical to the operation of his drivethrough bottleshop.

Mr Nasser spoke out two weeks ago after Mayor Rod Marti told him the traffic direction would be reversed on Railway Lane as part of the plans for the Priors Creek precinct, and that a distribution shed he uses for the business would also have to be removed.

Mr Nasser told the Planning Committee meeting on 13 April that if the shed was removed and the traffic reversed, his business would be placed in jeopardy and asked if a decision could be made that day to relieve his anxiety and stress over the issue.

At the time, Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Cardew, who was chairing the meeting in Mayor Marti’s absence, gave an undertaking the decision would be made when council held its Ordinary meeting on 27 April. But Mayor Marti attempted to defer the matter at last week’s meeting, saying questions and issues were now being raised that were not previously raised in workshops about the project.

“I think it’s in council’s interests to perhaps workshop that one more time before we make a decision in a fortnight (at the next Planning Committee meeting) so that when we come to that meeting we’re better informed on the issues,” he said.

Cr Peter Hodge immediately reacted,

saying he wanted the matter, which was listed on the agenda, to be dealt with as planned.

“This is another prime example of this landing on our desk for this meeting today and now, whoops, it doesn’t suit people, someone might want to influence someone. I am dead set against changing (deferring) it – we should either approve it or not,” he said.

Cr Cardew said he would “struggle” to defer the matter because he had given a public commitment to Mr Nasser that it would be dealt with at the 27 April meeting.

But the Mayor pleaded with councillors to wait, saying it was a “really important decision” that was not “going to benefit from expediency”.

“We never had the issues and questions that we have at the moment, so I think it’s in council’s interests that we’re fully informed about what’s proposed –we can have that honest discussion and then come back in a fortnight and make the decision,” Mayor Marti said.

Cr Hodge replied: “We can have the

honest discussion, right here, right now”.

Council rejected the deferral motion and ploughed ahead, firstly listening to officers explaining why the traffic direction should be reversed.

“We propose to reverse the traffic direction on Railway Lane, and during that peak period (school times), it will allow vehicles to travel down Railway Lane from the northern roundabout all the way down to Silo shopping centre and circle back through the new link road,” project manager Paul Stubbs said.

He said the move would take pressure off Main Street and, as a referral agency to the council’s development application, the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) had also indicated this was the preferred approach.

“They allude that if we don’t allow for this movement, then there will be additional pressure on Main Street which will introduce further conflicts of queuing in the street which could trigger a range of upgrades to Main Street – that could result in loss of car parks and (the introduction of) signalised intersections

on Main Street.”

Cr Cardew argued that reversing the lane would actually lead to more traffic being forced onto Main Street, between Vernon and Jacks Streets, as vehicles negotiated the area to access different areas. He also believed more traffic would be pushed towards the IGA car park.

While other councillors made it clear they supported the Priors Creek precinct development but were concerned that reversing the traffic was not the way to go.

Cr Peter Hodge said he would withdraw his support for the project if the traffic reversal was supported because it would affect the Barron Valley Hotel, which employs around 50 people, and “put that business in jeopardy”.

“My role is to represent the people who elected me and I will not let the business people down in this town –they are the ones that pay all our fees and wages of this organisation,” he said.

Mayor Marti did his best to convince councillors to listen to the expert advice which had been corroborated by DTMR engineers and reverse the traf-

fic direction on Railway Lane, saying the precinct would markedly change the area and if council wanted to attract investors, it must have the best model for traffic flow.

“This is desperately needed by everyone who drives a car through Atherton,” he said. “It’s not just about the businesses on Main Street or in Railway Lane.

“As we move towards transforming the Atherton CBD with the Priors Creek development, this is one of many critical decisions we’ll make along the way.

“I fully understand the concerns raised by the owner of the Barron Valley Hotel and if I was the owner, I would raise an objection too because and it means changes are afoot and there will be impacts upon the Barron Valley Hotel – I fully accept that.

But he argued that by creating the recreational precinct, more people would be attracted to the area, giving “enormous opportunities to businesses, two in particular” being the Carrington Hotel and BV Hotel as they had dual street access to pedestrians which “is gold from a hospitality business perspective”.

Council voted 5-2 to retain the current traffic direction on Railway Lane.

Council also later decided in closed session to allow Mr Nasser to continue to use the distribution shed under a licence agreement subject to the structure being altered so it is contained within a lot sub-leased from council.

After the meeting, Mr Nasser thanked councillors. “It was pleasing to see common sense prevail on keeping the laneway in its current direction,” he said.

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 9 MAREEBA 26, 27, 28 MAY 2021 - MAREEBA RODEO GROUNDS TICKETS NOW ON SALE largest Field Days in Northern Australia PRE-Purchase online @ www.fnq� 24, 25, 26 MAY 2023 - MAREEBA RODEO GROUNDS See you at Field Days
The current traffic direction makes it efficient to use the Barron Valley drive-through bottleshop.

Run Against Violence co-founder to visit Atherton

ONE of the founders of the Australian-wide Run Against Violence event, Kirrily Dear, will be travelling to the Tablelands for a visit and to participate in a park run on Saturday, 13 May with locals who have participated in the run for the past few years.

Run Against Violence is a 1300km nationwide virtual run that raises awareness for family violence, teams across Australia sign up for the run and clock up the kilometres over 19 days.

It was established by Brad Smithers and Kirrily in 2017 after Kirrily did a solo run from Broken Hill to Sydney in 19 days.

The run brought together people from throughout regional New South

Wales to raise awareness about family violence and its impact on the community.

Tableland local Jeanette Gegg has participated in Run Against Violence numerous times and is a prominent advocate against family violence in the community.

She is thrilled to have Kirrily visit the Tablelands this year ahead of this year’s Run Against Violence set to begin on 30 August.

“For me I think it is pretty special that she is coming up – last year I spoke to her and she said, ‘I’ll come up’ and now she is which I never thought would actually happen,” she said.

“It is surreal and for me it is very special and I think for all my team members who have been with me for nearly five years.

“It is also a nice promotion for getting out why we do Run Against Violence.”

Kirrily is excited to visit the Tablelands and participate in a park run and is encouraging people to come along for a run or walk and learn more about Run Against Violence.

“I am really looking forward to the park run and hopefully a nice breakfast afterwards,” she said.

“I hope to have a lot of people turn out to support what we are doing and find out more about the event, meet Jeanette and the team.

“Come and meet me, meet the team, get involved – park run is a lot of fun for everyone involved.”

Kirrily is also planning to meet with local councillors to discuss Run Against Violence. Park run begins at 7am at Platypus Park in Atherton.

Co-founder of Run Against Violence, Kirrily Dear, will be visiting the Tablelands and participating in a park run on Saturday, 13 May.

Arts receive funding

FOUR artistic ventures have received a funding boost from Mareeba Shire Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund.

The four grants, totalling $10,117, will assist projects in Chillagoe, Julatten/ Mt Molloy and Kuranda.

The Centre for Australasian Theatre received $3000 to develop and present “Avatar in the Multiverse Youth Performance, which involves youth from the Mt Molloy/Julatten area.

The funding will pay for three weekend workshops during which youth will create and rehearse a new, non-textbased performance that encourages youth to build awareness of their life and tell their stories.

Gulf Savannah NRM’s “Earth & Country Indigenous Art Celebration” also received $3,000 to host a family oriented, reconciliation event – a weekend of information sharing and celebration of traditional, Indigenous arts and culture.

Activities will include traditional owner discussions and ceremony, sharing space, participatory traditional weaving, painting and storytelling workshops, children's activities and music.

Kuranda based silversmith and glass artist Kate Prynne received a $1500 grant to fund a five-day advanced Glass Masterclass in the United Kingdom. The class will provide skills in advanced surface manipulation and decorative finishes and help to raise the artist’s profile to

become one of the leading glass artists in North Queensland.

Ms Prynne will bring back her newly acquired skills to the Kuranda community and share them with others.

The Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre received $2617 for the “Paint the Nest” project which involves a local First Nations artist working alongside youth to paint a unique artwork featuring local birds on the front of “The Nest” a wellused, community space located at the Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre.

The artwork will help to promote the space as a safe, user-friendly facility for all and enhance youth connection and pride in the community.

PAGE 10 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 "We keep you Flying!" A: 229 Byrnes St, Mareeba - 26 Eclipse Dr, Atherton P: 4092 2255 BOOK NOW: OPEN 5 DAYS Like Us On Facebook At Performance Physio, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for all our patients using the latest evidence based techniques to get the results that you need. We can help you with: • Lymphatic Drainage Massage • Joint & Muscular Rehabilitation • Post Op Rehabilitation • Sports and Spinal • Specialising in Shoulders Michelle Du, Physiotherapist »
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Reflection Gin wins gold

A local distillery has won gold at the recent London Spirits Awards for its popular Reflection Gin.

Eventide Hills Distillery, which is set to operate from the old Peanut Place in Tolga, has claimed the top prize with 91 out of 100 points for its Reflection Gin, as well as a silver medal with 78 points for its signature vodka and a bronze medal with 71 points for its Dusk coffee liqueur.

Owner and distiller Kelli Smith expressed her excitement at being recognised on an international scale and believes that it really cements the quality of her products.

“There were over 600 entrants, and each spirit is judged on its quality. To have three of our spirits receive gold, silver, and bronze in an international competition is incredible,” she said.

“I think it cements the fact that we are on the right path, and we pour our heart and soul into this product, so it's great to be recognised.”

Ms Smith has also entered her spirits into the Australian Gin Awards, which will take place over the coming months.

Splash park build bubbling along

MAREEBA’S new splash park is on track to open mid-year, despite some hold-ups due to the wet season, and Mareeba Shire has defended the decision to establish the facility within the confines of the town’s aquatic centre. Works are now well advanced, with the aquatic centre footprint extended to accommodate the new facility with the installation of a new retaining wall and perimeter fence, and electrical works are ongoing to install the substantial underground pipework network re-

quired to service the splash park.

Installation of the 50m pool and children’s pool heating has also been progressing.

During the meeting, councillors also took the time to defend the decision to establish the facility in an existing facility where people will have to pay an entry fee.

Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Davies told the council that the new Charters Towers’ facility, which is not inside a pool complex, had to be closed recent-

ly due to vandalism.

“It was open for three months and they’ve had to close it because of vandalism – that’s because it hasn’t been supervised,” he said.

“That’s another cost to ratepayers to bear to fix it and what’s to say it’s not going to be vandalised again.

“People say ‘put cameras’ in but, okay, the cameras might see them, but it doesn’t stop them doing the damage.”

Mayor Angela Toppin said supervi-

sion of children using the splash park was one her “greatest worries”.

“It always concerns me, the supervision by parents of young children. Children just getting dropped off is always my worry, and if there’s a lack of supervision, what happens? If something happens to that child, what’s the comeback for council?” she said.

Cr Lenore Wyatt moved to clarify that Mareeba would not be the only place where people would have to pay to use the splash park.

“It’s been said there’s no other colocated splash parks – that this is the only one, and that’s not true,” she said.

“There are two others in Queensland where they are co-located – it’s all about security and supervision.”

Mareeba Shire Council has confirmed access to the splash park will be part of the general entry fee to the aquatic centre. It also advised that a new entry fee would be negotiated with the new pool lessee in July but it would remain affordable.

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 11 FAMILY GAMES WOOD TURNING Pack Donkeys PETTING ZOO Tin PANNING PRINTING PRESS FOOD & DRINKS EXPERIENCE A WEEKEND of LIVING HISTORY LIVE MUSIC Littmus Steampunk Band Ben Wilson Now or Never JC and the Tree Sligo • Neville Condon Ellen Romanov SAT 6 th & SUN 7 th MAY 2023 SAT 6 th & SUN 7 th MAY 2023 WWW. HISTORIC VILLAGE HERBERTON .COM.AU Fashions o n the field LIVE De m onstrations St e a m TrainRides Working m a c hinery
Owner of Eventide Hills distillery Kelli Smith is proud to have received gold for her popular Reflection Gin.
PAGE 12 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 313-315 Byrnes Street, Mareeba | Phone 4092 5100 After Hours: David Mete 0408 793 050, Peter Acha 0417 006 698 or Adrian Madrid 0413 745 247 MAZDA BTḋ50 XS DUAL CAB 4X2 AUTO 2022 ICE WHITE For Immediate Delivery $48,950 Drive Away MAZDA BTḋ50 XTR DUAL CAB 4X4 AUTO 2022 RED For Immediate Delivery $59,990 Drive Away MAZDA BTḋ50 SP DUAL CAB 4X4 AUTO 2022 WHITE, RED For Immediate Delivery $67,990 Drive Away MAZDA MXḋ30 G20E EVOLVE FWD AUTO 2022 CERAMIC METALLIC For Immediate Delivery $38,667 Drive Away MAZDA CXḋ5 MAXX SPORT FWD For Immediate Delivery $42,990 Drive Away MAZDA BTḋ50 GT DUAL CAB 4X4 AUTO 2022 SILVER, GREY For Immediate Delivery $62,990 Drive Away MAZDA CXḋ3 AKARI PETROL AWD AUTO 2022 POLYMETAL GREY METALLIC For Immediate Delivery $39,990 Drive Away MAZDA 2 G15 EVOLVE FWD HATCH AUTO 2022 WHITE For Immediate Delivery $29,000 Drive Away ANZAC DAY photos from across the region Lest We forget
A dedication to the Anzacs in Watsonville. Mareeba State Primary School marked Anzac Day. Mareeba State High School students, Jack and Cassia. Yungaburra Kindy. Tolga State School students lay their wreaths. Noah Child receives the torch at Atherton High’s ceremony. Horse riders at the Mount Molloy’s service. Yungaburra kids paying respects. Atherton army cadet.

ANZAC DAY photos from across the region

THOUSANDS of people from across the region gathered last Tuesday to commemorate and pay their respects to those who have served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations across the world.

More photos available at

We forget

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 13 FREE BUY A 200LT DRUM OF CALTEX OIL & GET A 20LT DRUM Offer available from our Townsville and Cairns depots. TOWNSVILLE 25-27 Bolam St, Garbutt QLD 4814 P 07 4779 1353 CAIRNS 102 Cook St, Portsmith QLD 4870 P 07 4252 6580 PORTSMITHPETROLEUM.COM.AU *Must pay full retail price for 200Lt drum to receive free 20Lt drum of the same product. This offer is not valid with any other discounts or specials. Starts May 1st 2023 and Finishes June 30th 2023 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Delo 400 SLK SAE 15W-40 $902.39 ex gst API CK-4 Premium heavy-duty diesel engine oil Delo 400 MGX SAE 15W-40 $869.88 ex gst API CJ-4 Premium heavy-duty diesel engine oil Delo Gold Ultra SAE 15W-40 $820.59 ex gst API CI-4 High-performance, heavy-duty diesel engine oil Caltex Rando HD 68 $820.59 ex gst Premium anti-wear hydraulic fluid Caltex 1000 THF $881.10 ex gst High Quality universal tractor transmission/hydraulic fluid Lest
Honouring Anzacs at the Mareeba service. Airforce cadets at Dimbulah. Scouts at the Mareeba service. Piper at the Atherton march. The Dimbulah service. Malanda’s ceremony featured a coffin representing the “forgotten soldiers”. A bugler plays the Last Post at Yungaburra.



Follow us on socials for the latest on market stalls and community Q&A meetings.

@fnqvoice @ulurustatement

Get in touch by sending us an email. Visit the Ulu r u Statement website for more information at a national level and sign up to their newsletter.


Market Stall - Tanks Markets

30 April 2023 – from 9am Tanks Arts Centre 46 Collins Avenue Edge Hill, Cairns 4870

Voice Q&A Meeting

3 May – from 6.30pm Mossman Town Hall Mill Street

Mossman, QLD 4873

Voice Q&A Meeting

4 May – from 6:30pm Port Douglas Town Hall 13-29 Mowbray Street

Port Douglas, QLD 4877


VoiceFNQ is a grassroots volunteer group of culturally diverse individuals formed to engage in conversation and education for the referendum on a First Nations Voice.

The First Nations Voice aims to close the economic and social gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities and the wider Australian public to make a better future for all.


In May 2017, the National Constitutional Convention met at Ulu r u to discuss how First Peoples could be recognised in the Constitution. More than 250 First Nations leaders attended the Convention and represented their Communities in the Regional Dialogues.

The Ulur u Statement was the result of these Regional Dialogues. The Statement invites all Australians to walk with First Peoples to create a better Australia.

The Uluru Statement calls for two reforms:

1. The first – the subject of this year’s referendum – is a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.

2. The second is a Makarrata Commission. Makarrata is a Yolngu word from Northeast Arnhem Land describing a process of conflict resolution, peacemaking, and justice after a dispute.


We work closely with the Ulu r u Dialogue and the UNSW Indigenous Law Centre who are leading the First Nations Voice campaign. VoiceFNQ has been influential in providing them with local FNQ feedback, proving individuals can make a difference.

Leading up to the referendum, VoiceFNQ will be conducting community Q&A meetings at Yungaburra, Mareeba, Mossman, Innisfail, Port Douglas, Cairns, Edmonton, Gordonvale, Babinda, Tully, Cardwell, and Ingham. The Q&A meetings are a safe place for you to get information, ask questions, and express your concerns without fear, judgement or criticism.

PAGE 14 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023

SENIOR residents across the Tablelands will be keenly watching the outcome of a $15 million State Government trial to provide funding to elderly people to make their home more secure.

The initiative will provide households with home security improvements, such as strong window locks and shutters, CCTV and enhanced design features to prevent unauthorised access.

Eligibility criteria are similar to the existing Home Assist Secure (HAS) program. Older homeowners who are aged 60 years or over with a current Pensioner Concession Card, who are unable to afford the

Firies run for refuge

LOCAL firefighters are trading their fireproof suits for running shoes and entering this year’s Great Wheelbarrow Race while raising money for the Mareeba Animal Refuge.

There hasn’t been a Queensland Fire and Rescue Services team since 2018 and now under the guidance of race veteran Jared Hohns, the team has been revived.

So far, the team has raised $3000 for the animal refuge and is currently seeking more donations and sponsors to hop on board and help support them.

Jared said the team’s expectations are to go out and to have as much fun as possible while raising money for a good cause.

“The Animal Refuge was our choice of

charity because there is a lot of hard work the team do that doesn’t get noticed, it is an independent, non-government communitybased charity, providing animal care and protection services,” he said.

“Each year, Australia wide 135,000 animals are received, with 20,000 of cats and dogs being euthanised due to medical, behaviour and other purposes.

“It costs more than $100 million each year to deliver services which help improve the lives of Australian animals.

“It was only a couple years ago that our local shelter almost closed its doors for good due to not having the required funds to improve the quality of the building that had violated multiple building codes.

“The refuge is one of the only ones on the Tablelands that helps our animals as far as Cooktown and Cairns.”

The team is comprised of a mix of race newbies and veterans with Jared and his brother Jordan having 15 years of race experience between them.

Other experienced runners include Dylan Atkinson, Jason Lea, Tracy Marcel and Kyle Rayner while Megan Hendry, Tommy Daly and Haydan Bonaccorsi will be attempting the race for the first time.

For how to donate or become a sponsor, contact Jared at

The 20th Great Wheelbarrow Race will be held from 12-14 May, starting in Mareeba.

work themselves and unable to receive similar assistance through other government programs may be eligible.

HAS providers in the trial locations will receive referrals from Smart Service Queensland which will determine eligibility and conduct home visits to determine the scope of works to be undertaken, in collaboration with the homeowner.

Households with immediate home security requirements will be prioritised and assistance of up to a maximum of $10,000 per household will be available. If successful, the funding could become available for seniors state-wide.


It is with regret that due to a tragic incident, the business Tractors In The Tropics must be dissolved. If you have any outstanding business to be finalised including collection of machinery, please phone 0419 320 866 as soon as possible to make arrangements. Any unclaimed machinery or goods still on the property by 13th May will become the property of the business and disposed of. Some machinery, stock and equipment will be for sale on 17th June.

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 15
RACE READY: Members of the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Great Wheelbarrow race team. Front row from left: team captain Jared Hohns and Dylan Atkinson. Back row from left Jordan Hohns, Megan Hendry, Jason Lea, Tracy Marcel, Tommy Daly, Kyle Rayner and Haydan Bonaccorsi with Mareeba Animal Refuge volunteer Felicity Polard and manager Jennifer Walsh.
Seniors await home secure outcome VAUGHAN ST, MAREEBA 30 MAIN ST, ATHERTON CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF RACING Thanks to our sponsors and supporters 2 2 2004 - 2023 Bendigo Bank MORO AUTO REPAIRS MAREEBA TO CHILLAGOE ▪ MAY 12-14 CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF RACING DOWNTOWN PARADE Come along and cheer on the teams FRIDAY 12TH MAY I 9.30AM I BYRNES ST, MAREEBA RACE NIGHTS DIMBY DINNER DO Friday, May 12 ALMADEN BUSH BASH Saturday, May 13 Join in the fun!


advocating for more regional newspaper advertising for

all policy change would be a simple and fair solution to a ing is placed in regional newspapers would be great news for

for Communications, Michelle Rowland, has been advocatin many years

We know there may be bigger budget issues, but this small

growing problem for regional Australia

A policy that ensures weekly federal government advertising is place the country

And it won’t cost you a cent

Great news for the country that won’t cost a cent

Yours sincerely,

An open letter to Treasurer Jim Chalmers regarding the Budget

Thursday 8 December 2022

Director of Australian Community Media, Australia's largest titles around the country. In NSW we publish 8 daily Mercury, Wagga Daily Advertiser and the Northern Daily the far south in Batemans Bay to far north in Lismore. We our stable of papers. support for our industry and the communities we serve. and cities. Sadly, due to the rise of the digital platforms and to close and many more are on life support.

The Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP Premier of NSW GPO 5341 Sydney, NSW 2000

There’s a crisis in our country you can fix in your first budget, at no extra cost.

Dear Dr Chalmers,

With the stroke of a pen you could help secure the future of critical regional news services, using money already allocated in the budget.

By email:

All you need to do is allocate a fairer percentage of the federal government’s advertising budget to local and regional news services, rather than spending almost all of it with corporate capital city media and foreign-owned digital platforms (which don’t produce any content or employ any journalists).

Rowlands announced a campaign promise of $15m of costs that we faced at the time. Whilst this is welcomed by structural issues we face.

Dear Premier Perrottet

This can be achieved by simply adopting the Victorian Govt policy that mandates a weekly full page government advertisement in every regional and community paper.

Local and regional newspapers connect more than 80% of the country, but they get almost 0% of the government advertising spend.

the Premier of Victoria (see attached) with a policy that full page advertisement in every regional paper every week

In an era where false news spreads faster on social media than the truth does, trusted local news services reach more regional Australians than any other medium. And unlike other media, every government dollar spent with a local newspaper is also an investment in regional journalism jobs.

By way of introduction, I am the Managing Director of Australian Community independent regional publisher. ACM has over 140 titles around the country. newspapers like the Newcastle Herald, Illawarra Mercury, Wagga Daily Advertiser Leader. Additionally, we publish 47 weekly titles from the far south in Batemans also have the St.George and Sutherlands Leaders in our stable of papers. The reason for writing to you is to seek your support for our industry Regional newspapers are the lifeblood of their towns and cities. Sadly, due to the increased cost pressures many titles in NSW have had to close and many more

During the recent federal election campaign, Michelle Rowlands announced grant funding to address the 80% rise in newsprint costs that we faced at the the industry it is a short term solution to ongoing structural issues we face.

promise for NSW Labor that does three things: and the jobs they support valuable communications tool in the most trusted of mediums grants.

that represent another 27 publications in NSW and, together, policy announcement across our respective mastheads and available to meet with you at any time to discuss this important

A recent parliamentary inquiry recommended that a minimum of 20% of government print advertising should be placed with regional news services. A recent study conducted by Deakin University recommended the same thing. In fact, the Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland, has been advocating for more regional newspaper advertising for many years.

This shouldn’t be controversial.

A more meaningful solution has been enacted by the Premier of Victoria guarantees that the Vic state government will buy a full page advertisement in of the year.

We believe a similar policy could be an election promise for NSW Labor that does - provides certainty for regional publishers and the jobs they support - provides the NSW Government with a valuable communications tool

We know there may be bigger budget issues, but this small policy change would be a simple and fair solution to a growing problem for regional Australia. A policy that ensures weekly federal government advertising is placed in regional newspapers would be great news for the country.

And it won’t cost you a cent.

Yours sincerely,

- moves away from the need for government grants.

We are working with the Country Press Association that represent another 27 we would be enthusiastically covering this proposed policy announcement across their websites.

Both Andrew Manuel from the CPA and I are available to meet with you at initiative.

Yours sincerely

Authorised by A Manuel, 9 Howe Street Balaklava SA 5461

PAGE 16 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023
um of 20% of government print advertising
Deakin University
should be placed
the same thing
fact, the n
A rece p with regional news services A
by Dea Minister
Rural Press Pty Ltd trading as Australian Community Media - ABN 309 Kent Street, Level 6, Sydney, NSW, Tel: + 61 2 4570 4444 |
The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 17 BLACK UREA® CUT WASTAGE AND RUN-OFF SO MORE NITROGEN REACHES YOUR CROPS. UP TO 30% MORE. SPECIALLY FORMULATED TO GET MORE NITROGEN INTO YOUR CROPS Cut input costs • Fertilise less often • Boost Urea use efficiency Reduce wastage and run-off • Optimise your Nitrogen levels Improve yield on low-fertility soils IT’S TIME TO PUT YOUR FARM IN THE BLACK YOUR BENEFITS: 10.05.2018 06:57 News Corp Australia Proof © INNISFAIL & TOLGA 07 4061 4917

ENTERTAINMENT across the region

High Tea to honour new king

THE Soroptimists Tropical Tablelands Chapter will be hosting a high tea in honour of the coronation of King Charles III.

The high tea, which will take place at the Tolga Community Hall, will help raise funds for the local soroptimists.

Representative for the group, Julia CazitaMazeaud, welcomes one and all to the event, encouraging people to dress up for the special occasion.

“We suggest there will be a number of Lords and Ladies supping with gentile delight as we raise much needed monies for suffering locals, bent not by the weight of an expensive headpiece, but by crippling bills and energy costs,” she said.

“Please, drag out your finery, don your best and join us to take note of a moment in time.”

Tickets are $25 each and are available at Turner Agencies, Atherton.

Time for tea, scones and a laugh

YOUR favourite ladies from the Queensland Country Womens Association will be hosting a new theatrical production “More than Tea and Scones” to celebrate 100 years of the iconic organisation.

Written by award winning Cairns playwright Angela Murphy of Veranda Theatre, the show could be set in any CWA hall.

“I travelled over 2200km, visited 22 Country Women’s Association (CWA) halls across North Queensland and interviewed over 70 women,” said Ms Murphy.

Their stories have been woven together to create a funny and insightful piece of theatre that will appeal to anyone who cares about their community.

“It’s an eye-opening rev-

elation into what the women in the CWA do. It will surprise and amaze you,” she said.

“The show is heartfelt, honest and at times hilarious. It’s the QCWA in their centennial year and it’s coming to a hall near you!”

Ms Murphy’s show will kick off at the Tolga Hall on 28 May from 2pm with tickets available via

Mareeba CWA will host the play on 3 June from 6.30pm with tickets available at www.trybooking. com/CGYHO

The Millaa Millaa CWA Hall show will be the last of the tour on 11 June from 2.00pm with tickets available via www.trybooking. com/CGYHT

Sharing culture through song

A LOCAL First Nations artist Djawarray, also known as uncle Bertie Riley, will be releasing his highly anticipated EP “Binal” on 26 May, with the album sharing stories from his Djabugay and Western Yalanji heritage.

Djawarray has collaborated with Koahlition Reggae Band to bring ancestral First Nations song lines to the forefront, captivating audiences with songs that embody cultural identity and vitality.

The EP's title, "Binal," is the Western Yalanji term for "understand”, however it has multiple meanings which cannot be described in language alone.

Djawarray best describes Binal as

"understanding your pathway, where you are from, and acknowledging the country you stand on. Listening, comprehending, thinking about, recognising, realising, and reconciling the law of the land".

Djawarray is well-regarded for his leadership of Mayi Wunba dance troupe and music among the local community, with powerful song lines that convey the emotion and spirit of the Dreamtime or The Dreaming.

Djawarray's music passes down and pays respect to the stories of self, culture, values, symbols, information, and laws that were shared with him by his elders through yarns, song and dance.

PAGE 18 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023
First Nations artist Djawarray will be releasing his EP Binal next month. Angela, Rita and Sarah are excited to perform in “More than Tea and Scones” across the Far North.


Biggest movie of the year is here

THERE'S a huge new release coming to the Majestic from tomorrow.

From the Marvel Cine-verse, the action adventure comedy “Guardians Of The Galaxy: Volume 3”, promises to be an enthralling movie experience. With a star cast which includes Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel, this latest Guardians production will be the biggest movie so far this year

The feel good lighthearted comedy sports drama, “80 For Brady” starring Jane Fonda, Lily Thomlin, Sally Field, Billy Porter and Tom Brady as himself shows for one final superb weekend.

For session times, go to

Hunter named ‘Most Deadly Funny’ comedian

LOCAL comedian Shahnee Hunter has a passion for making people laugh which has been recognised at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival’s Deadly Funny National Grand Final where she was named “The Most Deadly Funny”.

Part of a suite of development programs by the Melbourne International Comedy Festival which run yearround, the Deadly Funny competition has crossed the continent to unearth

the most fresh, funny and powerful, comedians and yarn-spinners from the oldest culture on earth.

“I feel so much pride – a small town girl from Mareeba, suddenly a part of one of the biggest comedy festivals in the world. It’s such a deadly feeling and I am still riding the high,” Shahnee said.

“In my culture, we have always been storytellers and being comical basically runs through our veins.

“However, Aboriginal people have encountered immeasurable sorrow and faced adversity throughout history. Comedy has been a crucial form of healing for our people.

“When I do stand-up comedy, I share a side of me that others don’t usually get to see – It’s quite cheeky.

“I like to push boundaries and talk about the things that are taboo - the things we think but no one really says out loud.”

150 Race Day extravaganza is back

THE Mareeba Turf Club’s prestigious race event, the 150 Race Day, will once again provide local racegoers the chance to be truly pampered as the club prepares to host the day on Saturday 20 May.

The inaugural 150 Race Day was hosted last year and provided local race goers with corporate marques, private bookmakers, private bars and even exclusive interviews with jockeys and trainers.

All the new bells and whistles does come with an increased cost however as tickets for the trackside marquee cost $100 which includes a private bar, a fourhour food and drinks pack-

age and child minding.

$65,000 will be up for grabs in prize money and there will also be a Fashions on the Field competition while on the track, a Battle of the Bush qualifier will once again be held.

General entry will cost

$15 with the races starting at 11.30, entertainment from 1pm and late into the night. For more information about the 150 Race Day and to book your tickets, head to the Mareeba Turf Club Facebook page or to

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 19 187 Byrnes St, Mareeba P: 4092 2588 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Fourex Gold 30 Pack Cans: $52 Available at Cellarbrations Bottleshops: Centre Cellars Mareeba, Mareeba Plaza Cellars and the Graham Hotel Drive Thru. JOKER JACKPOT 7.00PM Friday Nights TAB LUCKY LOSER 4pm Saturday Afternoon BISTRO SPECIALS Rump with BBQ Pork Rib Topper, Salad & Chips $31.90 Seafood Basket, Chips & Tartare Sauce $35.90 EVERY THURSDAY Lunch & Dinner MONSTER CRUMBED STEAK With Chips & Gravy $1790 400G Atherton Performing Arts Presents Originally Directed on Broadway by James Lapine Orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia) All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia riginally Orchestrations Jonathan by (Australasia) performance materials supplied Hal Leonard usic and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by ames Lapine James Directed by irected Sarah Riber At the APA Thea e tre r , Silo Rd, Atherton t Theatre, Tickets: Tableland Books, Atherton, ww athertonperformingarts com au or at the door (cash only) Budget sessions, Family and Group Discounts available ickets: 27 ay - 11 June 7 May


Purebred poultry auction something to crow about

“BIRDS of a feather flocked together” to attend the Atherton Tablelands Poultry Club Annual Purebred Poultry Auction which was held at the Percy Tardent Pavilion, Atherton Showgrounds on Sunday 23 April.

Over 200 people attended the highly anticipated and popular event.

The club first commenced in 1976 and currently has around 50 members whose ages range from between 10 to 70 years. New members are always welcome.

Atherton Tablelands Poultry Club president Troy Hocking said a highlight of the auction was catching up with friends and fanciers from afar and sharing knowledge and the latest tips for breeding the best fowl.

“The club auctions started in the 90's when I was a junior to raise money for the Annual Poultry Show and to maintain the pens,” he said.

“The auction is great for the community as it raises awareness of purebred poultry and promotes the club and upcoming events which get more purebred poultry to not only the fancier but also the general public.”

Buyer Bodine Bailey, who came from Cairns, purchased 10 lots on the day to the value of $1,500.

“The auction was well organised with a top team running it,” he said.

“There was a great variety and quality of birds on offer today.”


Chickens are by far the most numerous domestic farm animals in the world. There are currently 34.4 billion in the world, that equates to four chickens for every one person (according to 2023 Statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)). Chicken are important as they provide eggs which are mother nature’s original super food, meat and enjoyment plus they double up as alarm clocks!

Brian Rowling and Rowan Hoffman auctioned off birds to enthusiastic bidders who came from as far away as Townsville, Charters Towers and Ingham.

The auctioneers were a big hit with the crowd, not only with auctioning the poultry but with providing entertainment value as well.

Brian Rowling who has participated as an auctioneer for the poultry auctions for a significant number of years said this year’s auction was stronger than last year’s in relation to price.

Some excellent prices were attained with one lot of Silkies being sold for $400.

“Almost all of the crowd stayed until the end,” he said.

“This is a fantastic community event as seen here today by the strong attendance.

“It’s great to see young kids getting involved in poultry with their own birds.”

There were around 180 lots auctioned this year and the club’s aim is to now grow the auction to between 180200 lots in the future.

Poultry Club members receive the proceeds of selling their birds at the auction and a small percentage goes to the club.

The auction showcased some of the finest birds on the Tablelands.

It was a great chance for people to network within the poultry community, to look for either this year’s show win-

ner or a child’s pet or just for some egg layers.

The Poultry Auction catered for the tastes of all enthusiasts by also having other various categories of poultry such as turkeys, guinea fowl, waterfowl (geese and ducks) and even avian birds (parrots).

Birds were sold singly, in pairs or in trios. With around 18 different breeds to choose from that were “all the colours of the rainbow” in their various fabulous, feathered forms, there were both large breeds and bantams on offer on the day.

Breeds that were auctioned this year included Silkies, Croat Langshans, Australorp, Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red, Sussex (Speckled), Cochin, Pekin, Belgium, Ancona, Frizzle, Aussie, Modern, Old English Game (OEG), Araucana, Barnevelder and Pit Game.

Among the rarer breeds of chickens on offer were Vorwerks; Silver Sebrights; Hamburgs and Brahmas.

A variety of waterfowl included a Chinese goose for auction day attendees to “have a gander at!”, a trio of Muscovy ducks and a unique Call duck.

Grey Indian Ringneck and Pastel parrots were also on offer.

Poultry enclosures and equipment were also snapped up by bidders. With the show season rapidly advancing, some buyers use the auction as a source for purchasing birds which they will exhibit at the local shows.

Today's purchases are tomorrow's champions: Georgina Humphries with her prize-winning Blue Orpington Rooster, Malanda Show 2014. Georgina purchased her rooster from an Atherton Tablelands Poultry Club Annual Purebred Poultry Auction.


Just released into the Australian market the HX range from Kioti has entered its next chapter – a premium tractor with a luxurious design and extreme power thanks to top-of-the-line specs. The ergonomically designed cabin reduces fatigue and maximises convenience for the driver.

Ease of operation was at the forefront of development of the HX, so the electronic armrest and Powershift lever are conveniently located on the righthand side. A premium passenger seat is a feature of the spacious cabin, creating an environment where comfort is the overriding priority.

The curved window shield meets the roof, providing maximum peripheral vision. This enables accurate and safe loader operation, as well as an incredible view from the cab. And that’s just the beginning of the HX…

PAGE 20 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 O ce: 07 4095 4455 | Sales: 0488 043 906 | 22-24 Lawson St, Tolga Q. 4882 |
• 130 – 140HP • 8 Speed Powershift • Auto Powershift • 32 x 32 Transmission • Limited Slip Di erential • Closed Centre Hydraulics • Multi-Functional Armrest • 165.3 Litres / Minute Total Hydraulic Flow • 4852kg Maximum Lifting Capacity • 4 Years Power Train Warranty* Kioti HX 140 (140hp 4wd Tractor and Loader) In Stock Tolga • $118,995 Ex-GST This model will be at this year’s Mareeba Field Days on Stand A27 to A34
Members of the Atherton Tablelands Poultry Club. The day saw over 200 people attend and enthusiastic bidding. Another rare breed which attracted a great deal of attention was the Vorwerk with its beautiful golden plumage. A pair of attractive Buff Cochins auctioned at last Sunday’s Atherton Tablelands Poultry Club’s Annual Purebred Poultry Auction.


Producers wake up to weed’s worst nightmare

“HORROR” weed Navua Sedge will have a devastating impact on the Tablelands’ hay and grazing industries if immediate action is not taken.

Conservative estimates suggest infestations currently cover approximately 22,000 ha extending from Cooktown to Ingham.

Controlling Navua Sedge has now become of vital importance to the productivity of the beef and dairy industries in the northern wet tropics.

Mareeba Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Senior Beef Extension Officer Bernie English said it was is very important for all producers to be able to recognise the weed.

“This is the worst pasture weed ever that we have encountered on the wet coast Tablelands,” he said.

“Producers need to be ever vigilant for Navua sedge on their properties.

“It is extremely invasive.”

Originating from central Africa, Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus) is a vigorous, invasive, perennial sedge which grows to 30-70 cm in height but may occasionally reach two metres.

The weed arrived in Australia from the Pacific Islands and was first found in Cairns in 1979.

Spread occurs through the normal extension of the rhizome system, by seed and by dispersal of viable rhizome fragments during cultivation.

The seeds can germinate at any time of the year and the seed heads on each shoot gener-

ally produce about 250 seeds each.

Up to 51,500 seeds per square metre have been found in the soil seed bank.

Seed production per hectare is extremely high with estimates well in excess of 200 million seeds.

The seed was previously thought to remain viable for five years but now it is known that it can be for as long as 15 years, so producers can have an unbelievable 15 years of trouble ahead of them if plants mature and produce viable seed.

Navua sedge is a prolific seeder with mature plants seeding every 16 days.

Seedlings develop quickly from seed and flower in just 10 weeks after emergence.

The longevity of viable seed in the soil and the limited herbicide options that are available for landholders means that elimination of Navua sedge in pasture is extremely challenging, if at all, even possible.

Seed is easily spread by machinery, water and animals. Roadside drains can also easily divert water containing Navua Sedge seeds onto properties.

Producers need to monitor roadsides and be prepared to spray.

The dispersal of seed can occur through many ways such as by passing through the digestive system of animals and birds, and also by being transported in mud on hooves of cattle, on the cattle themselves, footwear, flood or running water or machinery and/or vehicles.

Dairy cows have been observed walking onto the platforms of dairies with Navua sedge seed heads stuck to their underlines.

Machinery such as slashers can readily

spread seed to other areas so it is important to ensure that all vehicles and machinery are thoroughly washed down before moving from one infested area to a clean one.

Preferring wetter areas and growing in summer months, Navua sedge can smother many tropical pasture species.

As a competitive weed, it is extremely aggressive and is capable of forming dense stands in grazing pastures.

It is unpalatable and provides little feed value for cattle and if pastures are heavily overgrazed Navua sedge can quickly take over.

Left untreated, it rapidly reduces carrying capacity and property productivity.

Not overgrazing and managing pastures well to ensure that you maintain good ground cover is critical in minimising possible Navua Sedge invasion.

A multipronged approach of regular herbicide application, best practice management (pasture and grazing) and ongoing vigilance are vital for landholders to have any chance of controlling Navua sedge.

Currently there is no “silver bullet” for its control and total eradication is unlikely with the current treatment options available to landholders.

Limited to the registered selective herbicides containing halosulfuron, current herbicide management options require repeated treatments and are expensive.

The financial cost of boom spraying, ($100 ha per spray) and cattle withholding period (70 days) is prohibitive for many producers, and seasonal tropical rain impedes the ability to spray during the ideal summer months.

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 21 Specialist provider of technical advice and expertise across:  Pumping  Irrigation  Filtration  All aspect of water and fluid management Mareeba (07) 4092 1622 8 Reynolds Street, MAREEBA Q.4880 Serving Mareeba, Far North QLD, Northern Territory & Torres Strait since 1978.
LEFT: Established stand of Navua sedge (note height in comparison to ruler). “From little things, big things grow” and have disasterous ramifications. RIGHT: Heavy infestation of Navua sedge (25 per cent) in pasture on river flats on a farm in Jaggan. The Navua sedge seed head.

LETTERSto the edito r

Peter has flawed views

I AGREE with Murray about Peter Campion’s tirades. (19/04/23) Peter seems to have little concept of the science behind a lot of things, particularly in regard to climate change.

In his last letter (12/04/23), he states that CO2 has nothing to do with global warming. Completely opposite to mainstream science. He says that “the laws of Physics preclude CO2 warming: it is purest political fiction”. Utter garbage.

In my Chemistry degree course, I learned a lot about thermodynamics, which is the science behind CO2 and the generation of heat energy in the atmosphere. Peter’s assertion is completely false. It is at odds with archaeological science which shows that ancient higher levels of CO2 produced higher global temperatures.

In 50 years of science reading, I have never heard of the galactic electromagnetic sheet let alone its reversal. No doubt Peter will tell you and me that I am very ignorant.

I have heard of the weakening magnetosphere causing climate change but as far as I have read if any scientists agree with this theory, they are in a minute minority. I also read a scientific paper putting global warming down to the albedo effect in the Earth’s atmosphere. This albedo effect due to atmospheric clouding does happen but cannot explain the amount of heat being generated on our planet.

As a cause of global warming, it has no scientific support. Recently Peter stated that sea levels are not rising. In fact, they are indeed higher and growing each year. Peter also says that climate change is coming. It is here.


for the final product.

Most people do not know about latent heat of melting. In simple terms it means that when a solid, example ice, gets to its melting point its temperature does nor rise as you put in more heat. Its temperature does not rise until it has melted into a liquid which then rises in temperature.

This is the great fear of melting in the arctic tundra, the Antarctic ice sheet and the Greenland ice sheet. These vast ice layers, on a geological time scale, will suddenly melt. It will be catastrophic when it happens. The tundra contains vast amounts of Methane (CH4) which is many times worse than CO2 when it is released.

Climate change will not keep on a slowly rising rate. It will suddenly leap to extreme levels in the coming decades, caused by the feedback effect.

Speaking to a number of older friends recently, I asked them if they knew the difference between heat and temperature. None could say. Going into the thermodynamics of heat, temperature, specific heat and other related phenomena is necessary to debating this science.

When Peter Campion and his ilk present factual evidence either way, then we can debate but simply making assertions is not the way to go. I have always loved science because we can debate theories, disagree, produce evidence and data and come to agreement.

Thanks for saving park

THANK you to the TRC Mayor and councillors for listening to the community and voting against the sale of the Malanda Falls Caravan Park. Councillors appeared aston-

NEW to town? Looking for a challenge? Want to meet some locals and join the largest service organisation in the world?

Mareeba Lions have been serving the community since 1959, a small club we support many local organisations as well as Australian Lions Foundations like Lions Medical Research Foundation, Prostate Research Foundation and Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation.

The Club also supports international humanitarian causes by contributing to Lions Clubs International Foundation. When there is a disaster Lions are amongst the first on the ground.


We serve where we live. We are ready whenever and however our communities need us.

We are global. We are the largest service club organization on earth. We bring unprecedented reach and compassion to our service.

We also help our global neighbours through the generous support of Lions Clubs International Foundation. We do it ourselves. We do whatever is necessary to help our local communities and our global community. Whether that means raising money or rolling up our sleeves, we do whatever it takes, and we do it all on our time.

We have served humanity for more than a century. Lions Clubs International is one of the greatest stories on earth. For over 100 years, Lions have been changing lives and making the world a better place for all. Local communities depend on their clubs because we are trusted friends and neighbours who have a history of putting others first, and the Lions International name and legacy inspires trust.

ished at the sheer number of people that had contacted them over the last few days regarding this issue. It’s nice to see the community can have their say, be heard and have a win.

Say no to the Voice

THE following experience contributes to my being on the “No” side of the extra Voice to Parliament.

In the early 1990s, an aboriginal elder from Wiluna, WA, who hitched a ride with me north of Perth, shared his concerns about what he considered to be the negative and divisive influence on the part of some Aboriginal activists.

He was encouraging fellow Aboriginals, who he met on his travels, to see themselves as Australian first and Aboriginal second, just as I could see myself as Australian first and of British heritage second.

In my view, he was a chap who truly understood what it is to be an Aussie. He had a heart for national unity, passionately identifying with this land and also with its various inhabitants.


Writing talents wasted

NOTE to Peter Campion. Having just read your letter in 19 April edition, I think your immense talents are wasted writing letters and you should be pitching scripts to Steven Spielberg – he loves a bit of science fiction!

With Mareeba Lions

We are in good company. We have fun in our clubs. We treat new members like old friends, and we know that there’s a special bond that unites Lions around the world.

We’re open. We are generous men and women who want to help. And we’re always looking for more caring people who want to make a difference with us.

We are taking on global challenges together. Lions are serving locally to meet needs in their communities, and we are uniting globally around some of the largest challenges facing humanity: diabetes, environment, hunger, vision, and childhood cancer. And we’re building on our tradition of supporting youth by developing new ways to engage them as partners and leaders in service.

Like many organisations Mareeba Lions is looking for new members, young and old. So, if you want to check us out get in touch and come to a meeting.

Being a part of a club helps you to gain knowledge, skills and experience in leadership, communication, problem-solving, group development and management, finance, presentation and public speaking

Don’t throw away your old spectacles, you can drop them into the Mareeba Court House where Lions will send them away for recycling. Also, when you take your used bottles and cans to the containers for change site quote the Mareeba Lions number C10128319. with funds deposited to the Lions account.

Read about Australian Lions at

Lions meet in Mareeba at the Mareeba Leagues Club at 6.30pm on the first and third Tuesday of the month. For more information email

RECENT advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have created discussion about how they might impact the way we work.

One of the more popular tools is ChatGPT, which has generated plenty of interest and hype over the past few months for its ability to converse and generate text in a human-like way.

It can undertake a range of tasks with nearly instantaneous responses, from creating blog posts and writing emails, to drafting essays and even composing song lyrics.

There is no doubt the potential it will bring will be greater than anything we have seen previously.

Savvy employers and employees will likely already be thinking about how these remarkable kinds of AI capabilities will affect their workplaces and how they do their jobs.

But it’s important to note these technologies are still new and going through various stages of development.

Given this, it’s worth approaching their use with a degree of caution and being alert to the potential for errors, especially if you are planning on using AI for more than just generating creative content.

If you use AI-generated content for your work, you should always check it for accuracy as you are ultimately responsible

Any inaccurate or misleading content produced by these AI technologies could have serious consequences, including for your reputation.

You should be transparent with your supervisor or other relevant colleagues about any use of AI-generated material in your work.

Avoid uploading any confidential or commercially sensitive material into these AI tools to reduce the risk of harm if a data breach occurs.

Be mindful that any information you upload could be used in generating output for other queries.

You should also be aware of the potential limitations of AI tools, for example, if they misunderstand your request, or lack the most recent data in relation to your topic

Even though the content delivered might seem convincing, you shouldn’t simply accept the generated results as true and reproduce the output without doing your own checks and analysis.

If you are an employer or a manager, it may be helpful to talk through with your staff any expectations or guidelines around the use of AI in the workplace.

Kristyn Lennon is a Cairns-based lawyer who heads Maurice Blackburn’s Tablelands office. This legal information is general in nature and should not be regarded as specific legal advice.

POLICE have seen an increase in online seller scams at present and ask the community to be alert to these types of scams.

While online marketplaces and classified sites are a popular way to buy and sell items, be aware that scammers are active on these sites and can pose as either buyers or sellers.

In the case of fake sellers, the biggest warning sign should be an item listed at a much lower price than similar items on the site.

If you show interest in the item, you may find the scammer claims they are out of town and an agent will deliver the item upon receipt of payment.

Payment requested through a wire service, money order, gift cards or in cryptocurrency – all of which are difficult to recover money from once sent – is another tell-tale sign of a scam.

Do not be tricked into sending a copy of your driver licence

to someone you don’t know, even if they send you a copy of one. Scammers can use this tactic to steal your ID to scam more people.

Be wary of unusual payment requests, and always inspect an item before agreeing to a sale, arranging to meet where possible in a public space, during the day with a friend or family member.

If you are a victim of an online scam or suspect an online scan report the incident via the ReportCyber website at www. report. If the offender has used Facebook Marketplace to commit the scam, report the incident via Facebook Marketplace.

For information on fake websites, phishing scams and parcel delivery scams, visit or the Queensland Police Service’s R U in Control campaign at www.

PAGE 22 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Download for FREE from iTunes or Google Play Atherton Tablelands & Mareeba 96.7FM Amrun 94.1FM • Aurukun 107.7FM Coen102.7FM • Cooktown 96.9FM Doomadgee 105.3FM Kowanyama 107.7FM Lakeland 100.5FM Lockhart River 107.7FM Mapoon 101.3FM Mornington Island 107.7FM Pormpuraaw 106.1FM Napranum/Weipa 94.5FM Normanton 98.5FM • NPA 91.9FM Woorabinda 99.7FM Wujal Wujal 107.7FM Yarrabah 92.9FM HAVE YOUR SAY – Email your letter to
TOPAZ BE AWARE: Online seller scams Artificial intelligence in the workplace


Amaroo Village set to expand

The design concepts for new stages of Amaroo Village have been released and the developers are looking for expressions of interest from those who want to be a part of this growing development.

The developers welcome those looking to establish new ventures, relocate or expand existing services to the Amaroo Village, conveniently located in the fast-growing eastern corridor of Mareeba.

Amaroo Village is uniquely positioned to offer a rare opportunity to customise or build to suit for those wanting premises tailored to their specific needs and establish themselves in a new, attractive, and secure growing area.

Amaroo Village has been designed with the vision of bringing community together. All facilities are built with easy accessibility in mind through level access across the centre.

Comforts also include seating, shade trees and landscaping that complement the attractive surroundings of Amaroo Residential Community.

With the expansion of the Amaroo Village currently being planned, developers are seeking expressions of interest from conveniencebased retail, allied health and wellness providers and professional services to join with the Amaroo Medical and Amaroo Pharmacy delivering the community with comfort, care, and convenience.

Pop into the Amaroo Land Centre for more information on this stage or call Ryley on 0409 321 000 to express your interest today. Follow us on our socials or check out our website www. for all updates regarding our upcoming stages.

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 23 houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
Zoners Pty Ltd ABN 59097345474 trading as Elders Insurance Tablelands AR No. 254599 is an Authorised Representative of Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency) Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 026, AFSL 340965. (EIUA) . EIUA, acting under its own AFSL, is authorised to distribute Elders Insurance products on behalf of QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited (ABN 78 003 191 035, AFSL 239545), the product issuer. Visit to consider the Product Disclosure Statement and any applicable Target Market Determination to decide if the product is right for you. Contact Grace Trimarchi for a personalised quote today 07 4095 6677 | Elders Insurance Tablelands A familiar face for Insurance A: 21 James St, Malanda • 29 Albrecht St, Tolga | P: 4096 5666 | W: Tablelands Shellie Nightingale 0429 966 038 Michelle Raso 0428 116 136 SOUGHT AFTER LOCATION NEW BUILD IN TOLGA • Low maintenance 604m2 with vehicle access to rear • Open plan kitchen, dining, lounge - opening onto alfresco patio • Security screened and airconditioned 63 Bellamy Drive, Tolga - OFFERS OVER $480,000 • 1005m2 block backing onto farmland • Within walking distance to Malanda township • 3 bay shed 34 Bernard Street, Malanda - OFFERS OVER $530,000 3 2 2 4 2 2


Morgan Brennan is your local rural specialist - the ‘go to’ agent for all your rural and lifestyle property needs.

Born and bred on the Atherton Tablelands, Morgan has spent the majority of his life immersed in the rural lifestyle whether it is mustering, farming or raising his own cattle, his knowledge is extensive. With almost 10 years of real estate experience, he has a great understanding of the rural market and services all areas of the Tablelands including Malanda, Yungaburra, Dimbulah and all the way up to the Cape and Gulf.

He frequently wows us with his expertise on suitable grasses and soils for cattle grazing, understanding of crops and he is our resident ‘jack of all trades’. Two things make him stand out amongst other rural agents, knowledge and integrity.

Morgan’s biggest asset is his character, his hard working spirit is ingrained in his nature and he will always go the extra mile for anyone that needs a helping hand – especially his clients.

For Morgan, it isn’t just about the sale. It is about the client’s needs, vendor or purchaser, always endeavouring to secure the best outcome for both parties.

When he isn’t in the office you will find him out and about conducting inspections in his buggy, helping clients muster cattle or coaching the local footy team.

Morgan’s ambition has earned him premier status with Ray White for the last 3 years running.

So if you are thinking about selling your rural or lifestyle property call Morgan on 0407 730 450.

There aren’t too many people around the Tablelands that haven’t heard about our AgentSuzey Whitby.

She is the resident guru when looking to buy or sell!

With almost 20 years experience in the industry, you’d be hard pressed to find someone as thoroughly knowledgeable in the real estate field.

Suzey is always striving to achieve the best outcome for her clients, often making great friends along the way. Her down to earth personality and approach is why so many

people respect, trust and adore her.

She is extremely dedicated to the job which has paid off, being in the Top 10 of Agents for the past 4 years running and achieving both Elite & Premier Status within the Ray White network.

If you are thinking about buying or selling, let Suzey do all the hard work for you and get the deal done.

Call Suzey on 0438 090 306 for a no obligation chat and to see just how well she can help you.

PAGE 24 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Margaret Black: Principal
power connected • Water connected • House pad with driveway • Close to Lake Tinaroo and boat ramp • Heaps of potential Suzey Whitby 0438 090 306 L22263887 PRICE
Set on 51.95 hectares (128 acres*) • Improved pastures + high rainfall • 2 permanent creeks + some new boundary fencing • Steel 3 bay machinery shed • Concrete block shed with toilet • 2x 2 bedroom duplexes – currently tenanted • Approx. 95 acres have been cleared for cattle grazing $890,000 L16685087 Morgan Brennan 0407 730 450 Expressions of Interest close 4th May, 12pm. All offers must be submitted in writing by date & time of closure.
THE LAKE | 5 Black Gully Road, Tinaroo CLOSES TOMORROW!
Set on 9,062m2 (2.2 acres approx.)
12m x 9m Colorbond shed (high clearance)
Builders’ pole with
REDUCTION | Ravenshoe •
22 Main Street, Atherton - Phone: 4091 7111 Margaret Black: Principal Atherton Looking to sell your property? Let us find you a buyer!


Stones throw from town

TIMBER floors, high ceilings and a fireplace... oh my! This lovely cottage offers you a warm and inviting space to call your own.

There are three spacious carpeted bedrooms all with built in robes & ceiling fans.

Updated kitchen provides plenty of storage for all your needs and the casement windows are a lovely touch of character.

Nice high ceilings allow light to cascade through the home with the living and dining areas positioned centrally creating a lovely spot to curl up in front of the fire and enjoy the cozy ambiance.

Downstairs is a tiled utility room ideal for office or children's play area, the bathroom has also been updated, with bath and separate shower.

The huge covered entertainment area is a great

place to unwind at the end of the day or host friends & family. Only a stone's throw away from town, all the conveniences are right at your fingertips.

Contact Exclusive agent Suzey Whitby at Ray White Atherton today on 0438 090 306 for further information.





Spanning over 3.33 Hectares this parcel of land is the perfect block of land to build your dream home or your next business development. With a selection of invaluable assets, this vacant block is situated in the remote, yet desirable location.

• ZONE: Commercial Industrial

• 3.33 Hecatre of Land

• 500m of highway frontage on the Kennedy Highway (Ability to add signage or access)

• 2 phase power and transformer at the Southern end of block

• 5 min walk to the Mount Garnet racecourse, Rodeo Ground and Golf Club

• 4km to Mt Garnet township

• 700m of bitumen access across Gunnawarra Road & Kennedy Highway

• Existing Bore Details on Site.

Depth to water table is 7.5 metres

Depth to bottom of bore pipe is 30 metres.

Bore strength is 120 Litres / minute (Very good)

Portable and high quality water

• Block gently slopes down to the North with a large flat area (approx. 4 acres) adjacent the intersection between Kennedy Highway & Gunnawarra Road

Sam Patterson Director 0401 240 042

For more information please contact Sam Patterson on 0401 240 042

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 25 houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
Address: ATHERTON Price: Offers Over $369,000 Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Suzey Whitby Ray White Atherton Contact: 0438 090 306 or 4091 7111


Space, comfort and quality

POSITIONED perfectly on the outskirts of the Atherton Township with views of the surrounding farmland is this solid, stylish and low maintenance home sitting on an established and spacious 4252sqm

• Solid Block Rendered Construction Throughout –Approximately 16yo

• 4252sqm Allotment –Fenced On 3 Sides – Fully Fenced Back Yard Area (Great For Kids & Pets)

• Spacious Kitchen With Great Views & Ideal For Entertaining – Features Double Pantry, Gas Cooktop, Breakfast Bench & Serverey To Deck

• Large Lounge Room

Area With Access Through Stylish Timber Doors To The Entertaining Deck – Complete With Wood Heater For Those Cooler Months

• Separate Spacious Dining Area Off Kitchen

• 4 Good Sized Bedrooms All With Reverse Cycle A/C

– 3 Features Built-In Cupboards While The Master Is Complete With Its Own Private Ensuite

• Main Bathroom Is Complete With A Large Corner Spa Bath

• Weather Protected & Spacious Timber Deck – A Great Entertainer, The Deck Has A Lovely North Eastern Outlook Of Surrounding


• Easy Care Tiles Throughout – Wall Length Linen/Storage Cupboards In Hallway

• 7x8m Lockable Colourbond Shed With Vehicle Access

• Repainted Inside & Out – Approximately 12 Months Ago

• Well Established & Pri-

vate Acreage – Complete With Raised Veggie Beds & Irrigation To Front Yard

• Sealed Bitumen Driveway

• Only 2.3klms To Atherton CBD

For more information or a private inspection, please contact Marketing Agent Daimin Kochi at Main St Real Estate Atherton on 0448 916 246 today.

Address: 2 Larfield Close, ATHERTON

Price: $800,000

Agent: Daimin Kochi Main Street Real Estate

Contact: 0448 916 246

Boutique Property Management Service provided



Stunning 46.52 Hectare (120 Acre) Property - Absolute NW Tinaroo Lakefront

Located just 35km south-west of Cairns and a little over an hour from Cairns International Airport, this stunning 46.52Ha (120 cre) property sits 700m above sea level on the scenic and fertile central region of the Atherton Tablelands.

• e 2 farm homesteads include a 3 bedroom and a 2-bedroom house, plus a large shed

• Well-suited for cattle farming, with improved tropical grass and legume pastures

• Fenced paddocks and sturdy concrete water troughs e sale includes a number of recreational and agricultural equipment including but not limited to: Aluminum pontoon on the water, cruising 6 berth house boat, originally run as “Tinaroo Tropical Houseboats” a popular local business, Case tractor, Kubota buggy and lawn tractor, cattle feeders, handling equipment and yards.

PRICE: O ers Between $7 Million - $8 Million

Exclusive Agent Zach Reid 0427 683 023

PAGE 26 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 KAYDEE CHATFIELD 0417 468 941 DAIMIN KOCHI 0448 916 246 Phone 4091 6246 • EASY CARE & MODERN • Centrally located in town, low maintenance unit • Close to all amenities in a small unit complex • Lovely gardens, fantastic views, private rear patio • Large open living/dining, well appointed kitchen • 2 spacious built-in bedrooms, front & rear patios • Security screens, 2kw solar, single lock up garage $270,000 AFFORDABLE, IMMACULATE HOME! • Solid home for investors, families, first home buyers • New vinyl plank flooring throughout living & hallways • Spacious living/dining, 3 good sized built-in bedrooms • Kitchen has plenty of storage, pantry & breakfast bar • Security screens, fans, tandem carport with remote • Fully fenced 839m2, garden shed, raised veggie beds OFFERS OVER $400,000 VIEWS OF THE LAKE, PRIME LOCATION • Masonry block home on elevated 1410m2 allotment • Open floor plan has undergone an internal revamp • 4 bedrooms, 3 with new carpets, built-in robes & fans • 4th bedroom located at the back of tandem garage • Side access to a double bay carport • Spacious deck with views of Lake Tinaroo $630,000 PEACE AND SERENITY • Solid masonry brick home on 39.98 acres • Large kitchen, pantry, gas cooktop & electric oven • Open plan living/dining with wood heater • 3 large bedrooms, main features built-in cupboards • Water is supplied via creek & rain water • Original homestead currently used for storage $699,000 CLOSE TO TOWN ON LARGE 1,047m2 • 3 bedrooms, master has built-in robe • Kitchen in great condition, aircon in lounge/dining • Bathroom has separate shower & toilet • Separate laundry with plenty of storage • Tiled patio at rear for entertaining • Side access & single bay remote garage $370,000 NEG houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
by a local for locals
Property is a people business. I work hard to deliver what we agree, acting in a respectful and trustworthy manner from start to finish. It’s as simple as that. Linda Snart  0439 491 357  
4091 1177
2 5

Rare 2.5 acres with fully renovated home

OWNERS have really enjoyed this acreage but are now ready to travel and ready to sell so new owners can enjoy its privacy and location as much as they have. Located only minutes from the Tolga town centre and next door to the Atherton Pony Club, this property is sure to be a hit with the whole family! Perfectly suited for horses or cattle the 2.5-acre property is fenced into four paddocks with two paddocks having permanent shelters and all have water.

The fully renovated two storey home has both upstairs and downstairs living, a big undercover outdoor entertaining area and a 6m x 6m fully enclosed shed. Adding to these great features are the peaceful surrounds with plenty of space afforded by being situated on 2.5 acres.

The ground level of the home consists of a new kitchen, living/dining room, bathroom, toilet, and laundry all with polished timber floors. Upstairs there are 3 bedrooms with built-ins, a 2nd large living area and a bathroom with separate shower and bath. The multiple living areas provide plenty of options for everyone to enjoy their own space.

Outdoor entertaining is easy with the undercover party area. The gardens are well landscaped, and a variety of fruit trees are established along with a sepa-

rately fenced veggie patch. Besides the fully enclosed Colorbond shed there are two chook pens and a pig pen. A 5000l rainwater tank is on site and ready to be installed and the school bus stops at the front gate. Ideal for the growing family this property is conveniently located only minutes from Tolga Primary School and is only minutes from Atherton and Lake Tinaroo.

To arrange your private inspection, call Exclusive marketing agent Rino Gava on 0427 779 086.

Address: 2A Equestrian Drive, TOLGA

Price: Offers Invited

Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Rino Gava Raine & Horne Atherton

Contact: 0427 779 086

Modern melba acreage

A MODERN lifestyle acreage block right on the edge of Sanctuary Vista Estate, Peeramon. Located 10 mins from Malanda & Yungaburra and less than 11/2 hours drive from Cairns.

Set on a 2.5 acres with established gardens and bordering a spring fed creek creates a very private and relaxing setting with a large backyard for the family to enjoy.

The solid rendered block home was completed in October 2022 and features the following:

• Private 2.5 acres

• Rendered block home with 2.7 metre ceilings

• Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge

• Modern kitchen with induction cooktop, electric oven, rangehood, dishwasher, walk in pantry which incor-

porates the internal laundry with ample storage and access to the undercover & outdoor clotheslines

• Spacious master suite bedroom with walk through robe and deluxe ensuite

• Two bedrooms with built in wardrobes

• Fourth bedroom is currently used as an office which is easily accessible through the front entrance, making it a great space for a work from home occupier

• Fans, LED lighting and screens through out

• Spacious veranda

• Large 9m x 7.2m insulated powered shed with the convenience of a third shower & toilet

• House yard is fenced for the children and pets

• Access to the large opened area via a second driveway

A modern palette makes this property very appealing to the eye. Contact Exclusive Marketing Agent Shellie Nightingale on 0429 966 038 or shellie.nightingale@eldersrealestate.

Address: 63 Bellamy Drive, TOLGA

Price: Offers Over $480,000

Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Shellie Nightingale Elders Real Estate Malanda

Contact: 0429 966 038

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 27 Looking to Sell? Call us for a Free Market Appraisal. Atherton | 4091 1611 | 24 Main Street, Atherton LAND LAND LAND 101 Mitchell Drive Sale $170,000 Web ID 18285692 • 3 lots available • All lots have underground power, town water, sewerage, and internet ready to connect • Covenants are in place Rino Gava 0427 779 086 PRIME RESIDENTIAL LAND, AMAZING VIEWS 9 Jackson Drive Sale $279,000 Web ID 18442056 • Elevated 946m2 lot with amazing northern views • Located in a very sought-after Atherton area • Town water, sewage, and power ready to be connected Rino Gava 0427 779 086 houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals PROPERTY

Spacious home located in a great location

THIS home is a rare find for any buyer searching for a modern home to accommodate a growing family in maximum comfort. A welldesigned floor plan ideal for family living, with perfect big open spaces for the large family to spread out and all enjoy their own space.

Ideally positioned on a spacious 923m2 allotment with dual street access, within walking distance to all amenities and is a perfect opportunity for families wanting a spacious home with the dream backyard, pool, no rear neighbours and so much more.

Features Include;

• Solid rendered block home

• 5 carpeted bedrooms all with built-in robes

• Master bedroom features an ensuite & a double set of built-in robes

• Media room or 6th bedroom – use as you please

• Spacious air-conditioned open plan living

• Modern kitchen with electric appliances, pantry, breakfast bar, and plenty of bench space.

• Main Bathroom – Plunge bath plus separate shower

• Internal laundry

• Security screens, ceiling fans and plenty of storage space throughout home

• Undercover entertainment patio overlooking rear views – relax with the family and entertain in privacy.

• Double remote control


• 24 x Solar panels – Save on those electricity bills!

• Large above ground swimming pool

• Garden/storage shed

• 923m2 allotment with a fenced backyard and dual street access

• Located in a quiet street within walking distance to Atherton Town Centre.

For further information or to arrange an inspection, call exclusive marketing agent Raquel at Sommerset Realty on 0408 983 879.

The home you want

HAVE you been searching a great family home only a few minutes from town? Situated in an elevated position at 4 Nolan Street, Mareeba, is this 3 bedroom plus office, 2 bathroom home just waiting for new owners to come and make it their own.

The modern kitchen is perfect for entertaining family and friends with a dishwasher, breakfast bar and servery window out the patio. To compliment the kitchen is the perfect spot for a breakfast table right beside it. The large, air-conditioned living area is perfect for big families as it could easily accommodate two separate living spaces or one large living area, and a formal dining table. The additional room off the living area can be utilised as a home office, toy room or store room.

All three bedrooms in the home are air-conditioned and a good size, with one bedroom featuring built-in cupboards, and another with a walk-in robe and ensuite access to the main bathroom. The master bedroom is nice and spacious with a walk-in robe, ensuite, and separate toilet. The main bathroom is super convenient for families with two-way access, a shower, tub, a separate vanity and a separate toilet all lo-

cated right beside the laundry and hallway storage.

There are floor tiles throughout, split-system air-conditioning, security screens, blinds and a double remote control garage. The home has also recently been repainted internally.

If outdoor entertaining is your style then the large back patio is perfect, with a servery from the kitchen and sliding glass door access to the large living room and kitchen. The back yard is fully fenced and has plenty of room for kids to run around and enjoy. There is even a garden shed to store all your lawn maintenance needs.

The home is positioned on an elevated 801m2 allotment to capture the cool prevailing breezes and is only 5 minutes from town on the Atherton side of Mareeba.

• Modern kitchen

• Open plan living & dining

• Large back patio

• Fenced rear yard

• 801m2 elevated allotment

• Family friendly neighbourhood, 5 minutes from Mareeba CBD

To find out more or arrange a Private Inspection contact exclusive Agent Vince Costas on 0419 926 691.

PAGE 28 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 84 Main Street, Atherton QLD. 4883 Phone: 0408 983 879 *Free No Obligation Appraisal WHAT IS YOUR PROPERTY WORTH? Call Raquel today to find out!* houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
Address: 4 Nolan Street, MAREEBA Price: $495,000 Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Vince Costas Central Realty Mareeba Contact: 0419 926 691 or 4092 2232 Vince Costas 0419 926 691 Remo Esposito 0401 969 473
Address: 1 Golf Links Road, ATHERTON Price: Offers Over $580,000 Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Raquel Cunzolo Sommerset Realty Contact: 0408 983 879


The feeling of feeling good

THIS spacious private patio for casual dining or entertaining, no matter the season will turn your place into party central.

The patio has a built-in brick BBQ, and adjoining the patio is the spacious car accommodation which could host a large family gathering.

Here you will discover a recently renovated low maintenance clay brick home sitting high on an 870sqm allotment.

The well designed layout features a huge open plan living area with an open fireplace.

Central to the living area is the functional kitchen with

timber cupboards.

There are three bedrooms, all with built-in wardrobes. Two of the bedrooms open onto the patio.

The bathroom has an easy access shower. For your peace of mind, the home is security screened.

Located close to the Atherton High School and a

Premium land in an outstanding location

PRIVATELY tucked away yet still only 2 minutes to all

Town facilities you'll find this 1.5 acre premium allotment with Barron River frontage set amongst a quiet cul de sac location at Amaroo Estate. It’s an exceptional location to build your dream home and offers the following attributes:

• Sizeable 6068m2 allotment at the end of Hastie Road with sealed bitumen road entryway

• Town water & sewerage

• Covenants in place to protect your investment with

Developer approval to build a granny flat

• Stunning, private location with Barron River backdrop & access to the river

• Cleared building site with power

• Water & meter connected + phone line

The ultimate lifestyle

choice is now available don’t delay as allotments of this nature are very hard to find.

For further information or to arrange a private inspection please contact exclusive agent Joe Torrisi on 0417 700 468.

Address: Lot 2 Hastie Road, MAREEBA

Price: Offers Over $350,000 Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Joe Torrisi Joe Torrisi Real Estate Contact: 0417 700 468

children’s playground.

For more information, call Trisha Jackson at Professionals Atherton. Phone 4091 3955 or 0419 1833 145 anytime. To view more photos, visit

Address: ATHERTON Price: Offers in Low $400,000’s Agent: Trisha Jackson Professionals Atherton Contact: 0419 183 145

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 29 Call Trisha 0419 183 145 OPEN HOME THIS THURSDAY 4.30PM - 5.30PM 32 Jacana Close, Mareeba • FULLY TILED 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, LARGE LIVING • MODERN KITCHEN, AIRCON, BUILT-INS, S/SCREENS • 1007M2 FULLY FENCED + SIDE ACCESS PRICE: OFFERS OVER $475,000 JOE TORRISI 0417 700 468 WWW.JOETORRISI.COM.AU houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals




deceive someone (3-2,3)

19 a central hall in a modern building, typically rising through several stories and having a glazed roof

21 loud then immediately soft, used as a direction in music (5,5)

22 a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another, on that person’s death

23 a person or thing that wins something

24 typical or characteristic of young people


1 southeastern European country, with National capital Sarajevo

2 impose a tax, fee or fine

3 a loss of status or importance

4 a long triangular or swallow-tailed flag, especially one of a kind formerly attached to a lance

5 including everything or everyone; in total

6 delicately small and pretty (comparative adj)

Puzzle Solutions

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column,


7 condemn beforehand to certain failure or destruction

9 relating to or arising from the action of the wind

10 and no one or nothing more besides; solely

11 the plump or fleshy part of a persons body, in particular a woman’s bosom

12 an evening drum or bugle signal recalling soldiers to their quarters

14 women’s undergarments and nightclothes

15 leather with a glossy varnished surface (6,7)

17 something that is secretly arranged or decided at an earlier time in order to trick or

Mar 21 - Apr 19

This week, reconnecting with someone brings extra benefits. Your phone might be blowing up this week with information you’ve been seeking. You might feel restless with all of the talk and information flow, but it isn’t quite time for action yet

JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, your activities lift up the community. It’s possible that your diligence in juggling communication will help a community event or organisation you’re involved with to run smoothly. Later in the week, allow a bit of extra time, delays are likely

sep 23 - oct 22

This week, your brain is firing on all cylinders. You’re ingenious, adapting to new circumstances and very capable of processing a great deal of information. You might find yourself creating passive income and then later in the week adopting some self care routines

Dec 22 - Jan 19

This week, beauty and love go hand in hand. Enjoy a peaceful stroll with your sweetheart in nature. If you’re looking for love, taking in some beautiful scenery could have you cross paths with a special someone. Immersing in natures beauty is never a bad thing

8 a large vehicle that travels around to allow people in smaller or remote communities to borrow books (6,7)

13 make an exclamation expressing disapproval or annoyance (3,7)

15 denoting igneous rock formed by solidification at a considerable depth beneath the earth’s surface

16 something that is similar or comparable to something else either in general or specific detail

18 the act of clowning or pranking

20 being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else

apr 20 - may 20

O Albert Ryder Allston Andy Warhol Bacon Balthus Barye Bernini Blake Bologna Bosch Boucher Boyd Braque Brown Bruyn Butler Canova Cezanne Chagall Chardin Claesz Cole Corot Cotman Dali Daumier Degas Dufy Durer El Greco Epstein Ernst Etty Gaugin Goya Gris Heyden Hogarth Jean Arp Kitaj Klee Landseer Lautrec Lowry Manet Manzu Melendez Mondrian Monet Moore Moreles Morse Nash Nicholas Hilliard Nolan Nolde Oldenburg Pencz Picasso Portinari Raphael Renoir Rivera Rodin Rossetti Rubens Steen Stubbs Sully Teniers Titian Turner Veronese West Yves Klein Time m 0158 1.08 0758 2.75 1411 0.66 2036 2.82 Time m 0230 1.09 0822 2.68 1439 0.58 2109 2.91 Time m 0307 1.15 0848 2.56 1511 0.55 2145 2.94 Time m 0346 1.25 0918 2.40 1545 0.59 2227 2.90 Time m 0432 1.39 0955 2.20 1625 0.70 2319 2.80 Time m 0532 1.55 1041 1.97 1710 0.87

This week, good things happen when you speak your mind. You might find yourself being put on the spot. No matter where you go, all eyes and attention is on you. You might find yourself having to adjust your plans on the fly for a friend this week, the friendship is worth it

JUL 23 - AUG 22

This week, you’re getting things together. You could feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of paperwork, messages and emails you’ve been receiving. Someone might come to you with their rose coloured glasses on, a little skepticism would be in order

oct 23 - nov 21

This week, a connection could get much stronger. You might be having a serious discussion about the trajectory of your relationship. Later in the week you could find yourself feeling creative. Maybe it’s time to pick up that paint brush, power tool or needle

Jan 20 - Feb 18

This week, stuck energy gets unstuck. You might be moving furniture around, onsidering feng shui or just having a general declutter. You’re getting your house in order. Following your heart later in the week could open the door to a profitable opportunity

May 21 - Jun 20

This week, your words have power. You could uncover a secret, something you’ve suspected for a while but you now could received direct information confirming. It might not change anything in your life, but you might find yourself reevaluating a friendship

Aug 23 -Sep 22

This week, new information could brighten your days. You could stumble upon some information that rocks your world. Something small that causes you to filter your beliefs through this new matrix. A relationship could benefit from a little leeway

nov 22 - dec 21

This week, you’re in the loop. You could find yourself in amongst the action you generally avoid at work this week. Family and living arrangements are highlighted, it’s not quite time for action but visualising possibilities and gathering information

Feb 19 - Mar 20

This week, your popularity soars. Mercury retrograde could cause chaos with your communications. It could feel like you’re being swept away in a flood, but slow down, be intentional and it will all work out. Your doubts about your abilities will also be swept away

PAGE 30 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Sunday 7th Monday 8th Tuesday 9th 26° 20° 31° 29° 30° 22° 25° 21° 25° 21° 33° 22° 29° 21°
WEEKLY HOROSCOPES SUDOKU Time m 0129 1.09 0734 2.78 1345 0.78 2006 2.69
22 a ditch with a wall on its inner side below ground level, forming a boundary to a park or
The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 31 AIR CONDITIONING AIR-CONDITIONER CLEANING  All Brands  Prompt Service  We also install Aircons! Servicing the Tablelands, Cooktown, Mossman, Dimbulah and everywhere in-between. DAVE’S COOL AIR Phone DAVID AVOLIO on 0409 924 006 Lic. No. LO21176 Breath clean cool air where hygiene comes first! CHILDCARE 3 CENTRES IN MAREEBA: Constance, Dunlop & Hastie Streets EARLY LEARNING • KINDERGARTEN OUTSIDE SCHOOL & VACATION CARE BUILDING Call Doug anytime, he’s a friendly bloke! ROOFS: • Repairs • Re-Roofing • New Roofs • Awnings • Gu�ers • Pain�ng QBCC: 1109288 FREEQUOTES! AllWorkFullyGuaranteed! BUILDING: • Extensions • Pa�os • Carports • Renova�ons • Decks • Fencing DOZOCO BUILDING SERVICES DOUG R OLFE 0418 760 644 E: W: Facebook @dozocobuildingservices Authorised Fujitsu Service Agent Shop 4, 276 Byrnes St, Mareeba PO Box 1034, Mareeba Q.4880 P: 4092 3019 M: 0409 648 403 F: 4092 1629 ABN 80 179 825 363 QBSA 59712 ARC License AU24014 Electrical License No: 78958 CABINET MAKER Come and see Daniel and the team at B&C Cabinets for all your cabinetry needs! P: 4092 2671 • E: • QBCC 1209087 Serving Mareeba & Tablelands Areas • Residential & Commercial • Kitchens • Vanities & Wardrobes • Offices & Retail ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL SOLAR & BATTERIES AIR CONDITIONING PHONE: 0408 764 850 Lic. No. 77513 DO YOU NEED A RELIABLE ELECTRICIAN? • Ravenshoe • Herberton • Millaa Millaa • Tarzali • Topaz • Malanda • Yungaburra • Atherton • Tolga • Walkamin • Mareeba Do you need a RELIABLE Electrician who shows up on time, CLEANS up after himself, and completes your work CHEERFULLY, without charging the earth? Call TODAY! Lic No 69788  Farms  Sheds  Shops  Houses  Maintenance  Renovations  Installations  New Homes  Repairs Call DANIEL 0433 158 941 DEMOLITIONS CLEANING SUPPLIES DENTAL PH/FAX: 4092 2464 • MOB: 0402 809 556 • Email: Paul Johnstone DENTAL TECHNICIAN DENTAL PROSTHETIST Registration No. 931417 • Full and Partial Dentures • Relines and Repairs • Mouthguards Private Health Fund Rebates Apply Veteran Affairs Provider MAREEBA DENTURE SERVICE 4 Warren Street, Mareeba Q.4880 DIRECTORY 4092 3464 Kat Child “GOTTA CALL COXENS” Custom made spill kits Safety storage showers and eyewashes Workshop cleaning products Cleaning machinery Sales and Service COXEN CLEANING SUPPLIES 38 Years, we must be doing it right! | Phone: 07 4051 9355 Email: cleaning OUR SHOWROOM IS SITUATED ON JUBILEE STREET, CAIRNS CITY, 50 METRES FROM CAIRNS CENTRAL CLEANING TABLELANDCleaning Services For all your interior & exterior cleaning! FULLY INSURED LOCAL FAMILY BUSINESS • Bond Cleans • Mould & Mildew Treatments • Pressure Cleaning, Roofs & Exteriors • Gutter Cleaning • Contract Cleaning Phone: David or Julie 0428 993 205 | Email:
PAGE 32 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PLUMBING IRRIGATION FLOORING LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED • Polished Concrete • Dust Controlled Grinding • Ceramic, Vinyl, Carpet Removal • Supply & Installation of Vinyls • Vinyl Planks & Carpets • Commercial & Domestic Phone Darrin 0428 917 539 Email: Northern Floors Pty Ltd IRRIGATION DESIGN AND SUPPLY • Pumps Sales & Repairs • Filtration • Water Treatment • Water Tanks & Troughs • Pool Treatments • Solar Pumping Systems • Reinke Centre Pivot and Lateral Move Irrigators 50 BYRNES STREET, MAREEBA • PHONE 4092 7788 HARDWARE RAVEN SHOE HARDWARE 19 Wormboo Street 4097 6208 • Hardware • Plumbing • Flat Pack Kitchens • Paint • Nursery • Giftware • Jaycar • Building Materials • White Goods PAINTER M. HARTLEY PTY LTD PAINTING CONTRACTORS BELL HARTLEY & CO. TRADING AS PO BOX 1414, MAREEBA QBCC 1115490 P: 4092 1176 M: 0418 184 147 E: NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTES! PEST MAXIMUM PEST MANAGEMENT 100% Locally Owned & Operated! Max & Jodie Turner  DOMESTIC  COMMERCIAL  TERMITES Pre-Construction | Pre-Purchase Inspections MAREEBA OFFICE: 1 Vaughan Street ATHERTON OFFICE: 30 Main Street W: P: 4092 1999 M: 0418 150 759 4092 3464 Kat Child IT SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS IN-STORE AND ON-SITE BURRATRONICS Shop 3, 203-215 Byrnes St, Mareeba P: 4092 7038 • Laptops, Tablets & Towers • Custom Systems • Phone & Tablet Repairs • Networking Solutions 0415 579 019 QBCC 1531 9397 Domestic | Commercial CONTACT DANTE AVOLIO FOR A FREE QUOTE! E: FNQ Platinum Painting MOWING Address: 9 Costa Street, Tolga Q. 4882 | Postal: PO Box 541, Tolga Q. 4882 | Email: Phone: (07) 4235 7887 | Mobile: 0483 281 712 | Facebook: FNQ Water Pty Ltd | Website:  Irrigation  Sales  Design  Stock Water  Filtration  Pumping Systems  Treatment  Install  Repairs HOME HELP Expert Help and Support for: Downsizing • Decluttering Packing for Moving 0457 487 777 Project Manager and Professional Organiser Alison Eaton  RURAL  DOMESTIC  COMMERCIAL  ROOFING  PLUMBING  DRAINAGE DIRECTORY Advertising has never been more affordable! YOU CAN AFFORD TO ADVERTISE IN THE EXPRESS DIRECTORY WITH PRICES STARTING AT JUST $50 PER WEEK!! Call Kat today on 4092 3464 or email: to find out more! DIRECTORY
The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 33 PRODUCE Home & workplace delivery from $7.50 T2T ADVERT.pdf 30/11/22 1:22 pm TABLELANDS TREELOPPING • Treelopping • Wood Chipping • Stump Grinding • Bobcat Hire • Pensioner Discounts • Fully Insured FREE QUOTES! Call Jon Lambert | P: 4091 5008 | M: 0407 575 916 Lukas Portelli 0427 189 227 • Tree Removal • Wood Chipping • Stump Grinding • Firewood 4092 3464 Kat Child REMOVALISTS Jorge 4091 2601 or 0451 971 708 RatesExcellentQuotes!Free Specialising in the local area, no job too big or too small... let us take care of your every move. TREELOPPING P: 4095 4595 | E: PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE SERVICING NORTH QUEENSLAND TRANSPORT Advertising has never been more affordable! YOU CAN AFFORD TO ADVERTISE IN THE EXPRESS DIRECTORY WITH PRICES STARTING AT JUST $50 PER WEEK!! Call Kat today on 4092 3464 or email: to find out more! DIRECTORY Certain work defined as “building work” in the QBCC legislation may only be undertaken by licensed contractors, or if undertaken by unlicensed contractors, only to the value of $3,300. However, work falling outside that definition may be performed by unlicensed contractors and is not subject to any value limit. To check whether a Contractor holds a QBCC Licence visit: Or call the QBCC on 1300 272 272 POOL 71 BYRNES ST, MAREEBA ALL POOL SUPPLIES INCLUDING FREE WATER TESTING & EXPERT ADVICE “WE OFFER A COMPLETE ON SITE POOL SERV ICE” P: 4092 1443 or 0413 013 297 LICENSED POOL SAFETY INSPECTOR POOL MAINTENANCE & POOL SHOP Excellence Through Perseverance and Diligence Wally Amory - Mareeba Depot Manager - 20-26 Martin Tenni Drive, Mareeba Phone: 0421 839 353 | SECURITY COMMS 0480 400 550 CCTV Systems Residential and Business Packages. Protect what matters most, 24/7 with our security cameras. starLink Internet Installation Service. DIRECTORY



Norman Patrick MITCHELL

Loving Nephew of Thomas Mitchell, Jennifer Mitchell and their families.

Family and friends are warmly invited to attend Norman’s funeral service to be held at Mareeba Community Church on Thursday 11th May, 2023 commencing at 11am

At the conclusion of the service, the cortege will then proceed to Mareeba Cemetery.

1300 781 084

LODGE, Pamela Dawn

Late of Peake Street Atherton. Passed away peacefully on Thursday the 13th of April, 2023. Aged 81 years

Much loved Partner of Alfred Trevor Settree. Loving Aunty of Ronda Wallwork.

Relatives and friends of Pamela are respectfully invited to attend her funeral service which will be held at Mountain View Chapel, Guilfoyle’s Crematorium, 3 Nasser Road, Atherton on Friday 5th May, 2023 commencing at 1.00pm.

In lieu of flowers, donations to Blue Care would be appreciated.

Guilfoyle Funeral Services

Chapels, Crematorium & Memorial Gardens

Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013

Local Family Owned & “Entrusted for over 70 years”

NELSON, David Allan

Late of The Pond Cottage in Ravenshoe. Passed away with his Partner Anne by his side on the 10th of April, 2023. Aged 77 years.

Beloved life Partner of Anne. Brother of Brian and Frazer. Cherished Wantok to all his PNG mates and friend to everyone who met him. Missed by Whiskey the wonder dog.

Forever in our hearts.


28/06/1926 - 04/05/2020

Always remembered by your loving wife Dulcie and families.


NAME: Paco DOB: 31/05/22

BREED: Staffy x Cattle

I am young male, with a beautiful affectionate nature. I love being around my people and I’m great with kids, cats and other dogs. I come vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped, desexed, wormed and flea & tick treated. My adoption fee is $300.


0487 430 443



200 acres

dryland Tolga 0411 269 620


3 Brooklands Rd, Mount Surprise Q.4871

2 bedroom home, train carriage, sheds and more on approx. 3/4 acre.


$220,000 ONO • P: 0457 679 018

2020 Mercedes Sprinter 4x4 Camper

3 litre V6 7 speed automatic, high/low range, twin batteries, 240 volt inverter, GPS, radio, USB port, UHF radio, LED driving and inside lights, reversing camera, tow bar, warranty to 2025, speedo 34,883 klms, queen sized bed, curtains, large storage space under bed, pullout drawers at rear, electrical flush porta-loo, twin suspension seats, stainless steel pull-out kitchen, 95L water tank, long range fuel tank, 75L pull-out fridge/ freezer, wind-out awning, awning tent, extra 4 near-new steel rims and tyres, outside 2 gas bottle rack.

Price: $130,000 Negotiable

Phone Tony on Mobile 0427 977 785

Saturday 7th May 7am - 3pm

Household items, tools, DVD’s, soft furnishings and books.


Rains Street, Mareeba


Everything must go!

SAT 6th: 8-4

SUN 7th: 8-12

Tools, benches, racks, golf clubs, ladders, lead ingots & much more. Rear of 224 Byrnes Street, Mareeba (O’Donnells Office Depot)

May 6 & 7 8am - 2pm

Household items, clothes, plants and much much more!

117 Tate Rd, Tolga


A lovely service was held.


Guilfoyle Funeral Services

Chapels, Crematorium & Memorial Gardens

Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013

Local Family Owned & “Entrusted for over 70 years”

In loving memory of David ‘Dave’ King of Malanda,who passed away suddenly on 23rd April 2023.

Remembered by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Rest easy Dad, we love you! Funeral details to come.

3.0 litre turbo diesel, excellent condition, only driven 23,400 klms, factory roof rack, bull bar and spotlights, full service history, one retired lady owner.

$42,000 ONO • P: 0437 729 536

ABORIGINAL shields, boomerangs, clubs, stone axes etc PH: 0411746755


fifty cent round coins, bank notes, watches, nuggets, sovereigns PH: 0421830923

PAGE 34 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 4092 3464 Kat Child Classified Deadline: 4pm every Friday ADVERTISING works. Call us on 4092 3464. ADVERTISING works. email admin@ theexpressnewspaper. MARRIAGE Celebrant - Cheryl Tonkin. T/lands - Rural - Remote. Ph 0407 670 954. WEDDING SOMETHING to sell? - Email admin@ theexpressnewspaper. for a quote. WANT to wish someone in your life Happy Birthday? Call Kat at your friendly locally owned Newspaper on 4092 3464. BILL Black Mobile Butcher. Hang up to 7 days. 0408 922 812. BUTCHER LOCAL Mobile Farm Butcher - will travel. Ph Bryan 0407 691 752. MOBILE farm butcher. Ph John Hales 0409 638 882. FUNERAL DEBBIE BOARDMAN Funeral Celebrant Final farewells with respect. Phone 0410 328 357 FIND it today. Ph: 4092 3464. WITH THANKS DEATH NOTICE CHURCH NOTICE IN MEMORIAM Wish them the best, in The Express! LIKE US TODAY AND JOIN THE EXPRESS FACEBOOK FAMILY! SHIPPING CONTAINERS Sales, Hire & Transport. Self-Pack Removals Australia Wide. MODIFICATIONS P: 4091 7242 CLEAN TOPSOIL TABLELAND RED $7.50 Per Tonne + Delivery 0418 773 504 FOR SALE MOTORCYCLES WANTED  0400 079 544 2 or 4 wheels. Will pay cash! Pick up in most areas. WANTED YOUR LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS PETS ADVERTISE your pups today. BIN required. PH: 4092 3464
meet in Mareeba for worship each Sunday
Street (behind
10am, QCWA Hall, Wilkes
FARM machinery, round hay baler, double disc seeder & more PH: 0407 330 493 GARAGE SALE
EFTPOS Available
you would like to meet PACO
- please
Thank you to everyone that rode and remembered Jeff (Jeffro) on his birthday. FROM THE ALI FAMILY.


• Permanent position

• Monday - Friday

We are looking for an energetic, organised, and flexible person to join our team. Whilst previous experience is preferred it is not essential as training and support will be provided. The position includes:

• Handling of incoming calls

• Greeting clients upon arrival

• Appointment scheduling

• Preparation of correspondence

• General office administrative support

• Maintaining records

To be successful in this role you must have good Microsoft Office Suite and typing skills, strong organisation skills, a high level of integrity, excellent communication skills and an ability to work as part of a team with a focus on delivering exceptional client service. Award wages apply MA000002.

Please forward your CV and Covering Letter to: or 196 Byrnes Street, Mareeba Qld 4880

For more information, please contact our Office Manager on 4092 1677

Applications close: 5.00pm, Friday 12 May, 2023.

Get paid to explore Cape York!

We’re looking for our next Tour Guide for the 2023 season. Must have or obtain a Driver Authorisation Licence, confident off-road driver, friendly personality and good level of fitness, mechanical knowledge is advantageous.

Please contact Dale 0427 697 274

Amaroo Medical MAREEBA


Full Time or Casual RN.

Duties include clinical support, chronic disease management, wound dressing & immunisation.


Casual Receptionist for 2-3 Days/Week and Holiday Relief.

Duties include answering phones, greeting patients, data entry, processing transactions and maintaining confidentiality. All applicants must be team players, have exceptional customer service skills, a ‘can do’ attitude and be competent in computer use.

Previous experience in a medical practice is desirable.

For an application package: Phone 4092 5900 or Email:

Applications close 5pm, Friday 12th May.


PCYC Mareeba is currently seeking a passionate Youth Engagement Coordinator

(Fixed Term, Full Time, Until December 2023)

To apply go to:

Note: Blue Card ‘No Card, No Start’ Laws Apply. Must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Mt


Sunwater has notified Council of a planned service interruption to undertake critical maintenance on the South Walsh Main which supplies the Dimbulah Water Treatment Plant.

Council is working closely with Sunwater to minimise any adverse effects on our residents and the wider community during this time, however, residents are requested to limit their water consumption to HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY from 6:00am Wednesday

10 May 2023 to 11:00pm Tuesday 16 May 2023.

Please refrain from watering lawns and gardens, hosing paved areas or washing vehicles. Of course, this does not apply to emergencies such as fires, accidents, or other health hazards. Owners are required to advise their lessees of the shutdown details.

If you are unsure whether the interruption affects you, please phone Sunwater Customer Support on 13 15 89.

Peter Franks Chief Executive Officer PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880


Animal Refuge


Doors open 10am Mareeba Leagues Club

Proposed Development

Make a submission from: 4th May, 2023 to 24th May, 2023

Reconfiguration of a Lot

Where: 12 Barnwell Road, Kuranda

On: Lot 1 on SP218094

Approval Sought: Development Permit, ROL (1 into 6 lots)

Application Ref: RAL/23/0003

You may obtain a copy of the application and make a submission to:

Mareeba Shire Council 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba Qld. 4880

1300 3308 461

Public notification requirements are in accordance with the Planning Act 2016.

Proposed Development

We are seeking the services of a full time


Applications to:

Or contact Brian on 4092 2588


Mareeba Community Housing Company is seeking part time Tenancy Officer to work at our Mareeba office 3 days per week. This position will be available mid-June 2023. The candidate we are seeking will be highly motivated, organised, committed to quality tenants’ services, willing to undertake professional development, high level of written and communication skills, competent in the use of electronic data base and IT programs and integrate into our housing team.

Certificate IV in Social Housing or relevant experience working in private rental sector is desirable with knowledge of Queensland tenancy legislation.

Position description and application process is available by contacting the office on 40926899 or email:

Position closes Friday 26th May, 2023.

UNIT SUPPORT OFFICER (Facilities / Grounds Focus)

Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre (EDUCATION QLD)

Applications are invited for the temporary position of temporary Unit Support Officer at the Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre. Applicants must be available to work week days and between the hours of 6.00am and 6.00pm. The successful applicants will subject to:

• A Working with Children Check. Confirmation of employment is conditional upon the applicant being issued with a Blue Card

• Criminal History Check

For further information or to obtain a Role

Description, please contact the Business Manager by email:

Applications should include 3 page resume detailing work history, any relevant qualifications and referees. Applications close on Wednesday 17 April, 2023 at 1.00pm and should be either emailed to:

Or posted to: Business Manager, Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre, PO Box 65, Kairi QLD. 4872 and marked confidential.

Make a submission from: 3rd May, 2023 to 24th May, 2023

Material Change of Use

Tourist Park (up to 74 people)

Where: 165 Barretts Creek Road, Cooktown

On: Lot 13 on BK157111

Approval Sought: Development PermitMaterial Change of Use

Application Ref: DA/4604

You may obtain a copy of the application and make a submission to:

Cook Shire Council PO Box 3, Cooktown, QLD. 4895 (07) 4082 0500

Public notification requirements are in accordance with the Planning Act 2016.

Notification of Proposal to Upgrade NBN™ Radio Network Base Station Facility

As part of the fixed radio (wireless) component of the nbn Network, nbn is proposing to upgrade an existing radio network base stations at the following location to improve service conditions:

• Dalziel Avenue, Atherton, QLD 4883. (RFNSA site No. 4883001)

The proposed works on site will involve the upgrade of existing technology upon the facility including and not limited to the removal of panel antennas, installation of panel antennas, the replacement of a parabolic antennas, the replacement of an equipment shelters, the installation of a GPS antenna and installation of ancillary works.

nbn regards the proposed as a Low Impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-Impact Facilities) Determination 2018 In these circumstances, it does not require planning approval from Tablelands Regional Council.

Further information on these network upgrade works can be obtained by calling Ventia on +61 7 3033 3735. Written submissions can be sent to Level 1, 10 Browning Street West End QLD 4101 or via email to

The closing date for submissions is COB Wednesday 17th May 2023.

For general info on the nbn, visit our website at For further site information, visit

(Site ID: 4883001) Our ref: R407-4TNZ-4ATH-5101 Atherton

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 35 CLASSIFIEDS Would you like to ADVERTISE?? Go on... give US a call on 4092 3464!! Classified deadlines 4pm Friday prior to the next week’s publication YOUR LOCAL CLASSIES 4092 3464 THAT YOU CAN READ THE CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE FOR FREE @ Did you know... PAYMENT SYSTEM The Express would like to inform their valued clients that we do not issue 7 day accounts, however we can extend to you the establishment of a regular 30 day account or the below methods of payment. EFTPOS, Direct Payment Facilities and Credit Card Option FOR ENQUIRIES PLEASE PHONE (07) 4092 3464 PUBLIC NOTICE
Carbine / Maryfarms Rural Fire Brigade BIENNIAL MEETING Saturday 6th May at 10am Fire Shed, Mt Carbine - All welcome! AGENDA: • Election of Office Bearers • General Business • Annual Fire Plan


Six decades of sailing success

THE Tinaroo Sailing Club hosted a special 60year anniversary May Day Regatta over the long weekend as hundreds of sailors from across the region converged on the waters of Lake Tinaroo.

The May Day Regatta is the club’s biggest event of the year, this year more so than others as they celebrated 60 long years of their history with some special festivities and a cake cutting.

A special slide show was shown on Saturday evening which featured a selection of footage and photos of the day’s escapades.

Photography by John de Rooy, Tableland Photography, to view all the images from the regatta go to

PAGE 36 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Amelia Tracey from Tinaroo Sailing Club. PHOTOS BY JOHN DE ROOY. Greg and Judy Heath from Mission Beach Sailing Club. Kalen Linton and Alyssa Mathieu sailing a catamaran during the Twilight race. Mike Tolley from Tinaroo Sailing Club. Paco Parigi from Townsville Sailing Club.
2 LOCATIONS IN ATHERTON FINE JEWELLERY, WATCHES & GIFTWARE! ALL JEWELLERY, WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRS 54 Main Street Phone: 4091 1006 Shop 14, Atherton Square, Cook Street Phone: 4091 3919
Dan Haydon sailing his waszp from Townsville Sailing Club.

Local little athletes learn from the best

LOCAL athletes got the chance of a lifetime to learn and practice under the watchful eyes of some of Australia’s best athletes who have represented the nation on the world stage during a special coaching clinic recently.

Tableland Athletics hosted an impressive all-day coaching clinic at the Tolga Reserve on Sunday, 16 April, where athletes from four to 60 were able to learn from Taneille Crase, the current Australian and Oceania Women’s Heptathlon champion and Mitchell Cooper, a Commonwealth Games discus thrower.

Local athletes Kayla Montagner, a sprinter who recently returned from the Stawell Gift and Greg Hamilton, a Masters Decathlete and coach for local Heptathletes, were also on hand to host some training.

Athletes were given a choice of event groups with each coach, Crase took hurdles and long jump – her most skilled events, Cooper coached discus, shot put and javelin, Montagner ran sprints and provided an introduction to using block starts on the track and Hamilton introduced the flop technique in high jump for 11 years and above.

“The greatest advantage to our local athletes was that they were shown new techniques and

given more detailed instruction of the various components of each event,” Tableland Athletics president Andrew Ford.

“Even the youngest athletes began their athletics journey with modified skills for events that they will do in years to come, those being triple jump and javelin.

“The athletes will be working on their newfound abilities in the weeks to come, giving them much needed confidence leading into the upcoming track and field competitions and with school athletics carnivals only weeks away were given the confidence to excel.

“With the Road to 2032 on the horizon for all classes of athletes and being held in Brisbane the opportunity this clinic, held once a year, affords our local kids skills that they can use in the many athletic events offered.”

Tableland Athletics recognised Crase with a donation towards her GoFundMe quest to get to the World Championships, held later this year in Hungary.

Crase has been invited to attend the Multi Event Championships in Gotsis in Austria, an invitation only championship for the very best in the world.

Small town... Big heart!

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 37
ABOVE: Taneille Crase with young athletes. BELOW Left to Right: Mitchell Cooper coaching nine-year-old Olivia McLellan in shot put. Taneille demonstrating Hurdles technique. Indiana Palmer showing how fosbury flop is done. 13-year-old Indiana Palmer practising her long jump.


Mount Garnet Races & Rodeo weekend

A GREAT weekend of rodeo, bull riding and racing was had at Mt Garnet as hundreds of people flocked to the small town for one of the biggest rodeo and races events in the region.

In the open bull ride on Sunday, it was Proserpine’s Ky Boghero who came first followed by Cody Williams from Hughenden.

For a full list of the weekend’s results check out next week’s edition of The Express Newspaper.

PAGE 38 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Kieran Martin. Race five winner Loburn Lass with jockey Lacey Morrison. Ella McCombie, Gina Wilson and Jazlin Green. Elli Buchell and Cheylsea Molloy. Kymberlee Cockrem and Amelie Cockrem. Frances Petersen Race four winner Line Of Kings (Right) with jockey Scott Sheargold. It was a repeat from 2022 as Love On Sunday (centre) with jockey Nathan Day won the Cashmere Cup feature race. Trained by Alex Malliff from Mareeba. Race three winner Bella’s In Command with jockey Graham Kliese.


Magro moves into Spintcars

MAREEBA local John Magro is making his next move in motorsport by getting behind the wheel of a Sprintcar for the upcoming 2023 season.

Over the past three years, the Australian Formula 3 2019 Champion has been competing throughout his home state in Formula 500s, but for the new season, a fresh challenge awaits him in Sprintcars.

“North Queensland is in a really healthy place at the moment when it comes to Sprintcars, and I’m looking forward to getting out there and seeing how I go,” the 38-year-old racer said.

“I feel that my move into Sprintcars is going to be helped by the fact that I have ran Formula 500s in recent years, so hopefully that will allow me to make a steady transition from Formula 500s to Sprintcars.”

For his maiden Sprintcar campaign, Magro has purchased a Triple X car that is paired with the 600 horsepower LS engine.

Legge named coach of the year

DEBUT Atherton Cricket first-grade coach Shane Legge has been announced as the region’s best coach for the 2023 season after his team defied all odds and smashed expectations to finish second.

Legge only came into the role of coach this past season and for his efforts, he was named the Cricket Far North Coach of the Year and received the Steve Argoon Memorial Shield at a presentation night on 14 April.

Alongside first-grade captain Tom Boorman, Legge steered the side into finals contention however the team

was forced to settle for second place after the finals were rained out and no other days had been set aside in reserve.

Legge felt honoured to be named as coach of the year but made it clear he never stepped up to coach for the purpose of receiving an award.

“I didn’t step up to coach to receive an award, I just wanted to help the club,” he said.

“Whether receiving this award was partly because we did better than we were expected, in that respect the honour then goes out to the players.”

“I have managed to put together a competitive package for my move into Sprintcars and the goal is to become more competitive with every outing,” he said.

“For my first season, I will be based between my two closest tracks in Cairns Speedway and Mareeba Speedway, and then if all goes to plan, I’ll head down south of the state to compete at tracks, like Toowoomba Speedway, at some stage during the 2023-24 season.”

Apart from his Sprintcar commitments, Magro plans to still be com-

peting in Formula 500s, where over the past three years has picked up numerous impressive results, such as a Queensland Title minor podium finish, as well as wins in the past three Cairns and Mareeba Club Championship point scores in Formula 500s. Despite only stepping into speedway three years ago, Magro, who came from the road racing background that has seen him compete in various categories around the country – including winning the 2019 Australian Formula 3 Championship, has made an impressive start, and that is no doubt set to go to another level by stepping into Sprintcars.

The first outing for Magro in the Sprintcar will be at Cairns Speedway’s 2023 season opener on the Saturday night of May 20.

The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 PAGE 39
Local racer John Magro will be trying his luck behind a Sprintcar for the upcoming 2023 speedway season.
PAGE 40 The Express, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 JOIN OUR TEAM All-Wheel Drive Centre Atherton is seeking an enthuiastic Sales Consultant to join the team. Advance your career with some of Australia’s leading automotive brands. Give Trevor Cole a call for a confidential chat or email him at Friendly Team Latest Products Brand Benefits Job Security Rewards & Recognition PRE-OWNED IN A CLASS OF THEIR OWN Toyota Cetrified and Pre-Owned vehicles available now at John Cole Toyota 2012 Hyundai ix35 Manual U002377 $ 14,990 2008 Toyota Landcruiser Sahara U002370 $ 59,990 2017 Nissan Qashqai TI Auto U002341 $ 26,990 2016 Toyota Kluger GX 4x2 U002312 $ 33,990 2014 Toyota Prado GXL 4x4 U002210 $ 42,990 ENQUIRE TODAY OR VISIT WWW.JOHNCOLETOYOTA.COM.AU TO SEE OUR FULL RANGE OF QUALITY PRE-OWNED VEHICLES. FINANCE & INSURANCE AVAILABLE John Cole Suzuki 7813 Kennedy Highway Atherton,QLD 4883 07 4030 55300 John Cole Toyota Atherton 7813 Kennedy Highway Atherton QLD 4883 T: (07) 4030 5555 1003115 Innisfail 25-29 Palmerston Drive Innisfail QLD 4860 T: (00) 4043 8555 1003115 2020 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER GXL, DOUBLE CAB, DIESEL, MANUAL TOYOTA CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLE $114,990 Drive Away* VIN# JTEBV71JX0B022940 Stock # U002291 | 37,232km * If the price does not contain the notation that it is "Drive Away", the price may not include additional costs, such as stamp duty and other government charges. Please confirm price and features with the seller of the vehicle. Stock list current as at time of print. TOYOTA CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES OF THE WEEK Other quality Pre-owned vehicles now available All Wheel Drive Centre cnr Louise & Vernon st Atherton,QLD 4883 07 4030 5400 Certified by us. Perfect for you. Enjoy the reassurance that comes with a Toyota Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle. Andrew Ford: 0417 633 002 | Claude Formoso: 0477 229 949 | Drew McKenzie: 0400 068 700 279 Byrnes St, Mareeba | 4092 9400 | Hansen Ford NEW STOCK AVAILABLE Prices include government transfers, stamp duty and registration. 2018 Ford Escape Ambiente SUV wagon FWD automatic, 12months warranty. $26,990 2017 Toyota Prado GXL 7 seater wagon, comp plate January 18, turbo diesel, automatic, tow bar, 12 months warranty. $55,990 2016 Mazda CX-9 Azami AWD 5 seater wagon, automatic, service history, 12 months warranty. $32,990 2016 Toyota Kluger GX 2WD auto wagon, 7 seater, bull bar, tow bar, 6 months registration, 12 months warranty. $34,990 2019 Ford Ranger Sport 3.2L turbo diesel 4x4 auto, full service history, tow bar, tonneau cover, balance new car warranty till Sept 2024. $51,490 2016 Mazda 2 Neo Hatch 1.5L petrol, automatic, full service history, one owner, only 3350klms, 12 months warranty. $19,990 QUALITY USED CARS

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