The Express Newspaper 8th April 2020

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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

ExprEss kids A fun way to keep the kids entertained

Salt Dough Rainbow Easter

while at home

Colouring in Competition

pens, break out the colouring pencils, cheer! Keep the kids occupied, perfect, snap a photo and send it It’s time to spread a bit of Easter Once looking colourful and picture a paint or glitter and get them colouring. email We will be picking or be delivered to the winner. to us either via a Facebook message will arrange for an Easter Gift to winner on Good Friday, April 10 and

to keep the kids occupied Looking for some fun, fresh ideas Now, more importantly than at home these school holidays? are all playing our part and ever, it is so important that we trips as specified by the staying home except for essential Here is a fun and Queensland and Federal Governments.from home with minido simple art and craft project you can mal supplies.

Ingredients 1 cup salt 2 cups of flour ¾ cup of water


together. 1. In a large bowl mix salt and flour in. Mix well until it forms a 2. Gradually add the water and stir doughy consistency. and knead with your hands 3. Turn the dough onto the bench until smooth and combined. salt dough, we like the idea 4. Make your creations using the length sausages and placof rolling your dough into 7 different ing them in the shape of a rainbow. rainbow into the oven to 5. Place the salt dough creations/ of time needed to bake harden at 180 degrees C. The amount of the salt dough creation depends on the size and thickness put back in for another hour – approx. 1-2 hours, if still doughy until hard. to town and decorate with 6. Once cooled the kids can go feeling brave, GLITTER! acrylic paints, glue and if you are a reminder the colours are: Note: if you are doing the rainbow indigo and violet. red, orange, yellow, green, blue,

Have fun and we hope this simple recipe keeps the kids busy for a few hours. We would love to see all the creations, email a photo to admin@thexpressnewsFacebook or share them to and tag The Express Newspaper.

Around the home scavenger hunt  1 piece of rubbish (not from the bin)  2 different coloured clothes pegs  a twig bigger than your big finger  a 50 cent coin  a shopping receipt  a business card  one square of toilet paper

 a key  a USB stick  make a paper airplane  draw a self portrait  a matching pair of thongs  a piece of string/wool the length of your arm

 a flower or leaf  an old toy  a blue piece of clothing  a book  a red or pink pencil or crayon  a salt or pepper shaker  a plastic cup

around your home!!!! See how many of the above you can collect



OPEN: Mareeba Kids Campus team members Tracy Bull, Sue Powell, Kylie Meehan and Fiona Costas.


The Prime Minister has thrown a lifeline to childcare centres and families with the announcement of free childcare for all working Australian parents during the coronavirus crisis  FULL STORY PG3


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