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General Expectations
SKS students are expected to understand and abide by the letter and spirit of the standards and expectations of The Storm King School. The principal expectation of the School is that students value the truth, and conduct themselves in an honest manner. One part of conducting oneself with honor and integrity is to admit when a mistake has been made, or when one has not been truthful. When confronted with a question concerning one’s own behavior, a Storm King School student must embrace the truth regardless of the consequences. Students who are found to habitually lack the ability to be truthful are working against what it means to be a member of The Storm King School community, will face disciplinary action from the School.
Furthermore, it is each student’s responsibility to understand the policies and procedures of The Storm King School. The Storm King community understands that adolescents are prone to making decisions that are not fully grounded, and that, through the course of discovery and maturation, students may exhibit behavior that is challenging and/or unacceptable. The goal of the Storm King community in these situations is to educate students as to what is acceptable behavior, and then to work with students to develop strategies and behaviors that encourage growth and compliance with the community standards.
The Storm King School is committed to providing all students a safe school environment in which all members of the community are treated with respect. Individuals have a right to feel both safe and respected in the environment in which they live and learn. Thus, The Storm King School recognizes that some actions are absolutely unacceptable, as they threaten the safety of the community and its individuals. As a result, The Storm King School has deemed the following to be violations of major school rules.
These violations may result in the dismissal of the student responsible:
Distribution, possession or use of drugs or alcohol Violation of fire safety policies Sexual harassment, hazing, or bullying Physical violence