2 minute read

Section 4: Discipline

Discipline at the Storm King School revolves around the core

ideals of truth, respect, and responsibility. Members of the community who understand and live by these ideals are welcomed and celebrated at The Storm King School. The Storm King School does recognize that, as emerging adults, students will make mistakes and momentarily disregard our core ideals. In these instances, the goal of the disciplinary process is to educate and support students in their quest to improve themselves, and to live up to the expectations of the community. The Storm King School also recognizes that some violations of the disciplinary code are so egregious that separation from the School is necessary to maintain order in the community.

All members of The Storm King School community have a hand in maintaining our high standards. Students are expected to maintain both their own discipline, and to help their peers when they stray from the School’s core values. Faculty and staff members are expected to model our core values, and to exercise sound judgment when interacting with and interpreting student behavior. As a school that values cooperative and collaborative work, discipline is not solely the work of the Office of Student Life, but a duty that all members of the community should embrace. The Assistant Head of School for Student Life is the point person for all incidents that allegedly violate the disciplinary code. In this way, an accurate record of behavior may be kept to help ensure consistency in the administration of the process.

In addition to the Office of Student Life, there are other committees and structures that help to maintain discipline at The Storm King School. The Behavior Intervention and Support Committee (BISC) is a group of faculty members who meet regularly to discuss general discipline issues as well as specific incidents and students. Students may be required to meet with this committee when they are in violation of the disciplinary code. The goal of this committee is to provide strategies and guidance to students so that they may better understand the expectations of the community. The Judicial Committee (JC) is composed of both faculty and student leaders. This committee may be convened when there is a question of fact regarding an alleged violation, or when a student reaches a point in the discipline process when separation from SKS is a strong possibility. Finally, the Head of School is sovereign with respect to determining whether a violation has occurred and the appropriate discipline for such violation. At his or her sole and absolute discretion, students may be disciplined up to and including immediate dismissal from the School or be remanded to a different committee or step in the formal discipline process.

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