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margherita gazzola Architecture & Graphic portfolio


I’m Margherita Gazzola, architect and illustrator freshly graduated from Politecnico di Milano. My wandering brought me to REDDING (CA), MILAN, PARIS and CAMBRIDGE (MA) where I started designing scientific illustrations for HARVARD UNIVERSITY and MIT. And now? Well, I’m looking for an internship to pursue my love for architecture, but I’m also available for thrilling freelances! Please, have a look at my portfolio and if you’re interested, please, don’t hesitate to contact me. Thanks!


+ experience 2016

- Teaching Assistant during the “Ex MED Caprera” workshop regarding landscape architecture (october

2013 2016

MA with hons in architecture at Politecnico


Four-months“Advanced Landscape Workshop”

di Milano (2013-2016)

2016) 2016

- co-founder of Needle, research group focused on

with professor Paolo Luther Burgi

urban regeneration 2015

- assistant architect at Studio Gazzola / on going


- illustrator: collaborating with physicists and

2014 2015

Six-months exchange at ENSA Versailles


“Transformers” workshop with professor

researchers from HARVARD, MIT (Boston, MA) and


Richard Scoffier

Nice University (France) in the context of scientific divulgation and visualization / on going 2015

2010 2013

BA in architecture at Politecnico di Milano


Six-months exchange at Enterprise High


- 7 months traineeship at Arch. Aurelio Giacomo Storzini

School (Redding, California) where I have 2012






magazine “Architettura Ecosostenibile” for few

obtained my honorary diploma (2009)articles regarding architectural sustainability

articles regarding architectural sustainability

+ recognitions & illustration published VIZZIES 2016- Finalist illustration international scientific divulgation contest organized by Popular Science and National Science Foundation (NSF)

PNAS “Gait and speed selection in slender inertial swimmers” - march 2015 NATURE PHYSICS “Scaling macroscopic aquatic locomotion”- october 2014

SCIENCE “Phototactic guidance of a tissueengineered soft-robotic ray” - july 2016


+ DESIGN SKILLS DRAWING: AutoCAD, ArchiCad, Revit GRAPHICS: Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, After Effetcs

Italian Illustrator,


3D: Rhino, SketchUp Rendering: Artlantis, Felix Render Web - UI/UX: Wordpress, Wix, Html, Css, Balsamiq, InVision

French Spanish

selection of works mountain cabin interior - professional work

scientific artworks illustrations

windflows architecture

reuse & reclamation urban design and architecture

amatrice furniture design

mansarde 2015 Professional work - interior design Our client wanted an open and flexible space where she could spend time to relax and eventually host her sons with their families. In order to do that, we first had to reinforce the existing roof structure, built in 1604; then we had to understand how to deal with the presence of three wood beams placed at different heights and interaxes that where interrupting the continuity of the space. The design proposed mantains the continuity of the garrett which, however has been structured in three different spaces: the sleeping area raised 1 meter above the floor, the living area and the bathroom.


Design schemes

Longitudinal section

Picture of the interior Goal: the goal of the project was to obtain a highly versitile space that could become an additional bedroom, a playing area for the kids or simply a place where our client could relax.

Work in progress

After - outdoor view


Details & Materials

scientific artworks 2013 - on going Professional work - illustrations In 2013 I’ve started collaborating with physicists and researchers from Harvard University, MIT (Boston, MA) and Nice University (France) in the context of scientific divulgation and visualization : my goal is to make their researches easily understandable to everyone who’s curious about science through my illustrations and graphic design. Some of my sketches have been published on world leading jurnals such as NATURE PHYSICS, PNAS and SCIENCE. Moreover, one of my sketches has been selected as finalist illustration for the 2016 VIZZIES contest.

collaboration with Harvard University - Professor L. Mahadevan Published on PNAS

collaboration with Harvard University - Professor L. Mahadevan Published on Nature Physics

cyborg ray - published on science collaboration with Harvard University - Professor Kit Parker Illustration that explains the functioning of the cyborg ray, first cyborg animal ever

the 2016 vizzies contest - finalist illustration collaboration with MIT - Professor Michael Triantafyllou Illustration that explains the physics behing the c-start phenomena

conquering windflows 2014 Academic project - ENSA Versailles What if windflows, humidity and heat become a tool to shape future and adaptable architectures? Of course, metereological and climate conditions change from a place to another and this would mean linking architecture and territories in a way that hasn’t been done since the time of vernacular architecture. During this atelier we explored how meteorological phenomena could become a new aestethic reference for architectural design: each group worked on a specific french region and environmental condition developping possible links between these two. Our elements were WIND and BRETAGNE cultural background. After studying both of them, we designed a new building that was able to link history, tradition, marchÊ breton and windflows.

Maquette of the project

Le terroir breton

Considering the acidity of the soil, the agricultural economy is based on fishing and cattle. Thus, we linked the new building with the traditional “MarchĂŠ bretonâ€? and products.

Wind resistance & shapes

Wind in architecture considering that you can’t use wind speed for comfort reason, we decided to work on the convection flow: for each activity and product there’s the specific comfort temperature and ventilation. To mantain the heat gradient the design has to be as smooth as possible in order to have almost no turbolences

Masterplan - Loriènt



Longitudinal section



Faรงade and square

Salle de fumage

Cross section and construction detail

reuse & reclamation 2014 Academic project - Politecnico di Milano The title explains the goal of this project: reclaim a space that used to be an industrial site (Olcese Cotton Mill) to reuse it as a new development area for the city of Novara, Piedmont. The site has some characteristic features: the old cotton mill is located in the most multiethnic and industrialized area of the city and it borders the historical city and the countryside. Due to its particular location, we thought that it could become a mediation element among the histrical city, the industrial suburb and the countryside. To connect this variety of situations, we focused on the Quintino Sella canal, used for agricultural purposes, as our main project axis that is able to reconnect fragmented spaces and realities.

Olcese cotton mill

H i stor ical center

Countryside Satellitar view

Picture of the abandoned industrial site Olcese cotton mill

MASTERPLAN CONCEPTS The Quintino Sella canal connects the city to the countryside and it becomes the main axis for our project. We want our intervenion to be a mediation among the historical city, the industrial site and the countryside.




given by the cana

given by nature

system of fragments

VISUAL ACCESSIBILITY The more you proceed into the project, the more your sight will embrace the landscape, until you reach the Quintino Sella canal that connects the city to the countryside: there you have no more visual obstacles and the park opens up in front of you

ZONE 1 residential

ZONE 2 community gardens

ZONE 3 the park



Research Center Reuse Social Housing





accessible to everyone without any limit -PARK AND COMMUNITY GARDENS


inner courtyard where private and public functions are provided in order to “keep an eye” 24/7 on the space


Soil movements

Raised courtyard







CROSS SECTION Olcese cotton mill converted into a creative hub and media library


Community gardens


Student housing

Public path with shops


Public access road

HORTUS CONCLUSUS Community garden and industrial heritage - Landscape detail Greenhouse plan

Greenhouse cross section

Collage commuity garden and greenhouses

amatrice 2016 Furniture design - volounteer work Fondazione “Aiutiamoli a vivere” You may know about the terrible 6.2 magnitudo earthquake occured on the 24th of August: it struck in the middle of the night hitting Central Italy, destroying Amatrice, Accumuli and Arcuata del Tronto and killing over 290 people. So when I was asked to design a camp bookcase to support people affected by the earthquake, I was very happy to help and to give my contribution. The design is very simple and functional : I had to structure it in joinable modules easy to transport and to assemble. Moreover, the bookcase had to be slightly raised from the ground because humidity and water are one of the main problem in emergency makeshift camp. Then, I imagined how we could assemble two bookcase modules in order to have bigger and stable bookcases. The foundation “Aiutiamoli a vivere” is now preparing some prototypes that will be send as soon as possible.

Opuscolo assemblaggio

thank you for your time! Please visit my website to see more projects

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