The Concrete Slab RH Test — So Easy Your Whole Team Can (and Should) Do It
very year North Americans spend an eye-watering hundreds of millions of dollars on fixing moisture-related flooring failures. This may be happening in part because they
see slab RH testing as an obstacle, rather than an obvious and necessary procedural step. There are a few reasons why RH testing is sometimes missed: ■ There’s a misperception that it’s a complex procedure with many moving parts. ■ There’s a fear of performing the test incorrectly and getting unreliable results. ■ Finally, there’s the simple fear of trying something new. So, let’s address these stumbling blocks one by one, starting with... Jason Spangler Wagner Meters’ Flooring Division Manager
Jason has more than 25 years’ experience in sales and sales management across a broad spectrum of industries. He has successfully launched a variety of products to the market, including the original Rapid RH® concrete moisture test. Jason, who received an MBA from West Texas A&M University in November 2018, has extensive industry involvement, including the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA), the International Certified Flooring Installers Association (CFI), and is Vice Chairman of Associations for The Flooring Contractors Association (FCICA). Call Wagner Meters today at (844) 533-9100 and ask for Jason, or visit www.wagnermeters.com.
Isn’t RH testing a complex procedure? Not at all. The Rapid RH test system from Wagner Meters is easy to use. Here’s how it works. Drill a hole to the required depth, insert the probe, wait 24 hours, and then take a reading. That’s it. The Rapid RH L6 then allows you to either document the results on paper or send your sensor readings (including ambient temperature and relative humidity (RH)) to our DataMaster app on your smart device. The Rapid RH L6 also provides you with a way to automate the process of collecting the readings. This is especially helpful if you don’t have the time to continually take readings at regular intervals.
What if the test results I get are wrong? They won’t be if you perform the test properly. To make sure you perform the test correctly, get a copy of the ASTM F2170, and make sure your RH testing system complies with the standard. If you follow it, the ASTM F2170 standard will protect you against liability and finger-pointing. We also have a downloadable F2170 checklist to help you (available at www.wagnermeters.com/f2170-checklist). The Wagner Meters Rapid RH L6 complies with ASTM F2170. If you correctly follow the instructions for fast and easy installation, your test results will be useful.
Every year North Americans spend an eye-watering hundreds of millions of dollars on fixing moisturerelated flooring failures.
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