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PHCC and Sidra Medicine
About Primary Health Care Corporation
The Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) has 30 health centres, delivering community-based primary care services to Qatar’s population in all parts of the country. The health centres provide a wide range of preventative, diagnostic and treatment healthcare services, including dental, antenatal care, immunisation, pharmacy, ophthalmology, audiology, radiology and wellness. Al Wakra and Rawdat Al Khail health centres also provide bowel and breast cancer screening.
The PHCC labs have become one of the world’s largest group of network laboratories accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) outside the US and the largest in the public sector.
Primary health centres should be the first point of contact for patients with non-emergency conditions – patients with emergency conditions should visit an HMC emergency department or call 999 for an ambulance. If your primary care doctor determines that more specialist care is required they will refer you to an HMC hospital.
How to get an appointment
All expatriate residents of Qatar can register at their local health centre when obtaining a health card. Qatari nationals can make an appointment at any primary health centre. To get an appointment at the health centre you are registered at, either visit your registered health centre in person to arrange an appointment, or call PHCC customer services team, Hayyak, on 107
How to contact Primary Health Care Corporation
PHCC customer service is available 24/7, via Hayyak, 107 or the Community Call Centre, 16000. The Nar’aakom app offers numerous services and facilities, such as accessing upcoming appointments and applying for a health card online. The app is available in English and Arabic.
Payment for services at primary health centres
Qatar residents with valid health cards are entitled to subsidised consultations and prescriptions.
Deiivery of medication
PHCC has a fast, safe and convenient way to deliver medication to your home. The service is available to all patients registered at a PHCC health centre, with a valid health card, credit card and correct address details, as per your residence's blue plate (ie building, street and zone).
Patients can call 16000 for help, or send a message via WhatsApp saying 'Hello' – each of the health centres has a dedicated number. A pharmacist from your health centre will call you and start the process. After the call, a payment link will be sent via SMS; the cost is QAR30 and must be paid online. The medication will then be delivered within two working days by Q-Post. Note that this delivery service is for standard prescriptions only – narcotics and controlled medications require a special prescription and can only be obtained from your registered health centre.
Sidra Medicine
Sidra Medicine is an ultramodern, academic medical centre providing specialised healthcare to women, children and young persons in Qatar. It is a private hospital for public benefit. Established by Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, Sidra Medicine embraces best practice medical education, innovative biomedical and clinical research and discovery, and exceptional patient and family focused care. Sidra Medicine is the only specialist hospital in Qatar to care for children with cancer from the ages of 0 to 18 years.
How to get an appointment at Sidra Medicine
Sidra Medicine accepts referrals from all healthcare providers in Doha, including Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary Health Care Corporation and private healthcare institutions. In addition, its Women’s Services also accepts self-referrals. Self-referrals for Women’s Services
• For an Obstetrics, Gynaecology or Maternal Foetal Medicine appointment, call Women’s Services 4003 7113, email wcct@sidra.org or visit sidra.org/women for more information.
• The Women’s Obstetrics Triage and an Urgent Care Clinic treats moderate to serious health issues for women relating to pregnancy and the female reproductive system.
• For Sidra Medicine’s Perinatal Mental Healthcare service, call the Sidra Medicine Hotline 4003 3333, ask for the Women’s Wellbeing Clinic and request an appointment.
Payment for services at Sidra Medicine
Patients accessing Women’s Services such as maternity, gynaecology and foetal-maternal care will be charged for the care they receive. For payment rates, contact Sidra Medicine directly.
How to contact Sidra Medicine
For general inquiries about Sidra Medicine, call their contact centre on 4003 3333. Sidra Medicine also has a dedicated Women’s Care Coordination Team (WCCT) who can be contacted on 4003 7113 or wcct@sidra.org for information related to selfreferrals, tours of the maternity wards or ante-natal classes for patients. Operating hours for WCCT are Sunday – Thursday 7 am – 3 pm.