1 minute read
Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ
Throughout the Year
Lectures, exhibitions and workshops • Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar Dean’s Lecture Series. 4454 8400, qatar.cmu.edu C2 • Embrace Doha Workshops and events aimed at enriching the cultural experience of expats and visitors. embracedoha.net • Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar Faculty Lectures. 4457 8100, qatar.georgetown.edu C2 • Katara Exhibitions, cultural and music events, and workshops. Call Centre: 182, katara.net B4 • Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art Exhibitions, workshops and artist encounters. 4402 8855, mathaf.org.qa C2 • Museum of Islamic Art Workshops and educational programmes. 4422 4444, mia.org.qa D4 • National Museum of Qatar Online tours, workshops, lectures, and activities for schoolchildren. 4452 5555, nmoq.org.qa C4 • Qatar Foundation Convocations, summits, and lifestyle and business-related workshops. 4454 0000, qf.org.qa C2 • Qatar National Library Workshops, educational and academic programmes, reading events and chess club. qnl.qa C2 • Virginia Commonwealth University of Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar) Gallery lectures, exhibitions, and community classes in art, design and crafts. 4402 0555, qatar.vcu C2 Music, drama and more • Doha Film Institute Film screenings and festivals, workshops and educational programmes. dohafilminstitute.com • Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra Regular performances of Western and Arabic music. qatarphilharmonicorchestra.org • Radisson Blu Hotel, Doha Pub Quiz at Shehrazad on the last Monday of each month. 4428 1555, radissonblu.com D3/4 • The Doha Players An amateur dramatic society that presents a range of shows and open mic nights throughout the year. See their Facebook page • The Doha Singers Qatar's largest and oldest amateur choir. dohasingers.com
Events are subject to a change of dates/cancellation. The Sports Events Calendar can be found in the Sports section. To be included in our listings, email marhaba@qatar.net.qa m
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Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) Qatar Foundation C2 4470 7000, qncc.qa Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre (DECC) C4 4033 1111, decc.qa Katara Cultural Village Lusail Street B4 182, katara.net Qatar Tourism visitqatar.qa